中国古代社会与文化综合教程 (1)

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Text 1

Para. 1splendid a.壮丽的,极好的

component n.组成成分

date from v.源自 追溯到T his statue dates from 500 b 2emerge v.出现

government officials n.政府官员、

the nobility n.贵族

government education n.官学

3[the Warring States Period]战国时期

[the Spring and Autumn Period春秋时期

the earliest founder n.最早的创始人

4formation n.形成

government institution n.官学

well-established a.建立起来了

teaching materials n.教学材料

Education should be geared to be geared towards…v.使适合;配合

preparation for n.准备

receive a title v.得到头衔

the imperial examination n.科举考试

receive a post v.得到职位

the state bureaucracy n.国家官僚机构

be originated from v.来源于

5apart from除了

schooling n.学校教育

family education n.家庭教育

historical figures n.历史人物

senior a.高级的 老年的

well documented a.有许多记载

Mencius n.孟子

proper a.正统的

6status n.地位

rites n.仪式

content n.内容

loyalty n.忠

filial piety n.孝

benevolence n.仁

righteousness n.义

values n.价值观

7primary schools n.初级学校 蒙学

folk n.相亲

the Four Books n.四书

calligraphy n.书法

character pairing n.对句

regulation n.规则 规章


Text 2Confucian educational theory n.孔子教育理论

Para. 1historical a.历史上的

be derived from v.来自于

the teachings of Confucius n.孔子的教导

permanently ad.永久地

linked a.连接的

2break the rule of v.打破规矩

hierarchical a.等级制度的

open the door of education to v.把教育之门向。。。敞开

commoners n.平民

establish v.建立

spread his teaching,…v.传播他的教导


3government schools/private scho

place great emphasis on v.把重点放在

humanities n.人文

cultural education n.文化教育

focus on v.重点放在

morality n.道德

the development of wisdom n.培养智慧

cover v.覆盖

curriculum n.课程

the Great Academy n.国子监


the Confucian Five classics ref

4proper speech n.

the Six Arts n.六艺

archery n.射箭

chariot-riding n.驾驭马车

calligraphy n.书法

computation n.计算

5pioneer a.先锋的

rite n.仪式

be well footed in the society在社会上扎下根

other than除了

place a strong emphasis on v.把重点放在

morality education n.道德教育

principle n.原理


revise the old in order to dedu

6carry oneself v. 举止,举动H e -ried himself like a gener integrity n.正直

perilous a.危险的

7aptitude n.恰当,聪明

inspire v.鼓舞

pedagogical a.教育学的 教学法的

striking a.显著的 惊人的

pose questions v.问问题

cite v.引用

analogy n.类似 类推

instruct v.骄傲

fervent a.热情的

8heritage n.遗产

status n.地位

the Enlightenment n.启蒙运动时期

integration n.综合

Western civilization n.西方文明

Voltaire n.伏尔泰1694-1778

rationalism n.理性主义

an alternative to n.可以取代sth的替代品

Christian dogma n.基督教的教义

ethics n.道德规范

portray v.描绘

a model for n.…的模范 典范

Text 3

Para. 1

Text 4

Para. 1

00 b.c.

be geared to children's needs.


