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【奥鹏】[南开大学]18秋学期(1703)《大学英语(二)》在线作业 试卷总分:100 得分:100

第1题,A: ( ) another piece of chicken, Sally?

B: No, thanks. It was delicious, but I'm really full. A、How is B、How about C、Do you have

第2题,You can do your shopping ( ) home. A、your way B、on way

C、on your way

第3题,His grandfather is very healthy. He ( ) drinks ( ) smokes. A、both, and B、neither, nor C、neither, or

第4题,She will have the curtain ( ) before the guests come. A、to be changed B、changed C、changing

第5题,Last weekend Mary ( ) her mother in the kitchen. A、helps B、helped C、helping

第6题,He bought two books. ( ) I. A、So was B、So did C、So do


第7题,If you agree to have this operation, ____ are that you may recover sooner. A、chances

B、opportunities C、occasions D、fortunes

第8题,Each student will be provided ( ) a computer. A、with B、for C、at

第9题,She ____ that if he didn't give her enough money, she would make it public. A、threatened B、tortured C、feared D、scared

第10题,Both sides ____ these terms. A、agreed on B、agreed with C、agreed to D、agreed

第11题,Do you know whether he is on holiday or ( )? A、in business B、on business C、to work

第12题,It's high time that the government took some effective measures to ____ the



A、clear up B、show up C、clean up D、tear apart

第13题,Three books are interesting, but the rest ( ) not very good. A、are B、is C、be

第14题,He ( ) out with his friends last weekend. A、go B、went

C、was going

第15题,Difficult ____ it was, they finished it on time. A、though B、although C、as D、still

第16题,If it ( ) tomorrow, we ( ) to the Summer Palace. A、rains, will go B、won't rain, go

C、doesn't rain, will go

第17题,We worked all day, ( ) we didn't finish it. A、also B、or C、but


第18题,Come here ( ). The meeting will begin in five minutes. A、fast B、sooner C、quickly

第19题,He stopped ( ) TV when the dinner was ready. A、watching B、to watch C、watch

第20题,She didn't go to the party ( ) she was tired. A、so

B、although C、because

第21题,Tom's computer is broken. He'll have it ( ). A、repairing B、repaired C、to repair

第22题,If I don't have to work late on Friday, I might ( ) dancing with friends. A、play B、get C、go

第23题,The company ( ) just outside the city. A、is situated B、located C、situated


第24题,If you're going to come, please let me know ( ). A、before B、in ahead C、in advance

第25题,Learning English well isn't easy ( ) I like it very much. A、but B、and C、because

第26题,( ) students are learning English in China now. A、Millions of

B、several millions C、Million of

第27题,He went on with his work ( ) the difficulties. A、in spite of B、although C、out of spite

第28题,Mad with ____, he beat his son with a big stick. A、range B、rage C、rag D、rank

第29题,____ the sentence pattern and vocabulary ____, this paragraph is quite simple. A、As far as... is concerned B、As far as... are concerned C、As far as... is concerning


D、As far as... concern

第30题,A: Can you help me with my homework? B: ( )else can. You have to do it yourself. A、Everybody B、Nobody C、Somebody

第31题,I am rather uncertain ____ whether I've made the right decision. A、as to B、on C、to D、for

第32题,She ( ) in America for many years. She hopes to go back to China next year. A、lives B、lived C、has lived

第33题,He ( ) a lot of money since he ( ) his own restaurant business. A、made, has started B、has made, started C、have made, started

第34题,Richard works really hard, and ( ) you. A、so do B、so are C、so did

第35题,The meeting ( ) for five hours. No one knows when it will end.


A、has lasted B、have lasted C、lasted

第36题,( ) of these books are yours? A、What B、Which C、How

第37题,Why ( ) you go to see the film yesterday evening? A、didn't B、doesn't C、don't

第38题,His teacher doesn't know where John is, nor ( ) his classmates. A、do B、are C、does

第39题,Many friends of mine ( ) at the party yesterday. A、turned up B、turned on C、turned out

第40题,Where's ( ) newspaper? A、today B、today 's C、todays'

第41题,Look out! The train ( ).


A、comes B、has come C、is coming

第42题,The child is ( ) his father. A、called as B、named as C、named after

第43题,A: Whose book is this? B: It's ( ). A、me B、mine C、my

第44题,My sister isn't good at singing. I'm not good at singing, ( ). A、either B、neither C、too

第45题,Did she ( ) the meeting? A、take part for B、took part in C、take part in

第46题,While I ( ) the bus, it started to rain. A、was waiting for B、waited for C、am waiting for


第47题,Has it stopped ( ), Mike? We have to do some shopping today. A、to rain B、raining C、rain

第48题,We always ( ) the neighbours' cat while they're away. A、take care B、look after C、look at

第49题,Shall we ( ) a time for our next meeting? A、make B、decide C、fix

第50题,This jacket is not ( ) for me. I need a bigger size. A、not enough B、smaller C、big enough

