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班车租赁 中英文


Shuttlebus Rent Contract

甲方: 乙方:

Party A: Party B:

车主: 电话: 身份证:

The owner of the shuttlebus: TEL: ID Number:

车辆负责人及司机: 电话: 身份证:

Person of charge/Driver: TEL: ID Number:


Based on the friendly consultation of parties A and B, both parties have entered into the Contract as follows:

合同期限Term of charge:

生效日期:2012 年 3 月1 日

Effective date:March 1st 2012

结束日期:2013 年 2 月 28 日

Ending date: February 28th 2013


ARTICLE 1 Contents of the Shuttlebus Rent Business:


The service provided by Party B to Party A is as follows:

1. 租赁车型: 车号: 车辆数: 壹

Shuttlebus Type: Number of Shuttlebus: Number :1

租赁期限: 2012年3月1日 至 2013年2月28日 为止。

Term of Lease: March 1st 2012 to February 28th 2013

2. 班车服务:按照甲方制定的路线和时间,负责接送甲方员工上、下班。

The service of the Shuttlebus:Party B provide for transportation to and from work according to the line and time formulated by Party A.

具体停靠站由甲方通知乙方。Party A will inform Party B stop stations.

嘉定班车行车线路暂定 Running line of Jiading Shuttlebus

上班:胜竹路嘉唐公路;胜竹路胜辛北路;嘉西立交桥;裕民路良舍路;仓场路新成路;丰茂路695号 To work:

班车租赁 中英文

下班:丰茂路695号;仓场路新成路;裕民路良舍路;嘉西立交桥;胜竹路胜辛北路;胜竹路嘉唐公路 From work:

行车时间暂定 Time of Jiading Shuttlebus

上班:上午:7:40 To work:7:40 a.m.

下班:下午:17:40 From work:5:40 p.m.


Article 2 vParty A’s Special Requirements Promised by Party B to Reach:

1. 不涉及甲方的商业秘密以及私人隐私。暨:为甲方保密。

Not concerning Party A’s business secret and individual privacy, i.e. keep secret for Party A;

2. 司机在开车时不吸烟、不接打电话。

Upon driving car, driver shall not be smoking, making or receiving a call.

3. 对于中外方人员一律友好接待。

Friendly receiving both foreign and Chinese personnel.


Article 3 Service Level Promised by Party B to Reach:

1. 安全、准时。

Being safe and timely;

2. 司机礼貌热情

Driver is courtesy and ardor;

3. 车容干净整洁

The van id clean and neat;

4. 尽量满足甲方的各种用车需求。

Meeting various needs in using car as far as possible.


Article 4 Payment:

1. 每月费用人民币: 小写:8000元(含税) 大写:捌仟元整 费用不包括:汽油费。费用每三月支付一次,先付后用。

Party A shall pay the current monthly shuttlebus charge on _8000__ of the same month. (it does not include the Gasoline fees ). Party A shall pay the current monthly shuttlebus charge once three months. 先付后用。

2. 甲方根据乙方提供的正式发票于 日前支付租赁费用。

Party A shall pay the rent fees according to the formal invoice provided by Party B before April

3. 甲方将根据票据及申请单支付合同期间由于甲方需要导致的停车费、高速公路过桥费。

According to vouchers. Party A shall pay all occurred parking fee and toll fee of express way during valid period of


班车租赁 中英文

4. 由于甲方租赁此乙方车辆并由乙方配备司机,所租赁的车辆在使用过程中由乙方问题或乙方司机行车不当而对第三者及甲方所造成的损失由乙方负全部责任。

Since Party A charters Party B’s car and Party B provides driver,Party B shall be complete responsible for all lost caused to the Third Party and Party A due to the reason of shuttle car and employed driver of Party B during the course of using shuttle car.


ARTICLE 5 Preferential Measures Provided Party A by Party B:


Available to give preferential treatment in a margin when once again lease the shuttlebus. After the expiration of the contract, Party A has the priority to lease Party B’s cars by the same price with others.


Article 6 Warranty of service Quality and Treatment of Complaint:

1. 甲方可以随时对乙方提供的司机进行评估

Party A can perform an evaluation of the driver employed by Party B at any time.

2. 乙方保证车辆状况的良好,车、司机证照齐全,车内各项设施功能正常。设施主要指:空调、电动车窗、

车门、座椅、音响等。Party B shall ensure the van in good conditions and the normal function of various facilities inside the car, referring mainly to air conditioner, electric windows, car doors, seats, audio supplies etc.

3. 所租车辆在行驶当中由乙方司机行车不当或车辆本身问题出现事故或故障时,乙方应立即安排其他车辆


When shuttle car occur accident or malfunction while operating, Party B shall appoint other car/taxi immediately to take the passenger to company or back home.

4. 合同期间,由于乙方或乙方车辆或乙方司机的原因不能为甲方提供服务时,则乙方应报销所有乘客上下


During valid period of contract, if Party B fails to offer service to Party A due to the reason of Party B or Party B’s cars or driver, Party B shall reimburse all the taxi fees between home and company for all the passengers.

5. 乙方司机不属于甲方工作人员,在工作期间,由于乙方司机的言行对第三方造成的不良影响或损失,由


Driver of Party B does not belong to employee of Party A, during period of working,Party B shall undertake all responsibility for all bad effect or damage to the Third Party,which caused by Party B driver’s improper language or behavior.

第七条 合同有效期

Article 7 Term of contract:

本合同有效期,从2012 年 3月 1 日起,至2013 年 2 月 28日为止。

班车租赁 中英文

Term of Lease: March 1st 2012 to February 28th 2013


In case some factors make impossible for Party A to continue the Contract, Party B should be noticed prior to one month. In case ome factors make impossible for Party B to continually provide service to Part A, which should be noticed prior to one month.


Article 8 Change in Contract and Breach of the Agreement:

1. 如有任何变动,以签订的此合同为准 。任何一方不得单方更改合同内容。Every change regarding this lease

this lease agreement will be based on the Contract. Neither of the party shall amend the contract contents.

2. 任何一方违约,应赔偿因此给对方造成的全部损失。擅自终止合同都应赔偿对方二个月的租赁费用。 Any party who breaches this Contract shall compensate for any economic loss caused to the other party due to the breach. Either Party which ends the contract without authorization, it shall pay fine for breach of contract equal to two (2) month’s lease car charge to the other.

本合同一式贰份,自双方签章生效,双方各持一份。The Contract is made in two copies, All of them shall come into force after signatures by both Parties, with each Party holding one copy respectively.

本合同的订立、效力、履行和争议的解决,均受中华人民共和国法律管辖。The formation, validity, interpretation, performance and dispute settlement of this Contract shall be governed by the laws of PRC.


The parties shall try their best efforts to settle any dispute under this Contract through friendly consultation or mediation, failing which, either party may submit the dispute to the local court for arbitration.

甲方(章): 乙方(章):

Party A (sealing): Party B (sealing):

代表: 代表:

Representative: Representative:

日期: 日期:

Date: Date:

