浙江省嘉兴市秀洲区新塍镇中学2012-2013学年八年级英语下学期第一次练习试题 - 图文

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第一部分 听力部分(20分)

Ⅰ. 听小对话,选图片(每小题1分,共5分) ( ) 1. What’s the girl’s favorite sport?




( )2. Where are the two speakers talking now?

A. B.


( )3. What is the weather like ?

A. B. C. ( )4. What has Jack got?

A. B.


( ) 5. What’s Vera’s favorite subject?

A. B. C.

Ⅱ. 听对话,选答案(每小题1分,共5分)

( )6. when will the boy go to the university ?

A. At the age of 18 B. At the age of 19 C. At the age of 20. ( )7. How much is the new MP4 ?

A. 1,000 yuan B. 1,500 yuan C. 2,000 yuan ( )8. How often does Tony work on his QQ farm ?


A. Never B. Once a week C. Every day ( )9. Where are Daming and his family going for the next holiday ? A. Beijing B. Shanghai

( )10. What does the woman want to drink ?

C. Hainan

A. Black tea B. Milk C. Black coffee III. 听独白,完成信息记录表(每小题2分,共10分) My favorite collection What How long Who sent me the first on How many Where 11 12 13 14 15 ( )11.A. Stamps B. Books C. Tickets of movies ( )12.A. Four years B. Five years C. Six years ( )13. A. My uncle B. My father C. My friend ( )14. A. One hundred B. More than one hundred

C. Less than one hundred

( )15. A. In a box B. In a book C. In an album集邮薄,影集 笔试部分

二、单项填空 (本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

( )16.—What’s your hobby, Sally ? —I have collection of stamps. A. the B. an C. a D.\\ ( )17. My father enjoys TV after supper.

A. to watch B. watching C. watches D. watched

( )18.Parents ask their children too many computer games.

A. to play B. not play C. don’t play D. not to play ( )19. The boy with the smile has become my best friend now.

A. luck B. luckily C. lucky D.unluckily ( )20. Look at the picture. You can see a boy the mountain. A. climbing B. climbs C. climbed D. to climb ( )21. — Can you tell me ? —Of course..

A. where are you from B. where you from

C. where you are from D. where be you from

( )22. Your classroom is so dirty. Why don’t you keep it . A. dry B. open C. clean D.quiet

( )23. — I think this is an _____ film. — But I am not _____ in it.

A. interesting; interesting B. interested; interested C. interesting; interested D. interested; interesting

( )24. I don’t know it will rain or not.

A. whether B. if C. that D. when

( )25. -Father’s Day is coming. Please give my best wishes to your father.

- .

A. That’s a good idea B. I don’t care C. That’s right D. I will, thanks. 三、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)

Kyle is one of my good friends. He is from Australia. I think he is a___26___boy because


he seldom(很少) speaks. We became good ___27___last September.

One day when I went out of the classroom, I ___28___ Kyle walking home with his books. At that moment, two boys ran towards ___29___. The two boys knocked him down and then ran away as ___30___as they could. Kyle’s glasses went flying. So I ran to pick up the glasses and___31___ them to Kyle. He looked at me with a smile and said, “Hey, thanks!” Then I helped him pick up his___32___ and asked him where he lived. Luckily we lived near to each other. We talked about our___33___ on our way home. He was interested in reading and playing football. I was___34___interested in football. Since then we often went to school and played football together. The more I get to know him, the more I___35___him. I introduced him to my old friends.

Now we are close friends. Even if we don’t live in the same city now, we often call each other.

( )26. A. tidy ( )27. A. friends ( )28. A. thought ( )29. A. us ( )30. A. nearly ( )31. A. threw ( )32. A. gifts ( )33. A. jokes ( )34. A. even ( )35. A. like

B. lazy C. noisy B. neighbors C. cousins

D. quiet D. waiters

B. saw C. heard D. recognized B. them C. me D. him

B. quickly C. slowly D. easily B. gave C. poured D. bought B. bags C. books D. glasses

B. hobbies C. parents D. ages B. also C. always B. keep C. teach


D. often D. help


Tony, Class Four I have many hobbies. Listening to the radio is one of them. CRI (China Radio International) English is my favourite. It began in 1941. I am interested in CRI because I like Chinese culture. I often listen to Easy Morning and Let’s Talk in English. Sally, Class Five

I am fond of listening to news on the radio, especially news from BBC. BBC is short for British Broadcasting Corporation. It began in 1922. I like listening to BBC World Service and BBC Children best. BBC offers information about news, sports, education, children and TV programmes. I often listen to it after class. I hope I can be a newsreader in BBC one day. Tom, Class Four

Have you heard of VOA? It is short for Voice of America. I am interested in it very much. It began in 1942. It is one of the world’s most famous international broadcasters. Special English and People in America are my favourite programmes. I plan to travel to New York for my holiday next year. Then I can visit the VOA Radio Station. My little brother, Jack, likes BBC best because he has many pen friends from England.

( )36. What radio programme does Tony like?

A. People in America. B. Let’s Talk in English. C. BBC Children. D. Special English. ( )37. How old is BBC this year?

A. 67. B. 68. C. 87. D. 90. ( )38. Where is Tom going to spend his holiday next year?

A. In America. B. In China. C. In Canada. D. In Britain.


( )39. What can we know from the information above? A. Tony and Tom come from different classes. B. Jack and Sally both like listening to BBC. C. Tony is interested in American culture.

D. Sally wants to be a reporter in the future. ( )40. What are the students talking about?

A. Their favourite food. B. Their favourite subjects.

C. Interesting places in different countries. D. Their favourite radio programmes.


A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. ( )42. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “compliment” in Chinese? A. 批评 B. 赞扬 C. 嫉妒 D. 讽刺 ( )43. Which is NOT true according to the passage? A. One can make fun of himself but never anyone else.

B. People will feel bored if you talk about their interests. C. If you are kind to others, others will be kind to you. D. We should learn to listen to others’ opinions. ( )44. What does the last paragraph want to tell us? A. Life is always changing.

B. Different people have different habits.

C. Try to face everything happily, even though you don’t like it. D. You’ll be bored if you accept the people and things around you. ( )45. What’s the best title for the passage? A. Why We Need Friends C. What Are Real Friends

B. What to Do for Your Friends D. How to Make Friends


I am a fifteen-year-old girl. I have a problem now. I want you to give me advice. Three months ago, I knew a boy on the Internet. He saw my picture on the Internet and wanted to make friends with me. I found that he had the same character as me. We both like drawing and swimming. We both hope to travel all over the world. We got on well soon. We often talked with each other


on the Internet. Two weeks ago we began to talk on the phone. We both felt comfortable when talking to each other, as if we had been good friends for a long time. Last week we met together because he doesn’t live far from my home. We talked a lot and enjoyed ourselves together in the gym. However, some of my friends said that I shouldn’t make friends on the Internet. They also said that the boy might be dangerous. I don’t know what I should do. I don’t want a close relationship with him, but I’m really happy with him. Should I talk about this problem with my parents or teachers? I’m afraid that they would be angry and think I’m a bad girl. So I am turning to you for advice. Please help me. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

( )46. The writer knew the boy ______.

A. at school B. on the Internet C. at a party D. in a gym ( )47. The writer began to talk with the boy on the phone ________.

A. two months ago B. two weeks ago C. three months ago D. three weeks ago ( )48. The writer got on well with the boy because ______________.

A. the boy was cool and rich B. the boy was nice and safe C. they had the same character D. they were in the same class ( )49. The underlined word “relationship” means “______” in Chinese. A. 错误 B. 距离 C. 行动 D. 关系

( )50. Why did the writer write the passage, because _______. A. she and the boy have been friends for a long time B. she and the boy talked on the phone for the first time C. she doesn’t know where the boy lives

D. she doesn’t know whether she should make friends with the boy 五、词汇运用(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) A根据所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词。每空限填一词。 51. I am going to a job ________ (面试) tomorrow. 52. My parents are a football f________(狂热爱好者). 53. Our_______ (友谊) will last forever.

54. On my 13th

birthday, my father gave me an important _______ (礼物) 55. This girl has a beautiful _______ (声音).

B 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子通顺、正确。每个单词限用一次。

tidy collect lonely win week 56. My hobby is ______ stamps.

57. This is a ______ magazine and I read it every week.

58. When my first year at this school, I didn’t have any friends and felt ______. 59. Oh, it’s a bit dirty. I’ll ______ up the tables and chairs.

60. The score between England and China football match was 2 to 3, so we ____. 六、任务型阅读((每小题1分,共5分) 根据对话内容,选择正确的句子补全对话。 A: Good morning. This is 8234567 61 ? B: Hello. 62 , please? A: 63 , please? B: It’s Lingling.

A: 64 , please. Sorry, Betty isn’t here right now. can I take a message? B: No, thanks. 65 .


A. I’ll call back later. B. Hold the line. C. Who’s calling? D. Can I help you? E. May I speak to Betty?


根据下列问题写一篇题目为My Hobby 的短文,词数不少于60。 1. What is your hobby? 2. When did you start it? 3. Why do you like doing it?

4. How much time do you spend on it?

5. What kinds of things have you learned from your hobby?

My Hobby


第一部分 听力部分(20分)

Ⅰ. 听小对话,选图片(每小题1分,共5分) ( ) 1. What’s the girl’s favorite sport?

A. B.


M: What are you going to do this weekend, Mary?


W: I’m going to a football match. I like football best. ( )2. Where are the two speakers talking now?




M: How long can I keep the book? W: For two weeks.

( )3. What is the weather like ?

A. B.


M: The weather is really hot now?

W: So it is. It is sunny for three days. ( )4. What has Jack got?

A. B.


W: Have you got any baseball caps, Jack? M: Sure, I’ve got one. The cap is yellow. ( ) 5. What’s Vera’s favorite subject?

A. B. C.

W:What is your favorite subject, Vera? M: I like English best. Ⅱ. 听对话,选答案(每小题1分,共5分) ( )6. when will the boy go to the university ?

A. At the age of 18 B. At the age of 19 C. At the age of 20. M: When I am 19, I will go to the university. W: Oh, there are still a long way to go. ( )7. How much is the new MP4 ?

A. 1,000 yuan B. 1,500 yuan C. 2,000 yuan W: Your new MP4 looks so cool.

M: Yeah, it is so expensive. It cost me 2,000 yuan. ( )8. How often does Tony work on his QQ farm ?

A. Never B. Once a week C. Every day W: Tony, QQ Farm is so popular these days. M: Yes. I work on my farm every day.


( )9. Where are Daming and his family going for the next holiday ?

A. Beijing B. Shanghai C. Hainan W: Daming, would you like to come over to my home for the next holiday? M: I’d love to, but my family are all going to Shanghai.

( )10. What does the woman want to drink ?

A. Black tea B. Milk C. Black coffee M: Would you like something to drink? W:Coffee, please. M: With milk ?

W: No, I want black coffee.

III. 听独白,完成信息记录表(每小题2分,共10分)

My favorite collection What How long Who sent me the first one How many Where 11 12 13 14 15 ( )11.A. Stamps B. Books C. Tickets of movies ( )12.A. Four years B. Five years C. Six years ( )13. A. My uncle B. My father C. My friend ( )14. A. One hundred B. More than one hundred

C. Less than one hundred ( )15. A. In a box

B. In a book

C. In an album集邮薄,影集

I like to collect things, such as tickets of movies, books, toys, photos of famous people, but I like colleting stamps best. I have been collecting stamps for five years. My uncle sent me the first stamp from Australia when I was eight. I loved it at once. I have more than 100 stamps. Some were sent by my friends, some were collected by myself. I put them in an album and take it out to have a look when I’m free. I learn a lot by doing that. 一、听力BBABA BCCBC ABABC

二、单项填空 (本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 16-20CBDCA 21-25 CCCAD

三、完型填空26-30DABDB 31-35BCBBA


