2018年潍坊市中考英语试题精校版 - 图文

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Lisa, a 1 -year-old girl, goes to her father’s toy shop after school every 2 .On that day excited kids and babies are busy playing with the toys in their shop, so it’s always quite 3 there. Lisa has to watch carefully and make sure nobody 4 the toys. This often makes her feel 5 , but she has fun helping her father.



21. To prepare for________ trip to LA, Betty is making_______ list of things to take along. A. the: the B. 不填:a C. the: a D. a; 不填

21. C 【解析】考查冠词用法。第一个空表示“特指”洛杉矶之旅,故用定冠词the;第二个空make a list of意为“把……列成一张表”,表示数量为“一”,用不定冠词a。故选择C。 22. Students here often do physics experiments _______small groups. A. by B. in C. for D. at

22. B 【解析】考查介词用法。句意:这里的学生经常以小组的形式进行物理实验。“(表示手段、方法、材料)用,以”用介词in。选择B。

23.The Three Gorges Dam produces________ for millions of people in China. A. electricity B. influence C. transport D. technology 23. A【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:三峡大坝为数百万中国人供电。electricity电力;influence影响;transport运输;technology技术。故选择A。

24. Doctor Bethune sometimes had to treat the wounded on _______ own. A. him B. his C. them D. their

24. B【解析】考查代词的辨析。句意:白求恩医生有时不得不自己治疗伤员。短语on one's own意为“独自地”,故此处填写he的形容词性物主代词his。选择B。 25. --I always hate being late for school. --_________________

A. So am I. B. So do I C. So I am D. So I do

25. B 【解析】考查倒装句。句意:—我总是讨厌上学迟到。—我也是。根据句意,这是肯定形式的倒装,强调我也讨厌上学迟到。所以选择“so+助动词do +主语I”结构。故选B 。 26 The photos that won the first prize in the competition will be________ on the website. A. put away B. put off C. put up D. put on

26. C 【解析】考查动词短语的辨析。句意:在比赛中获得一等奖的照片将______在网站上put off推迟,拖延;put away收起来,放好;put on 穿上;put up张贴,建造。根据句意,C选项符合题意。

27. You will still miss the flight_______ you catch a Didi car. A even if B. as if C. until D. before 27. A 【解析】考查连词辨析。句意:______你赶上Didi汽车,你还是会错过这次航班。 even if “即使”;as if“似乎”;until “直到……才”;before“在……之前”。由上下文句意可知,连词even if 符合题意。

28 We were all disappointed at ___________. A. what does the boy Bay B what the boy says D what the boy said C. what did the boy say

28. D 【解析】考查宾语从句的用法。宾语从句的语序为陈述句语序,排除A、D;从句要用过去相对应时态,排除B,故选D。



Riding a Mobike on the street, you might hear some people speaking Chinese aloud. urning to the right, you see a Sichuan-style restaurant. After walking into a store you see that Huawei smartphones are 29 .

But you’re not in China—you’re in Manchester in Britain. In fact, you might see 30

things in many other cities. Chinese products have been 31 worldwide.

Chinese food has been enjoyed in western countries for a long time. To 32 local peoples tastes, Chinese restaurants have made some changes to the 33 . Unlike Chinese, Australian people don’t like to eat meat with the bone 34 .So Chinese restaurants there provide big pieces of meat without bones, 35 for fish.

Some Chinese brands(品牌)are also becoming more 36 . In many cities in Europe stores sell TCL televisions, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers. And more than half of US-owned drones (无人机 ) are Chinese models. They’re not simply made in China, but designed and developed in the 37 . In the past, most western people thought Chinese products were cheap and not dependable. But now, things have changed greatly. Made in China becomes cool. More and more people 38 Chinese brands.

29. A. for fun B at work C. on sale D. in use 30. A. similar B. different C. common D. unusual 31. A. stored B. collected C. received D. accepted 32. A. meet B. copy C spread D. answer 33. A. kitchens B drink C dishes D. services 34. A. up B. out C. on D. in 35. A. just B. even C. yet D. still 36. A. traditional B expensive C. practical D. popular 37. A. country B. circle C. field D. town 38. A. sell B. trust C. improve D. question 【主旨大意】 本文介绍了“中国元素”正在走向世界。 29. C【解析】华为手机在商店里应该是在“出售”,on sale有“出售”的意思。

30. A【解析】有下文知中国的产品遍布世界各地,故在其他城市也有相似的情景,形容词similar表示“相似的”。

31. D【解析】有上下文知中国产品在各地都有,表明中国产品已经被世界各地的人们所接受。填写accepted符合题意。

32. A【解析】由下文知,中国餐馆已经做了一些改变,前面动词不定式表示目的,应该是为了迎合当地人的口味,meet有“满足”的意思,A选项符合题意。 33. C【解析】前面提到的是food(食物),餐馆想改变的也就是“菜肴”,故C选项恰当。 34. D【解析】与中国人不同的是,澳大利亚人不喜欢吃带骨头的肉。表示“在……里面”用介词in。

35. B【解析】所以那里的中国餐馆提供不带骨头的肉,空后又举了鱼的例子,鱼的骨头或刺多且小,剔除很困难,这里举这个例子表示“让步”关系,所以选择even(即使)符合题意。

36. D【解析】前面说到中国食物受人喜爱,这里由说中国的品牌,有下文知,TCL电视、海尔冰箱及联想电脑在欧洲商店有售卖,所以中国品牌也很“受欢迎”,故D选项恰当。 37. A【解析】这些产品不仅仅在中国制造,根据连词和句意,设计和开发也在中国,即在我们的国家,填写country符合题意。

38. B【解析】过去,大多数西方人认为中国的产品便宜而且不可靠。但现在,情况发生了很大变化。中国制造变酷了。产品也可靠了,所以应该是“越来越多的人信任中国品牌了”。动词trust“相信”符合题意。




When she was just 9 years old, Katie Stagliano planted a cabbage seed(卷心菜种子)in a garden outside her house. She cared for it every day by watering it, weeding it and giving it plant food. It grew to be HUGE!Forty pounds huge!

Katie wanted to do something special with this very special cabbage. With her mom’s help, she decided to donate(捐赠)it to a local soup kitchen to help feed the hungry in her community of Summerville. South Carolina.

When she arrived to make her donation, she saw a long line of people waiting for food. Then, Katie served her cabbage to the guest. As the many people thanked her, she knew she could and should do more to help.

With the help of her parents and school, Katie’s Krops was born! Katie’s Krops plants gardens to grow food that is donated to local soup kitchens to feed the hungry.

Katie’s dream is to end hunger around the world. So, after she created several gardens in her community, she decided to do more. She wanted to help other kids create gardens in their communities!

As of 2017, 7 years after she started, there are now 83 Katie’s Krops gardens growing across the United States! All of the gardens are led by kids between the ages of 9 and 16. 39. What is “something special” Katie did at last in Paragraph 2? A. Building her first garden.

B. Giving the cabbage plant food.

C Helping mom in the local soup kitchen. D Donating the cabbage to people in need. 40. Who runs the 83 gardens? A. Hungry people there. B. Katie Stagliano herself. C. Teenagers from 9 to 16.

D. Parents and schools together. 41. Katie’s Krops _______.

A. creates a lot of jobs for local people B has its own soup kitchens everywhere C is now all over South Carolina. the US

D. helps fight hunger in their own communities 42. Katie’s story sounds_______.

A. encouraging B. relaxing C boring D. tiring

凯蒂·斯塔利亚诺:小卷心菜里种出大慈善 https://www.xzbu.com/9/view-7554005.htm 【主旨大意】所有的一切都始于一株卷心菜——九岁的凯蒂·斯塔利亚诺把菜苗种在了自家的后院里。她给菜苗施肥、浇水,那颗卷心菜长得巨大无比,约40磅重。一个想法在她头脑中闪过,凯蒂开始专注于为那些挨饿的人种植卷心菜,之后作物覆盖的范围越来越大。在小卷心菜里种出了大慈善。

39. D 细节理解题。文章第二段第一句之后对something special做出了解释说明,由第二段第二句可知,她决定捐献给当地的一个厨房,帮助萨默维尔社区的饥饿者。故D选项“将卷心菜捐赠给需要的人”符合题意。

