参考答案 江苏开放大学 大学英语(A)(专) 形 成 性 考 核 3

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江苏开放大学 形成性考核作业

学 号 姓 名

课程代码 110004

课程名称 大学英语A(专) 评阅教师 (教师填写)

得 分 (教师填写)

第 3 次任务 共 4 次任务

江苏开放大学 大学英语(A)(专) 形成性考核3 第 1 页

江苏开放大学 大学英语(A)(专)

形 成 性 考 核 3

答 题 纸

I. (每小题 3 分,共 60 分)

1. available in that shop 2. no longer available

3. so dirty that I have to wash it 4. so quietly that I could hardly hear her_ 5. for a variety of reasons 6. used in a variety of ways 7. no matter how long it takes 8. no matter who knocks_

9. cell phones_ do harm to brains_ 10. do harm to children’s teeth

11. commit himself to working for peace 12. commit to teaching here 13. will soon get used to it_ 14. get used to the changes 15. contribute to this discussion 16. contribute to weight problems 17. be involved in important decisions 18. be involved in your quarrel_ 19. with regard to life and death 20. with regard to payment and welfare

II. (每小题 2 分,共 40 分)

1-5. CCACC 6-10. AABCC 11-15. BCDAA 16-20. ACACC

江苏开放大学 大学英语(A)(专)

形成性考核3 第 2 页

江苏开放大学 大学英语(A)(专)

形 成 性 考 核 3

试 题

I. Complete the sentences with the words from the bracket, and you should put them in proper order.(每小题 3 分,共 60 分)

1. All sorts of lamps are___available in that shop,______________(可以在那家商店买到). (in, shop, available, that)

2. This film ticket is _____no longer available _____________(再也买不到了). (no, available, longer)

3. My apron is _______so dirty that I have to wash it__________(太脏了,我不得不洗它). (dirty, have, that, I, so, wash, to, it)

4. She sang ____so quietly that I could hardly hear her_____________(声音很小, 我几乎听不见).

(quietly, that, I, hear, so, could, her, hardly)

5. All of them arrive late __for a variety of reasons _______________(由于种种原因). (variety, reasons, for, of, a)

6. This tool can be __used in a variety of ways ______________(有多种用途). (a, in, used, of, ways, variety)

7. We’ll have to find a job, ____ no matter how long it takes____________(不管花多长时间).

(how, it, long, takes, no matter)

8. ___no matter who knocks_____________(不管谁敲门), don’t open the door. (who, no matter, knocks)

9. Do _ cell phones_ do harm to brains_______________(手机对大脑有害)? (harm, to, cell phones, brains, do)

10. These sweets ___do harm to children’s teeth, ,______________(对孩子的牙齿有害). (to, teeth, do, children’s, harm)

11. A thinking person must ___commit himself to working for peace_____________(致力于为和平工作).

(working, commit, himself, to, for, peace)

12. We would ideally like volunteers to ___ commit to teaching here___________(承诺在这里教书)for at least ten days. (teaching, to, commit, here)

13. Driving on the left is strange at first but you ___will soon get used to it______________(很快就会习惯). (get, used, to, will, soon, it)

14. Users complain about it but soon ______ get used to the changes_________(习惯了这些改变).

(changes, get, the, used, to)

15. Otherwise you have nothing to __contribute to this discussion_____________(为讨论做

江苏开放大学 大学英语(A)(专) 形成性考核3 第 3 页


(contribute, discussion, this, to)

16. Eating too much may ____contribute to weight problems______________(导致体重问题).

( contribute, weight, to, problems)

17. We cut down the number of people who needed to ____be involved in important decisions____________(参与决定重大问题). (in, involved, important, be, decisions)

18. Don’t ask me. I don’t want to ___ be involved in your quarrel_______________(卷入你们的争吵).

(your, be, in, involved, quarrel)

19. These words best describe his position ____with regard to life and death_____________(关于生和死).

(with, death, to, life, regard, and)

20. We can still negotiate _____,with regard to payment and welfare_________(关于薪酬和福利).

(payment, regard, with, welfare, and, to)

II. Reading Comprehension.(每小题 2 分,共 40 分)

Passage 1

Mobile phones are the items that a lot of people are having today. However, do we really need to have a mobile phone by our side?

We could start with the advantages of mobile phones. There are many things that we could do with mobile phones. With the advancement of technology, more and more features are being added to the mobile phones which make them more useful. In addition to making calls, mobile phones also support a wide variety of other services such as text messaging, email, Internet access, business applications, gaming and photography. We can bring them everywhere, and can be reached by others anytime. They make the world smaller, bringing people together no matter where they are.

But we could have some risks when using our mobile phones. We may have accidents when we use them while driving. Some studies show that mobile phones can do harm to our bodies; and materials in mobile phones could damage our environment.

Since there are so many risks, why do we still have mobile phones? This is because these risks or disadvantages can be overcome. For example, while we are driving we can easily pull up our car if we really need to use the phone. Mobile phone manufacturers are reducing the radiation of mobile phones to avoid health risks.

Though there are both pros and cons of using mobile phones, we could easily see that there are more advantages than disadvantages. Moreover, mobile phones are becoming cheaper, which might be another reason why mobile phones are increasingly used today.

C1. Which of the following functions is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Text messaging. B. Camera.

江苏开放大学 大学英语(A)(专) 形成性考核3 第 4 页


C2. What risks might mobile phones cause?

A. Traffic accidents and health problems. B. Environmental damage. C. Both A and B.

A3. What are mobile phone manufacturers doing to prevent mobile phone users from health risks?

A. They are reducing the radiation of mobile phones.

B. They are trying to persuade people to use mobile phones less. C. They are developing new models of mobile phones.

C4. Why do people still use mobile phones despite their disadvantages?

A. Because people don’t believe that mobile phones have any disadvantages. B. Because the disadvantages of mobile phones can be avoided. C. Because people cannot live without mobile phones.

C5. According to the last paragraph, why are mobile phones increasingly being used today?

A. They are safer.

B. They have more functions. C. They are becoming cheaper.

Passage 2

Chinese Young Volunteers Association (CYVA) was founded in 1994 by young people who are willing to devote themselves to social services. As a national voluntary non-profit organization, the Association improves the overall quality of youth and contributes to the general progress of economic and social development.

Up to now, the association has carried out a series of volunteer activities. Sunshine Dancers is a non-profit program which was started in the Muslim primary school by the association. By hiring professional dance teachers, the association helps children from poor families to realize their dancing dream for free. Another major program run by CYVA is Protecting and Promoting the Rights of China’s Young Migrants(保护并促进青年农民工权益工程). It aims to improve education for migrant youth in order to prevent their early entry into the labor force. Teams of university volunteers will be recruited and trained to provide after-school tutoring to junior high students from migrant schools.

A6. What does CYVA stand for?

A. Chinese Young Volunteers Association B. China Youth Volunteer Association C. China Youth Volunteering Association A7. When was CYVA founded?

A. In 1994. B. In 1996. C. In 1998.

B8. Who founded CYVA?

A. A group of local teachers.

B. Young people who are willing to devote themselves to social services.

江苏开放大学 大学英语(A)(专) 形成性考核3 第 5 页

C. The local government. C9. What is the goal of CYVA?

A. To improve the overall quality of youth.

B. To contribute to the general progress of economic and social development. C. Both A and B.

C10. What are the programs carried out by CYVA?

A. Sunshine Dancers.

B. Protecting and Promoting the Rights of China’s Young Migrants. C. Both A and B.

Passage 3

Mr Brown was going away for a week. Before he left, he said to his son, “if anyone asks for me, you can tell him that your father has been out for doing something, and will be back in a week, then be sure to ask him to sit down for a cup of tea.”

“OK, Dad,” said his son. But he was afraid his son couldn’t remember this, he wrote these words down on a piece of paper and gave it to him. His son put it into his small pocket, took it out and looked at it every now and then.

Four days passed, but no one came to see his father. The boy thought that there was no man to come and that the piece of paper was of no more use for him, so he burnt it that evening. The next afternoon, someone knocked at the door. The boy opened it. A man was standing at the door and said, “Where is your father?” The boy put his hand into his pocket at once and looked for the piece of paper. He could not find it. He suddenly remembered he had burnt it, so he shouted, “No more.”

The man was very surprised. He asked, “No more? I met your father last week. When did it happen?”

“Burnt yesterday evening.”

11. Mr Brown told his son that __________________.

A. he would be away from home for four days B. he would be back in seven days C. he would be back in a month D. he liked a cup of tea

12. Mr Brown wrote the words down on __________________.

A. the wall B. the door C. a piece of paper D. his son's pocket

13. A man came to visit the boy’s father on __________________.

A. the second day B. the third day C. the fourth day D. the fifth day

14. The man was very surprised because __________________.

江苏开放大学 大学英语(A)(专) 形成性考核3 第 6 页

A. he thought the child’s father was dead B. the child didn't ask him to sit down C. the child gave him a cup of tea D. he couldn't find that piece of paper 15. What was burnt? __________________.

A. The piece of paper B. Mr Smith C. The visitor D. The boy

Passage 4

Two farmers were on their way home one evening after a hard day’s work. Both were tired. They happened to look up at the sky and saw a black cloud overhead.

“Ah!” said one farmer, “tomorrow we shall have rain and the rice will grow well.” The second answered, “Nonsense, the rain will only kill the crops.”

So they began to quarrel. Just then a third farmer came along and asked them why they were quarreling. Both farmers explained about the black cloud.

“What cloud?” asked the third farmer. They all looked at the sky. The cloud was no longer there.

16. The two farmers were __________________.

A. going home B. going to the field C. going to work D. going to see their friend

17. The two farmers __________________ on that day.

A. had a holiday B. Didn’t work C. worked hard

D. wanted to quarrel with each other

18. When there are black block clouds in the sky, __________________.

A. it will rain soon B. it will be fine C. it will get hot

D. the sun is shining brightly

19. The two farmers fought in words because __________________.

A. they were hungry B. it rained

C. one said the rain would do good to the crops and the other didn’t think so D. they both hoped for rain

20. The third farmer came with and said to the other two. He __________________.

A. wanted to make friends with them B. joined them in the quarrel

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C. wanted to know why they were quarreling D. had nothings to do

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