2011高考总复习英语实用精品学案:SBIIB Unit 19 The Merchant o

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SBIIB Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice



考点1. mercy n. 怜悯;仁慈

His life shall be at the mercy of the Duke.

Any company that makes only small cars is at the mercy of changeable gas prices.

任何只是制造小型汽车的公司都受制于石油价格波动的影响。 mercy n.


对……表示怜悯 祈求怜悯 毫不怜悯 受……的支配 仁慈的

have mercy on beg for mercy without mercy at the mercy of merciful adj.

show mercy to sb. 怜悯某人

(1)The judge gave the murderer no __________(怜悯). (2)They showed little __________(怜悯)to the enemies. mercy mercy

(3)We were treated with __________(怜悯).

(4)The ship was at the __________(控制)of the wind and waves. (5)Before liberation the poor peasants were taxed by the landlords


(6)The king showed no mercy and killed all the prisoners.(英译汉) ____________________________________________ 考点 2. envy vt. & n.嫉妒;羡慕 I do not envy you your job. I envy your ability to run so fast. 我羡慕你能跑的这么快。 envy n. envy vt. envy vt.

羡慕;妒嫉 羡慕 妒嫉

envy sb. sth. 妒嫉、羡慕某人某事

(1)You have no reason to ___________(妒忌)me.

(2)He has become an _________(羡慕的对象)of all his friends, since he was assigned to a new promising post. mercy mercy

without mercy

这个国王没有宽容之心,杀死了所有的犯人。 envy envy

(3)He will -------________(嫉妒)us and envy is a terrible thing. (4)My new house was the -------________(羡慕)of all. (5)我羡慕你的好运。(写作小练笔:主谓双宾语;good luck) ________________________________ 考点3. accuse vt. 指控;指责

Shylock does not accuse me of anything. You can accuse him of his bad action. 你可以控告他的这种恶劣行为。 accuse vt.



accuse sb. of (doing) sth.

charge sb with (doing) sth. 因某事指控某人 (1)Jack was _____________(被指控)of being a spy. (2)The police ________(指控)him of murder.

(3)Man often ________(归罪于)nature for his own misfortunes. (4)He was ________(指控)with stealing a car. envy envy

I envy you your good luck. accused

accused accuses charged

(5)How dare you _____________________(指责我说谎)?

(6)警方控告他犯有盗窃罪。(写作小练笔:主谓宾+介词;stealing) ____________________________________________ 考点 4. declare vt. 宣布;宣称

I declare the court allows it and the law gives it to you. Japan declared war on China. 日本向中国宣战。 declare vt. declare that declare vt. announce vt.


声称;郑重地说 宣布 申报;详报

(1)I now __________(宣布)this meeting open.

(2)The republic has __________(宣布)its independence. (3)She __________(宣称)that she didn't want to see him again. (4)Have you anything to __________(申报)? accuse me of lying

The police accused him of stealing. declare declared declared declare



____________________________________________ 【高考链接】

The moment the 28th Olympic Games ________ open, the whole world cheered. A. declared B. have been declared C. have declared D. was declared 【答案】D。

【解析】declare “宣布”。根据句意 “第28后奥运届—被宣布开幕,整个世界都欢呼起来。”应用一般过去时的被动语态。

考点 5. order vt. 命令;下令

He ordered a soldier to bring a sword.

The duke ordered the servant to send a letter to the king. 公爵命令仆人把一封信送给国王。 order vt.& n.


order sb. to do/order that…(should) do 命令某人干 Britain declared war on Germany in 1914. in order 整齐, 状况良好, 适宜 out of order in order that in order to



place an order for 定购


(1)Would you like to _______(预定)some more chicken? (2)They __________(命令)him to stop.

(3)The telephone's out of __________(出故障).

(4)The general has ordered that the army __________________ (advance).

(5)他命令我们离开房间。(写作小练笔:主谓宾+宾补;leave) _______________________________ 考点6. pay back 偿还;报答

What must Antonio give Shylock if he cannot pay back the debt? I forget that if I paid back to you or not. 我忘了我是不是把钱还给你了。 order ordered order

(should) advance

He ordered us to leave the room. pay back 偿还;报答 pay back pay off pay out

报复 (= pay off, pay out, serve out) 还清;偿清;成功 花费;支出

(1)The investment will _________________(得到回报)in three years. (2)I'll certainly _______(报答)you back for what you did to me! (3)Did your plan _______(成功)off?

(4) I ______(花了)out a lot of money for that car.

(5)How can I ________ you back for all your kindness? A. cost B. take C. spend D. pay D。pay back“偿还”。

考点7. as far as I know就我所知

As far as I know, he works until midnight every day. As far as I know, he didn’t attend the meeting. 据我所知,他没参加这个会议。 be paid back

pay pay paid as far as as far as




as far as I’m concerned

(1)__________________(据我所知), he has never lied.

(2)__________________ (就我所知), she’s not coming, but I may be wrong.

(3)___________________(依我看), the accident was John’s, not Ann’s. (4)As far as I know, the museum is free.(英译汉) _________________________________

(5)据我所知她是个诚实的女人。(写作小练笔:主系表;honest) ________________________________________ 考点8. I shall not have you killed.


I shall not do that any more. 我再不做那种事了。

(1)shall用于第一人称表示将要干某事 As far as I know As far as I know As far as I can see


As far as I know, she is an honest woman.

(2)shall用于陈述句第二、三人称, 表示说话者的意图、警告、命 令、决心等, 主语的行动受讲话者支配“必须, 应, 可” (3)will 只表示单纯的将来时态

(1)That was a moment that I _____________________ (永远不会忘记).

(2)You _______(可以)have an answer by tomorrow. (3)She _________(不得)enter my house again.

(4)He shall go. (英译汉)


(5)---- He is waiting outside the office. ________ he come? ---- Yes. Show him in.

A. Will B. Might C. Shall D. Dare C。shall表示 “允许”。 shall never forget shall

shall not


