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1、To ______ the truth, I have a lot of things to do this evening. A、say B、speak C、talk D、tell 答案:D

2、Make yourself at home. Eat anything you like._______ yourself to some fish. A、Get B、Force C、Help D、Ask 答案:C

3、This coat is red. That coat is black. This coat is from that one. A、similar B、different C、differ D、not same 答案:B

4、They wanted to go to the city, but he ________ the idea. A、against B、opposed C、disagreed against D、attracted 答案:B

5、Are you ________ with the man over there?

A、familiar B、knowing C、realizing D、getting 答案:A

6、After the________of the steam engine, people' life has greatly improved. A、find B、invention C、discovery D、production 答案:B

7、He won't come. He has his mind.

A、taken B、done C、changed D、altered 答案:C

8、It is necessary for us to learn to write an _____ letter if we want to find a good job. A、looking B、seeking C、application D、search 答案:C

9、It is good for one to avoid being in _______ to anyone else. A、debt B、money C、charge D、change 答案:A

10、A learner of the English language should read comprehensively.________, he should read as many books as possible.

A、In other words B、In my own way C、 With this D、Otherwise 答案:A

11、________ this evening, if you can; I've something important to tell you. A、Call me down B、Call on C、 Call me up D、Call at 答案:C

12、The leaves from the trees fell onto the lake and ________ on the surface. A、flowed B、floated C、flew D、fried 答案:B

13、He ________ his living as a fisherman. A、got B、earned C、won D、obtained 答案:B

14、You haven't been ________ before, have you?

A、abroad B、aboard C、broad D、board 答案:A

15、They all said they were very poor, but _______ they were very rich. A、of course B、as a result C、as a matter of fact D、at the bottom 答案:C

16、After finishing his education at college, he was ________ to work in a company. A、decided B、determined C、planned D、hoped 答案:B

17、Can you please ________ me a favor by turning off that radio? A、say B、have C、do D、give 答案:C

18、The train is now going at a ________ rate. A、rapid B、quick C、large D、huge 答案:A

19、If you go on doing that kind of thing, you'll ________ in prison. A、end away B、end off C、end up D、end down 答案:C

20、I just drop ________ to see if I could borrow your dictionary. A、in B、at C、on D、off 答案:A

21、“When are you going to see your uncle? “ “ ________ next week.” A、Some time B、Sometime C、Some times D、Sometimes 答案:B

22、 Was it because it rained heavily last Sunday _______ he didn't go to the party? A、when B、why C、that D、which 答案:C

23、We used to go skating in Michigan every winter, but _______ for the past five seasons. A、I don't go B、I haven't gone C、I'm not going D、I didn't go 答案:B

24、The shirt isn't mine. It's ________.

A、Mrs Smith B、Mrs' Smith C、Mrs Smiths' D、Mrs Smith's 答案:D

25、_______ is standing at the corner of the street. A、A police B、The police C、Police D、A policeman 答案:D

26、It is necessary that the question _______ at once.

A、should be settle B、be settled C、might be settled D、would be settled 答案:B

27、To say something _______ one thing, while to do it _______ another. A、is, are B、are, is C、is, is D、are, are 答案:C

28、“Write to me when you get home.” “________.” A、I must B、I should C、I will D、I can 答案:C

29、Though she wears a white overcoat, she is not a scientist, _______ a doctor, _______ a nurse. She is a hairdresser.

A、nor, nor B、neither, nor C、and, and;not only D、but also 答案:A

30、 'I can't tell you anything about it.' 'But it is very important that you _______ me all the information.'

A、give B、shall give C、gave D、will be given 答案:A

31、The girl _______ flying in the opposite direction by a slight touch. A、sent B、was sent C、will send D、would send 答案:B

32、I don’t like running _______ climbing.' 'I don't like running, _______ I like climbing very much.'

A、and, and B、but, but C、or, but D、or, and 答案:C

33、________ your letter, I would have started off two days ago.

A、If could have received B、If I received; C、Should I receive D、Had I received D

34、It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows ________. A、it what to do with B、what to do it with C、what to do with it D、to do what with it 答案:C

35、The third, and last, chapter _______ by Professor Chen.

A、are written B、are writing C、is written D、is writing 答案:C

36、Not all methods are ________ for your study. A、feet B、fat C、fit D、foot 答案:C

37、The crops were badly affected by the ________ in summer; some died because of too much water, and others were simply drowned.

A、flood B、thirst C、dry D、wet 答案:A

38、The man over there is an easy-________ person. A、walking B、running C、going D、racing 答案:C

39、The mother worked so hard as to ________ the whole family. A、hand B、give C、offer D、feed 答案:D

40、In my ________, I liked to have ice cream.

A、child B、children C、childhood D、childlike 答案:C

41、I have a lot of work to ________. A、get B、deal with C、have D、go with 答案:B

42、The _______ from the farm to the town is five miles. A、distance B、power C、right D、meaning 答案:A

43、He was not interested in his school work._______, he felt disappointed. A、Before long B、Long before C、Long after D、After long 答案:A

44、Now ________ people want to receive a better education.

A、a great deal of B、a great many C、many a D、an amount of 答案:B

45、I have a dream to become a teacher; I hope my dream will ________. A、come true B、prove true C、get true D、turn true 答案:A

46、The teacher ________ to find out the student who broke the cup. A、attempted B、attended C、attracted D、attacked 答案:A

47、Is she sorry?' '_______ not! Look at her.'

A、Obviously B、Clearly C、Without doubt D、Without refusal 答案:A

48、________ you hear the radio from the other side of the room? A、Can B、May C、Must D、Should 答案:A

49、The ________ are paid to do all the work on the ship. A、crew B、students C、players D、boys 答案:A

50、________ he discovered that Lanny had visited that country. A、By mistake B、By accident C、By surprise D、By sea 答案:B

51、 ________to realize how hard he worked on the book. A、Only then I came B、Only then did I come C、Only then do I come D、Then did I only come 答案:B

52、Where there is a ________, there is a way. A、wish B、attempt C、hope D、will 答案:D

53、The train is now going at a ________ rate. A、rapid B、quick C、large D、huge 答案:A

54、Can you hear the ________ of the music in the distance? A、sound B、voice C、noise D、speeches 答案:A

55、They worked hard. They thought only in this ________ could they succeed. A、manner B、method C、approach D、way 答案:D

56、Mary is fond of watching _______ TV while her sister is interested in listening to _______ radio.

A、/, the B、the, / C、/, / D、the, the 答案:A

57、 'Good morning, can I help you?' 'I'd like to have this package _______, madam.' A、be weighed B、to be weighed C、to weigh D、weighed 答案:D

58、I'll leave him a message. Would you please give me ? A、papers B、ome papers C、a sheet paper D、 some paper 答案:D

59、One of his friends studies at _______.

A、the Beijing university B、Beijing University C、university Beijing D、the university Beijing 答案:B

60、I often visited the British Museum _______ I was staying in London. A、until;while;during;throughout 答案:B

61、No one can be sure in a million years. A、what man will look like B、what will man look like C、 man will look like what D、what look will man like 答案:A

62、The secretary worked late into the night, _______ a long speech for the president. A、to prepare B、preparing C、prepared D、was preparing 答案:B

63、People in the west make _______ a rule to buy Christmas presents for their relatives and friends.

A、that B、it C、this D、as 答案:B

64、What's the date?' 'It's _______.'

A、first July, 1999 ;July the first, 1999;1999 1st of July;July the first of 1999 答案:B

65、They have me pictures of Guilin from a local post-office. A、given B、lent C、sent D、left 答案:C

66、Which of the following is right?

A、 It is true that he said at the meeting. B、 What he said at the meeting is true. C、 He has been chosen made us happy.

D、 A man's worth lies not so much in what he has as in he is. 答案:B

67、They helped me a lot. I don’t know what I _______ without their help. A、would do B、had done C、would have done D、will have done 答案:C

68、I don't want _______ any doubt about this.

A、it has B、I have C、there is D、there to be


69、If you _______ your medicine yesterday, you would be well now. A、took B、would take C、had taken D、would have taken 答案:C

70、Mr Smith promised to help me and _______ the next day.

A、neither he did B、so he did C、 neither did he D、so did he 答案:B

71、Do it now.________, it will be too late. A、Then B、So C、Otherwise D、Or 答案:C

72、The novel Gone with the Wind is one of the best-________. A、sellers B、sells C、sales D、sellings 答案:A

73、They must try to get the ________ number of workers in the street. That is to say, they must get as many workers as possible. A、small B、large C、maximum D、huge 答案:C

74、Don't just look on the dark side._______, you are a good student. A、Above all B、In fact C、To be honest D、By accident 答案:A

75、A _______ number of boys and girls love doing morning exercise in this school. A、many B、much C、big D、large 答案:D

76、Kate, the girl I know, is clever ________.

A、in my thought B、in my head C、in my idea D、in my opinion 答案:D

77、Smith said we _______ him this morning, but we did not see him. A、passed by B、looked at C、picked up D、paid off 答案:A

78、She looked at me _______ she did not know me. A、if only B、if C、as though D、as 答案:C

79、Can I come in?' 'I'm _______ not.'

A、afraid B、frightened C、fearful D、worried 答案:A

80、Your classmate sent you a letter yesterday. Did you ________ her letter? A、accept B、obtain C、receive D、have 答案:C

81、I was ________ to go out when the door bell rang. A、about B、almost C、nearly D、hardly 答案:A

82、No one wishes to be _______ when doing something important. A、looked B、disturbed C、seen D、glanced 答案:B

83、The lift is _______ by electricity.

A、operated B、worked C、performed D、done 答案:A

84、You may imagine their _______ at finding the room empty. A、appreciation B、astonishment C、calm D、expression 答案:B

85、The teacher told the boys to _______ all the waste paper lying about after the dinner. A、gather B、get C、obtain D、collect 答案:D

86、He is not right. My ______ is that his behaviour is against the rule. A、understanding B、argument C、key D、answer 答案:B

87、“I will ______ you a visit,” she promised me yesterday. A、give B、offer C、consider ;pay 答案:D

88、I _______ on your giving me a direct answer. A、insist B、assist C、consist D、aid 答案:A

89、Food here is cheaper than in Britain;_______, on the other hand, is dearer. 答案:A、cloth B、clothes C、clothing D、dress C

90、The boy was careless, fell into the river and got _______ . A、down B、drawn C、drowned D、downed 答案:C

91、While the boys were working hard in the garden, their sisters ______ themselves in the house.

A、had enjoyed B、enjoy C、were enjoying D、would enjoy 答案:C

92、It remains a question ______ we can get so much money in such a short time. A、how B、that C、when D、what 答案:A

93、Do I have to take this medicine? It ______ so terrible. A、tastes B、is tasting C、is tasted D、has tasted 答案:A

94、Last night the people found the prisoner, who had run away from the prison three days ______.

A、later B、late C、before D、after 答案:C

95、It is for children to play with fire. A、danger B、safe C、dangerous D、endanger 答案:C

96、If Tom ______ Jane asks for her bag, tell her to come tomorrow. A、and B、or C、but D、with 答案:B

97、There is going to be a volleyball match next week, ______? A、is it B、isn't it C、is there D、isn't there 答案:D

98、I don't like to read such books; besides I ______ the time. A、can't have B、don't have C、 haven't had D、am not having 答案:B

99、He's so ill that his mother has to send for ______ doctor. A、/ B、some C、a D、the 答案:C

100、We won't give up we should fail ten times. A、even if B、since C答案:A

、whether D、until

