se运营管理-54 企业S&OP政策
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销售与运营规划(S&OP)制定产品家族的销售与生产的总体水平,形成公司的全盘经营计划,旨在制定为实现公司经营目标的各项活动的产出比率,包括:客户服务水平、收入目标、目标库存水平或未交付客户订单(Backlog)水平的上下调整,以及维持稳定的生产水平(workforce劳动力投入)、提高新产品的市场导入能力。 1. 每个月,举行一次S&OP高层会议,并纳入公司的行政会议安排。参会人员包括: 总裁/首席执行官
市场副总裁 产品研发副总裁 财务副总裁/首席财务官 运营副总裁 销售副总裁
行动包括:商讨解决S&OP预备会议提交的问题的方案、S&OP预备会议的审核或修改、商业计划的调整、与新产品相关的议题、以及其他需要解决的问题。 2. S&OP预备会议于财政月度的第三个星期五召开。参会人员包括: 会计总监 物流经理 产品研发经理 客户服务经理 主排程计划员 产品经理 需求经理/分析师 厂长
行动包括:制定维持供需平衡的计划、为S&OP高层会议准备提案、确定S&OP高层会议的议程、对长期的产能约束和产品贬值进行评估。考虑因素包括:客户服务水平、市场策略、库存目标、当前的预测和未交付的订单、新品策略、财务计划与当前状况、以及产能。 3. 供应规划会议于财政月度的第三个星期三召开,参会人员包括: 产能计划员 需求经理
厂长 会计总监 主排程计划员 采购经理
4. 需求规划会议于财政月度的第二个星期五三召开。参会人员包括: 会计总监 配送计划员 产品经理 客户服务经理 物流经理 销售管理经理 需求经理/分析师
确认:__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ 总裁 副总裁 副总裁 副总裁 副总裁 校正#:__________ 有效期:__________
Sales & Operation Planning establishes the overall level of sales and manufacturing output, expressed in families, to company game plan. Its primary purpose is to establish rates of activity that will achieve the company's objectives, including: meeting customer service and revenue goals, raising or lowering inventories and customer order backlogs, maintaining a stable work force, and enhancing the effectiveness of new product introductions.
1. The Executive S&OP meeting is held monthly in conjunction with the scheduled
Officers' meeting. Attendees: President/CEO VP Finance/CFO VP Marketing VP Operations VP Product Development VP Sales At least two members of the Pre-SOP Team
Actions include: resolution of open issues from Pre-SOP authorization or modification of Pre-SOP plans, changes to the Business Plan. Now Product issues, and others as appropriate.
2. The Pre-SOP meeting is held monthly on the third Friday following the fiscal
month's close. Attendees: Controller Managers Customer Service Manager Demand Manager/Analyst Logistics Manager Master Schedulers Plant Managers Product Development Managers Product Managers Sales Administration Manager Action include: development of plans to ensue a balance of demand and supply, formulation of recommendations for Executive S&OP, development of agenda hr Executive S&OR review of long-tem capacity constraints, and obsolescence issues. Considerations will include: customer service levels, market strategies, inventory goals, current forecasts and backlogs, new product strategies, financial plans, current status, and capacities.
3. The Supply Planning meeting is held on the third Wednesday following the close
of the fiscal month. Attendees: Capacity Planner Controller Demand Manager Master Scheduler Plant Managers Purchasing Manager Actions include: review of Capacity Planning information resulting from the new forecast, review of material availability and lead time problems, manpower planning issues, cost absorption issues arising from production rate changes, and problems with now product introductions and obsolescence.
Any critical resource—-manpower, equipment, supplier—whose required capacity varies from its demonstrated capacity by more than +/-5% must be reviewed for action and possible discussion at the Pre-SOP meeting.
4. The Demand Planning Meeting is held on the second Friday following the close
of the fiscal month. Attendees: Controller Distribution Planners Master Logistics Manager Product Managers Sales Administration Manager Customer Service Manager Demand Manager/Analyst Actions include: approval of a forward 24-month unit and dollar forecast, review of product family trends, new product introduction issues-and special product and customer demands.
Mid-cycle adjustments to the demand and supply plans can be made as required, by following the above steps on a tightly compressed schedule. Authorized:
Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President
Revisions #: Effective Date:
se运营管理-54 企业S&OP政策10-16
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