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一、I.听力测试 (30分)A)听录音,从每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子.每个句子听一遍.(7.5分)

1.(1.50分)A. I'd like some noodles. B. He wants to be an actor. C. I hardly ever watch TV.

2.(1.50分)A. Is this your pencil case? B. Do you like strawberries? C. Can you play the piano?

3.(1.50分)A. I don't get enough sleep. B. She didn't tell the answer. C. I won't give up my dream. 4.(1.50分)系统找不到该试题

5.(1.50分)A. It always rains on the weekend, doesn't it? B. If you go to the party, you'll have a great time. C. Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 6







11.(1.50分)A. Jack. B. Alice. C. Victor.

12.(1.50分)A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times.

13.(1.50分)系统找不到该试题 14.(1.50分)A. Since six years old. B. Since seven years old. C. Since nine years old. 15.(1.50分)A. A T﹣shirt. B. A bike. C. A pair of skates.


16. A. To make money. B. To visit friends. C. To make a trip.

17. A. To throw it into the water. B.To draw water from the pool. C. To sell some flowers.

18. A. He slept.


B. He kept working. C. He got angry and left.

19. A. Some fruits. B. Some stones. C. Some gold coins.

20. A. He asked Barry to draw more water. B. He rewarded Barry and gave him a job. C. He asked Barry to go away as soon as possible.

二、II.读音选词 根据所给句意和音标,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案.(5分)

17.(1.00分)The train came to a /st?p/slowly at the station.( ) A.shop


C.stop D.soup

18.(1.00分)There is a basketball______/ti:m/ in Bob's school.( ) A.them

B.time C.team


19.(1.00分)Kids all love the _______/ke?k/ for their birthdays.( ) A.cute B.cake C.come


20.(1.00分)We ________/d?'sa?d/ to go the beach near our hotel because of the sunny weather.( )

A.delete B.discuss C.decide D.dislike

21.(1.00分)Could you help me /?ks't?en?/this dress for one in a smaller size?.( )

A.expert B.exchange

三、III.选择填空 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案.(30分)

22.(1.00分)﹣What's your dream job,Lucy? ﹣I want to be doctor.( ) A.a

B.an C.the D./


C.explain D.express

23.(1.00分)﹣ Is this Tina's schoolbag? ﹣ Yes, it is. It belongs to_________.( ) A.she B.her C.hers D.herself

24.(1.00分)I'm a little hungry.I only ate some _______ the whole day.( ) A.apple

B.hamburger C.bread


25.(1.00分)﹣ ________ this your dog? You should keep it home. ﹣ I'm sorry, Ms. Clark.( ) A.Is

B.was C.Did D.Does

26.(1.00分)﹣You looked tired. What's the matter?

﹣I studied until midnight last night, ________ I didn't get enough sleep.( ) A.or B.if

C.but D.so

27.(1.00分)﹣Would you like some noodles ________ tomatoes? ﹣ Yes, a large bowl, please.( ) A.on B.with C.for D.in

28.(1.00分)﹣_______ does your aunt look like? ﹣She's tall and thin.She has long curly hair.( ) A.What

B.Where C.How D.Who

29.(1.00分)﹣We will play basketball if it doesn't rain tomorrow. ﹣But nobody knows if it _________ tomorrow.( ) A.rains

B.rained C.will rain D.rain

30.(1.00分)﹣Hurry up! The train will arrive at 8o'clock.

﹣Don't worry! There's still _________ minutes left. It's just 7:40.( ) A.twelfth B.twelve C.twenty D.thirty 31.(1.00分)﹣_________ You are so sweet. ﹣ I'm glad you like it.( )

A.Nice to meet you. B.Thank you for your gift. C.Please don't say so. D.I'm sorry to hear that.

32.(1.00分)If you want to find a new job, you can _________the Internet for information.( )


A.search B.advise C.depend D.understand

33.(1.00分)﹣Could I invite my friends to the party on Saturday,Mom? ﹣Of course you _____.That sounds like fun.( ) A.may B.could



34.(1.00分)﹣Who is your favorite sports star?

﹣ Kobe Bryant. He is one of _________ players in the NBA history.( ) A.worse B.greater C.the worst

D.the greatest

35.(1.00分)﹣Will you be able to come and hang out with me this evening? ﹣_________. I have to stay at home to study for a test.( ) A.I'd love to

B.I hope to

C.I don't agree D.I'm afraid not

36.(1.00分)﹣Sally is so good at dancing and singing.

﹣Yeah. She is so ________ that we think she will be a super star.( ) A.nervous B.talented C.tired D.strange

37.(1.00分)Which of the following is Chinese classical instrument?( )

A. B. C. D.

38.(1.00分)﹣Dad, I'm back.

﹣ ____________ is ready. Let's enjoy the dinner now.( ) A.Something B.Anything C.Nothing D.Everything 39.(1.00分)﹣What do you think of the music? ﹣ It _________ beautiful and makes me relaxed.( ) A.looks


C.sounds D.smells

40.(1.00分)﹣John, up now or we'll be late for the bus. ﹣All right.I'll be quick.( ) A.gets B.get C.to get


41.(1.00分)﹣﹣Alice, could you please not play the guitar now? I am_____ on the phone.

﹣﹣Oh, I'm so sorry.( )


A.turning B.putting C.taking D.talking

42.(1.00分)﹣What happened to you?

﹣ I was waiting for the bus when it began to rain ________.( ) A.hardly B.heavily C.loudly


43.(1.00分)﹣Which do you prefer, Wechat or QQ?

﹣_______. It's convenient to communicate with the help of them.( ) A.All B.Neither C.Either


44.(1.00分)﹣ Jack, could you help me think of a great invention? ﹣ ________. Let me think.( ) A.I'm sorry to hear that B.With pleasure C.No way D.You're welcome

45.(1.00分)A great meeting about weather change in Copenhagen (哥本哈根)in December,2009.( ) A.took place B.took pride

C.took care

D.took after

46.(1.00分)﹣Look, what have you done?

﹣﹣Sorry, if I _____ another chance, I'll do it better.( ) A.will have B.have had C.had D.have

47.(1.00分)﹣ Is your aunt a teacher or a nurse? ﹣ _________. She teaches English in our school.( ) A.Yes, she is B.No, she isn't C.She's a teacher D.She's a nurse

48.(1.00分)﹣Our team has won the first prize in the basketball game. ﹣Congratulations! _________great your team is!( ) A.How B.What

C.What a D.How a

49.(1.00分)﹣I think my life is so boring.

﹣Why don't you ________ some hobbies like singing or dancing?( ) A.put up B.take up C.get up D.show up

50.(1.00分)﹣Tom, how do you feel about your life in China?

﹣Great! I have ________ for about four months and I feel comfortable living


A.turning B.putting C.taking D.talking

42.(1.00分)﹣What happened to you?

﹣ I was waiting for the bus when it began to rain ________.( ) A.hardly B.heavily C.loudly


43.(1.00分)﹣Which do you prefer, Wechat or QQ?

﹣_______. It's convenient to communicate with the help of them.( ) A.All B.Neither C.Either


44.(1.00分)﹣ Jack, could you help me think of a great invention? ﹣ ________. Let me think.( ) A.I'm sorry to hear that B.With pleasure C.No way D.You're welcome

45.(1.00分)A great meeting about weather change in Copenhagen (哥本哈根)in December,2009.( ) A.took place B.took pride

C.took care

D.took after

46.(1.00分)﹣Look, what have you done?

﹣﹣Sorry, if I _____ another chance, I'll do it better.( ) A.will have B.have had C.had D.have

47.(1.00分)﹣ Is your aunt a teacher or a nurse? ﹣ _________. She teaches English in our school.( ) A.Yes, she is B.No, she isn't C.She's a teacher D.She's a nurse

48.(1.00分)﹣Our team has won the first prize in the basketball game. ﹣Congratulations! _________great your team is!( ) A.How B.What

C.What a D.How a

49.(1.00分)﹣I think my life is so boring.

﹣Why don't you ________ some hobbies like singing or dancing?( ) A.put up B.take up C.get up D.show up

50.(1.00分)﹣Tom, how do you feel about your life in China?

﹣Great! I have ________ for about four months and I feel comfortable living


