云南省2019年中考英语二轮复习 第二篇 语法突破篇 语法专题04 数词练习word版 doc

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语法专题(四) 数词


Ⅰ.根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1.My grandparents live on the floor.(five) 2.December is the month of the year.(twelve)

3.On my sister’s birthday, I gave her a useful book. (nine) 4. of people come here to read books on weekends.(hundred) 5.Three of the students in our class like basketball. (four) 6.Our team won the prize in the competition.(two) 7.Father’s Day is on the Sunday of June. (three) 8.In the picture, you can see many young trees.(eight) 9.My name is Linda. What about yours?(one) 10.She became famous in her .(forty) Ⅱ.单项填空

11.More than eight students will take part in the activity. A.hundreds B.hundred of C.hundred D.hundreds of

12.Do you know what events happened to China in the in history? A.1890 B.1890s C.1890’ D.1890s’

13.—How old is your daughter?

— .We had a special party for her birthday last Sunday. A.Nine; nine B.Nine; ninth C.Ninth; nine D.Ninth; ninth



14.Each of us has to write a report every week. A.two-hundred-word B.two-hundreds-word C.two-hundreds-words D.two-hundred-words

15.More than of the children took part in the activities last week. A.two thirds

B.second thirds

D.two third

C.second three

16.—Would you like another cup of coffee, Linda?

—Thank you anyway. I’ve already had one cup, and I’m drinking cup. A.one B.the first C.the second D.the third

17.Last Friday was my mother’s birthday. I sent her a dress as a gift. A.forty B.fortieth

C.the fortieth D.fourteenth

18.—Excuse me, how many students are there in your art club? —There are . A.twelve B.twelfth

C.the twelfth D.the twelveth

19.It took me to get to the top of the hill. A.two hours and a half B.two hours and half C.two hour and a half D.two and a half hour

20.About of the earth covered with water in the world. A.three fourth; is B.three fourths; is C.three fourth; are D.three fourths; are





1.[2018·昆明改编] The Soviet Union sent the space station into space in 1971.


B.one C.first D.once

2.[2018·曲靖] In our hometown, villagers leave for big cities to look for jobs.

A.two hundreds of C.hundreds of

B.hundred of

D.two hundreds

3.[2018·昆明模拟] —Do you know this year is the anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative(一带一路)?

—That’s for sure.And it’s the year that China’s reform and opening-up policy(改革开放政策)has been implemented for years.

A.five; forty B.fifth; forty C.five; fortieth D.fifth; fortieth

4.[2018·昆明模拟] The CPC National Congress(中国共产党代表大会)took place October 18th, 2017.

A.Nineteen; in B.Nineteen; on C.Nineteenth; on D.Nineteenth; at

5.[2018·乌鲁木齐] people prefer HUAWEI phones, and about of them are adults.

A.The number of; four-fifths



B.A number of; four-fifth C.A number of; four-fifths D.The number of; four-five

6.[2018·遂宁] It’s time for me to visit the Guanyin Lake. A.five B.the five C.fifth D.the fifth

7.[2018·邵阳改编] My daughter is years old.Today is her birthday.

A.nine; nineth B.nine; ninth C.ninth; nine D.nineth; nine

8.[2018·广东] According to a survey, four out of five women do housework at home, but only of men would do it.

A.four fifth B.four fifths C.two fifth

D.two fifths

9.[2018·黄冈] —Dad, about of our classmates wear glasses. —Oh, that’s terrible.You all should take good care of your eyes. A.three fourth B.third fourth C.third fourths

D.three quarters

10.[2018·湘西改编] Li Wen is a normal boy from the countryside.He works hard and does well in school.

A.15 years old


C.15-year-old D.15-year old


11.[2018·云南] 2018 Football World Cup is being held in Russia now.It is the Football World Cup.(twenty-one)

12.[2018·莱芜] This is Mary’s (three)time to visit the beautiful city.



13.[2017·云南] The Games of China will be held in Tianjin from August 27 to September 8. (thirteen)

14. [2017·曲靖] My mother is years old, but she looks much younger than she really is. (fortieth)

15.[2018·曲靖模拟] This is the time for our school to hold the English-speaking Contest.(five)


1.David’s father is this year. We just had a special party for his birthday last weekend.

A.fortieth; forty

B.forty; forty

C.forty; fortieth D.fortieth; fortieth

2.About of the students in our class were born in the . A.two thirds; 1990s

B.two thirds; 1990

C.two third; 1990s D.two third; 1990 3.Tom’s brother is a boy. A.five years old B.five",years",old C.five",year",old D.five year old

4.Unit is easy but unit is difficult. A.Sixth; seven B.Six; seven

C.Sixth; the seventh D.Six; the seventh

5.Two days is not enough for him to finish the work. He needs day. A.other

B.the other

C.the third D.a third



