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Subject: Flow for internally manufactured ATO Configurations into Install Base and Contracts
Doc ID: N ote:245548.1
Last Revision Date: 10-NOV-2008
ATOs / Configured items
Date Created: 31 Jul 2003 Created By: Jos de Graaf Date Revised: 22 Oct 2003 Revised By: Chris.V.Wright
Purpose:Enter and Ship an ATO Configuration. Process it to Install Base and (auto)create a warranty and an extended warranty. Application Version: 11.5.8+
BOM: Model Item Access=YES
Indicates if a holder of this responsibility can define and update bills of material for model and option class items.
Seq. 1 Functional Test Create ATO Model Item Steps/References Inventory -> Items -> Master Items Main Tab: Item: ATP-CPU-ATO Description: ATP ATO Model Menu Tools -> Copy From Template: ATO Model Click Apply. Click Done Click on Service Tab Servicable Product = Yes Verify that the Install Base trackable checkbox is enabled automatically Save Menu Tools -> Organization Assignment Assign the item to your Shipping Organization Save 2 Create ATO Option Classes Place the cursor on the Item field and click on the + Icon on the Toolbar 1. Item: ATP-Hard-Drive Description: ATP-Hard-Drive Option Class Menu Tools -> Copy From Template: ATO Option Class Click Apply Click Done Click on Service Tab Servicable Product = yes Verify that the Install Base trackable checkbox is enabled automatically 2. Repeat same steps for 1 above starting with ?Place the cursor…? Item Name: ATP-Processor Description: ATP-Processor Option Class 3. Repeat same steps for 1 above starting with ?Place the cursor…? Item Name: ATP-Memory Description: ATP-Memory Option Class 4. Repeat same steps for 1 above starting with ?Place the cursor…? Item Name: ATP-Colour Description: ATP-Colour Option Class In the Order Management tab, disable the OE-transactable checkbox Save Verify that message at lower left hand states that four records were applied and saved. Menu Tools -> Organization Assignment Assign the items to your Shipping Organization 3 Finish Creating the Options for the ATO Configuration Repeat Step 2 using the ?Finished Good? Template: 1. Item Name: ATP-Modem Description: ATP-Modem Optional 2. Item Name: ATP-8X-DVD ROM Description: ATP-8X-DVD ROM Mandatory Component 3. Item Name: ATP-450MHZ Description: ATP-450MHZ Pentium II 4. Item Name: ATP-600MHZ Description: ATP-600MHZ Pentium III 5. Item Name: ATP-8G Description: ATP-8G Seagate Hard Drive 6. Item Name: ATP-12G Description: ATP-12G Seagate Hard Drive 7. Item Name: ATP-64Meg Description: ATP-64Meg SIMM 8. Item Name: ATP-128Meg Description: ATP-128Meg SIMM Save Message at the lower left hand screen should state that 8 records were applied and saved. Menu Tools -> Organization Assignment Assign the items to your Shipping Organization. 4 Create a non-shippable option Repeat Step 2 using the ?Finished Good? Template: 1. Item name: Pink casing Description: Pink coloured casing for PC Click on Work in Process Tab Build in WIP: Yes Supply type: Phantom Click on Order management Tab Shippable = No OE Transactable = No 2. Item name: Black casing Description: Black coloured casing for PC (standard) Click on Work in Process Tab Build in WIP: Yes Supply type: Phantom Click on Order management Tab Shippable = No OE Transactable = No Click on Service Tab Serviceable product = Yes Save Message at the lower left hand screen should state that 2 records were applied and saved. Menu Tools -> Organization Assignment Assign the items to your Shipping Organization. 5 Create a Warranty item Place the cursor on the Item field and click on the + Icon on the Toolbar: Item Name: ATO Warranty Description: standard 1 year warranty for ATO items Click on Main Tab Primary UOM = Year User item type = Service Program / Warranty Click on Inventory Tab Disable all options and checkboxes Click on Bills of Material Tabl BOM allowed = Yes BOM Item type = Standard Click on Work in Process Tab Build in WIP = No
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