2016年专四作文辅导 - 图文

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分项评分:内容阐述能力、篇章组织能力、语言运用能力。 内容阐述能力:对所给材料进行准确的缩写和充分讨论。









Should Private Car Owners Be Taxed for Pollution?

......Truly, the private cars have caused many problems. According to a recent research, many emissions among all the greenhouse gases are from the private cars. The painful experiences in the past have taught us to live in harmony with nature and manage to avoid any incidents that may have an adverse effect on the environment. Besides, the contaminants sent by the cars are very harmful to our health. The pollutants will have a persistent impact on human body and are likely to cause a number of diseases. Above all, in recent years the number of private cars is growing at an unprecedented rate.......


......To start with, the emission from cars contributes to the environment pollution. According to the study, the total gas emission of the private cars amounts to 30~60% among all the greenhouse gases, which leads to the deterioration of the whole ecosystem, such as climate change, acid rain and greenhouse effect. So it is these private car owners who should pay for the pollution, and it’ll be fair to use the tax revenue levied on their cars to treat air pollution.

In addition, tax for pollution will be a good way to solve traffic jams which are becoming more and more severe due to the soaring number of private cars. With oil price becoming higher and higher, additional tax for pollution is surely a burden. Then those who want to buy cars will consider more when deciding to buy a private car. Consequently, the increasing rate of the number of the private cars and then the traffic jam can be controlled.......

第三,语态、时态等错误较多、衔接不自然、句子质量不高。这些问题都是由于语言基本功不扎实引起的。例如:“Why are you always lack of money?” “As far I know...we use money buy food...”

“Peaceful death is worth advocated and will be well received in the future.”





第一,图表内容描述不正确。对图表不熟悉,描述错误,重点不突出。 第二,语言错误。用词贫乏或重复,表述冗余,时态混乱,语态错误等。


年份 作文题目 题材 2000 2001 2002 The Importance of Extracurricular Activities Travel Broadens the Mind The Best Way to Stay healthy 校园生活 旅行 健康 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 The importance of keeping a good mood Will phones kill letter writing? My idea of a university arts festival Saving money or spending tomorrow’s money Is it wise to make friends online? The benefits of volunteering Will tourism bring harm to the environment? Should College Students Hire Cleaners? Should Private Car Owners Be Taxed for Pollution? The Dragon Boat Festival The advantages of being careful with money in daily life Should English Majors Study Maths? How I Deal with Stress? 情绪 手机 校园生活 观念 网络交友 志愿者 社会话题 校园生活 社会话题(环保) 传统文化 校园生活 校园生活 校园生活 从这16年考题来看,标黑色的写作立场已经事先确定,考生无需在作立场判断,这类不妨称之为“说明文”;标红色的则需要考生在写作的第一段表明立场,方便下文就这一立场进行论证,这类可以称为“议论文”。

样题解析(两篇文字材料的写作): Part IV WRITING

There is recently a debate about the influence of technology on our life. Does it make our life easier or more difficult? The following are the supporters’ and opponents’ opinions. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue.

Mark will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

YES NO Technology and digital media can be a great help to Technology promises to make our reaching out to other people and spreading your message to a lives easier, freeing up time for leisure very large platform. “Social media removes all distances: pursuits. But the rapid pace of geographic, social, hierarchical. You can reach anyone, at any technological innovation and the split time, and communicate in real time. Thus, a permanent link of second processing capabilities of communication has been created,” said Julien Maldonate, a computers that can work virtually senior manager at Deloitte. nonstop have made all of us feel rushed. Amina Belghiti, Partnerships Manager at Facebook, We have adopted the relentless pace of describes how technology has taken the universal the very machines that were supposed communication method of storytelling and transformed it, in a to simplify our lives, with the result way that now more stories can reach more people through that, whether at work or play, people do social media platforms than ever before. She recommends that not feel like their lives have changed for people find their digital media voice, tell sharable stories, and the better. drive engagement. The Indispensability of Technology

It is supposed that technology helps us communicate easier and quicker. Just as Julien Maldonate points out, digital media makes people from different places, different social backgrounds and classes communicate in the same media platform. And messages or stories can reach more readers or audiences by mass media.

However, some people claim that when technology is running more and more rapidly, it quickens our life pace and has not bettered our lives. For example, secretaries have to reply to instant messages immediately when their blackberry beeps at mid-night; phone users always fix their eyes on their cell phones and are ready to answer any ring calls. In fact, life does not become easy and relaxing, instead it becomes much busier and quicker.

Although technology has made our lives more complex, it is an integral part in our lives. Machines in factories and farms have freed us from manual works. Household appliances, such as washing machines, vacuum cleaners and microwave ovens, have made our housework much easier than ever before. I believe most people are not willing to give up using cellphones, the Internet or other information technologies, because they do bring about much convenience on our daily life. In addition,, technology plays an increasingly important role in our society. Owing to the application of technology, it has brought advancements in agriculture, industry, engineering, architecture, and so on. Advancements in technology have led to the evolution of newer and faster modes of transportation and communication. The development of technology has boosted research in fields ranging from genetics to extraterrestrial space. So, technology has touched every aspect of life, making it easier, better and different.

Obviously technology does make our lives more complex. However, without technology we may be living in a primitive society where most people have to live a monotonous life. (301 words)


Should standardized tests carry significant weight in the college admissions process, or are they just another number? The following are the supporters’ and opponents’ opinions. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue.

YES The SAT is the most widely used and most NO The SAT was originally conceived as an heavily researched college admissions test in the objective measure to even the differences in country. In combination with other data, such as a curriculum and grading across the country. But student’s grade-point average, college application objectivity has eroded, while the perceived essays, and letters of recommendation, the SAT has importance of the test has grown. proven to be a valid, fair, and reliable data tool for At Wake Forest University, we saw more college admissions. All of the available research costs than benefits to standardized tests. We supports this point. wanted to signal to prospective students what we The great majority of our nation’s colleges and really care about: four years of high school universities accept the SAT as an integral part of the success in the most rigorous available curriculum, admissions process, and most that require the applied creativity and imagination, and hunger for submission of the SAT do so because they know the opportunity of a Wake Forest education. After they can make better admissions decisions if they careful thought, we made test scores optional---- have as many data as possible about every student and hoped to enroll students with a broader range applicant. of talents, backgrounds, and abilities. Standardized Tests Work!

It is believed that standardized tests such as SAT in America have lost their objectivity while their importance has increased in college admission. This has been proven in Wake Forest University. On the other hand, many colleges and universities accept the grades of standardized tests. It is argued that standardized tests can be properly used as an objective means of recruiting new students and greatly help colleges and universities make decisions about college readiness.

In my opinion, the best way of college admissions is to rely on both standardized tests and other criteria at an appropriate proportion. A broad range of criteria should be considered: personal interviews, reflective essays, letters of recommendation, and a thorough examination of high school curriculum and grades, which reveal more about intellectual ability and curiosity than the score on a test.

In the meanwhile, when standardized tests are administered validly and effectively, they can be a significant tool of enrolling new students into colleges and universities. Especially when grade inflation

has made it difficult to weigh the real value of the GPA of a student, those tests offer a fair and just playing field in the college admissions. Research has clearly shown that SAT is not biased against any ethnic or racial group. Therefore, the availability of accurate test results can greatly aid decision making.

In all, when standardized tests are widely used, other criteria should be proposed to be considered, such as high school records and the pursuit of knowledge. Only in this way, can we make better admissions decisions. (256 words)


Education has always been a popular topic in the society. The role of teachers, in particular, is debated widely. The following are two different opinions. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue.

A “The school teacher has the power to shape the B To teach all students according to today’s values and qualities of the next generation of 21st standards, teachers need to understand subject century citizens. One way the 21st century teacher can matter deeply and flexibly so they can help do this is by facilitating discussions on academic, social students create useful cognitive maps, relate and political issues. By doing this not only are the one idea to another, and address students becoming educated on important topics but misconceptions. Teachers need to see how they are becoming informed, competent ideas connect across fields and to everyday communicators. To encourage this learning it is life. This kind of understanding provides a essential that the teacher models the desired behavior. foundation for pedagogical(教学的,教师的) To be a lifelong learner and teach the students as such, content knowledge that enables teachers to is a characteristic these students will imitate and take make ideas accessible to others. with them out into the wider community.” Teachers’ Roles

Some people believe that teaching subjects well is the only duty for teachers at school, while others believe that teachers should also teach students except for academic lessons. Teachers should use valid teaching methods and try to be the learning models for the students. Only in this way, can the teachers obtain the ability to shape the right moral values and qualities of the students. In my opinion, both aspects are important and schools should not neglect either of them.

It is believed that teachers should do good teaching. It means that teachers have to be professional in

their own teaching fields to give academic lessons to their students. Obviously, academic ability is of great importance to one’s future career and their life as a whole. For example, literacy skills are the basic skill in people’s work, and science subjects can develop students’ logical thinking ability.

On the other hand, I believe that the responsibility of teaching students to tell right from wrong lies with teachers at school. As a lesson giver as well as a role model, it is important for teachers to educate students to become members of the society, which means that moral integrity and other abilities are also of great importance. Sometimes students at school are too young to judge what is right and what is wrong, so teachers could use stories or their own cases to help students understand what is right.

In conclusion, although academic subjects are important at school, it seems to me that good social behaviors should also be taught so as to prepare students to be members of society with both academic proficiency and moral integrity. (280 words)

2016年TEM 8:


The tourist industry has been expanding in some countries. Is this beneficial or harmful to these

countries? The following are two different opinions. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue.

A CANBERRA, June 4 (Xinhua) ---- Austrilia tourism has B Visitor behaviors can have experienced significant growth across a number of Asian markets with a detrimental effect on the China remaining Australia’s biggest market outside of New Zealand, quality of life of the host the latest International Visitor Survey (IVS) showed. community. For example, Trade and Investment Minister Andrew Robb on Wednesday crowding and congestion, drugs welcomed the results, saying tourism industry is vital in providing and jobs for the Australians. alcohol problems, prostitution and increased crime “Tourism is Australia’s largest services export. The job of over levels can occur. Tourism can 929,000 Australians are linked to tourism and the Coalition even infringe on human rights, Government is committed to supporting tourism as a key job creation with locals being displaced industry,” Robb said. from their land to make way for “These latest figures show that China is still Australia’s largest new hotels or barred from market, outside of New Zealand, with Chinese visitors increasing beaches. Interaction with their expenditure in the Australian economy to 5.1 billion AU dollars tourists can also lead to an (4.73 billion U.S. dollars), while we also remain very competitive in erosion of traditional cultures the challenging United States tourism market,” he said. and values. International Tourism Still Benefits!

The improvement of people’s living standard has made tourism industry prosperous at an astounding rate. Some countries have reaped great benefits from international tourism. As Robb indicates, over 929,000 jobs have been created when numerous Chinese tourists visit the country and spend 5.1 billion AU dollars to eat, live and tour. However, some people argue that international tourism brings lots of social, cultural and environmental problems to the locals.

As far as I am concerned, I figure that with the development of the international traveling, not only does it stimulate the local economic growth, but more importantly, it can also raise people’s awareness to protect culture heritage so that more historical sites can be preserved. In order to appeal to travelers, some ancient monuments must be restored. For example, since the world-famous tourist attraction Angkor Wot becoming increasingly popular these years, more and more temples are being renovated by different institutions all over the world. It not only benefits the tourists, but also can be an effective means for the

Cambodian people to preserve and display their history and culture.

Of course, we also see such pictures: some natural environment is destroyed and resources are overused due to redundant construction of tourist facilities and resorts. However, in the long run, as long as the number of tourists are controlled and tourist resources not over-exploited, this negative sides will not be a serious issue.

To sum up, international tourism brings economic and cultural benefits to those countries with rich tourist resources although they have to accept some environmental costs. (275 words)



1.This causes the white pollution to our environment. Plastic bags cannot disappear by natural decomposition. So it is very harmful.

2.The grading system at our college should be abolished. The students don’t like to try to get grades. The instructors don’t enjoy giving grades.

3.The majority of today’s college students have little knowledge of social reality. This is a common weak point among them.

4.Wind is an enduring source of power. Water is also an unlimited energy source. Dams produce power. They have existed for a long time. Windmills are relatively new.

5.We must find new sources of energy. Natural sources of energy are decreasing. Solar energy is a promising new source of energy. Solar energy is energy from the sun.

6.As is known to all, jealousy is the killer of friendship and harmony, which exists both in work and daily life and is hard to eliminate.

7.That Yang Liwe was selected as the first Chinese astronaut can best illustrate that opportunity prefers well-prepared persons.

8.By reading martial arts fictions, students can distinguish the right from the wrong, be firmly convinced that the righteous triumphs over the evil in the long run and set themselves to do good to others.

9.Some economists are in favor of the Holiday Economy, which, they believe, has many advantages, the first one of which is tourism-based Holiday Economy will raise consumption and therefore help to spur the domestic demand.

10.One reason why I prefer a student-oriented class to a teacher-oriented one is that it can make my knowledge permanent, in addition to which, it can develop my creative mind and my learning ability.


Teamwork is very important in the modern society and today’s leader is usually the one sitting at a table with six others, sleeves rolled up, trying to solve a problem together.

The Importance of Teamwork


I believe that teamwork is more important in the modern society and teamwork spirit has become a required quality by more and more companies. To start with, with the help of the team, the tasks can be completed quickly and efficiently. Situated in an increasingly complicated society, we often encounter tough problems that are beyond our abilities. Today's society is no longer a self-sufficient one,but one in which all the people depend on each other for existence. At work,one can almost accomplish nothing without joint efforts.Every loaf of bread,every article of clothes,every house or apartment,every means of transportation is the product of cooperative efforts.

Besides, teamwork contributes to the prosperity of the companies. Teamwork provides a cooperative, friendly and enjoyable work environment, which is an important factor influencing employees’ belief in the company as a good workplace. With all people’s knowledge combined, the companies possess high work efficiency and an ability to deal with whatever problems. This allows the company to take on more work and generate more revenue without having to add more staff. As a result, the companies can make more profits and develop more quickly.


In recent years, more and more security cameras are installed in public places. Discuss both the benefits and problems resulting from these cameras.

On Security Cameras


As far as I am concerned, there are both benefits and problems brought by these cameras....... ......................................................

On one hand, cameras installed in public places contribute to public order. As we all know, the public places are the hotbeds of various crimes, especially of stealing and robbery. With the surveillance cameras, the criminals can be restrained more or less because in case they commit the crimes, the public security organs can obtain on-spot clues from the video data. What’s more, security cameras in public

help establish a good image of the city. With the aid of these cameras, the urban management officers can finally end the cat-and-mouse game with the street vendors who set up stands here and there and help project an orderly new image of the city.

On the other hand, the individual privacy may be invaded if people’s behaviors are monitored. The cameras can be seen everywhere, and even schools have started using spy cams to watch students’ activity and behavior. The cameras are so common now that we hardly ever even notice them.But the problem lies with the ones that are hidden away from our eyes and are unseen.It is these spy cams that people feel are an invasion of privacy. After all, there are no strict rules in our country as to who takes charge of surveillance cameras and how to deal with the data.

Therefore, it is quite clear that installing security cameras in public has merits as well as demerits. Taking both of them into account, I suggest that strict measures should be taken by the supervision department to ensure that security cameras will not be misused or abused.


Magic has captivated audience for centuries. Recently, there is a heated debate about the disclosure of magic.

Should the Secrets Behind Magic Be Disclosed?

…I insist that the secrets behind the magic should be disclosed.

For one thing, it contributes to developing the interest of the magic lovers in magic. With a fascination with magic, some people, especially the beginners, thirst for the revelation of the magic secrets so that they may obtain some of the know-how and perform some magic on their own. If the magic secrets are disclosed, it can attract more and more people to learn the skills and help them demonstrate it successfully. Consequently, with the practice on the rise, people will show their interest in more magic performances.

For another, the magic secrets disclosure can somewhat push the magicians to create more magic tricks. As one of the traditional cultures, magic needs to be continually renewed and innovated. With the magic secrets disclosed, the magicians have to rack their brains to improve and perfect the magic shows. If not, not only will they lose their audience, but also lose their creation abilities. To attract more people, the magicians have to create more fresh, fancy and novel magic tricks. In the meanwhile, their abilities of magic shows will also be constantly improved.


You are doing a mini research project on Internet users. The following are some useful materials. Write a report of about 200 words. Your report should mainly be made up of two parts. In the first part, you describe the graph. In the second part, you analyze the relevant situation. You should also provide an introduction and conclusion for your report.

The Use of the Internet(题目说明图表分析内容)

How many people have an Internet connection? In the following, some data will be used to illustrate the percentage of people in three countries who used the Internet between 1999 and 2009. (要说明什么问题)

It is clear that the number of Internet users has increased greatly from 1999 to 2009. Overall, more Internet users lived in Canada and America in comparison with those in Mexico, and Canada experienced the fastest growth in Internet usage. (说明图表整体情况)

In 1999, the number of American people accessing the Internet was about 20% while the figure for Canada was much lower, at about 10%. In 2002, Internet usage in Canada surpassed that in the USA and rose to around 50% of the population. By 2009, Canada became the country with the highest percentage, at almost 100%, followed by America, with about 80%. In the meanwhile, the number of Internet users in Mexico just underwent a steady growth from around 5% in 1999 to 40% in 2009. (具体描述图表内容)

Obviously, from the above graph, even though there were more Internet users in America and Canada than in Mexico, the total number of population using the Internet showed an upward trend. It turns out to provide solid evidence that the Internet has been growing increasingly popular. (总结分析的内容)


