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Unit 1 What did you do during the holidays? Period 1

一、Teaching aims

1. Enable the Ss listen, read, say and write the new words: learn words and sentences, play games, learn writing and practice listening. 2. Enable the Ss be familiar with the past tense.

3. Sentence: What did ...do during the summer holidays?

二、Teaching emphasis: Enable the Ss listen, read, say and write the new words and talk about the past events.

三、Teaching difficulties: Enable the Ss be familiar with the past tense. 四、Teaching tools: Tape, pictures 五、Teaching method Oral method 六、Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up

1. Greetings and games. Simon says: word list-play, learn, write, talk, listen, do, have, go, take, read, speak, teach and holidays.

2. Make a conversation with the Ss. T: Glad to see you again. Ss: Glad to see you too. T: What did you do during the summer holidays? Ss: I went to Hainan…

Step 2 Presentation and drill

1. Show the picture of “learn words and sentences”. T: This is a picture of Mingming during the summer holidays. What did he do? Ss: He is learning words and sentences.

T: He is not doing it now. He learnt words and sentences during the summer holidays.

2. Learn the other words in the same way. 3. Read together. 4. Little teacher.


Step 3 Practice

T: He learnt words and sentences. They played games. She learnt writing. He practised listening. (Action) learn words and sentences, play games, learn writing and practice listening… 3. The Ss act and say.

4. Listen to the tape of Part A and then answer these questions. What did Anne do during the summer holidays? What did Mingming do during the summer holidays? 3. Listen and repeat. 5. Act it out.

Step 4 Consolidation 1. Evaluation. 2. Do Ex. 3.

Homework. Copy the new words. Design of the blackboard:

Period 2

一、Teaching aims:

1. Enable the Ss listen, read and say the dialogue;

2. Enable the Ss master the sentence pattern: What did you do during the holidays?

3. Enable the Ss master read the short passages and judge True or False. 二、Teaching emphasis: Enable the Ss listen, read and say the dialogue; 三、Teaching difficulties: Enable the Ss master the sentence pattern: What did you do during the holidays? 四、Teaching tools: Tape, pictures 五、Teaching method Oral method 六、Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up 1. Greetings.

2. Act and say. 1). (Action) learn words and sentences, play games, learn writing and practice listening… 2). Tom: I played games. Ss: Tom played games. …


Step 2 Presentation and drill 1. Listen to the tape and learn the Word Bank. What did you do during the holidays? I read many books. I visited my grandparents. I played games with my friends. Step 3 Practice

1. Listen to the tape and repeat.

2. Pair-work. 3. Group-work . Step 4 Let’s Read

1. Read the short passage and then judge True or Flase. 2. Read the passage again and underline the key sentences. 3. Check the answers. Step 5 Consolidation 1. Evaluation. 2. Do Ex

3. Homework. Design of the blackboard:

Period 3

一、Teaching aims:

1. Enable the Ss talk about their holidays. 2. Enable the Ss and write down their holidays.

二、Teaching emphasis: Enable the Ss describe their holidays. 三、Teaching difficulties: Enable the Ss to talk about and write down their holidays

四、Teaching tools: Tape

五、Teaching method Oral method 六、Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up


1. Greetings.

2. Read Part A together.

3. Step 2 Presentation and drill

1. Ask students to talk about their summer holidays and then let them finish Part E: write down your answers 2. Check the answer.

3. Ask two Ss to talk about their answers. Step 3 Let’s Have Fun

1. Class work. Look at the pictures, describe Mingming’s and Anne’s holidays. 2. Class work. describe your holidays. Step 4 Consolidation 1. Do Ex. Workbook Unit 1. 2. Evaluation

3. Homework. Revise Unit 1. Design of the blackboard:

2、Katie always gets up early.

Period 1

Teaching aims.

1.The aims of knowledge:

Learn these new words: wake up; make the bed; wave; late

always; usually; often; never. 2. The aims of skills:

a. Ss can understand the four –skill words: wake up; make the bed; wave; late

b. Ss can understand the words: always; usually; often; never.


c. Ss can describe the other’s actions. 3.Emotion, attitudes and value To form the health living habit Main points and difficult point:

The students master the words: wake up; make the bed; wave; late; always; usually; often; never. Teaching method and Learning way: TPR; Task-based method; Discussing Teaching aids :

Cards, tape ,record, pictures Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up a. Greetings.

b. sing a song: London Bridge is falling down

c. Free talk. Talking about my day. Step 2 Review

a. Game—Guess ,guess, guess

Use the cards to go over the words b. Retell the story—Unit 1 Step 3 Presentation

a. Learn the words and expressions: wake up; make the bed; wave; late

At first show the learned word: cake .Let the students

read the word, then write the words carefully. c a k e w a k e wake up m a k e make the bed. w a v e l a t e


From above to find out the rules of pronunciation and memory words. Wake up.

e.g. a. What time do you usually wake up?

b. I usually wake up at 6. make the bed

e.g. a. Do she make the bed in the morning?

b. The first thing he does after getting up is to make

the bed.

wave a greeting挥手致意 late.

e.g. I’m late

late autumn暮秋, 深秋 get up late睡懒觉

wave good-bye to sb. 挥手告别

b. Let the students understand frequency Adverbs(频率副

词):always often usually never always

Read these words several times and try to remember them. At the same time, explain the meanings of different adverbs of frequency.

100% always

I always stay at home in the evenings. 90% usually I usually wake up early. 80% often

He often goes to school on foot. 0% never

He never goes to school late. Step 3. Practice

Practice the words.

a. Game 1. Loud and low voice.


b. Game 2. Quick response

The teacher brings out some pictures and word cards, the students speak out the words quickly. c. Game 3. Guessing game Writing on blackboard: c a k e w a k e wake up m a k e make the bed. w a v e l a t e

Period 2

Teaching aims:

2、Katie always gets up early.

A. Knowledge and skills

a. Learn Part A Let’s listen and say. Katie’s Day.

b. Grasp the usage of adverbs of frequency. B. Processes and methods

a. With the studying strategies, get the students to work in pairs or groups to talk about their day.

b. Let the students practice speaking and writing. C. Emotion, attitudes and value

The content of this part is close to the students’ daily life and the topic deals with the students’ daily activities, so it is helpful for the students to learn about more daily activities. It can help the students to carry on the language practice about the topic and to arouse their great interest in learning English; On the other hand, it provide the students with opportunities to understand one another better. Teaching difficulties and focuses:


a. Ss can use the present tense of the third person get-gets make-makes wash-washes run-runs leave-leaves have-has

b. Ss can master sentence structure: sb do sth at some time Teaching method:

Task-based Learning Method Teaching aids:

Cards, recorder and some objects Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up a. Greetings. b. sing a song Step 2 Review

Game—Golden finger

Use the cards to go over the words Step 3 Presentation and drill

a. Listening to the recorder

b. T: You’re very good. You are all good pupils. And Katie is a good pupil too. Everyone likes her. She is never late for school. She always gets up early every day . Then she makes bed .after breakfast, she waves her family goodbye. c. Fast reading the text.

d. Answer the following questions.

Does Katie always gets up early? What time does Katie wash her face? What time does Katie make her bed? Is Sally is often late?

What time does Katie’s father leave for work?

e. Explain the grammar for the pupils: The present tense of the third person.


get-gets make-makes wash-washes run-runs leave-leaves have-has


1.I always get up early. Katie always gets up early. 2.We usually have breakfast at 6:30am. He usually has breakfast at 6:30am. 3.You often wash your face at 6:05am. She often washes your face at 6:05am. 4.They always leave for work at 7 0’clock. Katie’s father always leaves for work at 7 0’clock

Step 4 Practice

a. Reading the text carefully. b. Listen and repeat it

c. Retell it , check the result

d. Practice in pairs, according to the form to say something about their day. Step5 Consolidation

a. Part C About the story.Put a tick(√)if the sentences correct of a cross(×)if they are wrong.

1. Katie always gets up at six o’clock. (√) 2. Katie always washes her face at 6:15 am. (×) 3. Katie’s family often has breakfast at 6:45 am. (×) 4. Sally always goes to the breakfast table on time. (×) 5. Katie’s father usually waves then goodbye. (√) b. Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words

Writing on blackboard:


2、Katie always gets up early.

get - gets make - makes wash - washes run - runs leave - leaves have - has

Teaching aims.

a. Going over words. b. Retell the story. Main points:

Period 3

c. Finish Part D, E, F.

The students can master the words and sentences. Difficult point: Teaching aids: Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up a. Greetings. b. Sing a song. Step 2. Review

a. Play a game – magic eyes

The students can describe the other’s actions cards,tape ,record

c. Free talk: Say something about your daily life

Going over the learned words: slide, bench, bark, chain, swing, stone, bite, wake up, make the bed, have, late.always, usually, often, never.


b. Use the cards to go over the new dialogue ,and make sentences with the present tense ,they are required not to make the same sentences c. Retell the story Step 3 Drills

a. Part D. Pair work. Look at the chart. Take turns to tell each other about Peter’s activities.

Example: Peter usually goes to bed at ten o’clock.

always often usually √ never

Gets up at seven o’clock Goes to school by bus Does homework at six o’clock Watches TV at seven o’clock Goes to bed at ten o’clock √ √ √ Eats cake √ √ Write four sentences about your activities.

1、I always go to school on foot.

Exemple: I usually do my homework at six o’clock.


2、I never go to school by bus.

3、I often watch TV at 6: 30 in the evening.

4、I usually go to bed at 10:00 pm.

b.Part E Listen to the tape and requires them to finish Part E,check the answers. Makes breakfast for the family Washes clothes in the morning Cleans the house in the afternoon Starts cooking dinner at 5 o’clock Goes to the supermarket to buy things


always often usually never Watches TV in the day

Now, write suitable answers in the blanks.

1. Mrs Li always makes breakfast for the family. 2. She usually washes clothes in the morning. 3. Mrs Li often goes to the supermarket to buy things. 4. At 5 o’clock, Mrs Li often starts to cook dinner. 5. She never watches TV in the day. 3.Listen to tape and follow it Step 4 Consolidation

a. Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out

b. Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the words ,and try to recite text

6. She always cleans the house in the afternoon. Writing on blackboard:

2、Katie always gets up early.

2、She usually washes colthes in the morning. 1、Mrs Li always makes breakfast for the family.

3、Mrs Li often goes to the supermarker to buy things. 4、At 5 o’clock,Mrs Li often starts to cook dinner. 5、She never watches TV in the day.

6、She always cleans the house in the afternoon.



