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形容词和副词用法与专项练习题 【形容词】

一 【形容词的用法】

1.形容词是用来描述或修饰名词的词,表示人或事物的性质或特征,作定语。放在名词或代词的前面,当形容词修饰不定代词时,应放在不定代词之后。如:I have something important to tell you . 形容词短语作定语时应放在被修饰与之后。如:The box full of books is very heavy.

2形容词作表语。形容词作表语的位置在连系动词之后。如:The music sounds beautiful.

英语中有一部分形容词只能作表语,不能作定语,这种形容词叫做“表语形容词”,常见的有:sorry , afraid ,ill, glad, alone, worth,

3形容词作宾语补足语。形容词作宾语补足语的位置在宾语之后。The new teacher made us happy every class.

4 形容词名词化。某些形容词前加上定冠词后就相当于名词,指“某一类人或物。”We should look after the old and love the young .(我们应该尊老爱幼) 二【形容词的比较等级】



(1) 规则变化(单音节和部分双音节词) a 一般在词尾加(e)r或(e)st

b 以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词,先双写这个辅音字母再加er或est c 以“辅音字母+y” 结尾的,先变y为I再加er或est d多音节和部分双音节在词前加more或most (2) 不规则变化

good/well- better-best bad/ill/badly- worse –worst little- many/much- far- old –elder-elder(年长的) 2 形容词比较等级的用法 (1) 同级比较用法

英语中同级比较句型常用的有两种:as+形容词原级+as和not so(as) 形容词原级+as…句型。如: The box is as heavy as that one.

练习:She is older than Tom. She Tom. Tom her. (2 )比较级的用法

a形容词比较级用于表示两者或两部分之间进行比较。常用为“形容词比较级+than” 如:The flowers are more beautiful than those on the desk.

使用中,常在比较级前用much, even ,yet, still, a little, a bit, a lot 等词进行程度上的修饰。 如:My daughter is a little taller than his .

b要表示“…比…多…倍”,用“倍数+比较级+than”句型来表达。 The sun is a million times larger than the earth.

c英语中还有两个重要的句型使用比较级:表示“越来越…”使用 “比较级+比较级” 句型;表示“越…就越…”使用“the+比较级,the+比较级” 句型。如:It gets hotter and hotter. The more careful you see ,the less mistakes you’ll make.


如:I’m better in English than any students in our class.(错误。因为我也是我们班的学生之一,我不能比自己好。) I’m better in English than any other student in our class(正确) (3)最高级的用法


如:The Great Wall is the longest wall in the world.

使用中我们还要用到这样的表达:“最…之一”;“第几…最…”;在最高级前进行程度修饰等,我们可以用 “one of +the +最高级”,“the +序数词(very等置于the之后)+最高级”或用much, even等词(置于the之后)来修饰。

Mr Smart is one of the most popular teachers in our school. 【 副词】


一副词用来修饰动词,形容词,其他副词或全句,说明时间,地点,程度及方式。 二副词的构成

1 本身就是副词的词:now often always never very

2由形容词加ly转化而来的副词 careful-carefully polite–politely true-truly full–fully angry-angrily happy- happily dry-dryly 三【副词的句法功能】

(1) 作状语,I go to school very early every day. (2) 作定语 The people here are very friendly. (3) 作表语 Class is over.

(4) 作宾语补足语 Please let me in. 【副词在句中的位置】

(1) 修饰动词,一般放在be,助动词之后,实义动词之前,如是及物动词,则放在宾语之后。 Please listen to me carefully.

(2) 频度副词一般放在行为动词之前,情态动词,助动词和be动词之后。 He often goes to work on foot.

(3) 句中同时出现时间,地点的副词作状语时,先地点,后时间。 He arrived here yesterday.

(4) 副词enough通常放在形容词或副词之后。The boy isn’t old enough to go to school. 副词级的变法及三种级的用法和形容词一样,只是修饰的词不一样。

初中英语中考形容词副词练习题 一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空

1.The Nile is a ______river. It is _______than any other river in the world. In fact it is __________river in the world. (long)

2.She said that it was ________(happy) day in her life. 3.Who is ________(tall), Mary or Joan? 4.Which is ________(fast), a bike, a car or a bus? 5.Shanghai is one of _________(big) cities in China. 6.My brother has a very __________(good) voice.

7.Wang Fang has ________ Chinese Stamps. Judy hasn’t got as _________Chinese stamps as Wang Fang. But she has got ______ American stamps than Wang Fang. (many)

8.This film is even _________(interesting) and it’s _________(good) one I have ever seen. 9.The _______(sick) boy looks much __________(tired).

10. When summer comes, the days are getting _________ (long).

11. This shirt is ________(nice), but my mother is looking for a _______ (nice) one for me. 12.Oh, I’m still _________ (short) than you.

13. I have only a few friends in Nanjing, but he has a little _______ (few). 14.My bike isn’t as ______ (good) as his.

15.Last Sunday there was a _______ (friendly) talk among us. 16.He writes (care) in our class. 二、选择题

( ) 1 Bob never does his homework _____Mary. He makes lots of mistakes. A so careful as B as carefully as C careful as D as careful as ( ) 2 I feel ____better than yesterday. A more B very C the D far ( ) 3 China has a larger population than ____in the world.

A all the countries B every country C any country D any other country ( ) 4 This book is ____ on the subject.

A the much best B very much best C much the best D very the best

( ) 5 The sick boy is getting ____day by day . A worse B bad C badly D worst ( ) 6 This sweater looks ____and sells___. A well, well B good, nice C nice, good D nice, well

( ) 7 The smile on my father’s face showed that he was ____with me . A sad B pleased C angry D sorry

( ) 8 I didn’t go shopping yesterday .He didn’t ,___. A so B either C too D neither ( ) 9 _____delicious the food is ! A How B How a C What D What a ( )10 ---------What animals do you like____? ---------I like pandas. A. better B best C very D well

( ) 11 It is ____cold today . A much B very much C much too D too much

( ) 12 Remember this., children .______careful you are,____ mistakes you will make.

----We know,Miss Gao.

A The more, the more B The fewer , the more C The more, the fewer D The less, the less ( )13.We are going to do our work better with _______ money and ______ people. A. less, fewer B. less, less C. fewer, fewer D. fewer, less ( )14. The boy is ________ than his brother.

A. two years older B. two years elder C. two-year older D. two-year elder ( )15. On the moon, things aren’t ________ they are on the earth. A.so heavy as B. as heavier as C. as heavy than D. heavy than

( )16. Tom is the best student in his class. He is _______ than any of his classmates. A. more cleverer B. much cleverer C. much more cleverer D. much clever

( )17. There are many students in this classroom but there are ________ students in that one. A. many B. more C. much D. more many


1. (年轻人) should be polite to (老人). 2. Don’t leave the door (开着的). It’s too cold. 3. The baby is (睡着的). Turn down the TV, please.

4. Basketball is a kind of (受欢迎的) sport. Most people like it. 5. He lives alone, but he doesn’t feel (孤独的). 6. China is a (发展中的) country.

7. This apple is (是……的两倍大) that one. 8. My hometown is getting (越来越漂亮). 9. Shanghai is (最美丽的城市之一) in China. 10. (越忙) he is, (越高兴) he feels. 11 Now the air in our hometown is (好得多) than it was ten years ago.

四. 根据汉语提示完成句子。

1. 你还有别的事情要说吗?

Do you have to say? 2. 老师有一些重要的事情要告诉我们。 The teacher has to tell us. 3. 人口问题将会是一个大问题。 The population will be

4. 妈妈带着一个装满鸡蛋的篮子从超市回来了。 Mom came back from the supermarket with

