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A . Making puppets. B . Training baby birds. C . Counting wildlife. D . Cleaning cages

提交的答案:Training baby birds. 正确答案:Training baby birds. 题目详解:null

A . To increase the public'sunderstanding of endangered species. B . To breed animals to sell to zoos.

C . To prepare endangered species for life in the wild. D . To study animal behavior in the wild.

提交的答案:To prepare endangered species for life in the wild. 正确答案:To prepare endangered species for life in the wild. 题目详解:null

A . They also become attached to humans. B . He once had a job in a zoo.

C . They're familiar examples of endangered species. D . He's interesting in the genetics of mammals.

提交的答案: They're familiar examples of endangered species. 正确答案: They're familiar examples of endangered species. 题目详解:null

A . So that the chicks can be examined in a favorable environment. B . So that they are protected from scratches by the cranes. C. So that the chicks don't become dependent on human. D . So that they aren't exposed to infectious diseases.

提交的答案: So that the chicks don't become dependent on human. 正确答案: So that the chicks don't become dependent on human. 题目详解:null 1. A . A lecture by a visiting professor. B. Her biology thesis.

C . A vacation trip to Yellowstone Park. D . A research project.

提交的答案: A research project. 正确答案: A research project. 题目详解:null 2. A . Fewer buffalo are dying of disease. B . More buffalo are being born. C . More buffalo are surviving the winter. D . Fewer buffalo are being killed by hunters.

提交的答案: More buffalo are surviving the winter. 正确答案: More buffalo are surviving the winter. 题目详解:null 3. A . Her thesis adviser is heading the project. B . She has been studying animal diseases. C . She needs the money. D . She is from Wyoming.

提交的答案:She has been studying animal diseases. 正确答案:She has been studying animal diseases. 题目详解:null 4. A . Working on a cattle ranch. B . Analyzing buffalo behavior. C . She is from Wyoming.

D . Writing a paper about extinct animals.

提交的答案:She is from Wyoming. 正确答案:She is from Wyoming.

1. A . A new electronic store. B . A breakthrough in technology. C . A popular television program. D . A recent purchase.

提交的答案:A recent purchase.

正确答案:A recent purchase. 题目详解:null 2. A . Ask for a cheaper price on the television. B . Be satisfied with what he has.

C . Research what television is best for him. D . Try a different store.

提交的答案:Research what television is best for him. 正确答案:Research what television is best for him. 题目详解:null 3. A . Pay for the television.

B . Show the woman how to use the television. C . Return the television to the store. D . Watch less television.

提交的答案:Return the television to the store. 正确答案:Return the television to the store. 题目详解:null 4. A . He's eager to use it.

B . He's confused by the remote controls. C . He's not happy that he bought it.

D . He would prefer a more expensive model.

提交的答案:He's not happy that he bought it. 正确答案:He's not happy that he bought it. 题目详解:null 1. A . Rise. B . V-shape. C . Zigzag. D . Fall.


题目详解:本题问现在人们对自己的婚姻持什么态度。对话中Mr. Jackson提到:In the midst of change and family disintegration, people seem to have a greater desire now to create stability n their lives. 可见Zigzag为正确答案。 2. A . To embrace changes of thought. B . To adapt to the disintegrated family life.

C . To return to the practice in the 1960s and 1970s. D . To create stability in their lives.

正确答案:To create stability in their lives.

题目详解:本题问现在人们对自己的婚姻持什么态度。对话中Mr. Jackson提到:In the midst of change and family disintegration, people seem to have a greater desire now to create stability n their lives. 可见To create stability in their lives为正确答案。 3. A . They were willing to stay together. B . They were afraid of losing face.

C . They feared the complicated procedures. D . They wanted to go against the trend.

正确答案:They were afraid of losing face.

题目详解:本题目问20年前人们不离婚的原因。对话中提到:Society demands that for appearance's sake we stay together. They were afraid of losing face与之相符。 4. A . He would have been shifted around the country. B . He would have had difficulty being promoted.

C . He would have tasted little bitterness of disagreement. D . He would have enjoyed a happier life.

正确答案:He would have had difficulty being promoted.

题目详解:本题询问多年前一个在公司上班的男人离婚了会怎么样。对话中提到:The same was true in the corporate structure where divorced people rarely moved up the executive ladder.也就是升职的机会很小了,即答案选He would have had difficulty being promoted。 1. A . The causes of air pollution. B . A new fuel for buses.

C . A way to improve fuel efficiency in buses. D . Careers in environmental engineering.

正确答案:A way to improve fuel efficiency in buses. 题目详解:null 2. A . Parking is difficult in the city.

B . She wants to help reduce pollution. C . The cost of fuel has increased. D . Her car is being repaired.

正确答案:She wants to help reduce pollution. 题目详解:null 3. A . A fuel that burns cleanly.

B . A material from which filters are made. C . An oil additive that helps cool engines. D . An insulating material sprayed on engine parts.

正确答案:An insulating material sprayed on engine parts. 题目详解:null 4. A . The high temperatures required for its use. B . The opposition of automobile manufacturers. C . The lack of trained environmental engineers. D . The high cost of materials used in its production.

正确答案:The high temperatures required for its use. 题目详解:null


Exercise is one of the few factors with a positive role in long-term maintenance of body weight. Unfortunately, that message has not gotten through to the average American, who would rather try switching to \exercise. The Centers for Disease Control, for example, found that fewer than one-fourth of overweight adults who were trying to shed pounds said they were combining exercise with their food. In rejecting exercise, some people may be unduly discouraged by

calorie-consuming charts; for example, one would have to quickly walk three miles just to work off the 275 calories in one delicious cake. Even those who support exercise agree half a point here, and say \supporting role in weight reduction is essential. A study at the Boston University Medical Center of some overweight adults showed that those who dieted without exercise regained

almost all their old weight, while those who worked exercise into their daily routine maintained their new weight. If you have been accustomed to sitting long and decide to start walking one mile a day, the added exercise could burn an extra 100 calories daily. In a year's time, supposing no increase in food in-take, you could lose ten pounds. By increasing the distance of your walks gradually and making other food adjustments, you may lose even more weight.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The main idea of the passage is ________.

A . getting up early in the morning can help lose one's body weight B . being on diet without enough exercise can hardly help lose weight

C . light' beer and low-caloric bread should be kept away from overweight adults D . increasing exercise plays an important role in weight reduction

提交的答案:being on diet without enough exercise can hardly help lose weight 正确答案:being on diet without enough exercise can hardly help lose weight

题目详解:要点:根据问题中‘The main idea of the passage’提供的信息判断题,从第1段最后一句中‘fewer than one-fourth of overweight adults who were trying to shed pounds said they were combining exercise with their food.’提供的信息确定,选项中的‘being on diet without enough exercise can hardly help lose weight’符合本题句意要求。

2. In Paragraph 1, the phrase 'to shed pounds' means 'to _______. A . get rid of extra calories B . put away some money C . maintain body weight D . stop eating high-calorie bread

提交的答案:get rid of extra calories 正确答案:get rid of extra calories

题目详解:要点:根据问题中‘the phrase 'to shed pounds'’提供的信息判断题,从第1段第1

句中‘long-term maintenance of body weight’提供的信息确定,选项中的‘get rid of extra calories’符合本题句意要求。

3. Walking three miles quickly just burns _______calories in one delicious cake. A . 100. B . 10. C . 725. D . 275.

提交的答案:275. 正确答案:275.

题目详解:要点:根据问题中‘Walking three miles quickly’提供的信息判断题,从第2段第1句中‘just to work off the 275 calories in one delicious cake’提供的信息确定,选项中的‘275’符合本题句意要求。

4. Those who dieted without exercise could ________. A . maintain their new weight B . keep all their usual weight C . increase their weight

D . reduce their old weight to new one

提交的答案: increase their weight 正确答案:keep all their usual weight

题目详解:要点:根据问题中‘Those who dieted without exercise’提供的信息判断题,从第3段第2句中‘regained almost all their old weight’提供的信息确定,选项中的‘keep all their usual weight’符合本题句意要求。

5. The best way for overweight adults to lose their weight is_______. A . both by increasing physical activity gradually while adjusting food

B . only by dieting

C . by increasing physical activity gradually D . either by doing exercise or adjusting the food

提交的答案:both by increasing physical activity gradually while adjusting food 正确答案:both by increasing physical activity gradually while adjusting food

题目详解:要点:根据问题中‘The best way for overweight adults to lose their weight’提供的信息判断题,从第4段第1句中‘to sitting long and decide to start walking one mile a day’提供的信息确定,选项中的‘both by increasing physical activity gradually while adjusting food’符合本题句意要求。

02分03秒 people are not as capable as they think


1. The passage is mainly about ______. A . computer errors B . computer businesses C . banking via computer D . computer crimes

2. Why are the transactions in many banks claimed to be safe? A . Because computers do not steal money.

B . Because humans are not allowed to operate computers C . Because there are no mistakes what so ever.

D . Because they are handled by computers

3. The head teller covered up his theft by ______.

A . replacing the money with what he had gained at the gambling house B . saying sorry to the customer

C . moving the money back from another account D . putting the money back

4. Thirty days after the librarian was given the notice, she had to ______. A . erase all the company's records B . admit her mistake

C . take her revenge on the company D . leave her job

5. What can we infer from the passage?

A . Crimes committed by computer experts are difficult to detect B . Minor employers are more likely to commit crimes. C . Computer criminals are usually from the cold regions D . There are too many criminals for the police to catch.

computer crimes

Because humans are not allowed to operate computers

moving the money back from another account

replacing the money with what he had gained at the gambling house moving the money back from another account

leave her job

take her revenge on the company

There are too many criminals for the police to catch Computer criminals are usually from the cold regions Crimes committed by computer experts are difficult to detect

1. A . The zoo has built a rookery there. B . He's writing a book about penguins. C . He's interested in seeing a certain species. D . It has recently been renovated.

提交的答案:He's interested in seeing a certain species. 正确答案:He's interested in seeing a certain species. 2. A . It is the largest kind of penguin. B . It lays its eggs underwater. C . It is able to fly.

D . It lives near the equator.

提交的答案:It is the largest kind of penguin. 正确答案:It is the largest kind of penguin. 3. A . They are used for swimming.

B . They are present only on certain species. C . They differ on males and females. D . They have no feathers.

提交的答案:They are used for swimming. 正确答案:They are used for swimming. 4. A . He keeps the egg warm. B . He builds a nest for the egg. C . He defends the colony.

D . He gathers food for the females.

提交的答案:He keeps the egg warm. 正确答案:He keeps the egg warm.

1. A . The hotel clerk had put his reservation under another name. B . The hotel clerk couldn't find his reservation for that night. C . The hotel clerk tried to take advantage of his inexperience. D . The hotel clerk insisted that he didn't make any reservation.

正确答案:The hotel clerk tried to take advantage of his inexperience. 2. A . The hotel was undergoing major repairs. B . It was a busy season for holiday-makers. C . There was a conference going on in the city. D . A grand wedding was being held in the hotel.

正确答案:There was a conference going on in the city. 3. A . It was 10% cheaper than in other hotels. B . It had a 15% discount on weekdays. C . It was offered to frequent guests only. D . It was free of charge on weekends.

正确答案:It was free of charge on weekends. 4. A . Complain to the hotel manager. B . Demand compensation from the hotel. C . Find a cheaper room in another hotel. D . Ask for an additional discount.

正确答案:Complain to the hotel manager.

1. A . A new policy on pensioners' welfare. B . The description of a thief in disguise. C . A notice by the electricity board. D . Ads promoting electric appliances.

正确答案:The description of a thief in disguise. 2. A . Showing them his ID.

B . Speaking with a proper accent. C . Wearing an official uniform. D . Making friends with them.

正确答案:Showing them his ID. 3. A . To watch out for those from the electricity board. B . Not to let anyone in without an appointment. C . To be on the alert when being followed. D . Not to leave senior citizens alone at home.

正确答案:Not to let anyone in without an appointment. 4. A . She was robbed near the parking lot. B . All her money in the bank disappeared. C . She was knocked down in the post office. D . The pension she had just drawn was stolen.

正确答案:The pension she had just drawn was stolen.



1.A . How the man can invest the money. B . The death of the man's aunt.

C . How the man can find Mr. Hunter. D . The woman's broker.

提交的答案:How the man can invest the money. 正确答案:How the man can invest the money.

题目详解:对话中一直是关于Bill如何将所得遗产的一部进行投资,Nancy因此建议他向她的财务经纪人咨询。因此答案是How the man can invest the money。

2.A . From Barbara. B . From his aunt.

C . Investment returns.

D . From charity organizations.

提交的答案:From his aunt. 正确答案:From his aunt.

题目详解:对话中直接提到“you know, she even left Barbara and me a large sum of money”,因此答案是from his aunt。

3.A . To buy municipal bonds. B . To invest some of them.

C . To deposit the money m a bank. D . To spend as he wants.

提交的答案:To invest some of them. 正确答案:To invest some of them.

题目详解:对话中女士谈到这个问题时,没有直截了当地回答,而是建议他去咨询专业人士如何进行投资,当然说的还是如何进行投资,因此选择答案[To invest some of them.]。

4.A . On mutual funds.

B . Investment for speculation. C . On municipal bonds. D . On tax on inheritance.

提交的答案: On tax on inheritance. 正确答案:On mutual funds.

题目详解:对话中谈到Mr. Hunter 可以提供很多方面的建议,根据顺序,一次出现的是investment for speculation, tax on inheritance 和 municipal bond,但没有提到过 mutual funds,因此答案是[On mutual funds.]。


1.A . Last week. B . Some time ago. C . Recently. D . Yesterday.

提交的答案:Some time ago. 正确答案:Some time ago.

题目详解:Long time no see.有些日子没见了。所以答案选择Some time ago。

2.A . Interviewing for a new job. B . Thinking about changing jobs. C . Working at a new job. D . Looking for a new job.

提交的答案:Thinking about changing jobs. 正确答案:Thinking about changing jobs.

题目详解:Mary纠正Ken说她找工作的说法:Well, that's not exactly true. I was thinking about changing jobs. 当时她只是想换工作。所以答案选择Thinking about changing jobs。

3.A . She got a raise. B . She got a promotion. C . She got fired.

D . She found a new job.

提交的答案: She got a promotion. 正确答案:She got a raise.

题目详解:I had been hoping to get a promotion for a while, so when it finally came through I was relieved.显然是升职,因为升职了就不用换工作了。

4.A . He's getting married. B . He's getting a promotion. C . He's getting divorced.

D . He's moving to a new house.

提交的答案:He's getting married.

正确答案:He's getting married.

题目详解:I'm getting married! 结婚是Ken 所指的重大新闻。


1.A . How to develop alternative energy sources. B . Characteristics of a new type of fuel. C . More economical diesel fuel.

D . Where a new energy source is located.

提交的答案:Characteristics of a new type of fuel. 正确答案:Characteristics of a new type of fuel. 题目详解:null

2.A . He lost his notes. B . He missed the class.

C . He's doing research on alternative. D . He's studying for a test.

提交的答案:He missed the class. 正确答案:He missed the class. 题目详解:null

3.A . It will eventually destroy the ozone layer.

B . It will increase the amount of unpleasant odors from vehicles. C . It will reduce the cost of running large vehicles. D . It will reduce the amount of pollutants in the air.

提交的答案:It will reduce the amount of pollutants in the air. 正确答案:It will reduce the amount of pollutants in the air. 题目详解:null

4.A . To tell her if the notes are accurate. B . To help him write a paper.

C . To help him explain the information to his roommate. D . To prepare for a test.

提交的答案: To tell her if the notes are accurate. 正确答案:To prepare for a test. 题目详解:null



1.How many times was Mr. Grey's shop broken into?

A . Twice.

B . Three times. C . Four times. D . Once.

提交的答案:Twice. 正确答案:Twice.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是故事中的一个情节;从听力短文第1段第2句中的‘and then Mr. Grey's shop was broken into at night twice in one month’判断出,选项中的‘Twice’符合提问含义。

2.Why did Mr. Grey decide to catch the thief himself? A . Because the police proved inefficient.

B . Because he didn't want the case known to the others. C . Because he knew who was the thief.

D . Because the police did nothing to catch the thief. 提交的答案:Because the police proved inefficient. 正确答案:Because the police proved inefficient.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是事件发生的原因;从听力短文第1段第3句中的‘The police had still not managed to catch the thief’判断出,选项中的‘Because the police proved inefficient’符合提问含义。

3.How long had Mr. Grey waited for the police to catch the thief? A . One month. B . A few nights. C . Three weeks. D . Some years.

提交的答案: One month. 正确答案:Three weeks.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是事件发生的时间;从听力短文第1段第3句中的‘three weeks later’判断出,选项中的‘Three weeks.’符合提问含义。 4.Which of the following is true according to the speaker? A . The camera took a picture of the thief.

B . The thief didn't do what Mr. Grey had expected. C . Mr. Grey's shop sold cameras as well.

D . The thief stole many watches from the shop.

提交的答案:The thief didn't do what Mr. Grey had expected. 正确答案:The thief didn't do what Mr. Grey had expected.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是目前的职业现状;从听力短文第2段第1句中的‘but he did not touch … had put out for him. He took the camera’判断出,选项中的‘The thief didn't do what Mr. Grey had expected’符合提问含义。



1.How many seats does King Arthur's Round Table have? A . 24. B . 23. C . 25. D . 26.

提交的答案: 24. 正确答案:25.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是物体的数量;从听力短文第2句中的‘has places for the king himself and 24 of his officials’判断出,选项中的‘25’符合提问含义。

2.What was proved by the experts about the Round Table? A . It was 600 years old. B . It was made of wood.

C . It was made by King Arthur himself. D . It did not react to X-rays.

提交的答案:It was 600 years old. 正确答案:It was 600 years old.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是物品的年代、材料和作用;从听力短文第5 句中的‘it was 600 years old and so did a method’判断出,选项中的‘It was 600 years old’符合提问含义。

3.According to the passage, what is the probable reason for the table being made? A . To meet the needs of Arthur. B . To attract the tourists. C . To satisfy the writers. D . To please King Edward III.

提交的答案:To please King Edward III. 正确答案:To please King Edward III.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是做某件事情的理由;从听力短文最后第2句中的‘that King Edward III was very fond of … it was made for him’判断出,选项中的‘To please King Edward III’符合提问含义。

4.What is the attitude of the experts and the writers toward the results of the investigation? A . Both of them are very happy about it.

B . The experts are happy about it, but the writers are not. C . The writers are happy, but the experts are not. D . Neither of them are happy about it.

提交的答案:The experts are happy about it, but the writers are not. 正确答案:The experts are happy about it, but the writers are not.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是目前的职业现状;从听力短文最后第1句中的‘pleased the experts. But what a terrible disappointment’判断出,选项中的‘The experts are happy about it, but the writers are not’符合提问含义。



1.What is heart transplant?

A . Production of manmade hearts.

B . Replacement of a patient's bad heart with a good heart. C . A kind of heart disease.

D . Repairing of a patient's bad heart.

提交的答案:Replacement of a patient's bad heart with a good heart. 正确答案:Replacement of a patient's bad heart with a good heart.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是对词义的解释;从听力短文第5、6句中的‘took the heart of a man、to replace a sick man's heart’判断出,选项中的‘Replacement of a patient's bad heart with a good heart.’符合提问含义。

2.What did Doctor Christian Barnard use as the object of his experiment in 1967? A . Cats.

B . Dead men's bodies. C . Monkeys. D . Dogs.

提交的答案:Dogs. 正确答案:Dogs.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是实验对象;从听力短文第4句中的‘twenty trials on dogs’判断出,选项中的‘Dogs’符合提问含义。 3.Whose heart did Dr. Barnard take to cure the first sick man? A . A woman died of a brain disease. B . A man died in an accident. C . A man died of a heart disease. D . A woman died in an accident.

提交的答案:A man died in an accident. 正确答案:A man died in an accident.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是实验材料;从听力短文第5句中的‘He took the heart of a man who died in an accident’判断出,选项中的‘A man died in an accident’符合提问含义。

4.How long can people with transplanted hearts live? A . Seven years or more. B . Less than five years. C . More than twenty years. D . Only a few months.

提交的答案:Seven years or more. 正确答案:Seven years or more.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是目前的职业现状;从听力短文最后一句中的‘who have lived with transplanted hearts for seven years and more’判断出,选项中的‘Seven years or more’符合提问含义。



1.How many seats does King Arthur's Round Table have? A . 24. B . 23. C . 25. D . 26.

提交的答案: 24. 正确答案:25.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是物体的数量;从听力短文第2句中的‘has places for the king himself and 24 of his officials’判断出,选项中的‘25’符合提问含


2.What was proved by the experts about the Round Table? A . It was 600 years old. B . It was made of wood.

C . It was made by King Arthur himself. D . It did not react to X-rays.

提交的答案:It was 600 years old. 正确答案:It was 600 years old.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是物品的年代、材料和作用;从听力短文第5 句中的‘it was 600 years old and so did a method’判断出,选项中的‘It was 600 years old’符合提问含义。

3.According to the passage, what is the probable reason for the table being made? A . To meet the needs of Arthur. B . To attract the tourists. C . To satisfy the writers. D . To please King Edward III.

提交的答案:To please King Edward III. 正确答案:To please King Edward III.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是做某件事情的理由;从听力短文最后第2句中的‘that King Edward III was very fond of … it was made for him’判断出,选项中的‘To please King Edward III’符合提问含义。

4.What is the attitude of the experts and the writers toward the results of the investigation? A . Both of them are very happy about it.

B . The experts are happy about it, but the writers are not. C . The writers are happy, but the experts are not. D . Neither of them are happy about it.

提交的答案:The experts are happy about it, but the writers are not. 正确答案:The experts are happy about it, but the writers are not.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是目前的职业现状;从听力短文最后第1句中的‘pleased the experts. But what a terrible disappointment’判断出,选项中的‘The experts are happy about it, but the writers are not’符合提问含义。



1.What is heart transplant?

A . Production of manmade hearts.

B . Replacement of a patient's bad heart with a good heart. C . A kind of heart disease.

D . Repairing of a patient's bad heart.

提交的答案:Replacement of a patient's bad heart with a good heart. 正确答案:Replacement of a patient's bad heart with a good heart.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是对词义的解释;从听力短文第5、6句中的‘took the heart of a man、to replace a sick man's heart’判断出,选项中的‘Replacement of a patient's bad heart with a good heart.’符合提问含义。

2.What did Doctor Christian Barnard use as the object of his experiment in 1967? A . Cats.

B . Dead men's bodies. C . Monkeys. D . Dogs.

提交的答案:Dogs. 正确答案:Dogs.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是实验对象;从听力短文第4句中的‘twenty trials on dogs’判断出,选项中的‘Dogs’符合提问含义。 3.Whose heart did Dr. Barnard take to cure the first sick man? A . A woman died of a brain disease. B . A man died in an accident. C . A man died of a heart disease. D . A woman died in an accident.

提交的答案:A man died in an accident. 正确答案:A man died in an accident.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是实验材料;从听力短文第5句中的‘He took the heart of a man who died in an accident’判断出,选项中的‘A man died in an accident’符合提问含义。

4.How long can people with transplanted hearts live? A . Seven years or more. B . Less than five years. C . More than twenty years. D . Only a few months.

提交的答案:Seven years or more. 正确答案:Seven years or more.

题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是目前的职业现状;从听力短文最后一句中的‘who have lived with transplanted hearts for seven years and more’判断出,选项中的‘Seven years or more’符合提问含义。



1.A . Their major and college funding. B . How to find a roommate. C . How to learn well in college. D . How to find funding for college.

提交的答案:Their major and college funding. 正确答案:Their major and college funding.

题目详解:根据对话中所出现的提示,可以判断答案是Their major and college funding.

2.A . He wants to work in a travel agency in this area. B . He wants to find a job in IT industry.

C . He wants to work in a travel agency in another city. D . He has no idea.

提交的答案:He wants to work in a travel agency in this area. 正确答案:He wants to work in a travel agency in this area.

题目详解:根据“Uh...I really haven't decided. I think I'd like to work for a travel agency in this area.”可以推测出答案是He wants to work in a travel agency in this area.

3.A . Tourism. B . Physics.

C . Mechanical engineering. D . Computer science.

提交的答案:Computer science. 正确答案:Computer science.

题目详解:根据对话中“Well, when I first started college, I majored in physics, but later I realized I might have a hard time finding a job in that field. I ended up changing to computer science.”由此可以判断答案是Computer science.

4.A . Student's loan from a bank. B . Four-year scholarship. C . Teaching assistantship.

D . A part-time job as a tour guide.

提交的答案:Four-year scholarship. 正确答案:Four-year scholarship.

题目详解:根据对话中“Well, I'm on a four-year scholarship that pays my tuition.”可以判断答案是[Four-year scholarship.]



1.A . It doesn't have sugar in them. B . It is healthy. C . It contains sugar. D . It is sour.

提交的答案: It is sour. 正确答案:It contains sugar.

题目详解:根据“All those sauces appeal to children because of the sugar content”,可以判断答案是It contains sugar.

2.A . Paul eats too much sweet food. B . Paul's teeth are not healthy. C . Paul is keen on sweet food. D . Paul is crazy about sweets.

提交的答案:Paul is keen on sweet food. 正确答案:Paul is keen on sweet food.

题目详解:sweet tooth 的意思是喜欢甜食, Paul is keen on sweet food. 中的to be keen on sth正是特别喜欢的意思。因此答案是Paul is keen on sweet food.

3.A . Watercress. B . Parsley. C . Lettuce. D . Spinach.

提交的答案:Spinach. 正确答案:Spinach.

题目详解:对话中说的十分明确,lettuce 富含维B,spinach 富含维A 和铁,而parsley 和watercress富含铁,故选Spinach.

4.A . Diagnosis on a disease.

B . Suggestions on the diet of a child. C . How to avoid being fat. D . Hot to cook.

提交的答案:Suggestions on the diet of a child. 正确答案:Suggestions on the diet of a child.

题目详解:根据对话中的内容,可以判断对话是关于对孩子饮食的建议,因此可以判断答案是[Suggestions on the diet of a child.]



1.A . In a hotel. B . In a hospital. C . In a shop.

D . In a restaurant.

提交的答案:In a hotel. 正确答案:In a hotel.

题目详解:根据对话可以判断答案是In a hotel.

2.A . Bath-foam. B . Shower hat. C . Comb. D . Shampoo.

提交的答案:Comb. 正确答案:Comb.

题目详解:根据“Look at the toiletries in the bathroom - shampoo, bath-foam, even a shower hat!”可以推动此题答案是 Comb.

3.A . Not mentioned. B . Remove it. C . Replace it. D . Press a button.

提交的答案:Remove it. 正确答案:Remove it.

题目详解:根据对话中“it starts when you remove it!”可以判断传统答案是 Remove it.

4.A . A remote controller. B . A mini-bar. C . A pencil.

D . A book.

提交的答案:A mini-bar. 正确答案:A mini-bar.

题目详解:根据对话中“there's a mini-bar under the TV.”可以判断此题答案是A mini-bar.



1.A . Why white pepper is superior to black pepper. B . How various peppers are used in cooking. C . How the pepper plant is grown.

D . How different kinds of pepper are produced.

提交的答案:How various peppers are used in cooking. 正确答案:How various peppers are used in cooking. 题目详解:null

2.A . He grows his own herbs and spices. B . He heard about it from a friend. C . He read about it in a cookbook. D . He studied it in cooking school.

提交的答案:He studied it in cooking school. 正确答案:He studied it in cooking school. 题目详解:null

3.A . The skin is removed. B . It's dried in the sun. C . It's freeze-dried.

D . It's preserved in liquid.

提交的答案:It's dried in the sun. 正确答案:It's dried in the sun. 题目详解:null

4.A . It has a fruity flavor.

B . It's more pure than other types of pepper.

C . It helps maintain the color of certain dishes. D . It's easier to grow.

提交的答案: It has a fruity flavor.

正确答案: It's more pure than other types of pepper. 题目详解:null



1.A . Truth. B . Time. C . Anxiety. D . Sympathy.

提交的答案:Anxiety. 正确答案:Anxiety.

题目详解:从“worried”,“can't sleep”,“anxiety”,“stress”这些意思接近的关键词不难推断,这段对话的主题是焦虑。

2.A . He failed his last test.

B . He's taking examinations soon. C . He can't find his watch.

D . He missed his medical checkup.

提交的答案: He can't find his watch. 正确答案:He's taking examinations soon.

题目详解:对话中“final examination”和“exam”各出现了一次。M感到焦虑是因为下个月就要期末考试了。与之意思相近的只有[He's taking examinations soon.]

3.A . She has been through a similar experience. B . She is a medical student. C . She is older than he is. D . She has a sense of humor.

提交的答案:She has been through a similar experience. 正确答案:She has been through a similar experience.


的原因。因此选[She has been through a similar experience.]



1.A . A new electronic store. B . A breakthrough in technology. C . A recent purchase.

D . A popular television program.

提交的答案:A recent purchase. 正确答案:A recent purchase. 题目详解:null

2.A . Try a different store.

B . Be satisfied with what he has.

C . Ask for a cheaper price on the television. D . Research what television is best for him.

提交的答案:Research what television is best for him. 正确答案:Research what television is best for him. 题目详解:null

3.A . Show the woman how to use the television. B . Return the television to the store. C . Pay for the television. D . Watch less television.

提交的答案:Return the television to the store. 正确答案:Return the television to the store. 题目详解:null

4.A . He's confused by the remote controls. B . He would prefer a more expensive model. C . He's not happy that he bought it. D . He's eager to use it.

提交的答案: He's confused by the remote controls.

正确答案:He's not happy that he bought it. 题目详解:null



1.A . Tracking water pollution. B . Mapping currents in the ocean. C . Collecting objects on the beach. D . Creating computer models.

提交的答案:Mapping currents in the ocean. 正确答案:Mapping currents in the ocean.

题目详解:对话中反复出现current这个词,这段话主要是在讨论科学家们如何努力确定海流(currents)的流向问题。与之意思相近的是[Mapping currents in the ocean.]

2.A . An old shoe.

B . A message inside a bottle. C . An interesting piece of wood. D . An unusual shell.

提交的答案:An interesting piece of wood. 正确答案:An interesting piece of wood.

题目详解:M在海滩上发现的是一块浮木(driftwood),形状很有趣,很像现代雕塑,因此选[An interesting piece of wood.]

3.A . Athletic shoes. B . Chemicals. C . Bottles.

D . Model boats.

提交的答案: Athletic shoes. 正确答案:Bottles.




1.A . The evolution of certain forms of sea life. B . Mating habits of squid and octopus. C . The study of marine shells. D . Survival skills of sea creatures.

提交的答案:The evolution of certain forms of sea life. 正确答案:The evolution of certain forms of sea life.

题目详解:在这段文章里,把evolution, descend, survive, evolve等词放在一起进行思考,可以很容易地发现它所讨论的主题是关于生物进化的,因此选[The evolution of certain forms of sea life.]。squid:鱿鱼;octopus:章鱼。选项[Mating habits of squid and octopus.]里mating habits是指交配习惯。

2.A . He was sick and unable to attend. B . He wants to borrow her notes next week. C . He needs help with a makeup exam. D . He didn't understand the lecture.

提交的答案:He was sick and unable to attend. 正确答案:He was sick and unable to attend.

题目详解:这道题的关键在于把握W的问话:Hope you're feeling better now.(希望你现在感觉好些了。)不难猜测,M由于生病没有去上课,因此需要与W一起讨论这节课的内容。Fill in的意思是顶替,go over和review都是复习的意思。

3.A . Some sea creatures shed their shells. B . Sea life became more intelligent.

C . Some sea creatures developed vertebrae. D . The first giant squid was captured.

提交的答案:Some sea creatures shed their shells. 正确答案:Some sea creatures shed their shells.

题目详解:考生在听的时候,应该特别注意时间,尤其是在谈论进化、历史事件、事物发展等话题的时候。W和M在讨论上课内容时,W说道,章鱼和鱿鱼原来都是有壳的,在距今2至5万亿年前,它们的壳脱落,得以继续生存下来,因此选Some sea creatures shed their shells.



1.A . A vacation trip to Yellowstone Park. B . A lecture by a visiting professor. C . A research project. D . Her biology thesis.

提交的答案:A research project. 正确答案:A research project.

题目详解:这段对话一开头,教授就向Ann提及了找她谈话的原因是为了一个研究项目,因此选[A research project.]。herd 兽群;tissue sample 组织样本;ranch 农场、牧场;extinct 灭绝。

2.A . More buffalo are being born. B . Fewer buffalo are dying of disease. C . More buffalo are surviving the winter. D . Fewer buffalo are being killed by hunters.

提交的答案:More buffalo are surviving the winter. 正确答案:More buffalo are surviving the winter.

题目详解:据教授说,由于冬天游客得的到访,雪地里有了路,这些路方便了野牛行动和寻找食物,也增加了它们的生存机会,其结果就野牛数目增多。符合教授这一说法的只有[More buffalo are surviving the winter.]

3.A . She has been studying animal diseases. B . She needs the money.

C . Her thesis adviser is heading the project. D . She is from Wyoming.

提交的答案:She has been studying animal diseases. 正确答案:She has been studying animal diseases.

题目详解:对于教授的提议,Ann表示很感兴趣,因为她一直在研究患病动物这一课题,而教授也正是因为这一点才想到Ann的,可见正确答案是[She has been studying animal diseases.]



1.A . The risk of infection from rare strains of bacteria.

B . The reliability of evidence collected by new drilling methods. C . The presence of life-forms far below the Earth's surface. D . Fictional representations of a hidden underground world.

提交的答案: The risk of infection from rare strains of bacteria. 正确答案:The presence of life-forms far below the Earth's surface.

题目详解:这段访谈的主题是地表以下的细菌,与之意思相近的[The presence of life-forms far below the Earth's surface.]

2.A . Its size.

B . Its preservation. C . Its texture. D . Its shape.

提交的答案:Its size. 正确答案:Its size.

题目详解:在这道题里,考生如果能够先浏览问题,在听时格外留意“hidden biosphere”(隐藏的生物圈)的出现,就不难发现M讨论的是生物圈的广阔性。

3.A . Many antidotes and remedies are available. B . Drilling operations are always closely monitored. C . The bacteria would die if brought to the surface.

D . The bacteria would be killed by the human immune system.

提交的答案:The bacteria would die if brought to the surface. 正确答案:The bacteria would die if brought to the surface.

题目详解:“anaerobic bacillus”是指“厌氧性细菌”,这是一个生僻词组,考生不知道的可能性很大。但M随后又对它进行了解释,指出这种细菌只能生存在没有氧气的地方,可见,它不可能给人类造成任何感染,因为它不能与人类共存在一下环境里,与之意思相近的只有[The bacteria would die if brought to the surface.]



1.A . They had an advanced language. B . They traveled in groups. C . They lived in caves.

D . They ate mostly fruit.

提交的答案:They lived in caves. 正确答案:They lived in caves.

题目详解:听到W在说冰河时代的社会,M表示很惊奇,他认为那时候不存在社会,只存在着一群洞穴居民(a bunch of cave people)。可见,M认为冰河时代的人们生活在洞穴里。Pleistocene 更新世时期。

2.A . They lived in large groups.

B . They kept fires burning constantly. C . They used sand as insulation.

D . They faced their homes toward the south.

提交的答案:They faced their homes toward the south. 正确答案:They faced their homes toward the south.

题目详解:“solar heating”是指“太阳能加热”。冰河时代的人们朝南面建房子,从而利用太阳的热能,这正是他们保暖的方法,因此正确答案是They faced their homes toward the south。需要注意的是,They used sand as insulation具有干扰性。其中insulation是“绝缘”的意思。材料中提到,冰河时期的人们利用热的鹅卵石(heated cobblestone)来绝缘,而不是沙子,因此错误。

3.A . Come over to his house after class. B . Meet his anthropology teacher.

C . Lend him her magazine when she's done with it. D . Help him study for an anthropology test.

提交的答案:Lend him her magazine when she's done with it. 正确答案:Lend him her magazine when she's done with it.

题目详解:M是最后问道,W能不能在看完之后让他也看看这篇文章,可见,他想让W把杂志借给他,因此选[Lend him her magazine when she's done with it.]



1.A . In class. B . At work.

C . At registration. D . On television.

提交的答案:At registration. 正确答案:At registration.

题目详解:这是一道细节题,对话一开始M就说他昨天看到W在排队注册,正确答案是At registration

2.A . Students are not required to attend regular class lectures. B . Students receive credit for work experience.

C . Classes are held at various locations throughout the area. D . The professor videotapes class lectures for review.

提交的答案:Students are not required to attend regular class lectures. 正确答案:Students are not required to attend regular class lectures.

题目详解:远程教育课程的特别指出在于学生只需要去看电视播放的授课录像就可以了,与之意思最接近的只有Students are not required to attend regular class lectures。其实,对于这道题,考生只要具备一定的常识,就可以很轻松地选择出正确答案。

3.A . It allows them to meet students from other universities. B . It allows more flexibility in students' schedules. C . It promotes the concept of self-learning. D . It doesn't require any examinations.

提交的答案:It allows more flexibility in students' schedules. 正确答案:It allows more flexibility in students' schedules.

题目详解:远程教育课程的最大好处在于它有助于学生灵活安排自己的时间,尤其是考虑到许多学生还要做兼职。这是W和M一直赞同的一点,因此正确答案的是It allows more flexibility in students' schedules



1.A . Types of sea animals.

B . The reproductive cycle of barnacles. C . The adhesive quality of barnacles. D . A new source of protein.

提交的答案:The adhesive quality of barnacles. 正确答案:The adhesive quality of barnacles.

题目详解:这是一道考主题的题目,通常智慧抓住反复出现的词汇就可以解题。本文只提到了一种海底生物,就是barnacles(藤壶,附着在水下船底或柱石上的的贝属动物),所以可以排除 Types of sea animals 。反复出现的单词是strongest adhesives(带黏性的)in nature,synthetic glues(胶水),stick(粘住)等等,可以判断不是在讲barnacles的reproductive cycle,而是讲它们的

adhesives quality,所以得出[The adhesive quality of barnacles.]

2.A . They are found only in deep water. B . They never move from one location. C . They cause erosion of rocks. D . They eat protein.

提交的答案:They never move from one location. 正确答案:They never move from one location.

题目详解:这是一道细节题,如果能听出“they stay in the same place forever.”这句话,就可看出 They never move from one location 与之完全相对应。另外,通过“Last summer I tried to scrape some off a pier”这句话,可以推断它们并不是只生活在深水区,因此 They are found only in deep water 是不正确的。

3.A . It works on wet surfaces.

B . It has been used successfully by doctors. C . It's a nutritious source of protein. D . It's stronger than synthetic glue.

提交的答案: It's a nutritious source of protein. 正确答案:It works on wet surfaces.

题目详解:You'd think...的意思是“你会认为……”,实际上这里肯定表达了否定,恰恰表达了“barnacles”在海底也具有极强的黏性,这也正是科学家们感兴趣的原因,故 It works on wet surfaces 与之相对应。



1.A . Causes of anxiety.

B . Recent trends in psychology.

C . Reasons for certain behavior problems.

D . A comparison of unconscious behavior patterns.

提交的答案:Reasons for certain behavior problems. 正确答案:Reasons for certain behavior problems.

题目详解:“What's it on?”意思是“它是关于什么的?”W回答道,它是关于消极行为模式的原因,正确答案是[Reasons for certain behavior problems.]。procrastination 推迟,拖延。后面的“habitual lateness”是对“procrastination”的解释。

2.A . He feels angry.

B . He wants attention. C . He's too quiet. D . He's very nervous.

提交的答案:He wants attention. 正确答案:He wants attention.

题目详解:根据这篇文章的介绍,迟到原因有两种,一种是处于愤怒和反抗一是,另一种是希望引起别人的注意(he wants to be noticed/ the need for attention)。Mark的朋友们认为他是属于后一种情况,因此选[He wants attention.]

3.A . He's late for social occasions but not for work.

B . He loses pay for being late to work but doesn't seem to mind. C . He expects others to be on time but is usually late himself. D . He's a quiet person but likes to make grand entrances.

提交的答案: He expects others to be on time but is usually late himself. 正确答案:He's late for social occasions but not for work.

题目详解:“get”在这里的意思是指“使生气”。W说,让她生气的是,Mark迟到的对象总是朋友们,而像工作之类的事情却不会迟到。与之意思相符的是[He's late for social occasions but not for work.]



1.A . Five. B . Six. C . Four. D . Two.

提交的答案: Four. 正确答案:Six.

题目详解:对话中最后谈到 old jack, his wife, his daughter, Dr. Thomas, his wife, his daughter,共六个,因此答案是Six。

2.A . He did not know what to do and was confused. B . He was depressed. C . He was pleased.

D . He found himself helpless.

提交的答案:He was depressed. 正确答案:He was depressed.

题目详解:本题为细节类型题目。对话中提到“He's pretty upset about it”,因此选[He was depressed.]。

3.A . Careless but bright and popular. B . Very careless.

C . Tough and arrogant. D . Very popular.

提交的答案:Careless but bright and popular. 正确答案:Careless but bright and popular.

题目详解:对话中最后谈到小女孩虽然有点粗心,但是很聪明,同龄人也很喜欢她,一次答案是Careless but bright and popular。



1.A . In a hotel. B . In a restaurant. C . In a hospital. D . In a shop.

提交的答案:In a shop. 正确答案:In a shop.

题目详解:根据对话可以判断此题答案是In a shop.

2.A . Because her friend asked her to buy one.

B . Because she wanted to give it as a gift to her friend. C . Because she wanted to apologize to her friend. D . Because she wanted to buy one.

提交的答案:Because her friend asked her to buy one. 正确答案:Because her friend asked her to buy one.

题目详解:根据介绍“Yes, but it's not for me. It's for a friend. She asked me to buy one for her.”可以推断出此题答案是 Because her friend asked her to buy one.

3.A . $60.00. B . $40.00. C . $48.00. D . $54.00.

提交的答案: $60.00. 正确答案:$40.00.

题目详解:根据对话中“she asked me to spend only 40.”可以判断此题答案为$40.00



1.A . Produces shampoo bottles, car handles, and so on. B . Dyes the plastic for colored products. C . Manufactures plastic things.

D . Makes bowls and cups and things.

提交的答案:Dyes the plastic for colored products. 正确答案:Dyes the plastic for colored products.

题目详解:记者问David 所在的个哦功能上是否为彩色的碗儿,盏儿之类的塑料制品染色,David做出了肯定回答,并进一步举了些例子,说他们公司还给其他产品着色。故选Dyes the plastic for colored products.

2.A . 10 minutes. B . 15 minutes. C . 50 minutes. D . 60 minutes.

提交的答案: 15 minutes. 正确答案:10 minutes.

题目详解:David 说他基本上每天都是8:50到办公室。而他公司每天9点正式上班。故选10 minutes.

3.A . Marketing strategy and production. B . Their lives and friends. C . Production and customers. D . Meetings and suppliers.

提交的答案:Marketing strategy and production. 正确答案:Marketing strategy and production. 题目详解:以Country Manager 为参照信息,根据原文所述,选 Marketing strategy and production. .



1.A . Shanghai. B . Beijing. C . Tianjin. D . Guangzhou.

提交的答案:Shanghai. 正确答案:Shanghai.

题目详解:对话中David说他就是公司东北业务区的主管,并说“My office is in Shanghai”,故选Shanghai.

2.A . The laboratory manager. B . The technical manager. C . The sales manager.

D . The operation manager.

提交的答案:The laboratory manager. 正确答案:The laboratory manager.

题目详解:对话中提到“The Lab Manager supervises the operators...”很明显, The laboratory manager. 是正确答案。

3.A . Production manager. B . Sales manager. C . Lab manager.

D . Quality control manager.

提交的答案: Sales manager. 正确答案:Production manager.

题目详解:David 是在打听Production Manager的相关信息时提到Bill这个人名的,自然Bill就是Production Manager了,因此选Production manager.

An autobiography is only \it is necessary even more than selective: it begins later and it ends too early. If one cannot close a book of memories on the deathbed, any conclusion could be made and I have preferred, to finish this essay with the years of failure which followed the acceptance of my first novel. Failure too is a kind of death: the furniture sold, the drawers emptied, the removal truck waiting to take one to a less expensive destination. In another sense too a book like this can only be 'a sort of life', for in the

course of sixty-six years I have spent almost as much time with characters in my imagination as with real men and women. Indeed, though I have been fortunate in the number of my friends, I can remember no stories of the famous -- the only stories which I more or less remember are the stories I have written. And the purpose for recording these events of the past? It is much the same purpose that has made me a novelist: a desire to reduce a great disorder of experience to some sort of order, and a hungry curiosity. We cannot love ourselves, and curiosity too begins at home. There is a fashion today among many people to treat the events of their past with irony. It is a method of self-defense. 'Look how stupid I was when I was young' keeps away cruel criticism, but it gives false accounts of history. We were not Eminent Georgians. Those emotions were real when we felt them. Why should we be more ashamed of them than of the indifference of old age? I have tried, however unsuccessfully, to experience again the foolish things I did and to feel them, as I felt them then, without irony.


1. According to the passage, a biography generally ________. A . contains a lot of mistakes

B . describes the whole of someone's life C . describes a short period of someone's life D . ends with the main character's death

提交的答案:contains a lot of mistakes 正确答案:contains a lot of mistakes

题目详解:要点:根据问题中‘a biography generally’提供的信息判断题,从第1段第1句中‘less errors of fact than a biography’提供的信息确定,选项中的‘contains a lot of mistakes’符合本题句意要求。

2. After his first book was published, the writer _______. A . tried to kill himself B . left the country

C . moved to a cheaper house D . found a new job

提交的答案:moved to a cheaper house 正确答案:moved to a cheaper house

题目详解:要点:根据问题中‘After his first book was published’提供的信息判断题,从第1段第3句中‘to take one to a less expensive destination.’提供的信息确定,选项中的‘moved to a cheaper house’符合本题句意要求。

3. As a writer, he ________.

A . cannot remember his friends' names

B . remembers the characters in his books better than real people C . forgets what his friends said and what they did D . has not had many friends

提交的答案:remembers the characters in his books better than real people 正确答案:remembers the characters in his books better than real people 题目详解:要点:根据问题中‘As a writer’提供的信息判断题,从第1段最后一句中‘the only stories which I more or less remember are the stories I have written’提供的信息确定,选项中的

‘remembers the characters in his books better than real people’符合本题句意要求。

4. He has chosen to write his autobiography now ________. A . to create a sort of order out of unrelated experiences B . in case he forgets his experiences

C . to record his experiences before he dies D . to tell his admirers about his experiences

提交的答案: to record his experiences before he dies

正确答案:to create a sort of order out of unrelated experiences

题目详解:要点:根据问题中‘to write his autobiography now’提供的信息判断题,从第2段第1句中‘a desire to reduce a great disorder of experience to some sort of order’提供的信息确定,选项中的‘to create a sort of order out of unrelated experiences’符合本题句意要求。

5. null

A . write about his feelings in the current fashion B . write with irony about his feelings C . hide his feelings

D . give an accurate record of his feelings

提交的答案:give an accurate record of his feelings 正确答案:give an accurate record of his feelings

题目详解:要点:根据问题中‘When writing about his youth’提供的信息判断题,从第3段第5句中‘Those emotions were real when we felt them’提供的信息确定,选项中的‘give an accurate record of his feelings’符合本题句意要求。



1.A . The man introduces his experiences in Gettysburg. B . The woman has passed her final exams. C . The woman is going to visit Gettysburg.

D . The woman wants to know how to write term papers.

提交的答案: The man introduces his experiences in Gettysburg. 正确答案:The woman is going to visit Gettysburg. 题目详解:null

2.A . Because her parents want to reinforce the stuff they learned in school about history. B . Because traveling in such places costs less. C . Because her parents like traveling.

D . Because her parents like history.

提交的答案:Because her parents want to reinforce the stuff they learned in school about history. 正确答案:Because her parents want to reinforce the stuff they learned in school about history. 题目详解:null

3.A . It has a certain political influences in the United States right after the battle at Gettysburg. B . It is worth reading history about Gettysburg. C . It is far away from the city she lives in.

D . It is a place where many great people were born.

提交的答案: It has a certain political influences in the United States right after the battle at Gettysburg.

正确答案: It has a certain political influences in the United States right after the battle at Gettysburg. 题目详解:null



1.A . How to do well on exams. B . Some causes of headaches. C . The effects of caffeine.

D . Problems with the student cafeteria.

提交的答案:The effects of caffeine. 正确答案:The effects of caffeine. 题目详解:null

2.A . He has a headache. B . He failed his history exam. C . He is too busy. D . He is tired.

提交的答案: He has a headache. 正确答案:He is tired. 题目详解:null

3.A . Decaffeinated coffee may help prevent heart disease. B . Coffee has less caffeine than soda.

C . Coffee does not necessarily cause heart disease.

D . The taste of regular and decaffeinated coffee is the same.

提交的答案:Coffee does not necessarily cause heart disease. 正确答案:Coffee does not necessarily cause heart disease. 题目详解:null

4.A . It's more refreshing than soda. B . It helps people work efficiently. C . It should be drunk in moderation. D . It has fewer flavors than tea.

提交的答案:It should be drunk in moderation. 正确答案:It should be drunk in moderation. 题目详解:null



1.A . Jane's landlord. B . Jane's colleage. C . Jane's student. D . Jane's neighbor.

提交的答案:Jane's neighbor. 正确答案:Jane's neighbor.

题目详解:根据对话中“Did you just move in next door?”可以推断出此题答案为Jane's neighbor.

2.A . One year. B . Six years. C . Four years. D . Seven years.

提交的答案:Six years. 正确答案:Six years.

题目详解:根据对话中“I've lived here for about six years now.”可以判断此题答案为 Six years.

3.A . Vietnam. B . Cambodia. C . China. D . Japan.

提交的答案:Vietnam. 正确答案:Vietnam.

题目详解:根据对话中“When I left Vietnam and came to America I lived with a cousin in Dallas for two years.”可以判断此题答案为 Vietnam.



1.A . Italy. B . England. C . Thailand. D . Australia.

提交的答案: Australia. 正确答案:Italy.

题目详解:根据对话的开始部分,可知Fiona 和Denis正在讨论他们的暑假计划。当Fiona问Denis假期的计划时,Denis说:“I'm going to join an Italian tour.”因此本题答案为Italy

2.A . The cost is low.

B . She wants to see kangaroos.

C . She wants to enjoy the beautiful natural scenery there. D . She wants to study English.

提交的答案:She wants to study English. 正确答案:She wants to study English.

题目详解:当 Denis问Fiona的假期计划时,Fiona说: \因此本题答案是[She wants to study English.]

3.A . Three weeks. B . Two weeks. C . Two months. D . Three months.

提交的答案:Three months. 正确答案:Three months.

题目详解:根据对话中“Visitors on a tourist visa can undertake English study for up to three months.”可以判断答案为[Three months.]



1.A . A research project.

B . A vacation trip to Yellowstone Park. C . A lecture by a visiting professor. D . Her biology thesis.

提交的答案: A research project. 正确答案: A research project. 题目详解:null

2.A . Fewer buffalo are dying of disease. B . More buffalo are being born.

C . Fewer buffalo are being killed by hunters. D . More buffalo are surviving the winter.

提交的答案: More buffalo are surviving the winter. 正确答案: More buffalo are surviving the winter. 题目详解:null

3.A . She has been studying animal diseases. B . Her thesis adviser is heading the project. C . She needs the money. D . She is from Wyoming.

提交的答案:She has been studying animal diseases. 正确答案:She has been studying animal diseases. 题目详解:null

4.A . Working on a cattle ranch.

B . Writing a paper about extinct animals. C . Analyzing buffalo behavior. D . She is from Wyoming.

提交的答案: Writing a paper about extinct animals. 正确答案:She is from Wyoming. 题目详解:null



1.A . Find out if a rockclimbing course will be offered.

B . Convince the man to take a rockclimbing course with her. C . Find a place to go rock climbing.

D . Plan a rock climbing trip over spring break.

提交的答案:Convince the man to take a rockclimbing course with her. 正确答案:Convince the man to take a rockclimbing course with her.

题目详解:rock climbing是指“攀岩运动”。W听说M还没有决定这学期的体育课,于是力劝他选择攀岩课,并列举了这门课的种种好处,最后终于让M动心了。因此这道题选[Convince the man to take a rockclimbing course with he.]

2.A . There is no one to teach them how to do it.

B . There are no appropriate places for rock climbing nearby. C . Not very many students are interested in it.

D . The college doesn't have any rockclimbing equipment.

提交的答案:There are no appropriate places for rock climbing nearby. 正确答案:There are no appropriate places for rock climbing nearby.

题目详解:M问道:“这一带周围都是平地,学校怎么教攀岩?”言外之意是,附近没有适合攀岩的地方,因此选[There are no appropriate places for rock climbing nearby.]

3.A . Climbers develop skills useful in other activities. B . Learning to climb doesn't take a very long time. C . Climbing isn't as expensive as other sports.

D . Climbers have the opportunity to be outside and enjoy the scenery.

提交的答案:Climbers develop skills useful in other activities. 正确答案:Climbers develop skills useful in other activities.

题目详解:W认为攀登并不是惟一的目的,这门课让人学会保持耐心,锻炼智力并增强体力,这正是W对它如此感兴趣的原因。与之意思最接近的只有[Climbers develop skills useful in other activities.]

4.A . Discussing popular climbing sites. B . Increasing upperbody strength. C . Selecting the necessary equipment. D . Finding a climbing partner.

提交的答案: Discussing popular climbing sites. 正确答案:Increasing upperbody strength.

题目详解:最初几周的课将完全集中于锻炼手部和上身,因此选[Increasing upperbody strength]



1.A . There is too much noise.

B . Some teaching assistants don't have desks. C . There aren't enough cabinets.

D . Office supplies are taking up space.

提交的答案:There is too much noise. 正确答案:There is too much noise.

题目详解:M在解释自己很少待在办公室的原因时说道,办公室里太吵了,让他无法工作。W说这正是她所要谈论的问题,可见,他们在讨论关于办公室里太吵的问题, 因此选[There is too much noise.]。

2.A . To practice giving interviews. B . To chat with Jack socially. C . To hand in their assignment. D . To get help in the course.

提交的答案:To get help in the course. 正确答案:To get help in the course.

题目详解:文章里共有两次提到Jack的学生来找他的目的是为了获得他在这门课程方面的帮助(“Jack constantly has students coming in to get help with his course”;“We can't really ask him to stop having students come in for help”),考生只需要听懂其中一处,即可选出正确答案。

3.A . Try to get a room to use for meeting. B . Move the supplies to the storage room. C . Give Jack a different office.

D . Complain to the department head.

提交的答案: Give Jack a different office.

正确答案:Try to get a room to use for meeting.

题目详解:Stan认为他们不能直接要求Jack不让学生过来寻求帮助,于是提出再要一间会议室(meeting room),这样学生来了之后可以在这间会议室里与老师谈话,因此选[Try to get a room to use for meeting.]。

4.A . The other assistants should be consulted. B . They'd have to get permission. C . She thinks it might work. D . Jack wouldn't like it.

提交的答案:She thinks it might work. 正确答案:She thinks it might work.

题目详解:考生需要在听完了全文之后才能正确解答这道题。对于Stan的建议,Cathy 最初并不

赞同,认为储藏室太小了,不适合当会议室。但Stan说,如果把里面的橱柜搬走,房间看起来会大一些。Cathy随后也改变了最初的想法,认为这一建议可能可行,并准备去亲眼看看,因此正确答案应该是[She thinks it might work.]。



1.A . Relaxing at the seashore. B . Visiting her parents. C . Sailing on a boat. D . Preparing for a race.

提交的答案:Relaxing at the seashore. 正确答案:Relaxing at the seashore.


2.A . She was invited only for the weekend. B . She has school work to do. C . She had an appointment. D . The weather was too hot.

提交的答案:She has school work to do. 正确答案:She has school work to do.

题目详解:考生需要听出“have a paper I need to work on”(有一篇论文要写),可见,W之所以这么早回来是为了这篇论文,因此选[She has school work to do.]

3.A . She was thirsty.

B . She was too tired to continue. C . She had to go home.

D . She had to finish her schoolwork.

提交的答案:She was too tired to continue. 正确答案:She was too tired to continue.

题目详解:从“how hard it is to run on the sand”(在沙子上面跑是一件多么困难的事)以及“had to sit down”(不得不坐下来)可以推断出,W之所以停止打排球是因为他实在太累了。

4.A . The water was too cold.

B . The water was too deep.

C . She doesn't know how to swim. D . She didn't have enough time.

提交的答案:The water was too cold. 正确答案:The water was too cold. 题目详解:W说自己本来想游泳,但是他们告诉她说水不够暖和,不能游泳,The water was too cold与之意思相近。



1.A . On the edge of some metal. B . On some glass.

C . On a piece of paper. D . Whit a knife.

提交的答案:On a piece of paper. 正确答案:On a piece of paper.

题目详解:在对话一开始,W问M是不是把自己割伤了,M回答说是的,被这张纸的边缘割伤了(on the edge of this paper),因此正确答案是[On a piece of paper.]

2.A . How easily he was cut. B . How deep the cut was.

C . How concerned the woman was. D . How much the cut hurt.

提交的答案: How easily he was cut. 正确答案:How much the cut hurt.

题目详解:“How can such a little cut hurt so much?”意思是“这么小的一个伤口怎么会这么疼?”“such”和“so”这两个表示程度的副词表达了M的惊讶之情。因此正确答案是[How much the cut hurt.]

3.A . The amount of skin affected by the cut. B . The amount of bleeding. C . The cause of the cut.

D . The number of nerve endings irritated.

提交的答案:The number of nerve endings irritated. 正确答案:The number of nerve endings irritated.


4.A . Go to a doctor. B . Keep the cut closed. C . Take a pain reliever. D . Let the cut dry out.

提交的答案:Keep the cut closed. 正确答案:Keep the cut closed.

题目详解:W给M的建议是:“Go get yourself a bandage.”(给你自己绑上一个绷带。)与之意思相近的是[Keep the cut closed.]



1.A . A way to improve fuel efficiency in buses. B . The causes of air pollution. C . A new fuel for buses.

D . Careers in environmental engineering.

提交的答案:A way to improve fuel efficiency in buses. 正确答案:A way to improve fuel efficiency in buses. 题目详解:null

2.A . The cost of fuel has increased. B . She wants to help reduce pollution. C . Parking is difficult in the city. D . Her car is being repaired.

提交的答案:She wants to help reduce pollution. 正确答案:She wants to help reduce pollution. 题目详解:null

3.A . A material from which filters are made. B . An insulating material sprayed on engine parts. C . An oil additive that helps cool engines. D . A fuel that burns cleanly.

提交的答案:An insulating material sprayed on engine parts. 正确答案:An insulating material sprayed on engine parts. 题目详解:null

4.A . The lack of trained environmental engineers. B . The high temperatures required for its use.

C . The high cost of materials used in its production. D . The opposition of automobile manufacturers.

提交的答案: The lack of trained environmental engineers. 正确答案:The high temperatures required for its use. 题目详解:null



1.A . Cleaning cages B . Counting wildlife. C . Training baby birds. D . Making puppets.

提交的答案:Training baby birds. 正确答案:Training baby birds. 题目详解:null

2.A . To study animal behavior in the wild. B . To breed animals to sell to zoos.

C . To increase the public'sunderstanding of endangered species. D . To prepare endangered species for life in the wild.

提交的答案:To prepare endangered species for life in the wild. 正确答案:To prepare endangered species for life in the wild. 题目详解:null

3.A . He once had a job in a zoo.

B . They're familiar examples of endangered species. C . They also become attached to humans.

D . He's interesting in the genetics of mammals.

提交的答案: They're familiar examples of endangered species. 正确答案: They're familiar examples of endangered species. 题目详解:null

4.A . So that they are protected from scratches by the cranes. B . So that they aren't exposed to infectious diseases. C . So that the chicks don't become dependent on human.

D . So that the chicks can be examined in a favorable environment.

提交的答案: So that the chicks can be examined in a favorable environment. 正确答案: So that the chicks don't become dependent on human. 题目详解:null



1.A . How to find a roommate. B . Their major and college funding. C . How to learn well in college. D . How to find funding for college.

提交的答案:Their major and college funding. 正确答案:Their major and college funding.

题目详解:根据对话中所出现的提示,可以判断答案是Their major and college funding.

2.A . He wants to work in a travel agency in another city. B . He wants to work in a travel agency in this area. C . He wants to find a job in IT industry. D . He has no idea.

提交的答案:He wants to work in a travel agency in this area. 正确答案:He wants to work in a travel agency in this area.

题目详解:根据“Uh...I really haven't decided. I think I'd like to work for a travel agency in this area.”可以推测出答案是He wants to work in a travel agency in this area.

3.A . Physics.

B . Mechanical engineering. C . Computer science. D . Tourism.

