
更新时间:2023-04-23 08:05:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载





1. “九龙壁”,建于1756年,全壁用五彩琉璃瓦砌成,两面各有蟠龙九条,姿态生动,反映了我国劳动人民的创造才能 。

The Nine Dragon Screen, built in 1756, was made of colorful glazed tiles. The screen, with nine lively dragons on either side, reflects the great creativity of the Chinese working people.


The center of the park is Qiong Island, 32.8 meters high and 1913 meters in

circumference. It was made in 1179 (in the Jin Dynasty) with the earth that came from the digging of the lake.

3.五四运动的杰出的历史意义,在于它带着为辛亥革命还不曾有的姿态,这就是彻底地不妥协地反帝国主义和彻底地不妥协地反封建主义。五四运动所以具有这种性质,是在当时中国的资本主义经济已有进一步的发展,当时中国的革命知识分子眼见得俄、德、奥三大帝主义国家已经瓦解,英、法两大帝国主义国家已经受伤,而俄国无产阶级已经建立了社会主义国家,德、奥(匈牙利)、意三国无产阶级在革命中,因而发生了中国民族解放的新希望。 The May 4th Movement was an anti-imperialist as well an anti-feudal movement. Its


outstanding historical significance is seen in a feature which was absent from the

Revolution of 1911,namely, its thorough and uncompromising opposition to imperialism as well as to feudalism. The May 4th Movement possessed this quality because

capitalism had developed a step further in China and because new hopes had arisen for the liberation of the Chinese nation as China's revolutionary intellectuals saw the collapse of three great imperialist powers, Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary, and weakening of two others, Britain and France, while the Russian proletariat had established a socialist state and the German, Hungarian and Italian proletariat had risen in revolution.



After World War I, the imperialists stepped up their aggression against China while the Northern Warlord Government resorted to compromise and capitulation externally and to ruthless oppression of the people internally, China was therefore brought into a severe national crisis.


Under the pressure of nation-wide patriotic anti-imperialist struggle, the Northern Warlord Government was forced to release the students under arrest, dismiss the three traitors from office, refuse to sign the “peace treaty” with Germany. The initial victory was gained in the antiimperialist and anti-feudal struggle.


As a thorough and uncompromising anti-imperialist and anti-feudal revolutionary movement, the May 4th Movement brought about the union of the Chinese labor


movement with Marxism, paved the way in ideology and in the matter of cadres for the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, and therefore symbolized the beginning of the Chinese New Democratic Revolution.


Covering an area of 175 acres (72 ha. ), the Palace is enclosed by walls over 35ft. (10. 4 m. ) high and surrounded by a moat 57 yd (52 m ) wide. Today this moat is still full of water.


China has basically achieved self-sufficiency in grain at the present stage, and there are many favorable objective factors for her to maintain such achievement by her own efforts in the course of

future development。


At present, China's per unit area yield of grain is low compared with countries with high grain yields. It will be difficult for China to reach the level of countries with high grain

production in a short period of time, but the gap can certainly be narrowed through earnest efforts.

10.中国政府将在加强对现有耕地保护的同时,加快宜农荒地的开发和工矿废弃地的复垦,未来几十年计划每年开发复垦30万公顷以上,以弥补同期耕地占用,保持耕地面积长期稳定 。

The Chinese government will make efforts to speed up the reclamation of wasteland

suitable for farming as well as land discarded by factories and mines, while measures will be adopted to protect the existing cultivated land. In the next few decades China plans to reclaim more than 300,000 hectares each year to make up for the loss of cultivated land


appropriated for non-farming uses and to keep the area of cultivated land constant for a long period of time.


The ocean, which covers 71 percent of the earth's surface, is a basic component of the globaal biosupport system. It is also a treasure house of resources and an important regulator of the environment.

12.维护《联合国海洋法公约》确定的国际海洋法律原则,维护海洋健康,保护海洋环境,确保海洋资源的可持续利用和海上安全,已成为人类共同遵守的准则和共同担负的使命。 Upholding the principles of the international marine law as defined by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, maintaining the wholesomeness of the oceans,

protecting the marine environment and guaranteeing the sustainable utilization of marine resources and maritime safety have become common norms for all the people in the world to abide by, and a collective mission for all mankind to undertake.


As a major developing country with a long coastline, China attaches great importance to marine development and protection, and takes it as the state's development strategy. It is constantly strengthening comprehensive marine management, steadily improving its marine-related laws, and actively developing science, technology and education pertaining to the oceans.


China has made positive contributions to international ocean development and protection by participating positively in UN marine affairs, promoting cooperation between countries and regions and conscientiously carrying out its obligations in this field.



In history, Shanghai, relying on its unique advantageous location at the converging point of the golden seacoast and golden water course of China, gradually developed into the well-known financial and trade center of the Far East as well as a modern civilized metropolis.


Under the guidance of Comrade Deng Xiaoping's theory of building socialism with

Chinese characteristics, Shanghai has come to the forefront of reform and opening up in China and is undergoing tremendous changes of epoch-making significance.


In the course of forging ahead toward the new century, the people of Shanghai, imbued with more heroic spirit, will unswervingly persist in implementing the strategy of building Shanghai into an international economic, financial center as quickly as possible by grasping new opportunities and meeting new challenges.


After the return of Hong Kong, the Chinese Government will unswervingly implement the basic policies of “one country, two systems,” “Hong Kong People administering Hong

Kong ” and “a high degree of autonomy”, and keep Hong Kong's previous socio-economic system and way of life of Hong Kong unchanged and its previous laws basically unchanged.

19. 香港回归后,将继续保持自由港的地位,继续发挥国际金融、贸易、航运中心的作用,继续同各国各地区及有关国际组织发展经济文化关系。


After the return, Hong Kong will retain its status of a free port, continue to function as an international financial, trade and shipping center, and maintain and develop its economic and cultural ties with other countries, regions and relevant international organizations.

20.他们看见女孩拾煤核就捣乱,揪我的小辫,向我身上扔虫子,吓得我看见他们就躲。 When they found me scavenging they made trouble, pulling my plait or throwing insects at me, so that the sight of them frightened me away.


The foreman came out with a whip, as if herding cattle, and chalked a number on our backs, one by one. That number showed that we were taken on.


By the time we knocked off it was pouring with rain. As I ran home I didn't mind being

soaked. I was only worried that if the rain washed off the number on my back I wouldn't be able to go to work the next day.

23. 可是幸亏这回只病了一夜,第二天早晨就退烧了,穿上带着号的衣服就赶快去上工了,虽然浑身酸软,可是不干活不行呀!

Fortunately, the fever just lasted a night and came down the next morning. Dressed in the clothes with numbers, I hurried to work. Though still ached all over, there were no alternatives for me.


In recent years, unable to move about easily, I have been leading a dull life like that of "a frog at the bottom of a well". Reading his travel notes gave me great pleasure because they are so colourful and vivid that I felt I was actually there.




Just like going through old dreams, I remembered the three weeks I had spent in London in 1936. During that time, when the sun, the moon and the stars were hidden behind the thick fog day and night, I visited the British Museum and the Westminster and called on my English friends.


After my breakfast, I would come out and sit on the steps at the entrance of the palace, enjoying the big flower beds near the gate filled with blooming tulips of distinctive red, yellow, white and purple.


Besides the statues and murals in the Art Gallery, what Florence impressed me was the candle-stands on the walls of each residence. Under each candle-stand, there was a unique iron ring which is used for the guests to tie the horses when parties or banquets are held.

30.有一年的冬初,四叔家里要换女工,做中人的卫老婆子带她进来了,头上扎着白头绳,乌裙,蓝夹袄,月白背心,年纪大约二十六七,脸色青黄,但两颊却还是红的。 Early one winter, when my uncle's family wanted a new maid, Old Mrs. Wei the

go-between brought her along. She had a white mourning band round her hair and was wearing a black skirt, blue jacket, and pale green bodice. Her age was about twenty-six, and though her face was sallow her cheeks were red.


Wei introduced her as Xianglin's Wife, a neighbour of her mother's family, who wanted to go out to work now that her husband had died.




She looked just the person for them, though, with her big strong hands and feet; and judging by her downcast eyes and silence, she was a good worker who would know her place. So my aunt ignored my uncle’s frown and kept her.




译文1:Fishing is an outdoor sport that can help cultivate your mind and it is good for mental and physical health.

译文2:Fishing is an edifying activity, conductive to both the body and the mind. 例2:

原文:一个人的生命究竟有多大意义,这有什么标准可以衡量吗?(2005年真题) 译文:

Could there be any standards to evaluate the meaning of ones life?

分析:“衡量”的宾语是前一个分句,即“生命的意义”,因此两个分句整合译为一句。 例3:


译文:To learn, actually, is to experience the indispensable pain and those who cannot get


it over with can not become learned.


