Module 2 Unit3 Amazing people 姓名

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Module 2 Unit3 Amazing people 姓名



1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、 7、 8、 9、 10、 11、 12、 13、 14、 15、 16、 17、 18、 19、 20、 21 22、 23、 24 二、


1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、 7、 8、 9、 10、 11、 12、 13、 14、 15、 16、 17、 18、 19、 20、

三、 重点短语

1..启航,航行____________ 2.更好的,占优势__________

3.听说_____________ 4.和……取得联系___________ 5.好奇______________ 6.(冒险行动)奏效;达到目的________ 7.控制(某物)___________ 8.直到今天__________ 9.载入史册____________ 10.迫切(渴望)做……____________

11.对……有影响__________ 12.感到骄傲__________

13.不久以后__________ 14.与……有关系__________ 15.实现梦想__________ 16.作为……而著名__________

17.尊敬某人__________ 18.导致;结果是____________ 19.(偶然)遇见,发现__________ 20.碰运气,发财__________



What ____________ is that______________________________ . 2.众所周知,地球围绕太阳转。

________________ to all that ______________________________ . 3.我们不仅从她那里学到了许多英语知识,而且学到了许多外国文化知识。

We have learnt not only ______________, but also ______________ . 4.正是他的优秀品质赢得了村民们的信任与爱戴。

It ______________________ that ____________________ . 5.上帝保佑我们吧!



________________________________________________________________________ 8.这孩子总是好奇,想弄明白一切都是怎么回事。(curious)

________________________________________________________________________ 9.我们已采取有效措施来保护自然资源。(preserve)

________________________________________________________________________ 10.如果你批评学生次数太多的话,他们很快就会泄气的。(discouraged)

________________________________________________________________________ 11.老师要求全体学生下午5点前上交作业。(require)

________________________________________________________________________ 12不管你把自己看得如何低微,总还会有人敬仰你,希望自己能够像你一样高贵。” ________________________________________________________________________ 13.对公务人员来说,给人们提供便利或帮助,以换取礼物或金钱,这种行为是非法的 ________________________________________________________________________ 14.到上月底,他们已经印完了500册。

________________________________________________________________________ 15到下个月底,玛丽将完成在中国的学习

________________________________________________________________________ 16当我到达机场时,我朋友的飞机已经起飞了。

________________________________________________________________________ 17我父母来信叫我换份工作

________________________________________________________________________ 18.由于不知道她的地址,我没法给她写信

________________________________________________________________________ 19约翰今天想来看我。我宁愿他明天来看我而不是今天。

________________________________________________________________________ 20我宁愿那天我没有看见那可怕的场景

________________________________________________________________________ 21今晚我宁愿呆在家中读点书。



________________________________________________________________________ Section A (15 points)

21. — My father will be here tomorrow.— Oh, I thought that he ______ today. A. would come B. is coming C. will come D. comes 22. Proudly reading his poem, David glanced around the room, only ______ none of his classmates was listening to him. A. found B. to find C. find D. finding

23. I walked past your house last night. There was an awful lot of noise. What ___ you ______? A. did; do B. would; do C. had; done D. were; doing 24. It was while he was visiting his uncle in a mountain village ______ he got the inspiration for his new novel.

A. where B. which C. that D. when 25. Tom, you pass me that bowl, ______? A. do you B. doesn’t he C. don’t you D. will you

26. —Sarah is busy adapting her novel into a movie.— Oh! No wonder I __her around these days. A. haven’t seen B. hadn’t seen C. didn’t see D. won’t see 27. —Which city do you expect to live in?

— I don’t mind where I live ______ there is my favourite job. A. so that B. in case C. as far as D. so long as 28. Only when he returned ______ that the war had ended and the army had come back. A. we tell B. we told C. did we tell D. were we told 29. Though ______ to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome. A. surprising B. surprised C. to surprise D. being surprised 30. ______ leads a life full of love is rich even though he doesn’t have much money. A. Who B. Whichever C. Whoever D. Whatever 31. — Do you think the weather is good enough for a picnic?

— Yes. You couldn’t hope for ______ at this time of the month. A. the nicer day B. a nicer day C. the nicest day D. a nice day

32. The number of people who ______ exposed to second-hand smoking in public places ______ up to 740 million in China. A. is; are B. are; are C. are; is D. is; is 33. I often think of the days ______ I stayed with that experienced editor, ______ has a strong influence on me.

A. when; which B. that; which C. when; that D. which; that 34. _____ it for such a long time, we still couldn’t get the problem ______. A. Having discussed; settled B. Discussing; settled C. Having discussed; settling D. Discussing; settling 35. —I had a very boring weekend at home. —Why did you stay at home? You ______ with us. A. might hike B. could have hiked C. must have hiked D. should hike Section B (18 points)

We were the only family with children in the restaurant. I sat Eric in a high 36 and noticed everyone was quietly eating. Suddenly, Eric screamed with 37 and said, “Hi there.” His fat baby hands hit the chair and his eyes were wide with excitement. I saw an old man with a

38 and oily coat. And his hair was unwashed. I was sure he 39 . His hand waved, “Hi there, baby.”

My husband and I 40 looks. Eric continued to laugh and answer, “Hi there.” Everyone noticed that. My husband and I were embarrassed. We finally 41 the meal and headed for the door. The old man sat between me and the door. “God, just let me out of here before he speaks to me or Eric,” I 42 . As I got closer to the door, I turned my back trying to sidestep him and avoid any air he might be 43 . As I did so, Eric leaned over my arm, reaching with both arms in a baby’s “pick-me-up” position. Before I could 44 him, he had thrown himself to the man’s arms. Eric, in an act of total 45 and love, laid his tiny head upon the man’s shoulder. After a while, the man pushed Eric from his chest 46 as if he were in pain, saying, “God bless you. You’ve given me the best New Year’s Day gift.”

I had just witnessed a true love shown through the 47 of a tiny child, who saw no sin (罪过) and made no judgment. The ragged old man, unknowingly, had reminded me that a genuine love is one in which the true meaning of love is realized. 36. A. desk B. chair C. door D. table 37. A. depression B. sadness C. anger D. delight 38. A. good B. beautiful C. worn D. nice 39. A. smiled B. smelled C. mopped D. wiped 40. A. consulted B. exchanged C. separated D. reached

41. A. got through B. saw through C. looked through D. pulled through 42. A. prayed B. asked C. reminded D. explained 43. A. creating B. fighting C. breathing D. holding 44. A. recall B. hit C. answer D. stop 45. A. independence B. desire C. ability D. trust 46. A. unwillingly B. violently C. gladly D. eagerly 47. A. importance B. difference C. innocence D. significance Section C (12 points)

Ashley Funston, aged 6, helped the police arrest a robber.

On Sunday morning, her mother was sleeping in her bedroom when there was 48 knock at the door. The little girl heard the knock and got out of bed to see 49 it was. She saw a man come into the house and start putting things in 50 pockets. When she asked the man who he was, he said that he was her mother’s brother 51 that he was just coming over to get some of his things.

The girl knew that her mother was an only child, but she didn’t say anything. 52 , she told the man that she was going to the bathroom. Very quietly, she called 911 and told the police what was going on and 53 she lived. Then, she went back into the living room and kept talking 54 the man. She asked him the kinds of questions that children ask their uncles, and she even got him a glass of juice! In the end, the police arrived and arrested the man, and it turned 55 that he was wanted for several other robberies.


21----25 ABDCD 36----40 BDCBB

48. a 52. Instead

26----30 ADDBC 41----45 AACDD 49. who 53. where

31----35 BCAAB 46----47 AC 50. his 54. to / with

51. and 55. out

