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授课标题 Unit 3 Road Signs and Commuting 课时 12 授课班级 教学目的 和要求 1. 2. 3. 4. Asking where a particular place is Showing directions Suggesting means of transport to take Key words and expressions Can you list some English words or phrases showing directions and locations? 授课重点、 Listening skills: practice listening to road signs and commuting 难 点 New words and important sentences in Passage1 and Passage 2 节 次 1 2 3 4 5 6 内 容 Section Ⅰ Section Ⅰ&Section Ⅱ Section Ⅲ Section Ⅳ(1):passage1 Section Ⅳ(1):passage1 Section Ⅳ(1):passage2 SectionⅤ 合 计 总课时 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 其 中 讲授 1\\2 1\\2 1\\2 1 1 1 4.5 实验、实习 1 1 1 1\\2 1\\2 1\\2 4.5 课堂作业 1\\2 1\\2 1\\2 1\\2 1\\2 1\\2 3 课 时 安 排


授课标题 Unit 3 Road Signs and Commuting Section 1 Talking Face to Face 课时 2 教学重点与难点 How to learn to recognize signs and looking for directions. 复习旧 课内容 教学方法 Lecture; Act out in groups 作业布置 Act out: Let the students practice how to express location phrases 课堂小结 课堂 效果 分析 及 改进 措施

主任审阅 授课教师 年 月 日 年 月 日


授 课 内 容

Unit 3 Road signs and commuting Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face

1. Warm-up Questions

(1) Have you ever seen any bilingual road signs (in English and Chinese)? Do you think they are helpful for foreigners to find directions when traveling in China? (2) Can you list some English words or phrases showing directions and locations?

2. Analyze the structure of the unit. Let the students know how to preview and my teaching process.

3. Explain the structure of the map. And let the students talk face to face with the information from the map.

4. Explain how to express the directions when you traveling the strange country and let the students practice the conversation follow the samples.

5. Explain the short dialogues, and then let the students practices the conversations with their partner.

6. Play the audio and let the students finish the exercises.


Unit 3 Road Signs and Commuting Section I Talking Face to Face 授课标题 SectionⅡ Being All Ears 教学重点与难点 课时 2 Useful expressions for asking for and giving directions Listening for specific information 复习旧 课内容 Expressions for asking for and giving directions 教学方法 Lecture; Act out in groups 作业布置 Grammar knowledge 课堂小结 课堂 效果 分析 及 改进 措施

主任审阅 授课教师 年 月 日 年 月 日


授 课 内 容

Unit 3 Road signs and commuting

SectionⅡBeing All Ears

1. Let the students train more how to express signs and directions to each other in order to prepare for listening.

2. Train listening: Listen to the audio, 1)Dialogue 2)Passage

(1) Remind the students of some new words in the listening materials to write on the blackboard.

(2) Let the students listen to the materials of the dialogue and the passage.

(3) Ask the students the answers, and then explain the listening materials and correct the wrong ones.


授课标题 Unit3 Road signs and Commuting Section Ⅲ Trying your hands 1. Listening skills 2. How to write directions in English. 3. Sentence structure practice. 课时 2 教学重点与难点 复习旧 课内容 Review how to learn to recognize signs and looking for directions. 教学方法 Lecture; The task-based teaching method 作业布置 Write and describe a picture (P59) 课堂小结 课堂 效果 分析 及 改进 措施

主任审阅 授课教师 年 月 日 年 月 日


授 课 内 容

Unit 3 Road signs and commuting

Section Ⅲ Trying Your Hands

Applied Writing: Sample Analysis

The teacher summarizes briefly the format and language used in signs. The teacher may show the following passage with PPT. Afterwards, ask the students to read it and translate it into Chinese orally.

Signs are often used in public places to show the requirements for people, to give information or to attract people’s attention. Signs can be used for different purposes, for examples, traffic signs give you important information about traffic rules, warn you about dangerous road conditions and help you find your way.

The language on signs features the use of short words and phrases, supported by different symbols in various colors and shapes for easy identification. Some signs are written or printed in capital letters.

Some traffic signs:

(1) Dead End Road (2) No Entry (3) Enter Here (4) No Way Out (5) Keep In Lane

Some warning signs:

(1) Dangerous (2) Pavement Narrows Ahead (3) Bicycle Crossing Ahead (4) Traffic Lights Ahead. Slow down

Some Other signs:

(1) Put Litter Here (2) Beware of Dog (3) No Business Today (4) For Rent 1. Do the exercise in class. 2. Check their answers.

Sentence writing and grammar revision

1. 表示不可数名词的数量概念,要使用单位名词。例如,a bar of chocolate(一


2. 某些数量词语只能修饰可数名词,如many, few, a few, a(large)number of


3. 某些数量词语只能修饰不可数名词,如much, little, a little, a great deal of, a (large) amount of 等。

4. 某些数量词语既能修饰可数名词,又能修饰不可数名词,如some, plenty of, lots of, a lot of等。

5. 物质名词和抽象名词通常是不可数名词;作可数名词时,它们都表示较为具


Various fruits are available in the shop.


There was a heavy rain last night.



授课标题 Unit3 Road signs and commuting Section Ⅳ(1):passage1 Funny road signs from around the world! 课时 2 教学重点与难点 1. Analyze passage1 2. Explain the new words and important words 复习旧内容 Review the road signs and directions 教学方法 Lecture; The situational teaching method; 作业布置 1. Read and complete (P62) 2. Review the useful words 课堂小结 课堂效果分析及改进措施 主任审阅_____________ 授课教师_____________ 年 月 日 年 月 日


授 课 内 容

Unit 3 Road signs and commuting

Section Ⅳ(1):Passage 1

Funny Road Signs from Around the World!

1. Background information

Information Related to the Reading Passage

America is a nation on wheels. Americans use their cars even for very short distances such as going to the neighborhood store to buy some groceries. The average household owns two cars, trucks or sport vehicles and one in four owns three or more. Ninety percent of Americans drive to get where they need to go, reporting an average of 87 minutes a day behind the wheel. For car commuters, it's an average of 100 minutes. Cities like Atlanta, San Bernardino and Riverside, Calif., have difficult commutes as the result of city sprawl. In Atlanta, 12.7% of commuters spend more than an hour getting to work, and in the “Inland Empire”, which includes San Bernardino and Riverside, 15% of commuters take more than an hour to get to the office.

About a third can be classified as aggressive drivers. Six in ten concede they sometimes go well over the speed limit. Sixty-two percent occasionally get frustrated behind the wheel, more than four in ten get angry and two in ten sometimes boil into road rage. And nothing fuels driver anger like getting stuck in a traffic jam.

Anyway, the road still offers more freedom than frustration. Three quarters of Americans say driving often gives them a sense of independence, and nearly half say it's often relaxing. Four in ten love their cars — not just like them, but love them.

Language Points:

1) Explanation of Difficult words.

