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课时跟踪检测(七) Warming Up & Reading — Language Points


1.His coach never doubted that he could succeed in setting (set) a new world record. 2.The doctors insisted that the patient was in danger, and that he be operated on immediately.

3.As a painter, he is a success; but as a father, he is a failure. 4.No matter how powerful (power) the enemy seems, we must fight against them to the end.

5.We should tell people the importance (important) of forbidding using plastic bags. 6.We will pay more attention to wildlife protection (protect) from now on. 7.There was a traffic accident in the street, but no one was harmed (harm). 8.Attention (attend), please, I have something important to say. 9.Friends can bring you happiness and laughter (laugh). 10.November is a good time to_hunt (hunt) deer. Ⅱ.完成句子

1.When they were lost during their last voyage, they were at_the_mercy_of (听任……的摆布) the sea but finally they survived.

2.As you know, we should pay special attention to protecting_these_young_trees_from (保护这些小树免于……) being damaged.

3.When she was told her son’s illness could be cured, she left the hospital in_relief (如释重负地).

4.The organization has been working very hard to stop the endangered animals from dying_out (灭绝).

5.There has been no_response_to (对……没有回应) the workers’ request for the pay rise.

6.He succeeded_his_father_as (接替他父亲成为) editor of the paper. Ⅲ.阅读理解


Wildlife faces threats (威胁) from habitat destruction, pollution, and other human actions. Although protecting wildlife may seem too hard at times, even small actions in your own neighborhood can help protect many different animals. Here are some tips on how to protect wildlife through small actions.


1.Create wildlife friendly areas in your backyard.

When trying to make your garden more beautiful, you can choose plants that can provide food and shelter to native wildlife. This will also help cut down on pollution. And bird or bat houses to your yard or garden to attract and shelter these species.

2.Avoid harming the natural ecosystem (生态系统) in your area.

Some plants from other places can kill or harm native plants that provide food and shelter for wildlife.

3.Have a greener lifestyle.

By using less water and fewer fuels, you will be helping to protect the wildlife around you. Take buses or the subway when you can, turn off electric devices when you’re not using them, take shorter showers, and keep your room temperature at or below 68 Fahrenheit degrees during the winter.

4.Buy products that are wildlife friendly.

Don’t buy products that are made from endangered animals. Keep in mind that some endangered animals are killed by traps, catches or hunters who are after other wildlife within the same habitat.

5.Donate money or time to organizations that protect wildlife and their habitats. You can give money to organizations or groups that protect wildlife species in your neighborhood.

语篇解读:本文主要讲的是保护野生动物的建议。 1.We infer that the purpose of this passage is to ________. A.tell us why protecting wildlife is extremely important now B.suggest that we protect wildlife through actions

C.explain why protecting wildlife is not as hard as people think D.give us some tips on how to protect wildlife through small actions

解析:选D 写作目的题。根据第一段最后一句和下文的小标题可知D项正确。 2.Which of the following threats to wildlife is NOT mentioned in the passage? A.Animal diseases. C.Pollution.

B.Loss of habitat. D.Hunters.

解析:选A 细节理解题。根据文中的第一段第一句可知B、C两项提到了;D项是在第四条中第三句提到的。综观全文,只有A项没提到。

3.What behaviour do you think the author can disagree with? A.Planting right trees in gardens. B.Buying an ivory vase for a gift.


C.Donating some money to WWF. D.Reading books about wildlife.

解析:选B 细节理解题。比较选项,并结合常识可知B项就是作者所不能同意的。 4.In which section of a newspaper would you most probably read this passage? A.Environment. C.Business.

B.Teaching. D.Geography.

解析:选A 文章出处题。本文主要讲了野生动物保护的一些建议。这些建议与环境有关系。


You may be fascinated with pictures of animals in the wild. You might have imagined yourself taking pictures of animals that are rarely seen in the city. If you do get that chance, you may want to consider the following tips or rules.

First of all, a lot of professional photographers give respect to these animals and the environment they are in. Just remember that you should respect the animals and the environment in case these animals bite or hurt you.

Keep in mind that you are taking pictures of real, live, wild

animals. A wild animal may bite to protect itself. You must be sensitive while taking their pictures and be gentle in all your movements. Do not feed the animals, or interact with animals that are sleeping or caring for their young.

If you will be going to a place where it is privately (私人) owned, you’d better get the owner’s permission first before you start taking pictures.

Change the flash of your camera to natural light, so the animals will not be frightened or surprised when you start shooting. Animals do not react well when they are surprised.

Be very patient. Make sure you are aware of the changes in behavior of the animal and its moods. Be familiar with the animals’ natural habitat.

Now if those rules are clear, it is time for planning. Consider the weather; some animals do not go out when it is raining while some animals love the rain. Therefore, a little research on the weather will not hurt. You should consider taking pictures after sunrise and before sunset. Now if the animal is nocturnal (夜间活动的), then you should prepare to battle not only the wild but also the darkness.

An adventure in the wild will make you very excited. However, you should be well equipped, have experts to back you up, and also a permit for doing the photo shoot. If you do not have any of these, then maybe you should consider visiting the zoo instead.



5.The main purpose of the author in writing this passage is ________. A.to call for us to protect animals

B.to show where to buy pictures of animals C.to explain how to get along with wild animals D.to give us tips on taking pictures of animals in the wild

解析:选D 作者意图题。本文主要是告诉大家在给野生动物拍照时应该注意的问题。 6.Which of the following aspects is NOT mentioned in the passage? A.Respecting the animals. B.Making gentle movements. C.Making the animals happy.

D.Changing the flash of your camera to natural light.

解析:选C 细节理解题。根据文章的第二、三、五段可知A、B、D都有提及,只有C项文中并未提到。

7.If the animals are on a farm owned by a person,we should ________. A.ask the owner to take pictures for us B.ask for the owner’s permission first

C.make sure the owner is present when we take pictures D.take pictures when the owner is feeding animals

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据文章第四段“you’d better get the owner’s permission first before you start taking pictures”可知选B。

8.What preparation should you do before going to take photos of wild animals? ①Preparing some food to feed the animals. ②Asking experts for advice.

③Knowing the weather in the animals’ habitat. ④Getting a permit for taking photos of wild animals. A.①②④ C.①②③

B.②③④ D.①③④

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据文章最后两段可知去给野生动物拍照前最好考虑到那里的天气情况,预先得到拍照许可,得到专家的支持;而文章第三段说到“Do not feed the animals”,可知不允许私自喂野生动物,所以也没必要为其准备食物。


Daisy:Do you have somewhere to stay in London, Peter?

Peter:No, I don’t. In fact, I was about to ask you __1__ you could arrange some place for me to stay.


Daisy:Yes, that’s no problem though I am not in charge of it. I’ll ask someone to arrange __2__ for you. What kind of place are you considering? Peter:Well, I don’t care if I share it __3__ other people, but I’m not good at housework. Maybe a home stay would be OK, __4__ I don’t like young children. As you know, they’re __5__ (noise) and it’s difficult to study. Hopefully, I can live with a lady __6__ has retired. Daisy:OK, that’s no problem. But I must warn you that __7__ (live) with a family in London is very expensive. Much more expensive than other small cities.

Peter:That’s not a big problem for I have some money __8__ (save). Besides, I can always

get __9__ part-time job. I am working in a supermarket as a cashier now. So I don’t think I will have trouble with money.

Daisy:Sounds good. I __10__ (call) you if I get some information about that. Peter:OK, that’s great. Thank you very much. 答案:1.whether/if 2.it/that 3.with 4.but

5.noisy 6.who/that 7.living 8.saved 9.a 10.will call


