大学体验英语 听说教程3(第三版)答案完整版

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Unit 1 Relationships


(Answers in bold.)

1. This is Joe: When I was in high school, I was really into sports. In college I found out that my true calling is to be a science fiction writer! After high school, my girlfriend, Melissa, and I went to different colleges. After a while, we just drifted apart.

2. This is Lindsay: My junior year of college I lived in Europe as an exchange student. I ended up going back to New York for graduate school.

3. This is Chris: My dad owns a flower shop. He always wanted me to take over for him when he retired, but flowers really aren’t my thing. Right now I’m working as an apprentice to a famous chef. Someday I hope to have my own television cooking show.

4. This is Allison: As a teenager, I had my own unique style and way of thinking. I was a free spirit, while my boyfriend, Brad, was very conservative. Everyone was really surprised when Brad and I decided to get married. I guess they thought we’d eventually break up.

Listening Task

First Listening

1. traveling in Europe, living in Boston.

2. apprenticing as a chef, learning how to run a restaurant

3. working as an accountant

4. working as a lawyer

Second Listening

1. He isn’t surprised that Jake lived abroad.

2. She wants to eat at Terry’s restaurant.

3. He doesn’t remember much about high school.

4. She is surprised by Cindy’s physical appearance.

Third Listening

(For the first dialog)

1. — Studying at Boston University.

2. — He went to Spain as an exchange student and traveled a lot in Europe.

(For the second dialog)

3. — No, he didn’t. Instead he took over his mother’s business, a restaurant.

4. — Cooking. He wants to be a famous chef.

(For the third dialog)

5. — Because he works as an accountant in the city now.

6. — Barry’s wife and his brother, Tom.

(For the fourth dialog)

7. — Because she has changed so much.

8. — Cindy’s hair styles. She often dyed her hair in different colors.

Real World Listening


Karen is an actress.

Charisse married her high-school boyfriend Craig.

Get the main ideas

Karen wanted to be an actress. She ended up as a makeup artist.

Charisse wanted to be a mother. She ended up becoming an executive.

Unit 2 Identity


(Answers in bold.)

1. Ms. Kelsey is a librarian, but she’s passionate about sports cars.

2. Kris rides a motorcycle, but she’s also a nerd when it comes to history.

3. Dave’s friends thought that making it big in Hollywood would change him, but Dave is still just a regular guy. Fame hasn’t changed him.

4. Jonathan might be the best basketball player in the state, but he doesn’t have any dreams of going pro. He just wants to play for fun.

5. Terry is a jock, but when he’s not on the football field, he’s watching romantic movies.

6. Everybody assumes Carrie is a serious person because she’s quiet. But she’s really got a great sense of humor.

7. Jordan is very friendly and open with everyone, but she keeps some things about her life private.

8. Mark is very intelligent, but he’s not a straight A student.

Listening Task

First Listening

1. He has a lot of interests outside of sports.

2. He enjoys dancing privately.

3. She’s in a rock band and she’s a good student.

Second Listening

1. She is surprised that Brett is romantic.

2. He thinks Jeff should be proud of his hobby.

3. He thinks rock musicians can’t be good students.

Third Listening

(For the first dialog)

1. — She thought a jock must be very big and not good at speaking and with poor academic performance.

2. — One day Brett gave her a poem which she thought was romantic and full of imagery. (For the second dialog)

3. — From his girlfriend who showed her some photos of him dancing.

4. — Because he thought it was private.

(For the third dialog)

5. — Kayla is a straight A student who can play the drums in a band called Rock Hard.

6. — Because he thought it’s impossible for a nerd to join a Rock band.

Real World Listening


TJ’s friends and family are worried about him.

Get the main ideas

F, ?, T, T, T, F, F, T

Unit 3 Advice


(Answers in bold.)

1. Q: My 4-year-old daughter has horrible tantrums. How do I get her to stop crying?

2. Mabel: You need to discipline her. Some people aren’t comfortable spanking their kids. If you don’t want to punish her physically, try taking away something special— maybe a toy. Whatever you do, pick one method and stick to it. Use the same method all the time.

3. Q: Whenever I start dating a new girl, my parents get in the way. They always invite her over to talk. What should I do? Mabel: Don’t blame your folks for being interested in your life. They care about you!

4. Q: One of my friends wants to fix me up with her neighbor. She thinks we would be a great match. Should I agree to a date even though we’ve never met? Mabel: Blind dates are kind of scary. You don’t know what to expect. But I say: Go for it!

5. Q: My boyfriend doesn’t want me to spend time with my friends. What can I do about his jealousy? Mabel: Ooh … that’s a bad sign. If your boyfriend is possessive now, he’ll just get worse later. You should meet someone new.

Listening Task

First Listening

1. Have a baby soon.

2. Don’t move back home after college.

3. Discipline the child.

4. Make an effort to meet someone.

Second Listening

1. They want to have the baby only when they are ready.

2. He’s already decided to move back home.

3. She doesn’t believe in spanking.

4. She doesn’t want to date anyone right now.

Third Listening

(For the first dialog)

1. — 35. She should have a baby now.

2. — A struggle between career and family.

(For the second dialog)

3. — Studying in a college.

4. — Because he wants to save some money and many of his friends are doing the same. (For the third dialog)

5. — One believed in the saying that spare the rod spoil the child while the other doesn’t.

6. — No, she doesn’t. Because she thinks it’s her privacy.

(For the fourth dialog)

7. — She is still single now. / It’s been a while since she’s dated anyone. / She doesn’t want to be dating anyone right now.

8. — Maybe her parent or very close friend.

Real World Listening


1. Follow your parents’ rules. Move out.

2. Exercise.

3. Call someone else.

Get the main ideas

1. Jackie’s parents have the right to set rules in their house.

2. Losing weight is more complicated than Beatrice thinks.

3. It would be better to consult a mechanic.

Unit 4 Family


(Answers in bold.)

1. My family is a little unusual. Some people might even say we’re nuts.

2. My mother is extreme when it comes to neatness. She can’t stand to see even a speck of dust in the house.

3. Mom is really strict with us when it comes to household chores. Every day, we have to do a couple of hours of chores to keep things neat.

4. My father loves to barbecue. He’s definitely a fanatic. He can’t live without his barbecue grill.

5. One time, I accidentally broke Dad’s grill. He completely freaked out. He was so upset, he couldn’t even wait a day to buy another one.

6. My sister, Alicia, is a vegan. She not only avoids meat, but also any animal products, like milk and eggs.

7. Sometimes Alicia and Dad argue because they have opposite interests. She’s as devoted to her vegetarianism as he is to his barbecuing.

8. Some of my other relatives are a little strange, too. I’ve got an aunt who thinks she can see the future and a cousin who does four hours of bodybuilding exercises every day!

9. My family might be a little irritating to some people, but they don’t bother me much. After all, they’re the only family I’ve got.

Listening Task

First Listening

1. She has a very particular diet.

2. He is a clown at heart.

3. She is a fanatic about her hobby.

4. He likes to pretend he is a TV or movie character.

Second Listening

1. She makes her cat follow a vegan diet.

2. He makes balloon hats when he’s not working./His

duck follows him everywhere.

3. She keeps the dolls in their boxes.

4. His family is worried about him.

Third Listening

1. a family dinner, just for her

2. a professional clown, kids’ birthday parties

3. collecting dolls, from floor to ceiling

4. TV and movies, be a character

Real World Listening


Lydia: 300–400 Greg: 11

Get the main ideas

1. Abigail, Greg’s aunt: She lives nearby. Greg doesn’t now her well. She’s kind of crazy. She has fifteen cats.

2. Chia-Lin, Lydia’s aunt: She lives in Shanghai. She couldn’t miss it for the world. Her mother wouldn’t forgive her if she didn’t come to the wedding.

3. Lydia’s Dad: He is in the restaurant business and as lots of friends and associates. He has many suppliers and customers. He is getting along very well with his associates. He thinks that his friends and associates will get insulted if they are not invited.

Unit 5 Decisions


(Answers in bold.)

1. Pamela is pregnant with her first child. She has to decide whether she wants to be a working mom or a stay-at-home mom.

2. The Yamamotos are planning a vacation. They have to figure out which airline offers the cheapest rates.

3. Stan is unhappy at work, but he makes a good salary. He’s going to weigh the pros and cons of getting a lower-paying job that he likes better.

4. Kelsey is leaning toward going to Harvard because she has family near Boston, but she also really likes Yale.

5. Ben just decided to propose to his girlfriend, Laura. He’s going to have an airplane write ―Will you marry me?‖ in the sky.

6. Mrs. Lai’s company wants to transfer her to another country. She’s going to have a heart-to-heart conversation with her husband about it tonight.

7. Katherine isn’t sure whether she wants to major in anthropology or


8. Jeremy and Priscilla didn’t realize until they got engaged how difficult it is to plan a wedding.

9. For Roland, the downside of buying a new car is that he has to do lots of research to make the best decision.

Listening Task

First Listening

1. getting a job

2. accepting a new job and moving

3. choosing a major

4. getting a puppy

Second Listening

1. No one will take care of things at home.

2. Texas is far away./The job is a great opportunity.

3. She could do great things in any subject.

4. A puppy is messy./A big dog wouldn’t like their little

apartment./A cat might be a better choice for them.

Third Listening

1. She will go to work and if it is the case, the house work will be shared by the family members.

2. Frank may take the job with an engineering firm and if that’s true, he’ll move out to Texas.

3. Jamie’s probably choosing theater as her major.

4. They may come to a decision to get a cat instead of a dog.

Real World Listening


1. d 2. b 3. c 4. a

Get the main ideas

1. An adapter tends to think in terms of the minimum change necessary to produce the results they want.

2. An originator tends to produce decisions that are less similar to past ideas.

3. A concrete information processor needs complete and detailed information before making a decision.

4. An abstract information processor focuses on the big picture and general information before making a decision.

5. A challenger prefers a more extreme and risky choice in order to gain more.

6. A conciliator tends to be cautious and avoid taking actions for fear of losing too much.

7. A flexible decision maker is slow to make and act upon his decisions, and often change plans.

8. An organized decision maker tends to make and act upon his decisions quickly.

Unit 6

Warm Up

1. naïve

2. expert

3. slang

4. applying

5. accent

6. dialects, come in handy

7. amazing, pick up

8. hire

Listening Task

First Listening

1. Australian slang

2. a teacher who is hard to understand

3. learning to imitate an accent

Second Listening

1. T, F, T 2. T, T, F 3. T, F, F

Third Listening

1. It was great! The people there were so friendly. The weather was great.

2. Australian English.

3. It’s hard to pick up what she’s saying. Her English is so hard to understand. She has a strong accent.

4. Better.


Don’t bother me any more.

Real World Listening


Department Manager

Get the Main Idea

1. A management job (manager).

2. A bachelor’s degree in travel industry management, five years’ experience, management experience.

3. Customer service representative.

4. She thinks they were worried about her English.

5. She’ll accept the job and show them how good she is.

Unit 7

Warm Up

1. attractive, date

2. blown away

3. income

4. warm up to

5. click

6. sensitive

7. fall for

8. commitment

9. quality time

Listening Task

First Listening

1. Michael—age: 32, marital status: divorced, hobbies: rock music, dancing, surfing

2. Anita—age: 34, employer: corporation, interests: nature

3. Jack—age: 28, personality: sensitive, hobbies: bodybuilding, movies, golf

4. Cora—age: 24-26, background: Chinese-American, interests: romantic dinners, long walks on the beach, candlelight dinners, and intelligent conversation

Second Listening

1. a casual relationship/a fun person

2. an independent person/an honest person

3. a good cook / a fun person

4. an intelligent person / a humorous person

Third Listening

1. surfing experience, not necessary

2. very involved, respect for nature

3. a lifetime of commitment

4. candlelight dinners, intelligent conversation

Real World Listening


Amy (about Luis): He’s handsome./He’s funny.

Luis (about Amy): She’s attractive./She’s independent.

Get the Main Idea

About Luis: He looks like a Greek statue./ He’s sweet and funny./He’s easy to be with. About Amy: She’s romantic./She’s thin./ She’s aggressive./She’s independent.

Get the Details

1. didn’t think so

2. more fashionable than; wasn’t my type; on top of all that

3. hanging out with him; swept me away

4. bothered

5. ―the one‖

Unit 8

Warm Up

updates, incompatible, identity theft, viruses, spam, clogged up, deleting, forwards, obsession, addictive

Listening Task

First Listening

1. her credit-card

2. upgrades

3. receive useless e-mails

4. video games

Second Listening

For each of these, either answer could possibly be correct. Ask students to give reasons for their choices, and to discuss those reasons with people who chose the other answer.

Real World Listening


It’s fun./It helps to prevent violence.

Get the Main Idea

Video games are just entertainment./People are smart enough to understand the difference between fantasy and real life./No one is going to try to imitate ―The Butcher.‖/You’ll be more relaxed if you play the game./It’s better to let out your anger and frustration in a fantasy game than in real life.

Get the Details

1. ―The Butcher‖, ―Pirate Party‖, ―Marooned on Mars‖

2. violence, a bad influence

3. entertainment, between a video game and real life

4. hack up; in a peaceful, happy mood

Unit 9

Warm Up

1. b 2. f 3. a 4. e 5. d 6. c

1. dormitory

2. negatives

3. curfew

4. annoying

5. snores

6. barge in

7. concerned

8. appreciative

9. space

Listening Task

First Listening

1. noisy neighbors

2. parents go into his room/mom checks the phone bill

3. snoring/messiness

4. borrowing things

Second Listening

1. Move out next year.

2. Either solution could be implied.

3. Get used to it.

4. Be more respectful.

Third Listening

1. some major negatives

2. snooping around; figure out; my cell phone bill

3. neat freak; on the messy side

4. disrespectful

Real World Listening


+ The Johnsons are concerned about Kara.

– Mrs. Johnson visits Kara in her apartment.

+ Mrs. Johnson makes Kara home-cooked meals.

– Mrs. Johnson asks Kara questions about her plans.

– Mr. Johnson is affectionate with Kara.

Get the Main Idea

Mrs. J visits every day: Her privacy is being violated.

Mrs. J brings homemade soup: It makes her feel like a child.

Mrs. J asks where she’s going: She feels like she’s being watched.

Mr. J is affectionate: It makes her uncomfortable.

Get the Details

1. ―It was nice to feel that people were concerned when you lived alone‖.

2. One day, when she got home, Mr. Johnson came up to her and gave her a hug; and then he kissed her

on the cheek.

3. He said that maybe Kara reminded Mr. Johnson of his granddaughter.

Unit 10

Warm Up

1. b 2. e 3. d 4. c 5. f 6. a 7. h 8. g

1. evacuate, shelter

2. sharp jolt, collapsed, rubble

3. knocked, rescue

4. rip, ashes, surrender to

Listening Task

Preparation Question

1. avalanche 2. volcanic eruption 3. earthquake

First Listening

1. mountain climbing 2. camping 3. sleeping

Second Listening

1. He slowly climbed down the mountain.

2. She walked through hot ashes to get help.

3. Someone rescued her.

Third Listening

1. passed out

2. separated from, a kind of daze

3. emergency, so thankful

4. the building had collapsed, on top of me

Real World Listening


She almost drowned. Pieces of trees and buildings crushed her.

Get the Main Idea

1. ? 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. ? 6. ? 7. ? 8. ? 9. ?

Get the Details

1. Her arms were bare, scratched, bleeding, aching. They were wrapped around a palm tree

2. Black, filthy, oil-slicked, muddied, and inky water.

3. In the bungalow.

Unit 11. Work ―I’m not sure what he actually does.‖

Warm up

1. cubicle.

2. business attire

3. ―Casual Friday‖

4. startled

5. sloppy

6. force on

7. snap

8. uptight

9. get away with

Listening task

First listening

1. He made his employees sharpen his pencils. /He left work early.

2. She liked to make junk food. /Her cookies tasted bad.

3. The company’s dress code is ―business attire.‖/She wears jeans, T-shirts, and sweatpants to work.

Second listening

1. He was arrogant and didn’t do any work.

2. She makes everyone eat too much.

3. She doesn’t look professional.

Third listening

1. The library; somewhere opposite the library.

2. Lazy and dishonest.

3. Sweet and fattening.

4. She would/could be hurt.

5. At an insurance agency.

6. (She was) a slob.

Real world listening

Listen and Check

Steve: schedule, social customs, rules, language

Mr. Takahashi: He doesn’t dress appropriately. /He doesn’t bow. / He behaves informally. / He’s late.

Get the main idea

Steve: T, T, ?, T, F Takahashi: T, T, ?, F, ?

Unit 12. Lifestyle ―You may need to change your routine.‖

Warm up

Match words:

a—6, b—4, c—1, d—3, e—2, f—5

Choose the correct words and phrases.

1. kick

2. gradual

3. fast food

4. gossip

5. cut down

6. interrupt

7. eavesdropping

8. scold

9. addicted to

10. public

Listening task

First listening

1. He wants his friend to stop listening to private conversations.

2. She’s annoyed that her husband keeps talking while she is trying to tell a story.

3. He doesn’t want Jill to be nervous.

4. They think he’s being rude.

Second listening

1. You’ve got to stop doing that.

2. I didn’t even realize I was doing it.

3. I just hope you’re not too nervous around me.

4. Do you think we should say something?

Third listening

1. Cheese cake.

2. She was nervous.

3. They will talk loudly too.

Real world listening

Listen and Check

eating fast food, not exercising, working too hard

Get the main idea

Excuses: diet: he’s addicted to fast food; exercise: it’s so boring; relaxation: work is too busy, and three teenagers keep him stressed out

Changes: diet: he stopped eating junk food; exercise: he’s taking dance classes; relaxation: he took a vacation

Unit 13. Travel ―Getting there is half the fun.‖

Warm up

1. trek

2. advance

3. cheat

4. refused

5. booked

6. persistent

7. insisted

8. soaked

9. stranded

10. back

11. realized

Listening task

First listening

1. When you travel, it’s important to learn about the place you’re going to.

2. In some cultures, people are very generous to strangers.

3. People in different cultures have different ideas about danger.

Second listening


1. She left before she got to the top.

2. He stayed at the stranger’s house.

3. The bus continued on to Kathmandu.

Third listening

1. probably

2. hairpin

3. straight

4. leaning

5. push on the bus to make sure it didn’t roll over the cliff

6. The tires were almost flat with the weight of all those passengers

7. we would read in the newspaper the next day about a bus that had gone over the cliff

Real world listening

Listen and Check

He got into an argument with the travel agent.

Get the main idea

1. Tim and Randy go to the travel agency.

2. A van pulls up.

3. Tim and Randy don’t get on the van.

4. Randy gets angry at the travel agent.

5. Randy demands a taxi ride.

6. The woman squirts ketchup on Randy.

7. The van pulls up again.

8. Tim and Randy get on the van.

9. They arrive at the bus terminal.

10. Randy regrets his behavior.

Unit 14. Finances ―You can make some real money.‖

Warm up

1. get-rich-quick

2. gullible

3. risky

4. invest

5. Real Estate

6. Stock Market, broker

7. starting own, set up

8. come up with

Listening task

First listening

1. using a computer to invest in the stock market

2. thinking of ideas for a new business

3. selling a comic book collection

4. inventing a new kind of hat

Second listening

1. The plan might fail and she could lose a lot of money.

2. It’s not a good idea because somebody else already thought of it.

3. He might get lucky like other people who have sold old collector’s items.

4. Nobody will use the product.

Third listening

1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F

Real world listening

Listen and Check

What will the infomercial be about?

Real estate investments.

What kind of person is Steven Crowe?

Dishonest. (Some may say ―intelligent.‖)

Get the main idea

A plan for investing in real estate; Comments from people who have made a lot of money; The price of the product (Some students might mention a phone number you can call to buy the videos.)

Unit 15. Changes ―She’s still in our hearts‖

Warm up

1. spouse, homesickness, going through, struggling

2. manage, read your mind, cheerful, Focus

3. Eventually, look up

Listening task

First listening

1. His dog died.

2. Her parents divorced.

3. He broke up with his girlfriend.

4. She’s living away from her family in a new country.

Second listening

1. She listens to his memories./She agrees that Champ was a wonderful pet.

2. She talks about her own experience./She encourages Theresa to express her feelings./She agrees that divorce is a difficult loss.

3. He tells Joe he’ll find another girlfriend soon.

4. He helps Sung-Hee find a friend from her native culture.

Third listening

1. Lonely.

2. They have different views on life.

3. Her mom’s cooking.

Real world listening

Listen and Check

how long they were together, how she died, good memories (Note: s\Some students will point out that he says that he had a lot of good memories, but doesn’t actually say what they were.), how he feels now

Get the main idea

He’s sad that she’s gone but also appreciates his memories of her. He misses her but is glad that her pain is over.

