高考英语概要写作指导之--找要点 公开课导学案

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Teaching Design for--------

Tips on Summary Writing

Teaching Aims:

1.Knowledge and Ability aims :

1.To know the definition of the summary writing 2.To know the problems of their summary writing 3.To know the 5 skills of looking for points in a passage

2.Emotional aim: To have students realize the importance of finding the points for summary writing and have a certain number of methods to grasp the points

Teaching Important Points:

1. Understand some skills for looking for points.

2. Use the consolidation exercises to deepen their understanding of skills

Teaching Difficult Points:

Understand some skills and apply them in their summary writing.

Teaching Methods:

.Task-based method

Teaching Aids:

1. A blackboard

2. A computer for multimedia

Teaching procedures: Part I Warming up

Step One-- Have students know the meaning of a summary by showing an example to explain it. .

Step Two---Then ask students list the requests for exams--Summary Writing and teacher add others.

Part II Leading in

Step 3--List students’ problems on Summary and Sort them out into two part ( Reading and

Writing challenges) and lead them to learn some skills for looking for points.

Part III Presentation

Step Four- Present 5 skills for looking for point

Skill 1.Fast reading for the genre Skill 2 Skimming for the topic or purpose Skill 3 Scanning for the topic sentence Skill 4 Skipping for the key points or sub-points Skill 5 List all the points in a form

Step Five--Using the exercises to have them understand the skills and learn some tips when performing the skills.

Tip1-- knowing the genre,knowing the outline Tip2--When you skim,you can ignore the clause but pay attention to the main sentence Tip 3--- Topic sentence can be the first the last sentence or the answer of a question.Tip 4: Skipping for the signal words as points Tip 5--When writing, connect all points briefly Tip6-Leave out unnecessary examples or detailsTip 7: The form makes the outline clearly and logical for later writing

Part Iv Summary and homework Part V Blackboard Design




姓名:__________ 班级:_______ 印刷份数:150


Skill 1.Fast reading for the genre (快读定体裁) Skill 2 Skimming for the topic or purpose (略读知主题/意图) Skill 3 Scanning for the topic sentence (寻读找主题句) Skill 4 Skipping for the key points or sub-points(跳读找主次要点) Skill 5 List all the points in a form (用表格,列要点)

技巧一,请根据下文所述体裁特点(ABC三种文体)选择下列文章的体裁 A: a narration(记叙文)-----tells a story or event

B:an exposition(说明文)--explain sth or share information

C:an argumentation(议论文)---make sb believe the author's opinion ①(Book 1U2:Page 9 )The Road To Modern English _________ ②(Book 2 U1:Page 5 )A Fact Or Opinion ? _________ ③(Book 2 U 4:Page 26 How Daisy learnt to help wildlife)_________

巩固练习一: 写出下列文本的体裁在标题旁边,并尝试下划出体现该体裁的词汇 A _______________

As is known to all, sports stars earn large amounts of money every year. LeBron James, the famous American basketball star,for example, earns an income of more than 20 million dollars a year.Some people hold the view that these stars do not

deserve the high pay that they are getting. Some even say that sports stars do nothing to society apart from entertaining people. Their contributions(贡献) to society are much less than those made by doctors, firemen, scientists, professors, etc. But I can never agree with that.

B ___________________

Scientists find that the hard-working people live longer than average men and women. Career women are healthier than housewives. Evidences show that the jobless are in poorer health than job-holders. An research shows that whenever the unemployment rate increases by 1%,the death rate increases correspondingly(相应地) by 2%. All this comes down to one point:work is helpful to health. 学习思维和习题反思:


_____________________________________________________________________ 拓展题:根据不同体裁的写作思路,判断下列文章主旨的轮廓和大纲 narrative(记叙文 )1.5要素2. 事件的起因,经过和结果

(说明文)1. 介绍事物→描述性质/功能2. 问题→解决方法 3. 现象 →原因→本质

argumentation(议论文 ):提出论点---支撑性论据---重申或树立作者的观点 ①B2 U4 Reading: Narrative (记叙文)How Daisy learnted to help endangered wildlife

Summary:Daisy learned to help endangered wildlife by visiting three places on a flying carpet


A:5 W+ 1H B:beginning-development-ending ②B 2 U1 a fact or opinion (exposition说明文): Summary: A fact is something that can be proved and an opinion is one belives but can't be proved .So in a trial ,a judge only trusts the facts which is called evidence. The summary is based on____

A 介绍事物→描述性质/功能B 问题→解决方法 C 现象 →原因→本质示例 技巧二 :下划线找出下列文本的主题,并从选项中选出最符合的一个。 As is known to all, sports stars earn large amounts of money every year. LeBron James, the famous American basketball star,for example, earns an income of more than 20 million dollars a year.Some people hold the view that these stars do not

deserve the high pay that they are getting. Some even say that sports stars do nothing to society apart from entertaining people. Their contributions(贡献) to society are much less than those made by doctors, firemen, scientists, professors, etc. But I can never agree with that. 主题为:_________________

A:Sports stars earn much money B: The stars deserve the high pay C: Sports stars have no contributions

D: The author don't agree with the above views

Scientists find that the hard-working people live longer than average men and women. Career women are healthier than housewives. Evidences show that the jobless are in poorer health than job-holders. An research shows that whenever the unemployment rate increases by 1%,the death rate increases correspondingly(相应地) by 2%. All this comes down to one point:work is helpful to health. 主题为:_________________

A:Hard-working people live longer B:Housewives are healthier C: Unemployment rate and death rate D: Work is good for health 技巧反思:____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 技巧三找主题句练习:

Why is work good for health? It is because work keeps people busy,away from loneliness. Researches show that people feel unhappy,worried and solitary when they have nothing to do. Instead,the happiest are those who are busy.

Besides,work gives one the sense of fulfillment(满足感) and a sense of achievement(成就感). Work makes one feel his value and status in society. When a writer finishes his writing or a doctor successfully operates on a patient or a teacher sees his students progress,they are happy beyond words. 技巧四,Practise: Find all the points in the para below.(找出下列段落的要点词) (B2 U 5 Reading : Para 4 on Pg 35)

Para 4: _______________________________________________________________ 技巧反思:____________________________________________________________ 巩固练习:请找出下列语段的要点和次要点,并用下划线标出。

①While sports are for fun, it does not mean that they are not important to

people’s life. Why do so many people go to see football matches and NBA games? It is because they enjoy the games, and they are willing to pay to watch the

performances. Because of the sports stars, our life becomes more exciting. Some sports stars get honor for their country, and their countrymen are proud of them. They do good to the people's mental health.

②What’s more, sports stars usually are at the top of level in their fields. In this world, you have to pay if you want the best. For example, Da Vinci’s painting Mona Lisa (蒙娜丽莎)was bought for too much money because it stands for the top skills in it. Most stars are great in their own field not only because of their talents but also because of their hard training. They have to keep performing at their peak(尖端) to earn that good earnings.


技巧五,请观察下列表格,并猜测要点之间的逻辑关系。 Logic: Main idea (para 1- ) Supporting details Calculating rewriting Topic: computer Over time , I have been changed a Analytical lot PC That became possible as my memory improved chip Now new applications were found for me .... Explore Tubes transistors ...

实战练习1. 阅读下面短文,然后找出下文中的要点并填入表格

Scientists find that the hard-working people live longer than average men and women. Career women are healthier than housewives. Evidences show that the jobless are in poorer health than job-holders. An investigation shows that whenever the unemployment rate increases by 1%,the death rate increases correspondingly(相应地) by 2%. All this comes down to one point:work is helpful to health.

Why is work good for health? It is because work keeps people busy,away from loneliness and solitude. Researches show that people feel unhappy,worried and solitary when they have nothing to do. Instead,the happiest are those who are busy. Many high achievers who love their careers feel they are most happy when they are working hard. Work serves as a bridge between man and reality. By work,people come into contact with each other. By collective activity,they find friendship and warmth. This is helpful to health. The loss of work means the loss of everything. It affects man spiritually and hence makes him likely to disease.

Besides,work gives one the sense of fulfillment and a sense of achievement. Work makes one feel his value and status in society. When a writer finishes his writing or a doctor successfully operates on a patient or a teacher sees his students progress,they are happy beyond words.

Logic: Main idea (para 1- 3) Supporting details rewriting Topic: 实战练习2阅读下面短文,根据其内容找出各段落的主要内容,并完成表格并尝试完成60词的概要写作 。

As is known to all, sports stars earn large amounts of money every year. LeBron James, the famous American basketball star, for instance, earns an income of more than 20 million dollars a year. Some people hold the view that these stars do not deserve the high pay that they are getting. Some even argue that sports stars do nothing to society apart from entertaining people. Their contributions to society are much less than those made by doctors, firemen, scientists, professors, etc. But I can never agree with that.

While sports are for entertainment, it does not mean that they are not important to people’s life. Why do so many people go to see football matches and NBA games? It is because they enjoy the games, and they are willing to pay to watch the performances. Because of the sports stars, our life becomes more exciting. Some sports stars gain honor for their country, and their countrymen are proud of them. They contribute to the spiritual well-being of their people.

What’s more, sports stars usually are at the top of level in their fields. In this world, you

have to pay if you want the best. It is the same with sports. Skills in sports are like the skills in works of art. People will not say that Da Vinci’s painting Mona Lisa was bought for too much money. Most stars are skilled in their own field not only because of their talents but also because of their hard training. They have to keep performing at their peak to earn that good income.

Their influence on the national economy can not be overlooked. Take NBA in America for example, the stars help to support not only the basketball industry, but also other related industries like sportswear and sports equipment. Sports stars also make constant appearance in advertisements. Since they are well known in the world, they attract many people’s attention, which often leads to an immediate boom in the sales of the products that are advertised by them.

I hope one day their accomplishments will be fully recognized.

Logic: Main idea (para 1- 4) Supporting details rewriting Topic:

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

have to pay if you want the best. It is the same with sports. Skills in sports are like the skills in works of art. People will not say that Da Vinci’s painting Mona Lisa was bought for too much money. Most stars are skilled in their own field not only because of their talents but also because of their hard training. They have to keep performing at their peak to earn that good income.

Their influence on the national economy can not be overlooked. Take NBA in America for example, the stars help to support not only the basketball industry, but also other related industries like sportswear and sports equipment. Sports stars also make constant appearance in advertisements. Since they are well known in the world, they attract many people’s attention, which often leads to an immediate boom in the sales of the products that are advertised by them.

I hope one day their accomplishments will be fully recognized.

Logic: Main idea (para 1- 4) Supporting details rewriting Topic:

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

