
更新时间:2024-07-01 16:55:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载






Travelling is a special kind of adventure. Last summer, I began one of my (1)________ adventures of a lifetime. I moved from a tiny city in England to Beijing, the capital of China.

As the plane landed in Beijing, I felt (2)________ –I finally arrived after months of planning! One of the first things I did was to visit one of the city’s hutongs. Walking around the hutongs, the warm air was filled (3)________ the smell of delicious food. I was surprised (4)________ that many people were riding their old-fashioned tricycles(老式三轮脚踏车). Just at this time, I thought, “Wow, I’m in China.”

Beijing is very different from my home city, Preston. Preston has only one shopping street and (5)________ Sundays, all the shops close at 4:00 pm. There isn’t much choice if you want to eat out, (6)________. As a fan of food, I couldn’t wait to see what Beijing can offer. But after I have tasted so (7)________ kinds food here, I still don’t have a favourite dish yet. I am still (8)________ looking for my favourite through the city’s restaurants.

I am (9)________ used to the different way of life slowly, and I find some habits here quite strange. British people are told not to make (10)________ kind of noise at the dinner table when they are children, so it is a funny culture shock to hear the loud noise of Chinese diners. Since I came here, I (11)________ something else interesting. As a foreigner(外国人), I always draw people’s attention. On the subway or in streets and restaurants, I always find some people looking at me and (12)________ to take street photos of me. It seems that I am a famous person or a well-known star.

The trip to Beijing is worth (13)________. In the future, I will go to many other parts of China. I hope I can travel from one place to (14)________, taking photos and meeting new people along the way. My adventure in China (15)________ only just beginning, and I wonder how it will be.

(1). A. big (2). A. excite (3). A. of

B. bigger

C. the biggest C. excited C. by

D. biggest D. excites D. in

B. exciting B. with

1 / 15

(4). A. see (5). A. on (6). A. too (7). A. many (8). A. happy (9). A. get (10). A. any

B. saw B. at

C. to see C. in

D. seeing D. by D. as well as D. most D. happiness D. gets D. a little D. find D. trying D. take D. another D. was

B. either B. more

C. also C. much

B. happily B. got B. some

C. happier C. getting C. a few C. found C. to try C. took C. others C. is

(11). A. have found (12). A. try

B. will find B. tried B. taking

(13). A. to take (14). A. other (15). A. are

B. the other B. were



Are you good at calculating? I have a (16)________ question for you. Can you give me a perfect answer? There are five people in your family but only one apple. Please think about how many apples everyone can get in your family. You may say, “It's (17)________. I divided by 5 equals 1/5.” You are right but not (18)________.

There is a satisfying answer from a boy in a (19)________ family. They can’t buy any (20)________. His answer is “Everyone is able to have one apple.” he says, “I will give it to my grandpa. He's the (21)________ one in my family. But he won’t eat it. He will give it to my (22)________ grandma. It's good for her health. But she won’t eat it. She will give it to my (23)________. He works all day. He tries his best to save money and never buys anything for himself. But he won't eat it. He will give it to mum. She is selling newspapers on the street. When she feels (24)________, she often drinks tap water. She almost doesn't eat any fruit for the whole year because she always gives the best to her children.” This is his answer.He shares the apple with (25)________. What do you think of it?

(16). A. English

B. Chinese

C. history

D. maths

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(17). A. different

B. right B. perfect B. rich B. fruit

C. easy C. wrong C. big C. meat

D. wrong D. exciting D. small D. books D. oldest D. kind D. brother D. thirsty

(18). A. interesting (19). A. poor

(20). A. clothes (21). A. tallest (22). A. clever (23). A. father (24). A. tired

B. youngest B. strong

C. strongest C. weak C. uncle C. hungry

B. grandfather B. cold B. love

(25). A. ability

C. confidence

D. intelligence


第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


( A )

French Learning Centre, in Nice ——One of France’s most beautiful cities ?Courses last for 3 weeks between July and August ?Chances to meet other people from different cultures ?Short trips, parties, sports and other activities that motivate you to speak French Where to stay? The Best Choice for you: Stay at our international camp ? Easy to meet other people and make new friends. ? Have classes in the same building which is close to the beach! ? Free bus to the centre of the city You can also choose to stay at a host family ? A free bus service takes you to and from classes. ? Have more chances to enjoy French food. 3 / 15

? Don’t need to wash clothes yourselves. Come and join in our summer camp, this is something for you! (26). How long is the summer course?

A. Two months.

B. Three weeks.

C. One month.

D. Eight weeks.

(27). According to the passage, they suggested the students stay ________ during the study.

A. at the summer camp C. at their friends’ home

B. in the hotel

D. in the city centre

(28). During the course, students can ________.

A. travel all over France

B. never leave the camp D. swim freely in the sea

C. learn French and make friends

(29). What does the underlined word “motivate” in the line 5 mean?

A. 激发

B. 影响

C. 阻止

D. 妨碍

(30). The text is a(n) ________.

A. travel diary

B. advertisement D. piece of news

C. introduction to France


Dear Sunday Globe, I am writing to tell you about your article Smartphones Make Life Easier in last Sunday’s newspaper. You did an excellent job explaining the good points of smartphones, but you didn’t talk about their bad points at all. So, I hope you’ll let me give your readers some advice on smartphone etiquette (礼仪). The first point I’d like to address is loudness. When you talk on your smartphone in public, please don’t shout. In fact, the microphones in smartphones are very sensitive (灵敏的). So, you can be heard even if you speak quietly. Another point is about personal space. I don’t think it is polite to make calls in small spaces full of people. This makes others uncomfortable and forces them to listen to your personal business. What’s worse, it stops many face-to-face conversations from ever beginning. 4 / 15

