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Unit 5 Music




For over a century,the Nashua River in Massachusetts provided power for mills(工厂),which gave jobs to thousands of the years,these paper,cotton,wood,and woolen mills had dumped their waste into its waters.

By the 1960s,the Nashua River was about as polluted as any river could waters ran red or green or blue with dye (染料)from paper mills situated on its

fumes(烟)from this dye blackened paint on the buildings near the river.

Then along came Marion Stoddart with a simple but overwhelming idea—clean up the was no one-woman encouraged the paper mills and the business community to form partnerships to reclaim the carried jars of dirty river water to local officials to demonstrate the seriousness of the talked with business leaders about economic talked with environmentalists about the long-term problems of pollution.

Stoddart knew that the State Water Pollution Control Board would have the final say on forcing the clean- she spoke to the board,she insisted that the Nashua should be made safe for thought her goals were unrealistic.

However,the partnerships Stoddart had helped form and the volunteers who were drawn to her cause never gave all realized that cleaning up the river was in everyone's best 1993,several water treatment plants had been built,and a conservation area called a“greenway”had been created along the banks of the river.

Today mills are still operating along the river,but there are also fish in the Nashua River welcomes boaters,naturalists,and even of this would have been possible without a woman of vision and a community working together.

1.What does the underlined word“reclaim” refer to?

A.Rescue. B.Enlarge.

C.Monitor. D.Explore.

2.What's the board's attitude to Stoddart's goal of improving the river?

A.Supportive. B.Doubtful.

C.Neutral. D.Cautious.

3.What kind of person is Marion Stoddart?

A.Independent and broad-minded.

B.Determined and far-sighted.

C.Intelligent and creative.

D.Stubborn and proud.

4.What message is conveyed t hrough the no one-woman campaign?

A.It'll be all right on the night.

B.Prevention is better than cure.

C.Many hands make light work.

D.Failure is the mother of success.

【解题导语】本文讲的是Marion Stoddart如何联合个体、团体和政府部门共同治理河水污染。

【难句分析】None of this would have been possible without a woman of vision and a community working together.

分析:本句用了虚拟语气。None of this would have been possible表示与过去事实相反的情况,without引出虚拟条件。


1.A 考查词义猜测。结合语境及上下文中出现的“clean up the Nashua”“the clean-up”“cleaning up the river”等信息可知,此处指的应是河流治理方面的内容,由此可推知画线词的意思应是“改造”,与A项意思相近,故选A。

2.B 考查观点态度。根据第四段中的“When she spoke to the board...They thought her goals were unrealistic”可知,该委员会认为Stoddart改善河流状况的目标不切实际,即是持怀疑的态度的,故选B。

3.B 考查推理判断。根据文章第三、四段中对Stoddart为了改善河流状况东奔西走的描述及最后一段中的“a woman of vision”可知,Marion Stoddart是一个有决心和有远见卓识的人。故选B。

4.C 考查推理判断。通读全文可知,改善纳舒厄河被污染的现状并不是Stoddart一个人的战斗,她还积极地联合个体、团体和政府部门共同治理河水污染,并最终收到成效。由此可知,C项“人多好办事,众人拾柴火焰高”符合题意。A项意为“车到山前必有路”;B项意为“预防优于补救”。


1.The meeting didn't break ________until noon.

答案:up brea k up “结束;解散”。

2.She buried her head under the covers, ________(pretend) to be asleep.

答案:pretending 此处She与pretend之间是主动关系,且pretend表示的动作几乎


3.The process is ________(pain), but the result is desirable. Remember: no pains, no gains.

答案:painful 此处形容词painful “痛苦的”,作表语。

4.She was efficient and ________(rely), so we all liked her very much.

答案:reliable 此处形容词reliable “可靠的”,作表语。

5.He was full of ________(confident) that he would be admitted to the famous university.

答案:confidence full of confidence “充满信心”。

6.It is hard for migrant workers ________(earn) a living, especially during the present financial crisis.

答案:to earn 此处to earn a living是不定式短语作主语,句首It是形式主语。

7.The old are very ________(attach) to old customs and habits.

答案:attached be attached to “依恋……”。

8.Tom and his twin sisters are going to put on a ________ (perform) tomorrow evening.

答案:performance put on a performance “演出”。

9.To be great, you must be smart, confident, and, ________all, honest.

答案:above above all为固定短语,意为“最重要;首先”。

10.(2017·北京高考)In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Programme, one of ________purposes is to relieve worldwide starvation.

答案:whose 本空需要关系代词引导非限制性定语从句,句子还原后的表达是one of its purposes is to relieve worldwide starvation,这里把作定语的人称代词its改为whose,引导定语从句并在从句中作定语,指代前面的名词the World Food Programme,因此填whose。




My fiancé(未婚夫)and I decided today was the day to treat ourselves to a nice __1__ as“our day”,but little did we know that it would turn into much didn't want the whole day to be about wanting to __3__ the office for the upcoming(即将到来的)__4__ and I didn't want it to be just another romantic night for two,__5__

I decided to do something to make ourselves and others happy.

I began in small __6__ a few more coins into the food vending machines(自动售货机)at work for the staff,so that there would be something for the next __7__ posted smile signs in the hall which gave __8__ instructions on how to smile as __9__ entered the office,either before their morning cup of coffee or right before a meeting with their drafted some powerful words of inspiration on colorful strips of paper and decorated my __10__ ,so that any colleague who came by might just__11__ for a moment,read,and __12__ change their feeling.

When it came time for our lovely dinner to __13__ that night,I left the server a big __14__ and a well-wishing note for her to have a __15__ my fiance and I were just about to leave our table,the waitress __16__ tears beside asked her to __17__ with us and we j ust an emotional mother-to-be,I __18__ along with her, table for two was now for __19__.

It was a day that was not __20__ ours,but it was the waitress'day,my co-workers' day,and now it's your day too!


C.disappeared D.finished

2. B.worse

C.more D.earlier

3. B.leave

C.find D.stay

4. B.picnic

C.banquet D.dinner

5. B.though

C.so D.because

6. B.put

C.made D.hid

7. B.sleepy

C.angry D.hungry

8. B.clean

C.clear D.puzzling

9. B.managers

C.friends D.bosses

10. B.office

