2018年牛津深圳版七年级下册英语Unit3 单元测试卷含答案

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Unit 3 Our animal friends检测题

I. 根据汉语及音标提示写出单词的正确形式。 1. Do you like watching sports_____(节目) ?

2. Doing more exercise is____________(有用的;有帮助)for our health. 3. He can’t see anything.He is_________________ (瞎的;失明的) . 4. My grandpa bought the _____(收音机) ten years ago. 5. There is a little milk at the ( 底部;底端)of the glass. 6. He succeeded ______. ['fa?n?li]

7.We should wash our ['ta??l] every day. 8.They cannot go ['en?we?] but stay at home because it’s raining. 9.. We should [?'p?l?d?a?z] if we do something wrong. 10. I have a___________ [pet] dog at home? II.单词释义。

从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以替代划线部分的最佳选项。 ( ) 1.Let’s help the man over there. He is blind. A. can't see C. can't hear ( ) 2. I can cook by myself. A. for you B. with you

C. with others' help D. without others' help ( ) 3. She apologized to her friend for her mistakes.. A. said\ C. said\

B. said \ D. said \

B. can't walk D. can't talk

( ) 4. Finally, they arrived at the top of the hill. A. At first C. At once ( ) 5. He woke up by a loud noise. A. started sleeping C. stopped sleeping

B. kept sleeping D. enjoyed sleeping

B. At last D. At the moment

III.从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) 1. My uncle just arrived _____ the airport. A. in C. of

B. On

D. at

( ) 2. We enjoyed _____________in the park last Sunday. A. our B. themselves C. ourselves D. yourselves

( ) 3. - When did the film star arrive ________America, Jane? - Sorry, I don't know A. at C. on

B. in

D. of

( ) 4. I didn’t find my lost pen _____.I’m sad. A. anywhere B. everywhere C. somewhere D. nowhere ( ) 5. The girl learns English by ______. A. itself C. myself

B. himself D.herself

( ) 6.Your pet dog is________ your bed and your desk. A. under C.between

B. on D. behind

( ) 7. His parents don’t allow him ____ computer games. A. to play C. playing

B play

D. plays

( ) 8. I often help my mother ________ the housework. A. of C. on

B. to

D. with

( ) 9. There is a cottage (小屋) ________ a river. . A. besides

B. in D. at

C. beside

( ) 10. - My parents live on the ________ floor, and I live on the second one.

A. one C. first IV. 用适当的反身代词填空

B. two

D. three

1. He’s not angry with you.He’s angry with . 2. She enjoyed so much in London. 3. The boy made a kite by______________. . 4. — Did Linda have a good time in Beijing? — Yes. She enjoyed ______ very much. 5.I am sure I can do it all by _______. 6. Help ____ to some fish, children.

7. I can’t mend my shoe _____. Can you mend it for me? 8. Luckily, he didn’t hurt ____ terribly yesterday. 9. The film ____ is very fun.

10. Those girls enjoyed ____ in the party last night. V.完形填空.

阅读下面短文,从短文后每小题的四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 As everyone knows, animals are our friends. Of all the animals, we find that dogs are friendly to 41 . Dogs are always staying 42 human beings. They are in different colors and 43 . There are many different kinds of dogs, too. Hunting dogs can 44 people get m ore prey(猎物). The seeing-eye dogs can help 45 people a lot. The police dogs can help the police. Today it is 46 to imagine life without dogs. Maybe everyone is happy to see dogs. Dogs are good at 47 and smelling. Some dogs can find the people who are trapped (困) 48 the broken houses. Some dogs can help take care of the houses of their owners (主人). 49 someone strange comes close to the house, they will bark to frighten (吓唬) him. Even some dogs can help look after small kids when their 50 are not at home. In a word, dogs are our best friends among all animals. ( )1. A. you B. us ( ) 2. A. to B. for ( ) 3. A. days B. times

C. him

D. them

D. about D. sizes

C. with C. kinds

( ) 4 A. tell ( ) 5. A. sick

B. ask B. thin

C. help C. weak

D. want D. blind

( ) 6. A. easy B. hard ( ) 7. A. saying

B. looking

C. great

D. boring

D. thinking D. between D. So

D. friendsVI.用所给单词的适当

C. hearing C. behind C. But

( ) 8. A. above B. under ( ) 9. A. If

B. Or

( ) 10. A. sisters 形式完成句子。

B. brothers C. parents

1. Dogs are ________ (help) and they are our friends. 2. Welcome ________ (live) here

3. You'd better________ (finish) your homework first.4. They________ (play) football on the playground Just now.

5. The baby_____(fall) asleep half an hour ago. 6.He is a famous _____(act). 7.Red ____(mean) good luck.

8. Please help ________ (you) to some fruit.

9. In the________ (darkness) room, I couldn't see anything.

10. The girl started________ (cry) when she couldn’t find her mother.



1. programmes 2.helpful 3.blind 4. radio 5. bottom 6.finally 7. towels 8. anywhere 9..apologize 10.pet II. 单词释义。 1--5 A D C B A

III.从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1-5 D C B A D 6-10 C A D C C IV. 用适当的反身代词填空

1. himself 2.herself 3.himself 4.herself 5.myself 6.yourself 7.myself 8.himself 9.itself 10.themselves V.完形填空.

1-5 BCDCD 6-10 BCBAC

VI.用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。 1.helpful 2.to live 3.finish 4.played 5.fell 6.actor 7.means 8.yourself 9.dark 10. crying/to cry

