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I V ocabulary and Structure (1point each;35points in all )

Directions:or each of the following blank1,four choices are given. You are required to choosethe most appropriate one and put the corresponding letter in the bracket before each sentence.

1.I won‘t pay them _______they work harder.

A.if B.in case C.unless D.lest

2. They succeeded at last after adopting an_______method.

A.effect B.affect C.effective D.efficient .

3.My problems are very ________to yours.

A.like B same C.paid D.exact

4. He demanded that I_______ the bill by Friday at the latest.

A.must pay B.pay C.paid D.to paid

5. The population of China is bigger than _______.

A.Ind ia B. India‘s C. the one of India D .to paid

6. When I was a child ,I_______ice cream ,but I don‘to like it now

A. used to like B,was liking C. use to like D. used to liking

7. The movie _______us of the pains brought by World War II.

A .was thought of B. kept C .reminded D .remembered

8.New problems will_______as the construction is under way .

A. rise B .arise C. arouse D .rouse

9.He would rather_______his opportunity to study abroad tan leave the research unfinished.

A, .made up B .take up C .give up D. carry out

10.I paid a visit to him last night .We had a chat _______coffee.

A .make up

B in C. over D. by

11.David makes about $2,00a month as an engineer in a company .Besides ,he has another

_______of income by writing technical books in his spare time .

A. resource

B. source

C. course

D. result

12.Hats in this style are_______ with the young people this year.

A. widespread

B. welcomed

C. popular D .close

13.It was believed there was no limit _______the energy resources onour earth.

A. for B .off C .to D .on

14.His parents asked him to buy _______books he found useful and necessary for his study .

A .whichever

B .whatever C. whenever D. however

15.Which is your_______way to travel,by plane,by ship or by car?

A. favor B .favored C .favorite D. favorable

2b5caf28647d27284b7351ddputers can solve many difficult_______.

A. files B .questions C. query D .issue

17.He has _______his purpose with the help of his friends.

A. files

B. finished

C. accomplished

D. completed

18.Television can be a _______for spreading information.

A .middle

B .medium C. media :D. ,mere

19.Rodert is reliable.You can______him

A. count on

B. count up C .count to D. count for

20.The thought came to him _______his mother had been out for several hours .

A .that B. who C. which D .whom

21.At that time,committee, so far as I know, _______of three scientists, two professors ,and four

senior engineers.

A. composed

B. comprised

C. consisted D .made up

22.It was________then that I realiaed the importance of a good mastery of the language.

A .until B. unless C. not until D .not unless

23.I‘ll spend more time on English________I can pass the exam easily.

A. so that B .in order to C .even D. in order

24.Because of the adjustment the total output value if industry has deen ________ten times .

A increased

B doubled C. as much as D. the size of

25.British peoele would find it difficult to _______driving ,on the right .

A. get accustomed to B .get along with

C .make sense of D. make sure

26.The fabric is not real silk ,only an imitation. Here―imitation ‖means_____.



C. 模拟


27.It_____have rained last night , for the ground is wet .

A. will B can C .should D. must

28.They have developed techniques which are _______to those used in most factories .

A. more talented B .better C. greater D. superior

29.Only after a year _______to see the result of my experiment.

A.I began

B.I had begun

C. have I begun

D. did I begin

30.Neither John nor his parents _______at home .

A ,is B. has C. are D .was

31._______in the fields for two hours ,.they took a rest .

A .Having worked B. Working C .Worked D Being worked

32,The soldiers marched down the street ,_______their flags.

A. waved

B. waving

C. being waved D .wave

33.Man must stop ____________the earth‘s atmosphere.

A. filling

B. emitting C .polluting D .wasting

34.The three hours I spent in the school library ________my old passion for reading .

A. brought about B .brought over

C. brought forth

D. brought back

35.He was disappointed so often that he became ___________.

A. hopelessness B .hopelessly C. hopeful D .hopeless

II Cloze (1 point each; 10 points in all)

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should choose the one that best fits into the passage and put the corresponding letter in the bracket before each choice .

When people die, different cultures dispose ___36___their bodies in different ways .Sometimes bodies are burned. Sometimes bodies are buried in the ground,In many ___37___in the past, people were buried with food ,weapons,jewellery, and other

things___38___might be useful in the next life. ____39___,the ancient Egyptians buried people with little human figures ___40___clay. These clay figures were supposed to work for the dead person in the other world.A religious group called the Parses exposed their dead on platforms for birds to eat .Some people practice ___41__second burial .After the bodies___42__in the earth for several years,the bones are dug up and reburied, sometimes in a small container.

These are just___43__of the many different customs that__44__in different cultures.Most of the time, the different ways that are the customs of different cultures are ___45__right ___45___wrong. It is simply that different people do the same things in different ways.

36. A. of B. with C. from D .to

37. A cultures B. customers C. habits D. hobbies

38. A .what B. when C .that D. where

39 .A. Such as B. Exemplify C .Instantly D .For example

40 .A making form B. made in C .made from D .made by

41.A .the B .a C. x D .an

42.A. has been B .have been C. had been D .to have been

43.A. a few B. few C little D. a little

44.A. are founded B. are finding C. found D .are found

45.A. both…and B. as well….as C. neither…nor D .whether…or

III Reading Comprehension(50 points)

Task 1(2 points each ,10 points in all)

Directions:After reading the following passage, you will find 5questions or unfinished statements(No.46 through No.50). For each question or statement there are 4 choices .You should make the correct choice and put the corresponding letter in the bracket before each question.

I don‘t often lose things and I‘m especially careful with money, so I was quite surprised when I reached for my wallet and it wasn‘t there.At first ,I t hought it was possible that I could have left it at home. Then I remembered taking it out to pay for the taxi , so I knew I had with me just before I walked into the restaurant.I wondered if it was possible that it could have slipped out of my pocket while I was eating dinner.

Thinking about that possibility, I turned and walked back to the table where I had been sitting. Unluckily , there were several people sitting at the table at the time,. so I called a waiter and explained to him that my wallet had fallen out of my pocket while I was sitting at the table a few minutes earlier.I had the waiter go over to the table to see if my wallet was on the floor.

While the waiter was looking for it ,the manager of the restaurant came up to me and asked me if anythin g was wrong. I didn‘t want a lot of people to get involved in the problem, but I knew I had to get the wallet back.I told the manager what had happened. He had me describe the wallet to him , and then be insisted that I report the missing wallet to the pol ice. I told him that I didn‘t particularly want to get the police involved in it ; besides, I was in a hurry because I had an appointment with my doctor in just a few minutes. I explained to him that my biggest worry at the moment was how I was going to pay the check. He told me not to worry about that .He had me write down my name and address, and he said he would send me a bill.

46. Why was the writer so sure he had brought his wallet with him ?

A .He remembered that he didn‘t leave it at home

B .He always felt his pocket for the wallet before he left home.

C. He believed his own memory.

D. He had taken it out to pay the taxi—driver.

47. According to the passage, the writer most probably lost his wallet when____.

A, he took it out to pay for the taxi B. he walked into the restaurant

C he was eating dinner D. he was ordering his dish

48. What did he actually do when he walked back to the table?

A. He asked the people at the table about his wallet .

B. He explained to the waiter what had happened a few minutes earlier.

C. He himself started looking for his wallet.

D. He talked with the manger about what had happened.

49. The manager_________.

A. didn‘t appear till very late

B. didn‘t come at all because he was very bus y

C. came up pretty soon to see what had happened

D. came to the table and found the wallet

50. Why did the manager tell the writer not to worry about paying the check?

A. He was going to report the incident to the police.

B. He could pay the doctor for the writer.

C. He would send the writer a bill later for his meal.

D. He was sure the missing wallet would soon be recovered.

Task 2 (2 points each, 10 points in all)

Directions: This task is the same as Task 19No. 51 through No. 55)

Nature has a number of different ways of burying and thus preserving the past. One way is by volcanic eruption (火山爆发).The most famous example is probably the great Roman town of Pompeii in southern Italy . The town was so quickly and completely covered with volcanic ashes from Mount Vesuvius one August day in 79 A. D. that the people of the town hardly knew what was happening to them. A second way may be seen in another part of Europe ,where the surface of the land in the valleys of the Alps(阿尔卑斯山)sank hundreds of years ago and was covered with water and peat (泥炭). This cover preserved the wooden houses, tools and weapons of the prehistoric Alpine lake dwellers. In Egypt, drifting dry sands have preserved brittle records for thousands of years. In Central America, the jungle buried and preserved some of the ancient cities of prehistoric Indian peoples.

51. Pompeii was________.

A. the capital city of Roman in 79A D.

B. destroyed by volcanic eruption in 79A. D.

C. completely covered with water

D. quickly and completely covered by peat

52. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius shows that volcanoes_________.

A. can occur at sea level locations

B. often erupt without warning

C. can change the course of climate

D. once were very common

53. The author arranges supporting details according to _________.

A. the order of time

B. the order of cause and effect

C. the order of importance

D. the order of comparison and contrast

54. The author points out that____________.

A. damp climates preserve the past better than dry climates

B. peat is created out of soil and water

C. the Egyptians left more records than any other civilization

D. many people are familiar with the eruption of Mount V esuvius

55. Which of the following sentences expresses the idea that even delicate objects can be pro

--tected by nature for many years?

A. Nature has a number of different ways of burying and thus preserving the past.

B. In Egypt, drifting dry sands have preserved brittle records for thousands of years.

C. In Central America, the jungle buried and preserved some of the ancient cities of

prehistoric Indian peoples.

D. This cover preserved the wooden houses, utensils, and weapons of the prehistoric

Alpine lake dwellers.

Task 3(3 points each ,15 points in all)

Directions: This task is the same as Task 1w(No. 56 through No.60)

Unemployment rose from 7.5% in June, 1976, the highest rate since January of that year, the Labor Department reported. The main reason was a large increase—nearly 700,000 in the labor force , with a record 61.9% of the population over six-teen years of age working or actively seeking work .

That growth resulted largely from an increase in the number of women in the labor force , an increase partly because of a continuation of long---term and economic trends and partly because of

a reflection of pressure on families to increase their incomes.

56. According to the report, which of the following statements is correct ?

A. Unemployment in July was higher than it had been since January.

B. Unemployment rose at a steady rate from January to July.

C. Unemployment rose by about 7% from January to July.

D. Unemployment rose above 7% for the first time in July.

57. Why did unemployment increase during the period discussed in the passage ?

A. There are fewer jobs in summer.

B. Many companies had dismissed workers.

C. The labor force had grown

D. Records have become more accurate.

58. According to the passage , the labor force has increased by

A. 61.9

B. 700,000

C. 7.5%

D. 7.8%

59. Which is said to be the main reason why more people are looking for work ?

A. Teenagers start working younger.

B. Recent graduates have entered the labor market.

C. More people must have two jobs to make ends meet .

D. More women have entered the job market.

60. It can be inferred that the labor force described in the passage is made up of _____.

A. persons whose jobs are not professional

B. persons who work at both permanent and full-time jobs

C. those over 16 Years of age who are looking for work

D. appr oximately 60% of the country‘s population

IV Translation (35 points)

(I)translate the following sentences from English into Chinese (4 points each for No. 66

through No. 68; 6 points for No. 69; 18 points in all)

66. Many students complained that readable books were rare those days .

67. In his opinion,success in life depends mainly on how we get along with other people.

68. The brain is the most complicated part of the human body , and yet less is known about it

than any other part.

69. Do you want to know how to improve your grades without having to spend more time

studying ? It sounds too good to be true.

(II)Translate the following sentences from Chinese Into English (4 points each for No.70though No,72; 5 points for No. 73; 17 points in all).


71. 由于城市太拥挤,粗多人准备搬到乡下去.



V Writing (20 points)

Directions: write ONE of . the following two topics. You are supposed to follow the informa-tiongiven below.

1按照完整英文书信格式,邀请美匹兹堡大学Prof. Wiliams 参加一个学术(academic)会议.Puof. Williams 的地十是:

450 South Liberty Avenue,

Apartment 305,Pittsburgh University, Pittsburgh,

Pennsylvania 15213



(1)很荣幸邀请Prof. Williams.


(3)盼望Prof. Williams早日答复.

2. 写一篇题为―On Good Study Habits‖ 的文章。要要求分三个段落,不少于100个单词。









I. Vocabulary and Structure (1 point each; 35 points in all)

Directions: For each of the following blanks, four choices are given. You are required to choose the most appropriate one and put the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. ( ) 1.Once you enter the society, you are mostly ________your own.

A. in

B. on

C. of

D. to

( ) 2.The chairman as well as many other people _________present.

A. is

B. are

C. will

D. should

( ) 3.I think that it is no use _______with this.

A. to continue

B. continue

C. continuing

D. continued

( ) 4.What did the teacher ________you to do at home?

A. distribute

B. assign

C. divide

D. point ( ) 5.It didn‘t take long for him to adjust _______his new job.

A. to

B. with

C. for

D. on

( ) 6.With his resolute determination, he is _________to win.

A. possible

B. likely

C. like

D. probable ( ) 7.When I saw her facial ________, I knew she was angry.

A. appearance

B. expression

C. looking

D. feeling ( ) 8.________is going to do the job there remains a question.

A. Who

B. That

C. What

D. When ( ) 9.The travelers ________300 miles a day by car when they were in Africa.

A. passed

B. took

C. covered

D. went ( ) 10.Sam most probably ___________her for another girl at the party.

A. regarded

B. viewed

C. mistook D . looked

( ) 11. Whatever happens, this rule can be applied _________any case.

A. on

B. for

C. in

D. to

( ) 12.She earns a high __________as a doctor.

A. salary

B. wages

C. money

D. payment ( ) 13.It is necessary that the meeting _______at once.

A. began

B. begin

C. begins

D. will begin ( ) 14.Accrding to the doctor, the old lady was in a helpless________.

A. place

B. location

C. space

D. situation ( ) 15.At the age of eighteen, he decided to take politics as his_________.

A. arrange

B. task

C. work

D. career ( ) 16.Whenever needed Bob would _______for his father to come..

A. arrange

B. require

C. demand

D. invite ( ) 17.Give up smoking, _________you will have a good health.

A. or

B. and

C. so that

D. otherwise

( ) 18.If you are mot careful enough, you may ________black with white.

A. combine

B. compare

C. Confuse

D. contact ( ) 19.You _______me about his illness yesterday.

A. must tell

B. had told

C. ought to tell

D. should have told ( ) 20.My brother is __________mine.

A. five years more junior to

B. five years junior than

C. five years junior to

D. five years more junior than ( ) 21.You _________me because I didn‘t say that.

A. must have misunderstood

B. must misunderstand

C. must be understood

D. had to misunderstand

( ) 22.Can machines perform the same tasks ________?

A. that man does

B. what man does

C. must be understood

D. as man does

( ) 23.It is the boy‘s laziness that _________ his failure in the exams.

A. resulted from

B. brought in

C. resulted in

D. led into

( ) 24.__________his wealth, he is not happy.

A. Except for

B. In spite of

C. Hardier

D. Besides

( ) 25.__________you work, the greater your progress will be.

A. Harder

B. The hardier

C. Hardlier

D. The harder

( ) 26.John and Sally _________all their problems cheerfully .

A. coped with

B. Handled with

C. dealt in

D. turned up

( ) 27.It was the training that he had _________made him such a good technician.

A. has

B. what

C. later

D. that

( ) 28.Some elderly people ________their beds at hospital . They need our help.

A. confined to

B. locked to

C. tied with

D. limited by ( ) 29.No sooner had the late-airport gentleman got to the airport _______the plane took off.

A. when B .where C. while. D. than ( ) 30.If _________successfully, the plan will completely change the traffic

A. carrying

B. carried out

C. to carry

D. carry out ( ) 31.Within a few years he was _______from an ordinary clerk, to the manager of the company.

A. promoted B .raised C. developed D. improved ( ) 32.Though they disliked the tone of his speech, they finally decided to _______ his suggestion for it sounded practical.

A. adapt

B. adopt

C. use

D. receive ( ) 33.The paint is still wet._________!

A. Be sure to not it

B. Be sure not to touch it

C. As the diamond is hard

D. Hard as the diamond is

( ) 34.________, it is quite easy to drill a hole on it with laser.

A. Hard although the diamond is

B. How hard is the diamond

C. As the diamond is hard

D. Hard as the diamond is

( ) 35.________, the students had to go to bed.

A. The lights had gone out

B. The lights having gone out

C. The light went out

D. The lights have gone out

II.Cloze (1 point each; 10 points in all)

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage and put corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

The history of the American people is ___36_____, the history of the movement of the American people. They moved from the colonies of the East Coast to the open space of the

___37______. The moved from the country and the farm to the city. ___38_______, Americans have been moving from the cities to the suburbs.

Pioneer Americans began ___39_______from the East Coast to the West 250 years ago. They moved west for many reasons. ___40_____reason was that they could obtain____41____ open space and land ___42_____farming. Americans liked large open spaces. And they liked the freedom and independence to _____43______the land in their own way. Some of the land became farms. Important minerals were discovered in some areas, so some of the land became ___44____. Other large areas became cattle ranches. There seemed to be enough land for everybody. But it was a difficult life---____45______of endless work and hardship.

( ) 36.A.with part B. of park C. in part D. on part

( ) 37. A. West B. South C. North D. East

( ) 38. A. Not long ago B. Then C. More recently D. Later

( ) 39 A. moving B. passing C. coming D. going

( ) 40. A. Mainly B. Much C. Most D. One

( ) 41. A. unlimited B. indivisible C. discommected D. inseparable ( ) 42. A. of B.for C.on D.in

( ) 43. A. make B. plant C. build D. develop

( ) 44. A. towns B. factories C. mines D. farms`

( ) 45. A. a task B. a job C. a life D. a career

III.Reading Comprehension (50points)

Task 1(2points each; 10 points in all)

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements should make the correct choice and put the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Many people are frightened by spiders (蜘蛛). They are especially afraid of large, hairy ones. The largest and most frightening of all spiders is the bird – eating spider, which lives in the hot, thick rain forests of northern South America.

Bird – eating spiders are a type of tarantula (狼蛛). They can bite, and the bite is painful, but it will not kill a grown – up. The poisonous bite of a black widow spider is far more dangerous.

Bird -- eating spiders often hide in holes and under rocks during the day, but at night they creep out and hunt for insects. As you might guess from their name, they also catch birds and eat them.

They have another unusual ability. They can walk up window pans (玻璃窗) because of sticky. Silky hairs on their feet that cling to glass.

( ) 46. This spider lives there the climate is _______.

A. wet and hot

B. cool and dry

C. hot and dry

D. cool and wet.

( ) 47.The article says that the bird – eating spider is a kind of _________.

A. large crab

B. tarantula

C. black widow spider

D. All of the above

( ) 48. Bird – eating spiders hunt _________.

A. during the day

B. at night

C. at dawn

D. Both A and B

( ) 49.According to the story, bird – eating spiders _________.

A. can catch birds and eat them

B. can walk up windowpanes

C. can give a person a painful bite

D. All of the above

( ) 50.Implied but not stated _________.

A. The bird-eating spider is unable to climb well

B. The bird-eating spider likes to stay in trees

C. The bird-eating spider can be found in many parts of the world

D. One can hardly see a bird-eating spider during the day

Task2 (2pointd each; 10 points in all)

Directions: This task is the same as Task I (No.51 through No.55)

No author in American literature is better known or more loved than Amuel Langhome Chemens. born in Missouri in 1835 . He grew up in the banks of the Mississippi River and used the pen name of ―Mark Twain‖. The two novels brought him his greatest fame: Toni Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Another book, Life on the Mississippi, told of his adventures on the river boats of the period.

It was during the Civil War that Mark Twain‘s life as a writer started .At that time he was working as a newspaper man in Nevada and California. His short story, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras Count3, was an immediate success and his new life began.

In 1870, Mark Twain married Olivia Langdon. He had fallen in love with her wife even before he met her. His wife had a great influence on Twain‘s later books.

Mark Twain was also a very successful lecturer. His travels around the country giving talk son different kinds of subjects helped make him famous and increased the sale of his books.

Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn are considered Twain‘s best works. They are marked by humor and satire(讽刺文学, 讽刺) and provide his readers with an excellent picture of his time. His last book was completed in 1909, one year before his death. He was then 74 years old. ( ) 51. Mark Twain is ______.

A.the best known author in American literature

B.the best known author in the world

C.the best author in America all the time

D.the best author in the world

( ) 52. The book, Life on the Mississippi, told us

A.hid adventures on the Mississippi

B.his successful way to a writer

C.his life as a writer

D.his successful lectures

( ) 53. Which if the following novels made him famous?

A.Tom Sawyer

B.Huckleberry Finn

C.Life on the Mississippi

D.Both A the B

( ) 54. Mark Twain‘s life as a writer started_____ .

A.when be vas a boy

B.before he got married

C.after he got married

D.when he got married

( ) 55.From the story we can learn that Mark Twain

A.was a good speaker

B.was a good reader

C.was a poor newspaper man

D.could draw wonderful pictures

Task 3 (3point each; 15 points in all)

Directions: This task is the same as Task I (No. 56 through No.60)

Money is used for buying or selling goods, for measuring value and for storing wealth. However, in primitive societies a system of barter was used. Barter was a system of direct exchange of goods. Somebody could exchange a sheep, for example, for anything in the market place that he or she considered to be of equal value. Barter, however, was a very unsatisfactory system of exchange, and various money systems developed based on goods that the members of a society recognized as having value. Cattle, grain, teeth, shells, salt, and tobacco had all been used. Precious metals gradually took over because, when made into coins, they were portable, durable, recognizable, and divisible into larger and smaller units of value.

A coin is a piece of metal, usually disc-shaped, which bears lettering, designs or numbers showing its value. Until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, coins were given monetary worth based on the exact amount of metal contained in them, but most modern coins are based on face value –the value that the governments choose to give them, which doesn‘t show the actual metal content. Coins have been made of gold, silver, copper, plastic and in China even from tealeaves. Most governments now issue paper money in the form of bills, which are really ―promises to pay.‖ Paper money is obviously easier to handle and much more convenient in the modern world. Checks and credit cards are being used increasingly, and it is possible to imagine a would where ―money‖ in the form of coins and paper currency will no longer be used. Even today, in the United States, many places, especially filling stations will not accept cash at night for security reasons. ( ) 56. ―Barter‖(in Line 2,Paragraph 1) here means _______.

A.exchanging goods for money

B.exchanging goods for goods

C.exchanging a sheep for anything in the market

D.exchanging money for goods

( ) 57. Why were precious metals gradually used for making coins?

A.Because they were durable and portable

B.Because they were recognizable

C.Because they were divisible

D.All of the above

( ) 58. Coins were given value according to the exact amount of metals contained in them____.

A.before the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

B.after the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

C.during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

D.between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

( ) 59. ―Promises to pay‖ (Lines 6-7, Paragraph 2) means_______.

A. possibilities to pay

B. necessities to pay

C. obligations to pay

D. opportunities to pay

( ) 60. A world without any money in the from of coins and paper is________.

A. suitable

B. possible

C. necessary

D. avoidable

Task 4 (3 points each; 15 points in all)

Directions: This task is the same as Task I (No. 61 through No.65)

In most lectures, several main ideas are presented. These are the concepts (思想)the lecturer wants the students to remember. Often the lecturer has a general idea that serves as an ―umbrella‖ covering the other main concepts. The students‘ job, then, is to pick out the main concepts, including the ―umbrella‖ ideal.

Lecturers usually begin with an introduction. Sometimes the main concepts and the ―umbrella‖ idea are briefly presented in the introduction; often they are not. Next comes the body of the lecture. It is here that the several main concepts are always presented. The final part of a lecture, the conclusion, is traditionally a summary of the main concepts. This is also the place where the ―umbrella‖ idea can most easily be repeated, restated, r estated, or even introduced for the first time.

When a lecture is well organized, with a clear-cut beginning, middle and end, the main ideas are usually easy to pock out. When a lecture is not well organized, getting the gist of what is being said is quite difficult. Some lecturers are ―long-winded‖, taking a long time to come to the point. Others ramble on (杂乱地漫谈)and never seem to come to the point at all.

61. While listening to a lecture, the students are expected to remember________.

62. A lecture is usually made up of three parts-, ______ and _______ according to this passage.

63. Sometimes, both ______ and _______of a lecture are put forward in the introduction.

64. A lecture with a neatly-planned _______ , _______ and ________ is said to be a well organized lecture.

65. The summary is in _______ of a lecture and it is also the place where the ______ is mostly mentioned again.

IV. Translation (35 points)

(I)Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese(4 points each for No. 66 through No. 68; 6 points for No. 69; 18 points in all) mentioned again

66. There is no general agreement about what can and should be done to solve the problem of pollution.

67. Such networks as have been designed specially to enable people to send message to each other by computers are known as E-mail.

68. of all living things, only human beings can choose where and how they want to live and then modify the physical environment to help themselves realize these choices.

69. Some people believe that it is necessary for the government to take an active role in population planning because many people will not limit themselves to just one or two children.

(II)Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English(4 points each for No.70 through No. 72; 5 points for No.73; 17 points in all)

70. 他认为退休以后就能集中精力干他喜欢的事了。



73.除非一项公关计划把这些内容全部考虑进去,否则不会对公司有什么帮助。V.Writing(20 points)

Directions: Write ONE of the following two topics. You are supposed to follow the information given below.









2.写一篇题为‖The Importance of Confidence‖ 的文章。要求分三段,不少于100单词。内容包括:







1.V ocabulary and Structure (1poing each;35 points in all )

Directions: for each of the following blanks, four choices are given, You are required to choose the most appropriate one and put the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet .

( ) 1.In the end he realized his realized his dream, but ______the cost of his life.

A.on B .with C .by D .at

( ) 2._______driving to work, Mr Robins goes to his office by train every day .

A .without

B .Rather than C. Instead of D. spite of

( ) 3.The professor paused as if _____his students to ask questions on the point he had just made.

A .expecting B. to expect

C .expected D. to have expected

( )4.Because he was very poor, he couldn‘t _______to rent his flat.

A .spend

B .afford

C .feel

D think

( )5.I _______ her for your girlfriend when I first saw her in your home..

A. figured B .thought C. considered D .regarded

( )6.Is 200 dollars _______ for the expenses of your trip?

A .important B. sufficient C. considered D .comfortable

( )7.Thanks for your invitation, I‘d be ________to come.

A .delight B. delightsome C. delighted D .delightful

( )8.Here is the ticket for ________ 4708 to New York. You may go to the airport right now.

A .plane

B .flight

C .train

D .airplane

( )9.You haven‘t wasted my time. On the _______ ,you‘ve helped me save some time.

A, contrary B. reverse C .opposite D .contrast

( )10.The wounded tiger ran into the bushes, leaving a _________of blood.

A. tail B .train C .trade D .trail

( )11.It was recommended that we _________the job as soon as possible.

A .die

B .do

C .would do

D .must do

( )12.People in the small village have never heard of _______before.

A. so a shocking story B .a so shocking story

C .so shocking a story D. a such shocking story

( ) 13.He didn‘t know that ________ ten years to complete this special task.

A .it will take him

B .he would take

C .he would spend

D .it would take him

( )14.Criticism and self-criticism is necessary _________it helps us to correct our mistakes.

A. since that B .in that C. due to D. because of

( )15.________ we have finished all the exams, we‘ll have a good time enjoying ourselves.

A .After that

B .Now that C. Unless that D. Until

( )16.Japanese women used to wait ______their husbands form morning till night.

A .for

B .by

C .on

D .about

( ) 17. He was _____ that he should devote his life motherland.

A. decided

B. determined

C. discussed

D. figured

( ) 18. Stephen invited me to dinner the day before yesterday and I ______ his invitation with pleasure .

A .accepted B. promised C .permitted D. received

( ) 19.Don‘t _______ to let me know if there is anything I can do for you. .

A. reject B .prevent C. hesitate D. refuse

( )20.The man _______ the Helping Hand Group is a handicapped person himself.

A .organizes

B .organized

C organizing D. organize

( ) 21.________ to speak, I shall start making preparation tomorrow .

A .Having invited B. Having been invited C. Inviting D. Be invited

( )22. How I wish I ________ to repair the watch ! I only made it worse .

A .had tried B. hadn‘t tried C. didn‘t try D .have tried

( )23. On the one hand, he was highly praised by his teachers, but blamed by some of his classmates___________ .

A. on another hand B .at other hand

C .at second hand

D .on the other hand

( ) 24. We often associate the Yellow River and the Changjiang River _____the civilization of the Chinese people.

A .by B. to C .from D. with

( )25. Malaysia is a country that ________ in the manufacture of rubber products

A specializes B. produces C .turns D. makes use ( ) 26. The freshmen _________ the new college life soon except Tom

A .set up B. adapted to C. got to D. went about

( )27 I keep telling myself to avoid ___________ the same mistakes in pronunciation.

A . to make B. making C .in making D .from making ( ) 28. The more you give. ________ you obtain.

A. the more

B. the most

C. the little

D. the least

( )29. The result of the experiment made me _________ . It was not so good as I had expected.

A .disappoint B. be disappointed C .disappointing D. disappointed ( )30.At present ________ than doing well in our socialist economic construction.

A. nothing is more important B .nothing is less important

C. much is more important D ..anything is more important

( )31.Many people volunteer to work in remote areas in response _______ the Party‘ s call.

A. to B .with C. of D .about

( )32. Though using totally different methods, the two groups of students ______ exactly the same conclusion.

A .got

B .achieved C. gained D. drew

( )33. He was very busy yesterday. Otherwise he _______ to the party.

A. would come B .should come C. came D. would have come ( )34. Words are to a language________ bricks are to a building.

A. as B .which C .what D .that

( )35.Yesterday evening ,she got to the theatre late ,only just _______ to dress and made up for the performance.

A .on time B. in time D. within the time D. at the time

II. Cloze (1 point each; 10 points in all)

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each bland there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage and put the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Chinese-Americans today have higher incomes than Americans in general. One-fourth of all ___36__ Chinese-Americans are working in scientific and professional __37__. The Chinese have risen to this position __38__some of the harshest discrimination and violence __39__ any immigrants in the history of this country. Today, __40__ of the Chinese prosperity (成功) is __41__ the simple fact that they work harder and take __42__ of educational opportunities. Chinese-Americans have had three Noble __43__ winners, all in physics. Many more have PhDs, especially from high __44__ universities. Among academics, Asians publish more than __45__ blacks or whites.

( ) 36.A. employed B. employee C. employer D. employing ( ).37.A. would B. field C. places D. walks ( ).38.A. inspite B. despite of C. otherwise D. despite ( ).39.A.against B. whereas C. otherwise D. beneath ( ).40.A. many B. numerous C. much D. lot

( ).41.A. contribute to B. due to C. thanks to D. owe to ( ).42.A. advantage B. measures C. place D. steps ( ).43.A. price B. praise C. price D. prize ( ).44.A. level B. position C. ranking D. fares ( ).45.A. all B. either C. both D. neither

III. Reading Comprehension (50 points)

Task 1(2 points each; 10 points in all)

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will fond 5 questions or unfinished statements (No. 46 through No. 50). For each question or statement there are 4 choices. You should make the correct choice and put the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Specialists in marketing have studied how to make people buy more food in a supermarket. They do all kinds of things that you do not even notice. For example, the simple, ordinary food that everybody must buy like bread, milk, flour, and vegetable oil, is spread all over the store. You have to walk by all the more interesting—and more expensive—things in order to find what you need. The more expensive food is in packages with bright colored pictures. This food is places at eye level so you see it and want to buy it. The things that you have to buy anyway are usually located on a higher or lower shelf. However, candy and other things that children like are on lower shelves. One study showed that when a supermarket moves four products form floor to eye level, it sold 78 percent more.

Another study showed that for every minute a person is in a supermarket after the first half hour, she or he spends $50.If someone stays forty minutes, the supermarket has an additional $5.00.So the store has a comfortable temperature in summer and winter, and it plays soft music. It is a pleasant place for people to stay—and spend more money.

Some stores have red or pink lights over the meat so the meat looks redder. They put light green paper around lettuce (生菜) and put apples in red plastic bags.

So be careful in the supermarket. You may go home with a bag of food you were not planning to buy. The supermarket, not you, decided you should buy it.

( ) 46. Marketing specialists study _______.

A. plants suitable human needs

B. how to build shelves

C. method of selling more products

D. how to own supermarkets

( ) 47. The more expensive kind of food is _______.

A. in bright-coloured packages

B. on high shelves

C. all near the front of the store

D. on lower shelves

( ) 48. According to the selecting, children‘s books are probably _______.

A. on low shelves B .on high shelves

C. spread all over the sold in supermarket

D. sold in supermarket

( ) 49. A supermarket plays soft music because_______.

. A .people like to listen to it

B .the store has a comfortable temperature

C .it will make people spend

D. it will remind people to buy the things they want

()50。A good way to save money in a supermarket is to_______.

A.go just before dinner

B.buy things that are in the prettiest packages

C.walk around and see what you need

D.make a list of what you need before you go

Task 2 (2 points each; 10 points in all)

Directions: This task is the same as Task 1 (No.51 through No.55)

Although each baby has an individual schedule of development, general patterns of growth have been observed. Three periods of development have been identified(确定), including early infancy(幼儿期), which extends from the first to the sixth month; middle infancy, from the sixth to the ninth month; and late infancy, from the ninth to the fifteenth month. Whereas the newborn is concerned with his or her inner world and reacts primarily to hunger and pain in early infancy, the baby is already aware of the surrounding world. During the second month, many infants are awake more and can raise their heads to look at things. They also begin to smile at people. By four months, the baby is searching for things but not yet grasping them with its hands. It is also beginning to be wary(谨慎的) of strangers and may scream when a visiting relative tries to pick it up. By five months, the baby is grabbing objects and putting them into its mouth. Some babies are trying to feed themselves with their hands.

In middle infancy, the baby concentrates on practicing a great many speech sounds. It loves to imitate actions and examine interesting objects. At about seven months, it begins to crawl, a skill that it masters at the end of middle infancy.

In late infancy, the baby takes an interest in games, songs, and even books. Progress toward walking moves through standing, balancing, bouncing in place, and walking with others. As soon as the baby walks well alone, it has passed from infancy into the active toddler (蹒跚学步) stage. ( ) 51. What is the main subject of this reading passage?

A.Growth in early infancy

B.The active toddler

C.How a baby learns to walk

D.The developmental stages of infancy

( ). 52. When does a baby take an interest in books?

A. After nine months

B. At two months

C. After five months

D. In middle infancy

( ). 53. What would a six-month-old baby love to do?

A .Smile at people B. Crawl on the floor

C .Imitate actions D. Play simple games

( ). 54. The meaning of the word ―grasp‖ in Line 8of Paragraph 1is ______.

A. watch

B. like

C. hold

D. fear

( )55.When does a baby become frightened of unfamiliar people?

A. In early infancy

B. In middle infancy

C. In late infancy

D. In the toddler stage

Task 3 (3 points each; 15 points in all)

Directions: This task is the same as Task 1(No 56 through NO 60)

Hemingway was born in lllinois, his family took him as a boy on frequent hunting and fishing trips and so acquainted him early with the kinds of virtues (美德) ,such as courage and endurance, which were later reflected in his fiction (文学作品) After high school. he worked as a newspaper reporter and then went oversea to take part in World War I. he After the war he lived for several years in Paris, where he became part of a group of Americans who felt strange from their country , They considered themselves a lost generation. It was not long before he began to publish the powerful novel, The Sun Also Rises. His subjects were often war and its effects on people, or contests, such as hunting or bullfighting , which demand stamina and courage.

Hemingway‘s style of writing is striking ,His sentences are short, his words simple , Yet they are often filled with emotion . A careful reading can show us , furthermore, that he is a master of the pause. That is , if we look closely , we see how the action of his stories continues during the silences, during the times his characters say nothing ,This action is often full of meaning ,There are times when the most powerful effect comes from restraint(适度). Such times occur often in Hemingway‘s fiction .He perfected the art of expressing emotion with few words.

( )56. The word ―stamina‖ in the last line of Paragraph 1 can most probably be replaced by_____

A. money

B. time

C. energy

D. weapon

( )57.Hemingway might have two kinds of special qualities—courage and endurance---because_______.

A.he trained himself through hard work in his childhood

B.he got some special trainings while growing up

C.his parents often took him on hunting and fishing trips

D.he suffered a lot in his childhood

( )58. The topic sentence of Paragraph 2 is ________.

A.Hemingway‘s style of writing is striking

B.He is a master of the pause

C.He perfected the art of expressing emotion with few words

D.Hemingway is a famous writer

( )59. ―A lost generation‖ in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to_______.

A. a generation full of hope

B. the sad and confused young men

C. a big crowd of young men

D. a group of people who have lost their way ( )60. Hemingway preferred short and simple sentences in his writings because_______.

A.he could not arrange long and complicated sentences well

B.he was afraid that his readers would misunderstand him if he wrote long sentences.

C.Short sentences are easier to write

D.This is his style of writing he is good at

Task 4(3 points each; 15 points in all)

Directions: This task is the same as Task 1(No. 61 through No. 65)

Trees have a spectacular (壮丽的;奇观的)survival record. Over a period of more than 400 million years, they have evolved as the tallest, most massive , and longest-lived organisms ever to inhabit the earth .Yet trees lack a means of defense that almost every animal has: trees cannot move away from destructive forces. Because they cannot move, all types of living and nonliving enemies-fire, storms, microorganisms, insects, other animals and , later, humans—have wounded them throughout their history. Trees have survived because their evolution has made them into highly compartmented(分隔的) organisms; that is .they wall off injured and infected wood .

In that respect trees are radically different from animals. Fundamentally, animals heal, they preserve their life by making billions of repair, installing(安置) new cells or rejuvenated(恢复活力的)cells in the positions of old ones. Trees cannot heal; they make no repairs. Instead, they defend themselves from the consequences of injury and infection by walling off the damage, At the same time they put new cells in new positions; in effect, they grow a new tree over the old one every year. The most obvious results of the process a re growth rings, which are visible on the cross section of a trunk, a root , or a branch.

( )61. The author‘s main purpose in this article is to expla in the _________.

A. life cycle of a tree

B. way trees survive

C. importance of r trees to human progress

D. dangers trees face from natural disasters

( )62. The author describes trees as all of the following EXCEPT_____.

A, tall B. green C. massive D,.long-Iived

( )63. The author implies that almost every animal is able to protect itself from destructive forces by doing which of the following?

A. Moving away

B. Calling for help

C. Climbing up a tree

D. Remaining with its group

( )64. As it is used in the last sentence of Paragraph 1, the pronoun ―they ‖refers to ________.

A. enemies

B. animals

C. humans

D. trees

( )65. According to the context of the passage. You can guess the meaning of the verb ―evolve‖ is ________.

A. (of people or animals)teach the stage of full development

B. breed (farm animals); grow or produce (crops)

C. (of plants, animals, etc.) gradually develop from a simple form to a more complex one

D. (cause somebody/ something) to grow gradually

IV. Translation (35 points)

(I) Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese ( 4 points each for No. 66 through No. 68; 6 points for No. 69; 18 points in all)

66. We need not wish for what we don‘t have, but enjoy what we do possess today.

67. Our corporation is established for the purpose of carrying on import and export business as well as other activities in connection with foreign trade.

68. If you become, as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder, or more gentle, you won‘t have suffered during the process.

69. To learn a foreign language is to learn another culture. In the words of a poet and philosopher,

―As many languages as one speaks, so many lives one lives.‖

(II) Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English (4 points each for No. 70 through No. 72; 5 points for No. 73; 17 points in all)





V. Writing (20 points )

Directions: Write ONE of the following two topics. You are supposed to follow the information given below.



收信人姓名和地址:李安,上海国际旅行社(travel agency)人事部(personnel department)(邮编200083)


(1)求职目标是导游(tourist guide);

(2) 本人专业是计算机英语,擅长口译,十分喜欢与人交往。


2.写一篇为―How I Finance My College Education‖的文章。要求分三段,不少于100单词。


(1)上大学的费用(tuition and fees) 可以通过多种途径解决;








I. vocabulary and Structure (1 point each ; in all )

Directions : For each of the following blanks , four choices are given . You are required to choose the Most appropriate one and put the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1.English people often take umbrellas with them when they go out because they don‘t want to

Be______ in a rain.

A. seized

B. got

C. captured

D. caught

2. Whenever Tom knew I was in trouble ,. He ______ always lend me a hand .

A. might

B. would

C. could

D. caught

3. There is an arrow on the wall ______ the direction of advance.

A. pointing

B. identifying

C. marking

D. indicating

4. The spaceman found ______ to look at the earth away from it .

A. a most exciting experience

B. it a most exciting experience

C. that a most exciting experience

D. Having not received

5. As people live longer, they _______ to change their ideas about life.

A. like

B. tend

C. wish

D. complicated

6. ______ any instructions from the Head Office , we couldn‘t make any decision .

A. Not receiving

B. Receiving no

C. Not having received

D. Having not received

7. The design was so _______ that you could not find any fault in it .

A. delicate

B. elaborate

C. fancy

D. complicated

8. So fast _______ that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed .

A . light travels B. travels light

C. do light travel

D. so anxiously that

9. She longed to visit Italy , _______ she often dreamt about it .

A. so seriously that

B. so eagerly that

C. to such an extent that

D. so anxiously that

10. Even if he ______ she often dreamt about it .

A. is

B. had been

C. has been

D. were

11. The classroom is quite clean ______ some waste paper on the floor .

A. except for

B. except

C. besides

D. without

12. He is the only one of those boys who _______ willing to take a make –up exam .

A. is

B. were

C. has been

D. was

13. He speaks English well indeed, but of course not _____ a native speaker .

A. as fluent as

B. more fluent than

C. so fluently as

D. much fluently than

14. Nuclear science should be developed to benefit tile people ________ harm them .

A. rather than

B. other than

C. more than

D. better than

15. Everyone is working harder and living a happier life now , ______ ?

A. isn‘t one

B. aren‘t we

C. isn‘t it

D. aren‘t they

16. S orry , I didn‘t know _____ Dr Smith has already returned from his holiday, I‘ll go and

see him in a minute .

A. that

B. when

C. whether

D. if

17. There‘s little chance that mankind would ______ a nuclear war.

A. retain

B. endure

C. that

D. survive

18. IT was a soldier who happened to be there ______ saved the girl from the danger .

A. where

B. how

C. that

D. when

19. The dictionary she bought is ______ that 1 have .

A. twice as much as

B. as twice much as

