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1. Define organizational behavior (OB)
The systematic study of the actions and attitudes that people exhibit within organizations 2. Discuss three goals of OB:Explanation、Prediction、Control 3、Discuss why work force diversity is an important issue in management 4、OB对象:
(1)Actions or Behaviors:Productivity、 Absenteeism、Turnover、Organizational citizenship Behavior
Organizational citizenship Behavior Examples:
? Helping others in the work team ? Volunteering for extra job activities ? Avoiding unnecessary conflicts
? Making constructive statements about workgroup and overall organization
(2)Attitudes:Job Satisfaction
? Possible link between satisfaction and productivity
? Satisfaction appears to be negatively related to absenteeism and productivity
? Humanistic responsibility to provide employees with challenging, intrinsically rewarding,
and satisfying jobs
? Consciously coordinated social unit ? Composed of two or more people
? Functions to achieve a common goal or set of goals
? Formal roles define and shape the behavior of its members OB Encompasses Behavior in Diverse Organizations
? Manufacturing ? Military units ? Service firms ? Charitable organizations ? Schools ? Local, state, and federal government
agencies ? Hospitals
? Churches
6、Levels of OB Analysis
Individual Level、Group Level、Organization System Level
1、Personality:The sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with others(个体对他人的反应方式及交往方式的总和)Most often described in terms of measurable traits that a person exhibits, such as shy, aggressive, submissive, lazy, ambitious, loyal and timid. 2.Measuring Personality Traits: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
? Most widely used personality-assessment instrument in the world ? Individuals are classified as:
? Extroverted or Introverted (E/I) ? Sensing or Intuitive (S/N)
? Thinking or Feeling (T/F) ? Judging or Perceiving (J/P)
? Classifications combined into 16 personality types (i.e. INTJ or ESTJ) ? Unrelated to job performance
3、Measuring Personality Traits: The Big-Five Model
? Five Traits:
? Extraversion ? Agreeableness ? Conscientiousness ? Emotional Stability
? Openness to Experience
? Strongly supported relationship to job performance (especially Conscientiousness) 4、Major Personality Attributes Influencing OB
? Core self-evaluation Self like/dislike
? Type A personality Competitive, urgent, and driven
? Self-monitoring
Adjusts behavior to meet external, situational factors
? Proactive personality
Identifies opportunities, shows initiative, takes action and perseveres 5、Value Systems
? Represent a prioritizing of individual values by:
? Content – importance to the individual
? Intensity – relative importance with other values
? The hierarchy tends to be relatively stable
? Values are the foundation for attitudes, motivation, and behavior ? Influence perception and cloud objectivity
Rokeach Value Survey
? Terminal values
refers to desirable end-states of existence.Goals that a person would like to achieve during his or her lifetime ? Instrumental values refers to preferable modes of behavior, or means of achieving the terminal values Examples of Terminal Values
? A comfortable life (a prosperous life) ? An exciting life (stimulating, active life)
? A sense of accomplishment (lasting contribution) ? A world of peace (free of war and conflict)
? A world of beauty (beauty of nature and the arts) ? Equality (brotherhood, equal opportunity for all) ? Family security (taking care of loved ones) ? Freedom (independence, free choice)
Cohort Veterans Boomers Xers Nexters Entered the Workforce 1950s or early 1960s 1965-1985 1985-2000 2000 to present Dominant Work Values Hard working, conservative, conforming; loyalty to the organization Success, achievement, ambition, dislike of authority; loyalty to career Work/life balance, team-oriented, dislike of rules; loyalty to relationships Confident, financial success, self-reliant but team-oriented; loyalty to both self and relationships ? Happiness (contentedness)
Examples of Instrumental Values
? Ambitious (hard working, aspiring) ? Broad-minded (open-minded) ? Capable (competent, efficient) ? Cheerful (lighthearted, joyful) ? Clean (neat, tidy)
? Courageous (standing up for your beliefs) ? Forgiving (willing to pardon others)
? Helpful (working for the welfare of others) ? Honest (sincere, truthful) 6、Contemporary Work Cohorts
7、Personality-Job Fit: Holland’s Hexagon
? Job satisfaction and turnover depend on congruency between personality and task
? Fields adjacent are similar ? Field opposite are dissimilar
? Job satisfaction and turnover depend on congruency between personality and task
? Fields adjacent are similar ? Field opposite are dissimilar
? It is more important that employees’ personalities fit with the organizational culture
than with the characteristics of any specific job.
? The fit predicts job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover.
8、Hofstede’s Framework for Assessing Cultures Five factors: Power Distance
Individualism vs. Collectivism Masculinity vs. Femininity Uncertainty Avoidance
Long-term vs. Short-term Orientation
●个人与集体主义取向:以个人为单元活动还是以集体来进行的; ●权力距离接受度:对权力分布和地位差异的接受还是拒绝的程度; ●生活数量和生活质量:前者指人们重视金钱及物质利益的获得,后者指人们重视人际关系,并对他人幸福表现出敏感和关心;
●不确定性规避:一个国家的人民承受风险和非例行情况的程度; ●短期与长期取向:注重过去当前还是未来的程度
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