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- 劳务纠纷找哪个部门解决推荐度:
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毕 业 论 文 题 目 国有企业劳资纠纷之防范及应对策略 系 专业班级
学 生 姓 名 性别 指 导 教 师 职称
2012 年 5 月 24 日
本文的研究主要包括以下几大部分,首先,指出问题研究的背景和意义,界定论文研究的范围,并且对劳资纠纷研究进行了综述。其次,结合劳资纠纷问题对我国国有企业进行了系统地分析,不仅阐述了我国劳资纠纷的现状及特点,而且分析了我国国有企业劳资纠纷的主要类型。最后,对如何预防和处理劳资纠纷提出了建议,指出国有企业劳资纠纷处理应以预防为主,全面掌握解决劳资纠纷的方法,努力创建和谐的企业劳动关系,尽快实现国有企业建立现代化企业制度的总体目标。 关键词:国有企业;劳资纠纷;预防纠纷;处理纠纷
With the in-depth development of Chinese labor employment system'sreformation, how to solve the labor disputes has become a hot topic in society gradually. As one of the main employers, the state-owned enterprises also meet this problem. China doesn't have much experience of disposing this problem. Although wemade big progress in the system and procedure of dealing with it, there are still some flaws in it. It affects disposing the problems quickly, efficiently, and holding back the construction of harmonious labor relationship. Therefore, I made some researches on the labor disputes' reason, form, actuality and trend of development with case analysis. Under current labor law, I want to find my way to deal with this problem and prevent it for state-owned enterprises.
This paper includes several parts. Firstly, it points out the researches' background and significance, defining the scope.And it reviews researches on the labor disputes,I ncluding definition of the labor disputes, characteristics, types, processing system, its labor related theoretical results and so on. Secondly, it systematically analyzes the state-owned enterprises' labor disputes in China with cases. It not only explains the status and features of Chinese labor disputes, but also analyses the main types, reasons and trends of Chinese state-owned enterprises. Lastly, it makes a suggestion on how to avoid and deal with labor disputes. It points out that we should take the prevention as a primary means in labor disputes resolution process for state-owned enterprises.They should improve their own institution-building and reinforce cooperation with the local administrative departments.They should master the skills dealing with the problem and build harmonious labor relationship and achieve the target that the state-owned enterprises establish the modern enterprise system as soon as possible. Key words: State-owned enterprise; labor disputes; prevention; treatment
第一章 绪论 ............................................................. 1 1.1问题的提出 ............................................................ 1 1.2研究的背景意义 ........................................................ 1 1.3研究思路和方法 ........................................................ 2 第二章 关于劳资纠纷的内涵 ............................................... 3 2.1劳资纠纷的界定 ........................................................ 3 2.2劳资纠纷的特点 ........................................................ 3 2.3劳资纠纷的类型 ........................................................ 4 2.4劳资纠纷处理制度 ...................................................... 5 2.4.1国外劳资纠纷处理制度 ................................................ 5 2.4.2我国现行劳资纠纷处理制度 ............................................ 6 第三章 国有企业劳资纠纷特点及类型 ....................................... 7 3.1国有企业劳资纠纷的基本情况 ............................................ 7 3.2国有企业劳资纠纷的特点 ................................................ 7 3.3国有企业劳资纠纷的类型 ................................................ 9 3.3.1不依法签订劳动合同所引发的劳资纠纷 .................................. 9 3.3.2待遇问题所引发的劳资纠纷 ........................................... 10 3.3.3职工跳槽引起的劳资纠纷 ............................................. 10 3.3.4职工下岗而发生的劳资纠纷 ........................................... 10 3.3.5职工入股而发生的劳资纠纷 ........................................... 11 第四章 国有企业劳资纠纷处理对策 ........................................ 12 4.1国有企业劳资纠纷预防对策 ............................................. 12 4.1.1强化劳动合同管理 ................................................... 12 4.1.2健全企业内部管理制度 ............................................... 13 4.1.3推广集体协商和集体合同制度 ......................................... 13 4.1.4创建和谐统一的企业氛围 ............................................. 14 4.1.5加强员工教育培训体系建设 ........................................... 14 4.2国有企业劳资纠纷处理对策 ............................................. 15
4.2.1劳资纠纷协商过程的应对对策 ......................................... 15 4.2.2劳资纠纷调解过程的应对对策 ......................................... 15 4.2.3劳资纠纷仲裁过程的应对对策 ......................................... 16 第五章 结论 ............................................................ 17 参考文献 ............................................................... 18 谢辞 ................................................................... 19 附录一 附录二 中文译文 外文资料原文
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