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banking 银行业务

1/general business 一般业务

ATM 自动柜员机

You can change your PIN at the ATM. 你可以在自动柜员机上修改密码.

automatic bill payment自动转帐服务

Tina pays her phone bill with an automatic bill payment. 蒂娜利用自动转帐服务付电话帐单

balance差额 余额

If you keep a balance of $1,000, you won't have to pay the $20 monthly-service fee. 如果你保持1000美元的余额,就不必付每月20美元的服务费了

bank account帐户

How do I open a bank account here? 我要怎么开户

bank holiday银行公休日 国定休息日

What happens if payday falls on a bank holiday? 如果发薪日正好碰上了国休日那该怎么办


Could you sign me up for online banking? 你能帮我申请网络银行服务么?

banknote纸币 钞票

Wads of banknotes were hidden in the bag. 包里藏了几数叠钞票

certificate of deposit定期存款

Redeeming your certificate of deposit before maturity may result in withdrawal penalties. 如果你在定期前解约可能要付提前解约金

checking account 支票存款帐户

I need to make a withdrawal from my checking account. 我要从我的支票帐户中提款


I didn't get my pay deposit this month. 我这个月的薪水存款没有入帐

discount rate 贴现率

The discount rate is set by the Fed.



Individual Retirement Account 个人退休帐户

Does it matter where I open an Individual Retirement Account? 我到哪开个人退休帐户重要么?


Interest rates are not expected to increase. 利率应不会再涨

safe-deposit box (银行)保险箱

She kept her jewels in her safe-deposit box. 她把珠宝放在银行保险箱里

savings account 储蓄存款帐户

I need to transfer money from my savings account to my checking account. 我要把钱从储蓄存款帐户转到支票存款帐户

signature 签名

Tom forged his boss's signature to steal company funds. 汤姆伪造了他老板的签名盗取了公司的资金


Marcy started as a bank teller, but now she's a loan officer. 玛希刚开始是当出纳员,但是现在是贷款员


The money has been transferred into my account. 钱已经转入我的帐户


Judy's father wired money to her bank account. 朱迪的父亲将钱汇入了她的帐户


I withdrew $300 from my savings account. 我从我的储蓄存款帐户提取了300美元 2 consumer finance 消费金融

balance transfer 余额代偿

Katherine made a balance transfer from her old credit card to her new one. 凯瑟琳申办新卡代偿旧卡。



v. 停(卡)

What happens if I want to cancel my card? 如果我想停卡该怎么办?

cash card 现金卡

What do I need in order to apply for a cash card? 申办现金卡我需要准备些什么?


n. 抵押品;担保品

Without collateral, Mr. Thomas wasn't able to get a loan. 由于没担保品,托马斯先生的贷款办不下来。 credit card 信用卡

I need to report a stolen credit card. 我要报信用卡失窃。

credit limit 信用额度 (1)


credit rating 信用评等

Bob's poor repayment history has really hurt his credit rating. 巴柏不良的还款记录对他的信用评等造成很大的伤害。

debit card 签帐卡

You can use this debit card almost anywhere in the world. 这张签帐卡你几乎全世界任何地方都可使用。

debt consolidation 负债整合

Before you consider debt consolidation, closely examine the proposal. 在考虑负债整合之前,要仔细检视其还款方案。 default n. 违约

The company is in default on its loan agreement. 该公司违反其贷款合约。 freeze

v. 冻结(账户)


The bank froze my credit card account after I reported it stolen. 在我报失信用卡后,银行冻结了我的信用卡户头。 installment n. 分期付款 (2)


loan n. 贷款

I confirm that I have read and understood the terms and conditions of the loan agreement.

我确认已阅读并了解这份贷款协议的条件与规定。 minimum finance charge 每月最低应缴金额

Some credit cards have a minimum finance charge. 有些信用卡有每月最低应缴金额的限制。 mortgage

n. 房贷;抵押借款

Rick has a twenty-year mortgage. 瑞克要缴二十年的房贷。


adj. 未清偿的;未付清的

Our records show you have an outstanding balance of $6,0 我们数据显示您有一笔六千元的款项未付。

refinance v. 重新贷款

When deciding whether or not to refinance, there are many factors to consider. 在决定是否重新贷款时,有许多因素要考虑。

statement n. 账单明细

The fee for issuing a replacement card will be charged to your next statement. 信用卡补发费用将并入您下个月的账单明细。 3/Payment instrument bounce

v. 跳(票)

Oh no! My check to City Supermarket bounced! 喔,糟了!我开给城市超市的支票跳票了! cashier's check 本票

Pre-payment with cashier's check or money order is accepted 预付款用本票或汇票都可以。


check n. 支票

I don't have cash. Can I write you a check? 我没有现金,可以开支票给你吗?

clearing house


A clearing house is an office where banks exchange checks and drafts. 票据交换所是银行交换支票、汇票的地方。

endorse v. 背书

Can you endorse the back of the check, please? 可以麻烦你在支票背面签名背书吗?

financial institution 金融机构

Many big financial institutions raised their interest rates today. 许多大型金融机构都在今天升息。


v.(定存、票据等)到期 When does my CD mature? 我的定存何时到期?

money order 汇票

Can I pay with money order? 我可以用汇票付款吗?

paycheck n. 薪资支票

The HR assistant distributes employee paychecks every month. 人资部助理每个月会分发员工的薪资支票。

postdated check 远期支票

I'm sorry. We don't accept postdated checks. 抱歉,我们不收远期支票。

stop payment 止付

My father called the bank to stop payment on the check. 我父亲打电话到银行止付那张支票。

traveler's check



In what denominations would you like the traveler's checks? 你要哪种面额的旅行支票?

business operation 企业经营

1 office procedures 办公室流程


n. 名牌;识别证

Employees should wear their badges at all times in the building. 员工在大楼内必须随时佩戴名牌。

coworker n. 同事

Shelly always goes to lunch with the same coworkers. 雪莉总是固定和那几位同事去吃午餐。

dress code 服装规订

We have a casual dress code. 我们对上班服装规定很宽?。 escort v. 陪同

Jenny, could you escort our visitor to the door? 珍妮,麻烦你送我们客人到门口。

inventory n. 库存

The company doesn’t need to keep inventory, unlike its competitors in online retailing.不像其它线上零售业的竞争者,该公司不需要有库存。

meeting room 会议室

Let’s head over to the meeting room where we’ll have more space. 我们到会议室去,那?有比较多空间。

punch in 上班打卡

Jason usually punches in around 8:50 a.m. 杰生通常大约在早上八点五十打卡上班。


n. 柜??人员;接待人员

As Sam came in the door, the receptionist greeted him. 当山姆进门时,接待员前来招呼他。


requisition form 需求单

You need to fill out the purchase requisition form and have it signed by your supervisor. 你必须填?窆盒枨蟮ゲ⑶肽阒鞴芮┟?

security guard 保全人员

There are two security guards in the lobby. 大厅?有两位保全人员。

security system 保全系统

Cary put his key card into the security system slot. 凯瑞将他的钥匙卡插入保全系统。

shredder n. 碎纸机

Our shredder is broken, so I’ll tear these confidential documents up manually. 我们的碎纸机坏掉了,所以我会徒手将这些机密文件撕碎。

stockroom n. 储藏室

You can walk to the stockroom to see if there’s any toner cartridge left. 你可以到储藏室看看墨粉盒有没有剩。

swipe card 刷卡

What if I lose my swipe card? 如果我弄丢了刷卡该怎?办?

2 management 经营管理

administration n. 行政;管理

Pamela, could you give us an overview of the Administration Department? 帕梅拉,你可不可以?槲颐羌蚪橐幌滦姓?棵牛?br /> assignment n. 分派;任务

It was difficult for me to take care of both John's assignment and my own responsibilities. 要同时兼顾分派给约翰的任务和我自己的职责是很困难的。 audit

n. 稽查;稽核

Accounting irregularities were found during the audit. 稽核时发现了一些会计缺失。


authority n. 权限

I'm afraid I don't have the authority to approve that. 这个我恐怕没有权限核准。

bankruptcy n. 破?

After losing money for two years, the company declared bankruptcy. 亏了两年之后,该公司宣告破?。

corner the market 垄断市场

Our goal is to corner the market nationwide. 我们的目标是要垄断全国市场。

corporate culture 企业文化

The biggest challenge for Freedom Group will be to maintain its corporate culture. 弗瑞登集团最大的挑战将是维?其企业文化。

development n. 发展;开发

Although product development is important, we also need to upgrade our distribution network. ?品开发固然重要,但我们也必须改进我们的配销网。


v. 多角化 ; 多样化

Let's not put all our money in one investment. Let's diversify. 我们不要把钱全放在同一项投资,我们要多样化投资。

downsize v. 缩编

Downsizing is one way to reduce costs. 缩编是降低成本的途径之一。

innovation n. 创新

The company encourages innovation. 该公司鼓励创新。


n. 合?悖?愎?br />

The two companies decided to complete the merger. 这两家公司决定完成合?恪?br /> operation


n. 营运

Our company has been in operation since 1996. 我们公司自一九九六年开始营运。 risk

n. 危机;风险

This hands-off approach could lead to huge risks for the companies. 这种放手不管的作法可能会?槠笠荡?淳薮蠓缦铡?br /> strategy n. 策略

Peter Senge is one of the most progressive thinkers about business strategy in the world today. 彼得?圣吉是当今世上在企业策略领域最具革新的思想家。

subordinate n. 下属

Mr. Brown valued opinions from his subordinates. 布朗先生重视下属的意见。

track record 绩效纪录

Partner Investments is hiring brokers with great investment track records. 帕特嫩投资公司将聘请投资绩效卓越的经纪人。 communication 通讯

1 on the phone 电话英语

call center 电话客服中心

Adam had a job at a call center during his college years. 亚当大学时代曾在某家电话客服中心工作过。

call waiting 电话插拨

The new office phones have call waiting. 新办公室电话有插拨功能。

caller ID 来电显示器

My phone number is configured to block caller ID on outgoing calls. 我的电话设定拨出时不显示号码。

cell phone 手机

John uses his cell phone to send text messages to his friends. 约翰用手机传简讯给他的朋友。


cold call


As part of her job, Betty has to make cold calls to potential clients.

贝蒂必须针对潜在客户进行陌生电访,因?槟鞘枪ぷ鞯囊徊糠帧?br /> cordless adj. 无线的

Cordless phones allow you to move around freely while talking. 无线电话让你在讲电话时可自由移动。

dial tone 拨号音

The phone must be out of order if you can't hear a dial tone. 如果听不到拨号音,电话一定是坏了。

directory assistance 查号服务

For English directory assistance, please dial 106. 英语查号服务,请拨106。

extension n. 分机号码

I'm at extension 123. 我的分机号码是123。

long-distance call 长途电话

The phone company offers a flat rate for long-distance calls. 这家电话公司对长途电话提供统一费率。

payphone n. 公共电话

Is there a payphone around here? 这附近哪?有公共电话?

receiver n. 电话筒

On the third ring, I quickly picked up the receiver. 电话响了三声,我急忙拿起话筒。


n. 收讯;接收

I need to find an area with good reception to make a call. 我得找个收讯好的地区打电话。

telemarketing n. 电话行销


The telemarketing industry is growing in India. 电话行销?业在印度正逐渐成长。

text message 简讯

Do you often receive unwanted text messages on your cell phone? 你的手机是否经常收到不想要的简讯?


adj. 免付费的

Please call our toll-free number, 0800-080-123. 请拨我们的免付费电话 0800-080-123。

touch-tone phone 按键式电话

Most new telephones are touch-tone phones. 现在大部分新电话都是按键式的。

transfer v. 转接

Please hold the line while I transfer you. 请稍候,我帮您转接。

voicemail n. 语音信箱

Calls to your number are automatically forwarded to voicemail if you don't answer within 30 seconds 如果你三十秒内未接电话,来电会自动转到语音信箱。

wrong number 打错电话

Sorry, you have the wrong number. 抱歉,你打错电话了。

2 e-mail 电子邮件

address book 通讯录

Let me see if I have his number in my address book. 我看一下我的通讯录有没有他的电话号码。

attachment n. 附加档

The attachments are the three files you asked for. 附件是你要的三个档案。


capacity n. 容量

The capacity of the network's server was recently increased. 网路伺伏器的容量最近加大了。

CC (carbon copy) 副件抄送

Please CC me on the e-mail.

请将这封电子邮件用副件转寄给我。 delete v. 删除

I delete at least ten unwanted e-mails every day. 我每天至少要删除十封不想收的电子邮件。

download v. 下载

Why is this e-mail taking so long to download? 这封电子邮件?槭颤N下载这?久?


v. 寄电子邮件

I'll e-mail you her contact information. 我会寄电子邮件告诉你她的连络资料。

forward v. 转寄

Please forward me his email and I'll get back to you. 你能不能把他的电子邮件转寄给我,我再回给他。

junk mail 垃圾邮件

The IT department installed a filter to block junk mail. 资讯部安装了一个过滤器来阻挡垃圾邮件。

mailbox n. 邮件信箱

You can't receive e-mail because your mailbox is over its limit. 你无法收信,因?槟愕男畔湟丫???恕?br /> recipient n. 收件者

Enter the recipient's e-mail address, choose the file you want to send, and click on the \输入收件者的网址,选择要寄送的档案,接着按「传送」键。 reply n. 回复


Thank you for your reply. 感谢您的回复。

salutation n. 称谓

My question is whether to use a colon, comma, or dash after the salutation. 我的问题是:称谓后面是要用冒号、逗点还是破折号。

subject n. 主旨

Subject: Your order has been shipped. 主旨:订货已运送。 fax 传真

activity report


Check the activity report to see if the fax went through. 查一下使用报告看看这份传真有没有传过去

cover sheet 封面页

When sending faxes to your clients, you should include a cover sheet. 传真给客户时,你应该附上封面页。

face down 正面朝下

Place the papers face down on the paper tray. 将纸张正面朝下放到送纸匣上。

fax machine 传真机

This fax machine looks complicated. 这台传真机看起来很复杂。


adj. 传进来的

There is a danger that incoming faxes could be read by unauthorized persons. 有个危险是,传进来的传真会被没有权限看的人看到。

paper jam 卡纸

If you have a paper jam, make sure you clear the jammed paper properly. 如果卡纸,你要确定适当地将卡纸清除。 refill

v. 再装填


Susan refilled the paper tray. 苏珊装纸到纸匣。

resolution n. 分辨率

The fax machine allows any fax to be sent in either high or low resolution. 这传真机可选择传高分辨率或低分辨率。 scan v. 扫描

The documents fed into the fax machine were scanned and came out in the return tray.文件放入传真机会被扫描然后送出到文件回收匣。

snail mail 信件

deliver v. 递送

I'm sure we can get that delivered by tomorrow. 我相信我们明天以前就会送到。


adj. 易碎的

Fragile items inside. Please handle with care. 易碎物品,请小心轻放。

mail order 邮政划拨

Our products are available by mail order. 我们的?品可用邮政划拨。

mailman n. 邮差

I'll wait for the mailman to bring me their reply. 我要等邮差带给我他们的答复。 parcel n. 包裹

Parcels over 70 pounds require oversized rates. 包裹超过七十磅重须付超重费率。

postage n. 邮资

How much is the postage for a postcard? 明信片的邮资是多少?



v. 邮戳

The letter was postmarked from Taipei. 这封信盖着台北的邮戳。

printed matter 印刷品

The rate for printed matter is cheaper. 印刷品的费率比较便宜。

registered letter 挂号信

It will cost you slightly more than the amount of first-class postage to send a registered letter. 寄挂号会比平信邮资稍微贵一点。

return address 寄件人地址

Please make sure your return address is correct. 请确认您的寄件人地址是否正确。

sender n. 寄件者

If a letter is found to be undeliverable, it will be return to the sender. 如果邮件无法投递,将会退回给寄件者。

zip code 邮递区号

The map clearly shows zip codes of Florida. 这张地图清楚标示佛罗里达的邮递区号。 company profile 公司简介

affiliated company 关系企业

One of our affiliated companies is located in Hong Kong. 我们有家关系企业位于香港。

branch office 分公司

Our boss has approved the opening of a branch office in Beijing. 我们老板已经同意在北京开设分公司。

company profile 公司概况

The company profile includes an overview, a financial profile, and financial outlook. 公司概况包括整体简介、财务简介及财务展望。


core business 核心事业

We must focus on our core business. 我们必须专注自己的核心事业。

corporation n. 公司;企业

The company has started to cooperate with world famous corporations. 该公司已开始和全球知名企业合作。

found v. 创立

Microsoft was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. 微软于一九七五年由比尔?盖兹和保罗?艾伦所合创。

headquarters n. 总公司

Some companies moved their headquarters offshore to keep them competitive. 有些公司将总公司移往海外以维持竞争力。

joint venture 合资企业

The joint venture will be established by the end of October 2006. 这家合资企业将于二○○六年十月创立。

limited liability 有限责任

Unlimited liability companies are at higher risk than limited liability companies. 无限责任公司比有限责任公司的风险高。

listed company 上市公司

The chip manufacturer is a listed company on the NASDAQ. 这家芯片制造商是那斯达克的上市公司。

market capitalization 市价总值

The company's market capitalization is nearly $2 billion. 该公司的市值将近二十亿美元。

merger n. 合并

Employees are not happy about the merger of the two companies. 员工对两家公司合并感到不悦。



adj. 非营利的

Nonprofit organizations are exempted from paying some taxes. 非营利机构有些税可免缴。

state-run enterprise 国营企业

State-run enterprises are often criticized as being inefficient. 国营企业经常被批评没有效率。

subsidiary n. 子公司

The clothing business was transferred to a subsidiary. 服饰业务被转移到一家子公司。

useful sentence:I'll have the goods covered against Free from Particular Average. 我将为货物投保平安险。

organizational structure


n. 董事会;委员会

Buffet will leave Coca Cola's board to spend more time at Berkshire. 巴菲特将辞去可口可乐董事,以便投注更多时间在波克夏公司。 CEO

n. 执行长

The CEO decided to reshuffle the company's top management. 执行长决定对公司管理高层进行改组。

chief of staff 人事总务主管

Susan joined ADG Electronics in 1999 and currently serves as the chief of staff. 苏珊于一九九九年加入ADG电子,目前担任人事总务主管。

counselor n. 顾问

We can ask our counselors for advice about the Hansen Project. 我们可请顾问对韩森专案作些建议。

division n. 事业部

It's likely that we'll add a new division this year. 今年我们可能会新增一个事业部。



n. 企业家

A lot of planning and effort is needed to be a successful entrepreneur. 要成为一位成功的企业家需要许多的规划与努力。

executive n. 高阶主管

Sam gave a presentation to the company's executives. 山姆为公司高阶主管作简报。

human resources 人力资源

Nancy held a meeting with the human resources director to discuss filling the vacancy. 南西和人力资源部主管召开会议,讨论征人以填补该职缺。

jurisdiction n. 管辖范围

All IT and computer-related issues fall under the jurisdiction of the MIS department. 所有资讯科技和电脑相关问题皆属资讯系统管理部的管辖范围。

leadership n. 领导

This advancement is a well-deserved recognition of your competent leadership. 这次晋升是对您英明领导的高度肯定。

sales representative 业务代表;业务员

You should go back and bargain with the sales representative. 你该回去和那个业务员讲讲价。

useful sentence:Partial shipment is alloweduseful sentence 允许分批装运。

customer complains


v. 抱歉;致歉

We apologize for our mistake. 我们对所造成的错误致上歉意。

break down 故障

The printer is always breaking down. 这台印表机老是故障。




he claim was not approved by the insurance company. 保险公司并未核准这项理赔。


n. 抱怨;不满

Let's begin with the recent complaints about customer service that we've received. 我们就从最近客服部所接到的客诉开始讨论。

criticism n. 批评

The online auction company has been under intense criticism lately. 这家线上拍卖公司近来饱受严厉批评。


adj. 瑕疵的;有缺陷的

You can get refunds on any damaged or defective merchandise. 任何损坏或瑕疵商品皆可退款。

feedback n. 意见反映

I'm interested to hear your feedback regarding our products. 我想听听您对我们产品的意见。


v. 改进;改善

What could we do to improve our service? 我们能做什么来改善服务品质?


adj. 无效的

Your warranty is invalid without an official registration stamp. 您的保固书没盖官方注册章所以无效。

price list 价目表

We had some internal problems with the price list. 我们公司内部在价目表上出了问题。

product quality 产品品质

Your product quality is terrible. 你们的产品品质很差。

purchase n. 购买


We can send you a shipping label so that you can return your purchase at no extra charge. 我们会寄给你一张出货标签,这样你就可以免费退货。

refund n. 退费

I want a full refund. 我要全额退费。

replacement n. 更换

If it doesn't work then we can give you a replacement or a refund. 如果不能用的话我们可以帮你换一台或退费。

warranty n. 保固

I bought your three-year warranty, but I don't really understand this term. 我跟你们买了三年保固,但有个条款我不是很清楚。

useful sentence:

Our quality is based solely on our sales samples 我们的质量完全以货样为准。

after-sales service 售后服务

Freedom Group is known for their quality products and after-sales service. 弗瑞登集团以产品品质与售后服务而闻名。


v. 聚集;组装

The bookshelves are easy to assemble. 这些书架很容易组装。

customer satisfaction 客户满意(度)

Our customer satisfaction scores are among the best in the industry. 我们的客服满意度在业界名列前茅。

customer service hotline 客服热线

For any queries, please call our customer service hotline at 0800080123. 如需任何查询,请打我们的客服热线0800080123。

defer payment 延后付款

Can I defer payment? 我可以延后付款吗?


delivery n. 递送

I'm just calling to see if the delivery of your Cambridge Sofa went OK. 我只是打来看看您的剑桥沙发是不是顺利送过去了。

installation n. 安装

The installation of a new heating system will take two weeks. 新暖气系统的安装需要两个星期。

long-standing adj. 长期的

We have a delivery special for long-standing customers.我们对长期顾客有送货特惠。


n. 使用手册

The manual shows a three-inch-diameter rubber ring, but I don't have it. 使用手册上说有一个直径三吋的橡胶圈,但我的没有。


n. 会员身分;会员资格

How can I save even more with my membership? 我怎么样利用会员身分省更多?

model number 型号

Could you tell me the model number? 麻烦您告诉我产品型号。

part missing 缺零件

It seems there's a part missing. 好像有缺零件。

place order 下订单

You can place orders by telephone. 你可以用电话下单。

receipt n. 收据

I've lost my receipt but I'd like to return this. 我把收据弄丢了,但是我想退掉这项产品。

subscribe v. 订购


When you subscribe, you automatically become a member. 凡订购者,便自动成为会员。

export-oriented economy 出口导向经济

A well-developed transportation network is essential to Taiwan's export-oriented economy. 发展完备的运输网对台湾以出口导向的经济而言很重要。

foreign exchange reserve 外汇存底

China's foreign exchange reserves are now the world's largest. 中国外汇存底目前居全球之冠。 GDP

n. 国内生产毛额

China's GDP is expected to surpass that of the U.S. by 2040. 中国的国内生产毛额预估将在二○四○年前超越美国。

index n. 指数

The Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) is a useful tool for investors. 采购经理人指数(PMI)对投资人而言是一项有用的工具。

indicator n. 指标

Increase in lipstick sales is an indicator of economic recession. 口红销售量的增加是经济衰退的一项指标。

liberalization n. 自由化

The government is considering liberalization of its banking system. 政府考虑让银行体系自由化。

macroeconomics n. 总体经济学

This book is the virtual bible on macroeconomics. 这本书几乎可说是总体经济学的必读之作。

market economy 市场经济

Chile established a free market economy, becoming the first South American nation to do so. 智利成为南美洲第一个建立起自由市场经济体系的国家。

standard of living 生活水平

Since NAFTA came into effect, the Canadian standard of living has inched closer to America's.



undersupply n. 供给不足

Oil undersupply leads to price increases. 石油供给不足导致价格上涨。

useful sentence:

Your enquiry is too vague to enable us to reply you 你们的询盘不明确,我们无法答复。

economic trends


n. 景气;繁荣

Living standards improved greatly during the post-war boom. 战后经济繁荣期间,生活水平大幅改善。

economic fluctuation 经济波动

The Central Bank successfully curbed the economic fluctuation. 央行成功抑制了这样的经济波动。

inflation n. 通货膨胀

The country suffers from high inflation. 该国饱受高通膨之苦。

lagging indicator 落后指标

Inflation is a lagging indicator, so it continues to rise even as the economy slows. 通膨是一项落后指标,因此即使经济趋缓它仍持续上升。

optimistic adj. 乐观的

Analysts are cautiously optimistic about the country's economic future. 分析师审慎乐观预期该国经济的未来。

outlook n. 展望

The economic outlook for the second half of the year is dimmer than in the first half. 下半年经济展望比上半年更不看好。



n. 景气衰退

The government is changing policies to pull the country out of recession. 政府正改变政策好让国家脱离景气衰退。

recovery n. 复苏

Sales show a strong indication of economic recovery. 销售强烈显示经济复苏的迹象。

stagnant adj. 停滞的

Since the 1970s, the country's economy has been stagnant. 自一九七○年代起,该国经济一直停滞不前。



People expect a remarkable turnaround in our economy. 人民期望经济能显着好转。

useful sentence:Please protect our draft on presentation.请见票即付。 demestic economy

annual revenue 岁入

The annual revenue growth of 2006 will reach 4%. 二○○六年的岁入成长率将达 4%。

budget bill 预算案

The Legislative Yuan approved the budget bill yesterday morning. 立法院昨天早上通过了这项预算案。

budget deficit 预算赤字

The American federal budget deficit could exceed $420 billion. 美国联邦预算赤字可能会超过四千两百亿美元。

economic policy 经济政策

The government should not follow an economic policy that will not satisfy citizens. 政府不该遵循会让人民不满的经济政策。

economic reform 经济改革

After 10 years of economic reform, India has become the second largest exporter of software worldwide.



electricity n. 电力

When compared to Singapore, Hong Kong, and South Korea, Taiwan has the lowest energy costs. 相较于新加坡、香港和南韩,台湾的电价是最低的。 infrastructure

n. 基础建设

The country's infrastructure is in need of heavy investment. 该国需大量投资基础建设。

investment environment 投资环境

Vietnam pledged to improve its investment environment. 越南誓言改善其投资环境。

monetary policy 货币政策

The government tightened its monetary policy to reduce inflation. 政府紧缩其货币政策以降低通膨。

real estate 房地产

Real estate prices have increased this year. 今年房地产价格上涨。


n. 补助;补贴

The Indonesian government decided to cap subsidy spending and increase the cost of gas. 印度尼西亚政府决定限制补贴上限并调高油价。

unemployment rate 失业率

The unemployment rate remained at 4.5%. 失业率维持在 4.5%。

useful sentence: It's clearly a breach of contract这显然是违反了合同。

international economies



The APEC summit will take place in Hanoi in November this year. 亚太经合高峰会将于今年十一月在河内举行。



n. 紧急援助

A $30 billion bailout by the IMF helped Brazil avert the disaster. 国际货币基金提供三百亿紧急援助帮助巴西避免了这场灾难。

creditor nation 债权国

Japan is the world's largest creditor nation. 日本为全世界最大的债权国。

developed country 已开发国家

This change is also occurring in many other developed countries. 这项改变也正在其它许多已开发国家中发生。

emerging market 新兴市场

Fund managers are encouraging investment in emerging markets. 基金经理人鼓励投资新兴市场。

European Union 欧盟

The European Union's presidency rotates between member countries. 欧盟主委由各会员国轮流担任。 G10


G10 central bankers say they will work hard to stop inflation. G10 各国央行总裁表示,将努力防止通货膨胀。

globalization n. 全球化

Some people think globalization is bad for small nations. 有些人认为全球化对小国不利。 IMF


IMF headquarters are located in Washington, D.C. 国际货币基金总部位于华盛顿特区。

sanction n. 制裁

The UN security council may impose economic sanctions. 联合国安理会可能会实施经济制裁。

summit n. 高峰会


A summit meeting of OPEC leaders was called to find a solution to the oil supply issue. 石油输出国家组织领导人召开高峰会以寻求石油供应问题。

World Bank 世界银行

The World Bank is part of the United Nations system. 世界银行隶属联合国体系。

WTO 世贸组织

The WTO aims to increase international trade. 世贸组织旨在增进国际贸易。 useful sentence:

The loss in question was beyond the coverage granted by us 损失不包括在我方承保的范围内。

income statements allowance n. 折让

We want a promotion allowance of 15% of our total annual payment to La Fountaine. 我们想在每年支付给拉芳丹系列的费用里享有15%的促销折让。

beginning inventory 期初存货

There was no beginning inventory. 没有期初存货。

cost of goods sold 销货成本

Different sectors have different calculations for their cost of goods sold. 不同的产业对销货成本有不同的计算方式。

depreciation n. 折旧

Depreciation of machinery cost the company a lot of money last year. 去年该公司因机器折旧花了不了钱。

distribution n. 配销

I think we need to find ways of upgrading our distribution network. 我想我们必须想办法改进我们的配销网。

freight n. 运费

The basic model is listed for $8500 plus $250 freight. 阳春型售价为八千五百元外加两百五十元运费。


gross margin 毛利

Gross margin is equal to gross income divided by net sales. 毛利等于总收入除以销货净额。 income statement 损益表

ncome statements show how much money a company made and spent over a period of time. 损益表系显示某公司于某期间内之收入与花费。

net income


B&G Co.'s net income for 2005 was below expectations. B&G公司二○○五年的净收入低于预期。

net sales 销货净额

Elizabeth expects net sales of approximately $215 million. 依莉莎白预期销货净额将达二亿一千五百万美元。

operating expense 营业费用

Operating expenses in the second quarter of 2006 declined 15%. 二○○六年第二季的营业费用下滑15%。

sales revenue 销货收入

Research shows that these groups produce the highest sales revenue. 研究显示这两个族群创造最多的销货收入。

balance sheet资产负债表

accounts receivable 应收帐款

Accounts receivable are treated as a current asset on a balance sheet. 应收帐款在资产负债表上被视为流动资产。 accumulated depreciation 备抵折旧

The accumulated depreciation shall be presented as the contra account of the fixed asset. 备抵折旧应列于固定资产下的抵销科目。 asset n. 资产

The courts have frozen the assets of the fund's two partners. 法院已冻结该基金两名合伙人的资产。


balance sheet 资产负债表

Grant Group's balance sheet shows a big profit. 格兰特集团的资产负债表显示大幅获利。

contributed capital 实缴股本

The bank currently has contributed capital of approximately $25 million. 该银行目前有将近两千五百万美元的实缴股本。

fixed asset 固定资产

Fixed assets normally include items such as land, buildings, equipment, etc. 固定资产通常包括如:土地、建筑物、设备等。

liability n. 负债

The unsold inventory is a huge liability for the company. 未售出的库存品造成公司巨额负债。

notes payable 应付票据

This action would reduce notes payable on the balance sheet. 这项行动将会降低资产负债表上应付票据的金额。

prepaid expense 预付款项

Prepaid expenses are a small part of the balance sheet. 预付款项是资产负债表上的一个小项。

retained earnings 保留盈余

These expenses will likely decrease retained earnings. 这些费用可能会减少保留盈余。

stockholders' equity 股东权益

Stockholders' equity is equal to the company's assets minus its liabilities. 股东权益相当于公司资产减去负债 accounting procedures 会计流程

insufficient funds 存款不足

A $25 fine for any check returned for insufficient funds will be charged to the tenant. 若存款余额不足遭退票,承租人须缴纳廿五元罚款。


invoice n. 发票

The number of the purchase order is in the left-hand corner of your invoice. 订单号码在你发票的左上角。

ledger n. 分类帐

Perhaps there was something not quite right about the files and the ledgers. 也许这些档案和分类帐有些地方不太对。

non-payment n. 未付;未缴

Your telephone service has been suspended for non-payment of bill. 您的电话由于帐单未付而被停话。

outstanding adj. 未偿付的

Every month, the accounting department submits a report of bills outstanding. 每个月,会计部会提出一份未付帐款报告。


v. 索价过高;溢收费用

The hotel overcharged me for room service. 这家旅馆超收了我的住房费用。

overdue adj. 逾期的

Our records show your account has a balance of $1000 sixty days overdue. 我们资料显示你们帐户有笔一千美元的欠款已逾期六十天。

payment terms 付款条件

I'd like to know what payment terms you'd accept. 我想知道你们接受哪一种付款条件。

receipt n. 收据

The store asks for a receipt when customers want to return or exchange products. 当顾客要求退货或更换产品时,该店会要求看收据。

reimbursement request 请款单

Reimbursement requests must be turned in to the Accounting Manager. 请款单必须呈交会计经理。


remittance n. 汇款

Some companies accept bank remittances as payment for products. 有些公司接受以银行汇款支付货款。

accountability n. 会计责任

Accountability and budgeting are key elements to drive down the deficit. 会计责任和预算编列压低赤字的两大主要元素。

big bang approach 全面导入法

We've pretty much ruled out the big bang approach. 我们差不多已将全面导入法排除。

cash flow 现金流量

The company has some cash flow problems. 该公司现金流量有些问题。

custom-made adj. 客制的

We'll install a pre-designed ERP system without custom-made applications. 我们将安装套装的ERP系统而不采用客制的应用程序。 ERP

企业资源规划(Enterprise Resource Planning)

The new ERP system is a bit complicated but in the long run, it'll be worth it. 这套新的ERP系统是有点复杂但长远来看是值得的。

financial statement 财务报表

Workers should be able to read financial statements. 员工应该要能看懂财报。

franchising strategy 分点推广法

There's always the franchising strategy. 反正总还可选分点推广法。

GAAP(generally accepted accounting principles) 公认会计原则

Accounting department workers need to be completely familiar with GAAP. 会计部同仁必须完全熟悉公认会计原则。


integrated adj. 整合的

The integrated system will make things more efficient. 这套整合的系统让作业更有效率。

slam dunk approach 强力置入法

We can consider the slam dunk approach. 我们可以考虑强力置入法。

industry 产业

manufacturing 生产制造

alternative energy 替代能源

Scientists are researching alternative energy sources for cars. 科学家正研究汽车的替代能源。

assembly line 装配线

Our assembly line is capable of 1000 units per hour. 我们的装配线每小时可生产一千件。

automated adj. 自动化的

The production process is now fully automated. 生产流程现已全面自动化。

breakthrough n. 突破

Scientists predict a major breakthrough within four months. 科学家预期四个月内会有重大突破。

capacity utilization 产能利用

Our capacity utilization rate would reach 100% by the end of the year. 今年底我们的产能利用率将达100%。

component n. 零件

New fuel-cell components will revolutionize the auto industry. 新的燃料电池零组件将为汽车业带来大变革。

electronics n. 电子产品


China is the current construction hotspot for Taiwanese electronics factories. 中国现在是台湾电子厂设厂的热门地点。

farm produce 农业产品

Taiwan has not imposed any restrictions on farm produce exports to China. 台湾并未对输出到中国的农业产品作任何设限。

global warming 全球暖化

A new UN report details how global warming is likely to change the world. 一份联合国新出炉的报告详述了全球暖化对世界可能造成的改变。

high-tech industry 高科技产业

Taiwan's strength is in high-tech industry. 高科技产业是台湾的优势所在。

labor-intensive adj. 劳力密集的

Many major companies have relegated labor-intensive jobs to China. 许多大公司已将劳力密集的工作移到中国。

manufacturing n. 制造

Prior to the 1970's, America was primarily a manufacturing economy. 一九七0年代之前,美国经济以制造为主。

mass production 大量制造

The machinery that is needed to set up a mass production line is too expensive. 设立量产生产线所需的机台价格太贵。

offshoring n. 产业外移

Offshoring in the IT industry set off India's recent economic boom. 信息产业的外移引发印度近来的经济热潮。

outsource v. 外包

The company's winning formula is to outsource all of its production. 该公司成功的秘诀就是将所有的产品发包出去制作。

power failure 停电

A power failure forced most factories in the region to halt operations.



production capacity 产能

We have a production capacity of 500 units per hour. 我们每小时有五百单位的产能。

production process 生产流程

The production process is cost-effective and streamlined. 这个生产流程既节省成本又有效率。


n. 回收;再生

The authorities are considering implementing a mandatory electronic recycling program. 当局正考虑采取强制性的电子器材回收计划。

semiconductor n. 半导体

Intel has its company's largest semiconductor plant outside the U.S. near Dublin. 英特尔在美国以外邻近都柏林设立了该公司最大的半导体厂。

service industry 服务业

The service industry accounts for more than sixty percent of Greece's GDP. 服务业占了希腊国内生产毛额的 60%。

waste disposal 废弃物处理

The problem of waste disposal is obviously serious. 废弃物处理问题显然很严重。

quality control 品管

basic testing 基本测试

We did all the basic testing during development. 我们在研发时做过所有的基本测试。

batch n. 一批

We need to double the random-sample number to ten per batch of 100. 我们随机抽样必须增加一倍,每批一百件抽检十件。

glitch n. 缺失


It looks like all the glitches were corrected. 看来所有缺失皆已改正。

inspection n. 检查

Power Factory was fined for safety violations from its last inspection. 动力工厂因上次安检未过而被科罚金。

leave out 遗漏

Don't leave out any necessary information on your application. 你在申请单上不要遗漏任何必要的信息。

QC history 品管记录

We can check over the QC history again right now. 我们现在可以再检查一次过去的品管记录。 QC procedure 品管流程

What issues do we need to address to work out new QC procedures? 在制定新品管流程之前,有哪些问题必须先处理?

quality standard 质量标准

This year, Metro Factory experienced a noticeable decline in quality standards. 今年,都会工厂在质量标准上明显下降。

random sampling 随机抽样

We did the random sampling of five pieces per batch of 100. 我们在每批一百件的货品中取五件随机抽样。

recall v. 回收

The car company recalled 3,000 SUVs because of a brake problem. 这家汽车公司由于剎车问题回收了三千辆运动休旅车。


v. 拒收;退回

If inspectors find more than three defective items, the batch is rejected. 如果检验员发现超过三件不良品就整批退回。

simulation test 模拟测试

I think we'll need to design some new simulation tests. 我认为我们必须设计一些新的模拟测试。


