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基于“课程标准、中招视野、两类结构” 七(下)Unit7 Topic3 Section C教案设计 (新授课)汤庄一中 李秋明 一、 学习目标确定的依据: 1、课程标准相关要求:《英语课程标准》(2011年版)要求学生能够会读会写知汉意 的单词和短语 单词. blow, sunny, everyone , sunny, delicious 短语: each of, by hand, make a wish, blow out. 语法:继续学习一般过去时及不规则动词的变化和用法。 2、教材分析: 本节课为该话题的第3节课,建议用1课时上完。在前2课的基础上,本节描述的是康康生日聚会活动和感受,继续学习一般过去时。 3、中招考点: 一般过去时时,是学生必须掌握的知识要点,所以一定要让学生学会用用过去式表述人物的活动。 4、学情分析: 通过本节对康康生日聚会活动和感受的描述,学生对一般过去时的句型结构基本了解。 二、学习目标 1.会读会写P75—76的生词、短语,会用其中的重点句子。 2..熟读1a并掌握其中的知识点。 3.学习一些不规则动词的一般过去式。 三、评价任务 1、针对目标1,通过学习P75-76的生词、短语,让学生并能熟练说出、写出P75-76的生词、短语,并能进行英汉互译。 2、针对目标2,能够正确应用短语: each of, by hand, make a wish, blow out. 3、针对目标3,能够写出buy give sit make blow sing lose come have be 的过去式。 四、教学过程 学习教学活动 目 标 目标1:会读会写P75—76的生词、. 自学指导1 1.自学内容:课本的P75—76的生词、短语。 2.自学方法:先根据音标试读,同桌互相正音。 3.自学时间:5分钟 4.自学要求:会读,知道其汉语意思。 评价要点 要点归纳 通过学习P75-76的生词、短语,让学生并能熟练说出、写出1. We made the cards by hand . by hand 用手工。介词by表方式,意为“用”,后跟抽象名词或

短语,会用其中的重点句子。 自学检测1 1.英译汉: 1.blow 2 blow out 3everyone 4.sunny 5. delicious 6.musical 2汉译英:. 1.吹,刮风 2.吹灭 3.每人,人人 4.阳光充足的 5.美味的 6.音乐的 P75-76的生词、短语,并能进行英汉互译。 动名词,构成的短语表示完成某项活动的方式、途径、手段。如: 1).We knew about the good news by watching TV. 2)They made the model planes by hand. 学习教学活动 目 标 目标2 自学指导2 熟读1a并掌握其中的知识点。 自学内容:课本P75 , 1a 自学方法:扫读。 自学时间:6分钟 自学要求:读1a,完成1b. 自学检测2 完成课本1b. 评价要点 要点归纳 2能够正2. Kangkang 确应用短made a 语: each wish ,and of, by then he blew hand, outthe candles make a in one breath. wish, blow 1)make a wish .许out. 愿。Wish 既可以做名词,又可以做 动词。如: ① Best wishes to you . ② I wish I could fly to the moon one day. (1) blow out 吹灭。 (2) in one breath 一口气。 目标 3:学习一些不规则动词的一般过自学指导3 3. There was a 自学内容:课本P75, 1a 能够写出big birthday 自学方法:精读。 buy cake with 13 自学时间:5分钟 give sit candles on it . 自学要求:通过理解关键词和短语,能够复述和翻make There 译1a短文。 blow was/were ---是Step10自学检测3 sing lose There be 句型的写出下列动词的过去式。 come 一般过去时形式,buy give sit make blow sing lose have be 意为“(过去)在

去式 come have be 的过去式。 某地存在某物”。自学指导4 其用法There be自学内容:课本P75 ----2 同一般现在时。自学方法:扫读。 如: 自学时间:5分钟 ----Was there a 自学要求:扫读2中日记,完成2的要求. meeting 自学检测4。 yesterday ? --- Yes, there was./ No, there wasn’t. May 14th Sunny 4..LearnWh-questiYesterday_______May 13th. It was my birthday. ons of the past We simple tense. ______a wonderful party in my home. ① Why did Michael, Jane, Maria, Hellen, Sally and Kangkang like the some other friends________to my party. The cards very much? music was nice and the food was delicious. ② What did the Everyone had a good time. children do at the Jane_______the guitar and Maria played the birthday party? piano. We______ many songs. Michael 4.Learn some past _____the Musical Chairs game. It was very forms of irregular interesting.. verbs. 自学指导5 buy--bought, 自学内容:课本P76 ,4a ,4b. bring--brought, 自学方法:略读。 give--gave, 自学时间:5分钟 make--made, 自学要求:依据音标提示,完成4a单词,听录音,sit--sat, 完成4b。. blow--blew, 自学检测5 lose--lost, 完成4a, 4b。 come--came. 当堂检测题。 ( )1. We can’t use computers to do our homework. We have to write it down _____ hand. A. on B. in C. by D. with ( )2.—What time _____ Lily go to the park yesterday? —At about eight o’clock. A. does B. do C. did D. was ( )3. —Who went to the park with you yesterday? —Li Lei _____. A. does B. did C.

was D. do ( ) 4. —Did you buy a birthday cake yesterday? —No, I didn’t. I _____ one_____ hand. A. make; with B. make; by C. made; by D. made; with ( )5. How ________the tea party last week? A were B was C does D did ( ) 6.I ________ some food and drinks for the party last night. A buy B bought C bring D brings. ( ) 7.I live in a big house _____a nice garden behind it . A has B hand C in D with ( ) 8.---What’s wrong with you? --- I ____ my ID card. A lose B lost C losing D loses ( ) 9.He _______ the candles in one breath. A blow B blew C blew out D blow out ( ) 10.It was my birthday. We______a wonderful party in my home. A were B had C having D Have

