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模拟联合国——Model United Nations 联合国大会——General Assembly 主席团——Members of the Dais 主席——The Chair 会议指导——Director 主席助理——Rapporteur 点名——Roll Call 国家牌——Placard 到——Present
确定议题——Setting the Agenda 产生发言名单——Open the Speakers’List 意向条——Page 让渡时间——Yield Time
让渡给他国代表——Yield Time to Another Delegate 让渡给问题——Yield Time to Questions 让渡给评论——Yield Time to comments 让渡给主席——Yield Time to the chair 问题和动议——Points and Motions
动议更改发言时间——Motions to set speaking time
Delegate:I have a motion for setting the speaking time for 90 seconds,since the time is a little bit longer than needed…etc.
Motions to suspend the meeting
E.g. Delegate:China wants to motion to discuss the problem of…for 15 minutes and each delegate has 30seconds’speaking time。(or Motion for a 15 minutes unmoderated caucus…etc.)动议暂时中止正式辩论——
动议中止发言——Motions to close the speaking list 动议结束辩论——Motions to close debate 组织性问题——Point of order 咨询性问题——Point of Inquiry
个人特权问题——Point of Personal Privilege 投票表决——Voting 点名表决——Roll Call Vote 赞成——yes 反对——no 弃权——abstain
简单多数——Simple majority 三分之二多数——Two-thirds majority 正式辩论——Formal Debate 非正式辩论——Informal Debate 有主持核心磋商——Moderated Caucus 自有磋商——Unmoderated Caucus 立场文件——Position Paper
工作文件——Working Papers 决议草案——Draft Resolution 起草国——Sponsors 附议国——Signatories 决议——Resolution
行动性条款——Operative Clauses 序言条款——Pre-ambulatory Clauses 修正案——Amendments
友好修正案——Friendly Amendments 非友好修正案——Unfriendly Amendments 游说与商讨——Lobby and Negotiation
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