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全国2005年4月高等教育自学考试外贸函电试题 课程代码:00094



1.Please do your best to expedite the covering L/C __________ we may fulfill the contract smoothly. A. so that B. so as to C. so as D. as

2.Packing charges __________ in the price, and we can effect shipment whenever you wish.

A. include B. are included C. is included D. included

3.We regret to inform you that we do not have in stock the goods in the __________ quantity. A. desire B. desires C. desiring D. desired

4.We give you on the attached sheet full details covering packing and marking , which must be strictly __________. A. seen B. abide by

C. observed D. submitted

5.We are sorry for the short delivery by 20 tons. This __________ you some trouble in meeting orders of your clients. A. must cause B. must have caused C. has caused D. will be caused

6.Please check the enclosed letter of credit to ensure that it __________ your instructions. A. agrees B. agrees to

C. agrees upon D. agrees with

7. Generally speaking, a growing demand can __________increased price. A. result B. result from C. result for D. result in

8.We are enclosing a list __________ our business activities. A. showing B. shown C. shows D. showed

9.__________ the goods, we discovered that they were overall inferior in quality to the sample.

A. On examination B. After examination C. Examination of D. Upon examining

10.The commodities you offered are __________line with the business scope of our customers.

A. out B. without C. out of D. outside

11.The discount of 3% agreed upon was granted only __________ no balance was outstanding from previous accounts. A. depends on B. condition that C. on condition D. on condition that

12.If you cannot make reduction in your price, we will regretfully decline your offer__________ . A. as it stand B. as it stands C. so it stand D. as standing

13. We find that there is no stipulations of partial shipments __________in the corresponding L/C. A. allow B. allowing

C. being allowed D. which allows

14. The case was crushed. It looks __________the case was not strong enough to stand voyage. A. as if B. like

C. likely D. possible

15.We assure you __________the goods can be supplied from stock __________you order early.

A. that … if B. that … whether C. if … that D. whether … if

16.We have the goods you required in stock and will deliver as soon as we __________ your order. A. receive B. received

C. receiving D. will receive

17.An agreement is __________as a result of the process of offer and acceptance.

A. included B. had

C. resulted D. reached

18.No discount will be granted __________you could place an order of more than 10000 dozen.

