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贵阳市乌当中学 高力超

Unit 1 B1

1. Last night I met an __________ (upset) matter that __________ (upset) me up to now. 2. What I said __________ (ignore) by my parents.

3. __________ you ever __________ (go) through that kind of pain? 4. In class the students always set __________ what the teacher speak. 5. I got up early in order __________ (catch) the first bus. 6. What happened __________ dusk yesterday? 7. Hey, you two! Don?t sit there face __________ face. 8. I have no __________ lived there. 9. I didn?t live there any __________. 10. Such a problem should __________ (settle) at once. 11. I got __________ (tire) of maths. 12. How __________ you __________ (get) along with your work? 13. I __________ already __________ (fall) in love with Mike. 14. Did you join __________ the activity last year. 15. The medicine can calm the patient __________. Unit 2 B1

1. I missed the last train because __________ the heavy snow. 2. I came up __________ the plan at the meeting this afternoon. 3. At __________ I am working at the novel.

4. Don?t throw them away and you should make full use__________ them. 5. I like sports, such __________ ping pong, basketball and so on. 6. Women play an __________ part in everything now. 7. I can not see the __________ (straight) line there. 8. They are __________ (Africa).

9. __________ (actual) there are over 1,000 students in our school. 10. The fire went out __________ (gradual).


11. Can you speak the language __________ (fluent)? 12. Your __________ (spell) is terrible.

13. How many __________ are there in __________ (German)? 14. Please answer the question __________ (entire) 15. I?m sorry but I didn?t do it __________ purpose.

Unit 3 B1

1. Some goods ____________ (transport) to the area next month. 2. He refused ____________ (persuade) him to go to that university.. 3. She has been working there ____________ since then.

4. There are more and more ____________ ____________ (graduate) from universities every year.

5. Did they take part in the ____________ (finally) exams? 6. According to the ____________, there are five trains to Shanghai this afternoon. 7. I ?m __________ of the famous film star. 8. I remembered ____________ (organize) some activities before they came here. 9. Only my parents care ____________ my health and life. 10. Don?t change ____________ mind at any time. 11. I have made __________ my mind to go abroad for my further study. 12. I have lessons on Sunday ____________ usual. 13. Don?t depend on her and she is not __________ (rely). Unit 4 B1

1. I had to leave my home right __________.

2. The water pipe suddenly __________ (burst) last night. 3. He walks as __________ he were drunk.

4. Some crops in this area __________ (destroy) last month. 5. It was reported that a car __________ (trap) on the road yesterday.

6. Don?t be __________ when you catch sight of the __________ (frighten) scenes. 7. __________ from their appearance,they are __________ (judge). 8. Look! Some __________ __________ (cycle).


9. Please throw the papers away because they are __________ (use). 10. Today was __________ (extreme) cold.

11. They are __________ (determine) to help those in trouble. 12. Liu Hulan never gave __________ to the enemy.

13. They __________ (forecast) that there would be a heavy storm the next day. 14. The river __________ (flow) into the lake long ago but now it doesn?t. 15. We can?t drink __________ water but we can drink __________ (boil) water. 16. It is __________ that some __________ (report) will come to our school for a visit.

17. Are there any monks (和尚;修道士;僧侣) in the __________? No, there are some nuns(修女,尼姑).

Unit 5 B1

1. We are competing for __________ not for quantity. 2. We should be more __________ instead of being negative. 3. The People?s Republic of China __________ (found) on October 1, 1949. 4. Everything was __________ (peace) last night. 5. He studies law very hard in order to be a __________ in the future. 6. Many people here have no work to do. They are __________of work.. 7. Young people are always full of __________. They are __________ (hope). 8. __________ (youth) are full of youthful spirit. 9. As a matter of ________ he is a prisoner. 10. The man __________ (lose) heart when he failed many times. 11. At last they became __________ (educate) students. 12. They set __________ two primary schools here.

13. If you have some trouble, you can turn __________ your teacher. 14. I __________ your pardon, sir?

15. The man __________ (sentence) to death next week.

Unit 1 B2

1. Pandas and antelopes belong to __________ animals in the world. 2. They are of great __________ and they are very __________ (value).


3. Those who __________ are called __________ (survive).

4. Some volunteers __________ (select) in the city for City Sports Games. 5. The wonderful building __________ (design) by a scientist. 6. We are __________ at the __________ news (amaze). 7. The room __________ (decorate) with much special furniture. 8. Some __________ will come to visit our __________ classes (art). 9. The world __________ (belong) to us youth.

10. You can get some presents at the __________ (receive) desk.

11. Please ask two __________ to __________ my house with __________ (paint). 12. We will meet at the __________ (enter) to the hall.. 13. Don?t worry about it. It is an __________ (formal) interview. 14. Last night two ships __________ (sink) into the sea. 15. Can you see any __________ __________ (sail) in the sea?

Unit 2 B2

1. In the end only ten __________ __________ for the final __________ (compete). 2. Three __________ working in this company are from __________ (Greek). 3. The word “work” is a __________ (regularly) verb.

4. You can?t enter the room without your parents? __________ (admit). 5. The __________ in the family __________ (host) us very warmly. 6. We are __________ (responsibility) to defend our country.. 7. The phrase can __________ (replace) here.

8. My company is in the __________ of Mr Smith. That is, Mr Smith is in __________ of the company.

9. Because of his driving after drinking, he __________ (fine) 100 yuan at last. 10. You can put some __________ (advertise) in the magazine.. 11. The __________ boy is always __________ (fool) by his classmates. 12. I like to make __________ (physics) experiments. 13. Being of no __________ means __________ (hope). 14. The similar word “player” is __________.


15. He can speak English and French __________ well.

Unit 3 B2

1. I am not good at math so I don?t know how to __________ the sum. 2. Everybody knows it so it is __________.

3. You didn?t answer the question __________. Please __________ it. That?s to say:Please make it __________ (simple).

4. The man is good at __________ computer because he is an __________ (operate). 5. The short form of Information __________ is IT.

6. He has much __________ and I am also __________. (intelligent) 7. Do you know the __________ (solve)to the problem? 8. I will make theory into __________. (real) 9. I don?t like to tell you about it only because it is my __________ (person) affair. 10. If you want to __________ (application) for the job, you can come to my office tomorrow morning. 11. What is the real meaning of __________ (happy)? 12. What would you do if a UFO __________ (arise)? 13. He helped me __________ (mop) the floor yesterday. 14. Don?t judge a man by his __________ (appear).

15. Please ask the typewriter to have the document __________ (type) right away.

Unit 4 B2

1. It is clear that the primary duty of parents is to provide __________ for our children. But how to __________ (protect) them is still problem.

2. We __________ some important documents and that is a great __________ (lose). 3. The road __________ (line) with some tall trees on both sides.

4. At that time I saw some __________ __________ (hunt) deer in the forest. 5. What?s the __________ (distant) between your school and your home? 6. We should be __________ (mercy) to others.

7. What?s the __________ (important) of learning English? 8. Is it good for you ________ (rub) your face hard?


9. The __________ __________ (contain) a large amount of money.

10. I __________ this picture and the picture is my great __________ (appreciate).

11. He __________ in the last exams. He was __________ and he was a __________. He can do it __________ (success).

12. The noun of secure is __________.

13. Three hundred more workers __________ (employ) in the factory recently.

14. Smoking is __________ to our health. That is: Smoking does __________ to our health (harm).

15. I __________ (bite) by a dog last night.

16. The room is full of __________ and it is __________ (dust). 17. The film __________ well and it has a good __________ (end). 18. Be sure that the enemy will soon die __________. 19. We hope that there will be no war in the future and everything is in __________. 20. The old man in the hospital is in great __________ and we should try our best to save him. 21. When I was told that nothing happened to him, I was in __________. 22. We should protect him __________ being hurt. 23. The similar word of powerful is __________. 24. According __________ the recent report, the population of the city is increasing very fast. 25. He got up late __________ that he was late for class. 26. Do you know how the matter came __________ being?

Unit 5 B2

1. Be careful, some __________ rocks __________ (roll) down the hill.

2. We have a wealth of _________ talent in this region and some __________ are going to visit there with some works of __________ (music).

3. In Jinyang there is a school called Beijing Normal University of __________ (attach) School. 4. We need to have three more persons __________ (form) the medical group. 5. How many __________ (passer-by) did you see last night?

6. There will be a __________ __________ by a group of __________ (perform). 7. The movie will __________ by a famous __________ (act).


8. The __________ play is very __________ (humor)

9. The film is very __________ and it __________ (attract) many audience members. 10. __________ addition, he is a lawyer.

11. You should have much __________ (confident).

12. You should do it in a __________ way and do it __________ (brief). 13. I haven?t __________ by them so I won?t get their __________ (invite). 14. I?ve got a __________ in my back and it?s __________ (pain).

15. I?ve decided to __________ (devotion) myself to teaching math in the future. 参考答案 Unit 1 B1

1.upset, has been upsetting 2. was ignored 3. Have ,gone 4. down 5. to catch 6. at 7. to 8. longer 9. longer 10. be settled 11. tired 12. are/did, getting/get 13. have, fallen 14. in 15. down Unit 2 B1 1. of 2. with 3. present 4. of 5. as 6. important 7. straight 8. African/Africans 9. Actually 10. gradually 11.fluently 12. spelling 13. Germans, Germany 14.entirely 15. on Unit 3 B1 1. will be transported 2. to persuade 3. ever 4. graduates, graduating 5. final 6.schedule 7. fond 8. having organized 9. about 10. your 11. up 12. as 13. reliable Unit 4 B1

1. away 2. burst 3.if/though 4. were destroyed 5. was trapped 6. frightened, frightening 7. Judging, judges 8. cyclists, are cycling 9. useless 10.extremely 11. determined 12. in 13. forecast/forecasted 14. flowed 15. boiling, boiled 16. reported, reporters 17. temple Unit 5 B1

1. quality 2. positive/active 3. was founded 4. peaceful 5. lawyer 6. out 7. hope, hopeful 8. Youths 9. fact 10. lost 11. educated 12. up 13.to 14. beg 15. will be sentenced Unit 1 B2

1. rare 2. value, valuable 3. survive, survivors/survivals 4. were/have been selected

5. was designed 6. amazed, amazing 7. is/was decorated 8. artists, arts 9. belongs 10. reception 11. painters, paint, paint 12. entrance/entry 13. informal 14. sank 15. sailors. sailing


Unit 2 B2

1. competitors, competed, competition 2. Greeks, Greece 3. regular 4. admission 5. host/hosts, hosted 6. responsible 7. be replaced 8. charge, charge 9. was fined 10. advertisements 11. foolish, fooled 12. physical 13. hope, hopeless 14. athlete 15. as Unit 3 B2

1. calculate 2. universal 3. simply, simplify, simple 4. operating, operator 5. Technology 6. intelligence, intelligent 7.solution 8. Reality 9. personal 10. apply 11. happiness 12. arises/arose 13. (to) mop 14. appearance 15. typed Unit 4 B2

1. protection, protect 2. lost, loss 3. is/was lined 4. hunters/hunting 5. distance 6. merciful 7. importance 8. to rub 9. container, contains 10. appreciate, appreciation

11. succeeded, successful, success, successfully 12. security 13. have been employed 14. harmful, harm 15. was bitten 16. dust, dusty 17. ends, end/ending 18. out 19. peace 20. danger 21. relief 22. from 23. strong 24. to 25. so 26. into Unit 5 B2 1. rolling, are rolling 2. musical, musicians, music 3. Attached 4. to form 5. passers-by 6. performance, performed, performers 7. be acted, actor/actress 8. humor/humour, humorous/humourous 9. attractive, attracts 10. In 11. confidence 12. brief, briefly 13. been invited, invitation 14. pain, painful 15. to devote


