六年级英语上册Unit6 and Recycle2教案
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Unit 6 How do you feel?
单元教学目标 能力目标 1、学习表达情绪和调节情绪的句子:They’re afraid of him. The cat is angry with them. What’s wrong? Your father is ill. He should see a doctor this morning. Don’t be sad.
2、能掌握四会单词或词组:angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy, see a doctor, do more exercise, wear warm clothes, take a deep breath, count to ten。
3、能听、说、认读单词或词组:chase, mice, bad, hurt, ill, wrong, should, feel, well, sit, grass, hear, ant, worry, stuck, mud, pull, everyone。
4、能够用英文表达情绪以及如何调节情绪。 5、学习字母t在单词末尾的发音。
6、会唱歌曲《If you’re happy, clap your hands》。 知识目标
1、能听懂、会说Part A,B中Let’s talk, Let’s learn中呈现的对话,并能在实际情境中得以运用。
2、能听、说、认读三会单词或词组:chase, mice, bad, hurt, ill, wrong, should, feel, well, sit, grass, hear, ant, worry, stuck, mud, pull, everyone。掌握四会单词或词组:angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy, see a doctor, do more exercise, wear warm clothes, take a deep breath, count to ten。 3、理解Read and write, Let’s check, Let’s wrap it p, Story time部分的内容,会唱歌曲《If you’re happy, clap your hands》。 情感目标
第一课时 A. Let’s learn A. Write and say 第二课时 A. Let’s try A. Let’s talk
第三课时 B. Let’s learn B. Play card games 第四课时 B. Let’s try B. Let’s talk
第五课时 B. Read and write B. Tips for pronunciation
第六课时 B. Let’s check B. Let’s wrap it up C. Story time
教学内容 A. Let’s learn A. Write and say 教学目标
1、能够听、说、读、写本课时主要单词:angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy。
2、能够听、说、读、写句子:I’m …He/She is … They are …并能在实际情境中正确使用。 3、会唱歌曲《If you’re happy, clap your hands》。 教学重难点
1、重点:学习单词:angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy,学习句子:I’m …He/She is … They are …
2、难点:识记单词worried。 教学过程
一、热身(Warm-up) 1、师生问好。
2、Sing the song: What do you want to be? 二、复习(Revision) 1、活动:我演你说
活动方式:教师事先在纸条上写下一些学过的形容词,如:old, young, tall, short, funny, shy, strict, strong, kind, polite, strong。每组派上一名表演能力比较强的学生,抽取纸条,并将纸条内容用肢体语言表现出来给同组的同学猜。在规定时间内猜中数量最多的组获胜。
2、活动:Who is he/she?
He’s tall, He has short hair and big eyes. He’s friendly and funny. He goes to school on foot. He likes singing and swimming. He wants to be a pilot. 三、新课呈现(Presentation) 1、教学单词:sad和happy (1)教学单词:happy
教师在黑板上画一个笑脸,说:This is a happy face. I’m happy now. Are you happy?板书:happy,带读并拼读记忆单词happy,然后提问一些学生:Are you happy?引导学生用:Yes, I am.或No, I’m not.来回答。 (2)教学单词:sad
教师在黑板上画一个哭脸,问:Is he happy?学生回答:No, he isn’t.教师补充:He’s sad.板书:sad,拼读记忆sad。让学生边做抹眼泪的动作边说:Sad, sad, I’m sad. 2、教学单词:angry和afraid (1)教学单词:angry
教师装作很生气的样子对学生说:It’s too noisy. I’m angry now. 板书:angry,在单词旁画一张生气的脸,然后让学生用生气的语调和表情学说单词angry。 (2)教学单词:afraid
教师出示一张老虎的图片问:What’s this?学生回答:It’s a tiger.教师接着问:Are you afraid?板书:afraid,在单词旁画一张害怕的脸,然后让学生用害怕的语调和表情学说单词afraid。 3、教学单词:worried 教师做出担心的表情说:My pet dog is ill. He didn’t have food a day. I’m worried about him. I’ll take him to the pet hospital after school.教师在黑板上画一张担心的脸,板书:worried,然后让学生用担心的语调和表情学说单词worried。 4、Say the chant:
Happy, happy, I’m happy.(食指放在脸颊的两旁) Sad, sad, I’m sad.(以手拭泪)
Angry, angry, I’m angry.(两手叉腰并瞪眼)
Afraid, afraid, I’m afraid.(双手放在下巴边并侧身躲避) Worried, worried, I’m worried.(双手托下巴做担心状)
活动方式:要求学生边做动作,边用相应的表情和语调来说chant。 5、教学A. Let’s learn
(1)教师播放“A. Let’s learn”的课文视频,学生整体感知课文内容。 (2)教师再次播放课文视频,每句后暂停,学生跟读。 四、巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension)
1、教学Let’s sing:If you’re happy, clap your hands (1)教师播放歌曲录音,学生静听。
(2)再次播放歌曲录音,让学生小声跟唱,体会歌曲的节奏。 (3)继续播放歌曲录音,让学生大声跟唱。 (4)让学生配上动作边表演边唱。 2、活动:“表情帝”
3、教学A. Write and say
(2)全班讲评订正并一起拼读所填单词。 (3)学生两人一组看图说话。 五、家庭作业(Homework) 1、听录音,跟读对话。 2、完成练习册配套练习。
教学内容 A. Let’s try A. Let’s talk 教学目标
1、复习单词:angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy。
2、能听、说、读、写句子:They’re afraid of him. The cat is angry with them. 3、能听、说、认读单词:chase, mice, bad, hurt。 教学重难点
1、 重点:学习句子:They’re afraid of him. The cat is angry with them. 2、难点:正确使用with和of。
一、热身(Warm-up) 1、师生问候。
2、Sing the song: If you’re happy, clap your hands 二、复习(Revision)
1、复习单词:angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy。教师出示单词卡片,抽读并拼读这些单词。 2、Say the chant:
Happy, happy, I’m happy.(食指放在脸颊的两旁) Sad, sad, I’m sad.(以手拭泪)
Angry, angry, I’m angry.(两手叉腰并瞪眼)
Afraid, afraid, I’m afraid.(双手放在下巴边并侧身躲避) Worried, worried, I’m worried.(双手托下巴做担心状)
活动方式:要求学生边做动作,边用相应的表情和语调来说chant。 3、活动:Listen and draw
活动方式:教师说句子,学生根据听到的指令画画。如:Draw a happy face, Draw a sad girl. Draw an angry dog …
1、教学单词:chase, mice, bad, hurt (1)教学单词:bad
教师出示白雪公主的图片并介绍:This is a good girl. She’s friendly.再出示巫婆的图片:This old woman is bad.板书:good-bad,让学生说说bad的意思并带读。 (2)教学单词:mice
教师出示一只老鼠的图片介绍:This is a mouse.板书:mouse,接着出示一群老鼠的图片说:They’re mice.板书:mice,告诉学生:mice是mouse的复数形式,是不规则的变化。带读mouse和mice。
教师指着老鼠的图片问学生:Are the mice good?学生回答:No, they’re bad.教师接着追问:Why?并自答:Because they often eat our food. They hurt people.板书:hurt,解释并带读。
教师接着说:The mice hurt people. Who can help people? Yes ,the cats are good. They can chase the mice.板书:chase,解释并带读。
2、教学句子:They’re afraid of him. The cat is angry with them. 教师出示猫捉老鼠的图片说:The mice hurt people. The cat is angry with them.板书:The cat is angry with them.学生读句子。教师指着图片继续说:The cat is angry with them. So the cat chases the mice. They’re afraid of him.板书:They’re afraid of him.最后让学生用I’m afraid of…的句式说说自己害怕什么。 3、教学A. Let’s try
(1)教师让学生翻开课本,读一读A. Let’s try中呈现的两问句及其选项。 (2)教师播放A. Let’s try的录音,学生听完录音后圈出正确的选项。 (3)全班校对答案。 4、教学A. Let’s talk
(1)教师播放A. Let’s talk的视频,要求学生带着问题看视频:What does the cat do?视频播完后,让学生来回答这个问题。
(2)播放A. Let’s talk的视频,每句后暂停,全班跟读。
(3)播放A. Let’s talk的视频,将声音关闭,全班分成两组为视频配音。 四、巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension) 1、活动:My favorite cartoon
She looks like a small girl. In fact she is eighteen years old. She is a scientist. Usually she looks like cool. But sometimes she likes a kid. This is my favourite cartoon. Her name is Ai Haibara. 2、活动:Look and tell your partner. How do these pictures make you feel?
五、家庭作业(Homework) 1、听录音,跟读对话。 2、完成练习册配套练习。
教学内容 B. Let’s learn B. Play card games 教学目标 1、能听、说、读、写单词和词组:see a doctor, wear, more, deep, breath, take a deep breath, count, count to ten。
2、能够听、说、认读句子:What should I do? You should … 并能在实际情境中正确使用。 教学重难点 1、重点:能听、说、读、写单词和词组:see a doctor, wear, more, deep, breath, take a deep breath, count, count to ten。
一、热身(Warm-up) Say the chant:
Happy, happy, I’m happy.(食指放在脸颊的两旁) Sad, sad, I’m sad.(以手拭泪)
Angry, angry, I’m angry.(两手叉腰并瞪眼)
Afraid, afraid, I’m afraid.(双手放在下巴边并侧身躲避) Worried, worried, I’m worried.(双手托下巴做担心状)
活动方式:要求学生边做动作,边用相应的表情和语调来说chant。 二、复习(Revision)
1、复习情绪单词:angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy。教师出示单词卡片,抽读这些单词。
2、游戏:How do you feel?
活动方式:教师请出一位学生,来到讲台前,将angry、 afraid、 sad、 worried、 happy这五张单词卡交给他。全班一起来发问:“How do you feel?”这位学生随机抽出一张单词卡展示给全班学生看,全体学生要做出跟单词一致的表情,否则就被判出局。 三、新课呈现(Presentation) 1、学习词组:see a doctor 教师做咳嗽状,说:I think I’m ill. What should I do?学生回答后,教师说:Yes, I’ll see a doctor after class.板书:see a doctor,让学生齐读词组。然后教师板书句子:What should I do? You should …师生对话:
T: I’m ill. What should I do? Ss: You should see a doctor. 2、学习词组:do more exercise
教师说:Next month we’ll have a sports meeting. I’m going to run 100 metres. But I’m worried I can’t run fast. What should I do?学生提出建议后,教师说:Yes, I should do more exercise.板书:do more exercise,师生对话:
T: I can’t run fast. What should I do? Ss: You should do more exercise.
T: I can’t swim fast. What should I do? Ss: You should do more exercise.
T: I can’t play the piano well. What should I do? Ss: You should do more exercise. …
3、学习词组:wear warm clothes 教师说:I feel cold now. What should I do? Oh, I should wear warm clothes.边说边穿上衣服,板书:wear warm clothes,全班边模仿穿动作,边说词组:wear warm clothes. 4、学习词组:take a deep breath和count to ten
教师做深呼吸的动作,说:Take a deep breath.板书:take a deep breath,告诉学生:当我们的情绪很紧张、很激动时,我们可以通过做深呼吸来平复情绪。让学生做一个深呼吸,说一遍词组,反复数次来巩固该词组。
教师对学生说:Now please count from one to ten.学生数完后,教师说:count to ten也是平复冲动情绪的一个好方法。板书:count to ten,学生齐读该词组。 5、活动:Sing a song
活动方式:教师将歌曲《If you’re happy, clap your hands》的歌词进行改编,让学生通过边做动作边唱歌的形式巩固本课所学词组,新歌词如下: If you’re ill and you know it, see a doctor. If you’re ill and you know it, see a doctor.
If you can’t run fast and you know it, you should do more exercise. If you can’t run fast and you know it, do more exercise. If you’re cold and you know it, wear warm clothes. If you’re cold and you know it, wear warm clothes.
If you’re angry and you know it, you should take a deep breath and count to ten. If you’re angry and you know it, you should take a deep breath and count to ten. 6、教学B. Let’s learn
(1)教师出示课文挂图,播放课文录音,全班静听,理解课文。 (2)学生翻开教材,教师播放B. Let’s learn的录音,学生逐句跟读。 四、巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension) 1、教学B. Play card games
活动方式:学生两人一组,共同制作感觉卡,然后两人根据所抽的感觉卡进行对话。如: (抽到cold的卡片)
S1: I’m cold, What should I do? S2: You should wear warm clothes. …
活动方式:每组学生从四组词组(1.see a doctor 2.do more exercise 3.wear warm clothes 4.take a deep breath and count to ten)中抽取一个词组,然后根据词组编排一个小品,展示给全班看,最后评出“小品大赛”的获胜者。 五、家庭作业(Homework) 1、听录音,跟读单词。 2、完成练习册配套练习
教学内容 B. Let’s try B. Let’s talk 教学目标
1、能听、说、认读单词:ill, wrong, should, feel, well。 2、能听、说、读、写句子:What’s wrong? Your father is ill. He should see a doctor this morning. Don’t be sad.并能在实际的情境中运用。 教学重难点
1、重点:能听、说、读、写句子:What’s wrong? Your father is ill. He should see a doctor this morning. Don’t be sad.并能在实际的情境中运用。
2、难点:句子“Don’t be sad.”中的be动词的使用。
一、热身(Warm-up) 1、师生问好。
2、Sing the song: If you’re happy, clap your hands(改编版). If you’re ill and you know it, see a doctor. If you’re ill and you know it, see a doctor.
If you can’t run fast and you know it, you should do more exercise. If you can’t run fast and you know it, do more exercise. If you’re cold and you know it, wear warm clothes. If you’re cold and you know it, wear warm clothes.
If you’re angry and you know it, you should take a deep breath and count to ten. If you’re angry and you know it, you should take a deep breath and count to ten. 二、复习(Revision) 1、活动:记忆力大比拼
教师快速出示六张动词类的词组卡片,让学生在最短的时间内记住这六个词组。然后教师将卡片收起,要求学生按顺序说出词组。顺序或词组错误均被判失误,教师为答对的学生所在的组加分。通过这一活动复习动词类词组。 2、活动:Play card games
活动方式:学生两人一组,利用上节课共同制作的感觉卡,继续玩打牌的游戏。如: (抽到angry的卡片)
S1: I’m angry. What should I do?
S2: You should take a deep breath and count to ten. …
1、教学单词:ill, wrong, should和句子:What’s wrong? I’m ill. I should see a doctor. (1)教师装着咳嗽的样子问学生:What’s wrong with me? Am I ill?引导学生回答:Yes, you are.接着问:What should I do?学生回答:You should see a doctor.教师板书:What’s wrong? I’m ill. You should see a doctor.让学生齐说句子。 (2)活动:Play card games
活动方式:学生两人一组,利用上节课共同制作的表情卡,继续玩打牌的游戏。如: (S1抽到cold的卡片,就要模拟感觉冷的动作神情) S2: What’s wrong?
S1: I’m cold. What should I do?
S2: You should wear warm clothes. This is my sweater. Put on, please. S1: Thank you very much. …
2、教学单词:feel, well
教师装出生气的样子说:I’m angry. I feel angry. What should I do?学生说:You should take a deep breath and count to ten.教师照着学生说的方法做,然后说:I feel well now. Thank you.教师板书:feel well,解释单词的意思并带读。 3、教学句子:Don’t be sad.
(1)教师装出悲伤的样子说:I’m sad.然后作出忍住悲伤的样子说:Don’t be sad.板书:Don’t be sad.让学生齐读句子。 (2)活动:请让我来劝慰你
活动方式:将全班分为两组,如果教师出示表情词worried,一组的学生说:I’m worried.另一组的学生则要说:Don’t be worried. 4、教学B. Let’s try
(1)教师让学生翻开课本,读一读B. Let’s try中呈现的问题和选项。 (2)教师播放B. Let’s try的录音,学生听完后圈出正确的答案。 (3)全班校对答案。 5、教学B. Let’s talk
(1)教师播放B. Let’s talk的视频,要求学生带着问题看视频:Who is ill? What should he do?视频播完后,让学生来回答这两个问题。教师将板书修改成:Your father is ill. He should see a doctor this morning.
(2)再次播放B. Let’s talk的视频,每句后暂停,全班跟读。 (3)将全班分为三组,关掉视频的声音,让学生为角色配音。 四、巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension) 教学B. Act with your friends
活动方式:学生两人一组,根据图片提示朋友所遇到的问题给出自己的建议,然后请上一些学生向全班汇报。如: S1: I’m angry.
S2: Don’t be angry. You should take a deep breath. …
1、听录音,跟读对话和单词。 2、完成练习册配套练习。
教学内容 B. Read and write B. Tips for pronunciation 教学目标
1能听、说、认读单词或词组:sit, grass, hear, ant, worry, stuck, mud, pull, everyone。
2、能听懂、会说句子:Please don’t sit on me. One day I can help you. He is stuck in the mud. They pull Robin out of the mud. 3、能正确读出单词末尾的t。 教学重难点
1、重点:能听说、认读单词或词组:sit, grass, hear, ant, worry, stuck, mud, pull, everyone。 2、难点:能正确读出单词末尾的t。 教学过程
1、师生问候。 2、Say the chant:
Happy, happy, I’m happy.(食指放在脸颊的两旁) Sad, sad, I’m sad.(以手拭泪)
Angry, angry, I’m angry.(两手叉腰并瞪眼)
Afraid, afraid, I’m afraid.(双手放在下巴边并侧身躲避) Worried, worried, I’m worried.(双手托下巴做担心状)
活动方式:要求学生边做动作,边用相应的表情和语调来说chant。 二、复习(Revision)、 1、全班抽读单词或词组:angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy, see a doctor, do more exercise, wear warm clothes, take a deep breath, count to ten. 2、活动:Draw faces for each word.
活动方式:学生根据单词的提示,在各自的课本上画出afraid, happy, angry, sad四种表情,比一比谁画得好,教师将一些学生的作品展示给全班看。 三、新课呈现(Presentation)
1、教学单词:sit, grass, hear, ant, worry (1)教师用简笔画在黑板上画出一些草,介绍说:This is grass. I like sitting on the grass. Look! Robin likes sitting on the grass, too.再在草地上画一个机器人。教师板书:sit grass, 带读sit grass。 (2)在草地上再画一只蚂蚁,介绍说:This is an ant. It’s a little ant. 板书:ant, 学生学说单词ant。教师接着说:The ant is very small. Robin doesn’t see it. He will sit on the ant. So the ant is afraid. It says, “Please don’t sit on me. One day I can help you.” Robin hears, he says, “Don’t worry, little ant. I won’t sit on you.”教师板书:hear, worry让学生说说hear, worry的意思并带读。 2、教学单词:stuck, mud, pull, everyone
(1)教师边画雨边说:It’s raining next day. Robin is stuck in the mud.教师板书:stuck mud,告诉学生这两个单词的意思并带读。
(2)教师拉着一位学生,说:I’m pulling him.板书:pull, 让学生边模拟拉的动作边说:Pull, pull, I’m pulling. (3)教师问几位学生:Are you happy?得到肯定的回答后,教师指着全班说:Everyone is happy!板书:everyone并带读。 3、教学B. Read and write
(1)教师让学生先看课文,理解课文内容,画出不理解的词或句子。 (2)让学生说说他们不理解的句子,教师板书这些句子。 (3)请一些学生试着联系上下文来解释这些句子。
(4)播放教学视频,学生看视频,进一步理解课文内容。 (5)教师再次播放视频,每句后暂停,全班跟读。
(6)让学生独立完成:What does the story tell us? Number the pictures,这两道练习,然后全班讲评订正。
(7)学生独立完成:Fill in the blanks。全班讲评订正后,请一些学生试着复述这则故事。 4、教学B. Tips for pronunciation
四、巩固与拓展(consolidation and extension) 活动:“变脸”
活动方式:学生两人一组,为之前纸牌游戏中的感觉卡增加更多的同类单词。一人从感觉卡中抽取一张牌,模仿川剧中的“变脸”,立刻将自己的情绪转换到纸牌所要求的情绪,让同伴来猜,同伴猜中后再根据对方的感觉提建议。如:抽到“worried”。对话内容如: S1: Are you sad? S2: No.
S1: Are you afraid? S2: No.
S1: Are you worried? S2: Yes.
S1: What are you worried about? S2: I’m worried about my maths.
S1: Don’t be worried. I can help you. You should do more exercise. S2: Thank you. …
五、家庭作业(Homework) 1、听录音,跟读课文。 2、完成练习册配套练习。 3、讲故事给家人听。
教学内容 B. Let’s check B. Let’s wrap it up C. Story time 教学目标
1、复习三会单词或词组:chase, mice, bad, hurt, ill, wrong, should, feel, wee, sit, grass, hear, ant, worry, stuck, mud, pull, everyone。复习四会单词或词组:angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy, see a doctor, do more exercise, wear warm clothes, take a deep breath, count to ten。复习句子:They’re afraid of him. The cat is angry with them. What’s wrong? Your father is ill. He should see a doctor this morning. Don’t be sad.
2、能借助图片读懂Story time中的故事。 教学重难点
1、 重点:复习本单元的单词和句子。
2、难点:能借助图片读懂Story time中的故事。
一、热身(Warm-up) 1、师生问好。
2、Sing the song: If you’re happy, clap your hands. 二、复习(Revision) 1、复习三会单词
(1)先抽读单词卡片:chase, mice, bad, hurt, ill, wrong, should, feel, well, sit, grass, hear, ant, worry, stuck, mud, pull, everyone。 (2)游戏:“What’s missing?”
2、复习四会单词或词组:angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy, see a doctor, do more exercise, wear warm clothes, take a deep breath, count to ten。
(1)教师出示图片,学生抢答说单词,抢答到的同学还要拼读出单词。 (2)全班齐拼单词。 三、新课呈现(Presentation) 1、教学B. Let’s check
(1)先让学生观察所给的图和文字。 (2)教师播放录音,学生听音连线。 (3)全班讲评订正。
(4)教师再次播放录音,学生圈出问题的正确答案。 (5)全班讲评订正。 2、教学B. Let’s wrap it up
(2)让学生添加上更多同类单词。 (3)学生两人一组谈谈现在的感觉。 3、教学C. Story time
T: Zip is going to watch a TV show. Zoom is going to make some popcorn. What happened? Let’s see.
(2)阅读故事,了解故事大意。 (3)播放视频,理解故事内容。 教师播放故事的视频,让学生通过视频理解故事内容,最后让学生模仿故事中人物的语音、语调学说以下句子:
My favourite TV show is on soon. I’ll go and make some.
He must be making lots of popcorn. I’m a little worried now.
But they take a long time to grow. I’m still waiting.
(4)模仿角色的语音、语调学说故事。 (5)鼓励学生分角色表演。
四、巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension) 活动:心灵按摩
活动方式:学生四人一组,排演一个为同学排解忧愁的小品。一人讲述他所遇到的烦恼,其他三人为其出谋划策。最后请上一些学生到台前展示。如: S1: I’m worry about my dad. He’s ill. S2: Don’t worry. He should see a doctor. S1: But he has not enough money.
S2: We can help you. This is my pocket money. …
1、听录音,进一步理解故事内容。 2、完成练习册配套练习。 教学反思
Recycle 2
单元教学目标 能力目标
1、 能够综合运用4-6单元的主要语言进行有实际意义的交流。 2、学习复述故事。 知识目标
2、复习4-6单元所学的讲述爱好、职业、感受和单数第三人称一般现在时的一些句型。 情感目标
2、鼓励学生发展广泛的兴趣与爱好,培养正确的职业观和诚实、关爱他人的好品质。 课时安排:3课时 第一课时 P66 第二课时 P67
第三课时 P68-P69
1、复习4-6单元所学的词汇和句子,要求学生能描述人物的喜欢和职业。 2、完成教材中听音填空的练习。 教学重难点
2、难点:能将所学的语言融为一体,并能在具体的情境中进行应用。 教学过程
1、Sing the song: My new pen pal. 2、Say the chant: Worker, worker, Work in the factory. Postman, postman, Work in the post office. Businessman, businessman, Work in the office.
Police officer, police officer, Work in the police station. Fisherman, fisherman, Work at sea.
Scientist, scientist, Work in the university. Pilot, pilot,
Work on the plane. Coach, coach, Work in the gym. 二、复习(Revision) 1、师生对话:
T: What are your hobbies?
S1: I like playing basketball. I also like singing and drawing. T: Do you have a pen pal?
S1: Yes, I do. He’s Jack. T: What’s his hobby?
S1: He likes doing kung fu. T: What does your mother do? S1: She’s a cook.
T: Where does she work? S1: She works at a restaurant. T: How does she go to work? S1: She goes to work by subway. T: What do you want to be? S1: I want to be a police officer.
2、学生两人一组,模仿进行对话。 3、活动:My pen pal 活动方式:(1)教师出示事先准备的写有自己笔友情况的精美卡片,接着要求学生也写一写自己的笔友,然后上台展示。如:I have a pen pal. Her name is Anny. Her father is a teacher. Her mother is a nurse. She likes drawing pictures. She goes to work by bus. (2)学生互相交流笔友信息。
(3)学生将笔友信息投入教师准备的盒子里。教师随意抽取几张卡片,读一读卡片上面的内容,让学生猜猜上面写的是谁的笔友。 三、新课呈现(Presentation)
1、教学Listen and fill in the blanks.
(1)教师让学生独立看图,并读读这些词组。 (2)教师播放录音,学生根据录音填空。 (3)全班讲评订正。
2、教学Listen again. Write down the hobbies for the people. (1)学生独立读题。
(2)教师再次播放录音,学生写下图上六人的爱好。 (3)全班讲评订正。 (4)全班齐读这六句话。
四、巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension) 活动:I’m a little writer.
可参考的提示词如:doll, father, fisherman, boat, blue, dancing, girl, drawing。 题目: My pen pal
1、复习4-6单元学过的单词和句型。 2、完成练习册配套练习。
1、复习4-6单元所学的词汇和句子,能正确理解并使用包含现在进行时的句子。 2、能完成看图说话、字谜等练习。 教学重难点
1、重点:能正确理解并使用包含现在进行时的句子。 2、难点:字谜游戏。 教学过程
1、Sing the song: What do you want to be? 2、Say the chant:
Singing, singing, I like singing. Dancing, dancing, I like dancing. Drawing, drawing, I like drawing. Reading, reading, I like reading. Fishing, fishing, I like fishing. Skating, skating, I like skating.
Swimming, swimming, I like swimming. 二、复习(Revision)
1、复习有关爱好类的单词或词组:dance, sing, read stories, play football, do kung fu, cook Chinese food, study Chinese, do word puzzles, go hiking…
2、复习职业类单词或词组:worker, postman, businessman, police officer, fisherman, scientist, pilot, coach。
3、复习感觉类的单词:angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy, cold, hot。
活动方式:先快速抽读这些单词卡片,然后教师说指令,学生根据听到的指令画画。如:Draw a happy fac. Draw a sad girl. Draw an angry dog … 4、活动:What are they doing?
活动方式:将刚才复习的三类单词分别装入三个标有“职业”“活动”“感觉”的箱子中。请学生上台从这三个箱子中各抽取一张,然后用现在进行时将其组成句子,并大声说出,如:The fisherman is doing word puzzles. He’s worried.全班学生对其所说的句子进行评价。 三、新课呈现(Presentation)
1、教学What are they doing on the bus?
(1)T: Peter’s family are on the bus. Who are they?
Ss: They are his aunt, sister, cousin, mother, brother, father and uncle. T: What is his father doing? Ss: He’s talking. T: How does he feel? Ss: He is happy. …
(2)学生两人一组根据教材上的图进行对话。 2、教学This is Peter’s puzzle. (1)教师讲解字谜的猜谜方法。 (2)学生独立猜谜。 (3)全班解谜。
四、巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension) 活动:自编字谜
活动方式:让学生模仿教材上的字谜游戏,自编一个字谜。然后与好友交换字谜并解谜。 五、家庭作业(Homework) 1、听录音,跟读单词。 2、完成练习册配套练习。
1、复习4-6单元所学的词汇和句子。 2、能读懂故事并完成相应的练习。 教学重难点
1、重点:能读懂故事内容。 2、难点:复述故事内容。
一、热身(Warm-up) 1、师生问好。
2、Sing the song: If you’re happy, clap your hands. 二、复习(Revision)
活动方式:学生四人一组,采用我问你答,你问我答的方式进行连环问答,回答错误或回答不上来则被判出局。如: S1: What’s your hobbies?
S2: I like drawing and swimming. Do you like drawing? S3: No, I don’t. What does your mother do? S4: She’s a nurse. Where does your father work? S1: He works in a university. How do you feel? …
2、活动:My favourite job
活动方式:教师把各种职业的单词卡片排列在黑板的下方,让学生说说自己的兴趣爱好和憧憬的理想职业,如:I like singing. I want to be a singer …教师把学生的选择记录在黑板上,看看哪种职业最受班上学生的喜欢,并一起列出最受同学们喜欢的职业的排行榜。 三、新课呈现(Presentation) 1、教学Read and answer.
(1)教师先做背景介绍:Peter is at Ken’s house now. Guess. What are they doing? Ben’s father is telling them a story. What’s the story about? Let’s read. (2)学生自读故事,画出不懂的句子。 (3)让学生试着解释下列句子的意思:
One day, a rich old businessman in a small town meets a factory worker, a coach and a fisherman.
The man with the most beautiful flower can have my money! But the poor fisherman brings nothing.
“I don’t know why!”he says.“I watered it every day.” “You are honest!”the businessman says.
“The seeds are bad and will never sprout! The money is yours.” The other two men feel ashamed and sad. (4)教师提问,学生回答:
①How does the fisherman feel after three months? ②How does he feel at the end? Why? ③What does the story tell us?
2、教学Fill in the banks for this story.
(1)教师介绍:A story often has a setting, characters and a polt.教师板书: Setting: when and where Characters:who Plot: what happens (2)让学生独立完成书本上的填空练习。 (3)全班讲评订正。
四、巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension) 活动:“故事大王”
事大王”比赛,最后综合各方面的表现,评选出班级的“故事大王”。 五、家庭作业(Homework)
1、复习4-6单元学过的单词和句子。 2、完成练习册配套练习。
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