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Test 1

Part I Listening Comprehension(1~15题每题1分,共15分)

1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.A 11. numbers 12. a key

13. different colors 14. scale

15. in great detail

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (16~25题每题0.5分,26~35题每题1分)

16. C 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. A21. B 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. C26. illness 31. will have finished 27. valuable 32. arguing 28. disagree 33. being asked 29. had been 34. thinking 30. crying 35. pressure

Part III Reading Comprehension (36~45题每题2分,46~60题每题1分,共35分) Task 1

36. C 37. B 38. D 39. A 40. C Task 2

41. A 42. B 43. B 44. A 45. B Task 3

46. Selection of Chief 47. wide experience

48. high production record 49. automation 50. “outstanding” Task 4 51. I, P 52. D, C 53. A, N 54. E, O 55. L, B Task 5

56. an associate copywriter 57. Mass Communications 58. Associate Editor

59. CAD (Computer Aided Design) 60. babysitter, house-cleaner

Part IV Translation---English into Chinese (61~64题每题2分,65题12分,共20分)

61. B 2分 A 1分 C 0.5分 D 0分 62. C 2分 D 1分 A 0.5分 B 0分 63. A 2分 B 1分 D 0.5分 C 0分 64. B 2分 A 1分 D 0.5分 C 0分

65. 电脑已经在很大程度上代替了打字机。但是,人们依然在使用的打字机多数都配有白色的校正带,它能使使用人立即修改打字错误。许多打字机还配有储存部分,能够储存少量可象在电脑上使用那样的复制件。这种功能对于短篇的备忘录、信函和单页纸的文件非常理想。现代的打字机甚至设计配有外


Part V Writing (15分)

To Whom It May Concern:

Miss Green has worked as a secretary for us for two years. During her time with this company she has never missed a single hour of work. She is punctual, careful, and efficient. She is also highly dependable.

Miss Green has a pleasant, easy-going personality. She made many friends among her colleagues. She is leaving our company of her volition in order to seek advancement. We are sorry to lose her, but it is my great pleasure to recommend her.

Yours truly, Bob Smith Director Test 2

Part I Listening Comprehension(1~15题每题1分,共15分)

1.B 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.A 11. sightseeing 12. hosts

13. get across 14. button 15. sign

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (16~25题每题0.5分,26~35题每题1分)

16. B 18.C 20. A 22. B 17. C 19. B 21. A 23. D 26. constructive 31. had been tested 27. independent 32. known 28. would be 33. working 29. having been canceled 34. went 30. comes 35. have been attending

Part III Reading Comprehension (36~45题每题2分,46~60题每题1分,共35分) Task 1

36. B 37. A 38. C 39. A 40. D Task 2

41. D 42. B 43. A 44. B 45. C Task 3

46. fine spring day 47. San Francisco 48. their new sailboat 49. Their pick-up truck 50. The parked car Task 4 51.P, E 54. B, G 52. N, C 55. F, J 53. K, M

24. D 25. C

Task 5

56. All citizens 57. willing to offer

58. greater than expected 59. more carefully 60. more free money

Part IV Translation---English into Chinese (61~64题每题2分,65题12分,共20分)

61. D 2分 A 1分 B 0.5分 C 0分 62. C 2分 B 1分 A 0.5分 D 0分 63. A 2分 D 1分 B 0.5分 C 0分 64. B 2分 C 1分 A 0.5分 D 0分 65.招聘助理人员

Daniel 贸易公司寻求公共关系助理人员从事以下工作:写作和编辑每月通讯,设计和撰写宣传小册,筹划各种季度促销活动。成功的申请人必须通过出版物、电话或个人接触与公司客户保持联系,帮助各个部门进行各种公关活动和促销活动。要求大专文凭。应聘人应能打开工作局面。独立开展工作,能承受工作压力,并能欣然接受建设性的批评意见。

Part V Writing (15分)

As another year is drawing to a close, we are very glad to see that we have been working/cooperating happily with each other in the past year. We sincerely hope that our pleasant cooperative relationship will experience further development in the new year and will continue for a long time.

In the name of all my colleagues, I wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. Test 3

Part I Listening Comprehension(1~15题每题1分,共15分)

1.B 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.A 8.A 9.A 10.A 11. red light 12. police

13. on 14. green light 15. free

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (16~25题每题0.5分,26~35题每题1分)

16. A 18. A 20. C 22. C 17. A 19. C 21. B 23. C 26. consumption 27. analysis 28. occurrence 29. bearable 30. traditional 31. likely

32. comparatively

33. had been struggling 34. had cleaned

35. (should) be finished

Part III Reading Comprehension (36~45题每题2分,46~60题每题1分,共35分)

24. D 25. B

Task 1

36. C 37. A 38. B 39. A 40. CTask 2

41. C 42. A 43. B 44. C 45. C Task 3

46. anywhere 47. Student ID 48. student 49. discounts 50. doctors Task 4

51. E, O 52. G, P 53. I, R 54. K, T 55. M, VTask 5

56. William Shakespeare 57. Charles Dickens 58. order 59. books 60. nothing

Part IV Translation---English into Chinese (61~64题每题2分,65题12分,共20分)

61. B 2 分 D 1分 C 0.5分 A 0分 62. C 2 分 A 1分 B 0.5分 D 0分 63. D 2 分 B 1分 A 0.5分 C 0分 64. A 2 分 C 1分 D 0.5分 B 0分

65.URBANZINE 由中外文广告中心主办,旨在为高层次消费者提供商品和服务信息,是一本集餐饮、娱乐、


Part V Writing (15分)

Essential Balm

Essential Balm is scientifically prepared from precious ingredients. It acts as an excellent anodyne and anti-itching remedy for the relief of cold, influenza, rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, headache, toothache, mosquito bites and insect stings.

Directions: Applied locally

Storage: Preserve in a cool place

The shanghai Pharmaceutical mfg. Corp.

Shanghai ,china

Distributors: Shanghai Medical Herbs Import and Export Corporation. Test 4

Part I Listening Comprehension(1~15题每题1分,共15分)

1.B 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.A 11. English food 12. a chance to eat it 13. Foreign food

14. interested in food 15. heating up

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (16~25题每题0.5分,26~35题每题1分)

16. C 18. A 20. B 22. D 17. D 19. A 21. B 23. C 26. attendance 27. creative

28. more valuable 29. has been caring 30. be cleared

31. would not have asked 32. didn’t have 33. had/could have 34. would happen 35.to be discussed

Part III Reading Comprehension (36~45题每题2分,46~60题每题1分,共35分) Task 1

36. B 37. B 38. C 39. B Task 2

41. B 42. C 43. A 44. A Task 3

46. ZDQC

47. Sales Representative 48. University or equivalent 49. 2 years

50. English and mandarin Task 4

51. O, F 52. E, L 53. I, N 54. J, H 55. M, KTask 5

56. Relaxed Riders 57. jeans don’t fit

58. manufacture, research and development 59. 02-024-0551 60. Korea

Part IV Translation---English into Chinese (61~64题每题2分,65题12分,共20分)

61. C 2 分 D 1分 B 0.5分 A 0分 62. D 2 分 A 1分 B 0.5分 C 0分 63. B 2 分 A 1分 C 0.5分 D 0分 64. A 2 分 D 1分 C 0.5分 B 0分 65.先生:

24. B 25. A

40. A45. A

感谢贵方的第一批AAA 数据电缆订货。我们为能得到贵方对我们的产品及公司的信任而深感荣幸。我们愿向贵方介绍我们的合作伙伴,以便贵公司能提供整套元件,100%地满足客户的需求。 谨上 X X X

Part V Writing (15分) Dear Mr. Johnson,

Since I have just returned to Shanghai, it is only now that I find time to send you and your colleagues a message of sincere thanks for the hospitable reception extended to me and my colleagues during our stay in New York in the later part of November.

We do hope that you will give us, on an early occasion, an opportunity in return by visiting us here in Shanghai as our guest.

The visit to your country was a great revelation to me, and I look forward to an opportunity to repeat this visit sometime in the future.

Kindly express my warm greetings also to Mr. Smith and to the interpreter who were so kind to us during our entire stay.

Truly yours Mary Test 5

Part I Listening Comprehension(1~15题每题1分,共15分)

1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.A 8.A 9.A 10.A 11. the 100th anniversary 12. quiet and slow 13. five

14. the needle move

15. Time, Space, and Matter

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (16~25题每题0.5分,26~35题每题1分)

16. A 18. B 20. C 22. A 17. A 19. A 21. A 23. A 26. be allowed 27. Japanese 28. relatively 29. participants 30. reliable 31. did not talk

32. has shown / shows 33. have sent 34. knew

35. would have caused

Part III Reading Comprehension (36~45题每题2分,46~60题每题1分,共35分) Task 1

36. A 37. D 38. C 39. A Task 2

41. A 42. D 43. B 44. A

24. C

25. C

40. B45. D

Task 3

46. One’s income 47. The price 48. Taste

49. Relative price 50. increase in income Task 4

51. N, C 52. F, X 53. A, G 54. P, B 55. R, L

Task 5

56. Pamela M. Brown / Vice President 57. intellectual, interpersonal 58. classrooms

59. Student organizations 60. opportunities

Part IV Translation---English into Chinese (61~64题每题2分,65题12分,共20分)

61. C 2 分 A 1分 B 0.5分 D 0分 62. A 2 分 C 1分 B 0.5分 D 0分 63. D 2 分 B 1分 A 0.5分 C 0分 64. B 2 分 D 1分 C 0.5分 A 0分 65.“健康牌”巧克力采用上等原料,以最新科学方法配制而成,中国广州包装。其质量须经严格检查,方可出厂。由于酷热气候对所用原料的影响,所以产品表面偶尔会出现白斑,但基质量未变。如发现有引情况,请将详情告知该地区经销商。 香港经销商:金华贸易有限公司 地址:上环文咸东街100号10楼 电话:44448888 Part V Writing (15分)

Identity Certificate This is to certify that Mr. William Hansen of American nationality, male, aged 45, is exchange professor in the English Department of Shanghai Industrial and Commercial Foreign Languages College. He holds an American passport and has registered temporary residence with the police station of Nanhui District under the Public Security Bureau of the People’s Municipal Government of Shanghai.

Foreign Affairs Office of Shanghai Industrial and Commercial Foreign Languages College

