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邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习

2013年春季八年级英语下册 期末复习宝典 Name ________________ School _______________

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邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习 Chapter 1-2

Chapter 1

Part One Key words

1.memory 记忆 2. memorize 记住 v 3. mind 大脑 4. topic 主题 5. strange 奇怪的 6. injured 受伤的

7. imagine 想象 8. death 死亡n. die 死 v dead死的adj 9. end 结尾 10. cost 花费 11. repair 修理 12. excuse 借口

Part Two Key phrases

★get old 老了;上年纪了 tell a joke 讲笑话

★play a joke on sb.=make a joke about sb. 开某人的玩笑

go wrong 出现问题;发生故障 = there is something wrong with= break down ★be angry with sb 生某人的气 be angry about sth ★in hospital 住院 in the hospital 在医院里 be good at 擅长 = do well in help sb with sth 在某方面帮助某人 help sb (to) so sth. be connected to 与??有关 ★hear about 听说 hear of / learn about think of 想出;想到 think about=think over 考虑 find out 找出;查明 ★look up 查阅 look for 寻找 look into 调查 look at 看 apologize to sb 向某人道歉 apology n. break down 抛锚 pay attention to 注意 (to 为介词) pay attention to doing sth in order to (加短语) 为了,以便 in order that (加句子) (类似区别还有 because和because of in case和in case of)

Part Three Grammar

由 if 和unless 引导的条件状语从句

A: If sentences: actions with definite results. 有必然结果发生的行动



邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习 eg: ①Water turns into ice if you cool it. 如果 if 条件句谈论的是重复发生和预示必定要发生的情景和事件,则主从句多用一般现在时态。(主现从现)

B: If sentences: actions with possible results. 有可能性结果发生的行动 eg:If you fail in the exam,you will let him down.


般将来时态,从句用一般现在时态。(主将从现) C: unless引导条件状语从句:unless= if… not. conj. 除非, 若不, e.g.: Let's go out for a walk unless you are too tired.

= If you are not too tied, let's go out for a walk.

Unless it rains, the game will be played. 除非下雨,比赛将照常进行

Chapter 2

Part One Key words

Tough 坚强的;坚忍不拔的adj Bad-tempered 坏脾气的 adj Comic-book 漫画书n Popularity 流行;受欢迎 n History 历史 n Together 一起 adv Show 上映 v Success 成功的人或事 n Instead 代替adv Around 到处adv Though 尽管conj Smell 气味n闻起来 V Storm 暴风雨n Life jacket 救生衣n Wave 波浪 n Overturn 翻倒v

Part Two Key phrases

★1、be full of =be filled with 充满

2、 try to do 尽力做某事 try doing 尝试做某事 3、 in the world 在世界上

4、 work for 为??工作

★5、a man named/called 一个叫??的男人

★6、tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事 tell – told – told 7、 think of 想出 think about 考虑 think over 考虑

8、 get ? into trouble 陷入麻烦 be in trouble with 与… 有麻烦 9、 at first 首先

10、 a great success 一个大的成功(注意冠词a) ★11、 a number of 许多 the number of …..的数量



邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习 12、 instead of 代替

13、 in total 总共 = in all = altogether 14、 laugh at 嘲笑

Part Three Grammar

语法——形容词 1. 形容词在修饰someone, something, anyone, anything, nothing等复合不定代


Attention, please! I‘ve got something important to tell you all. 大家请注意!我有重要的事情要告诉你们。

There you go. It‘s nothing serious at all. 得了吧,根本没什么严重的事情。 2.形容词与enough连用,要放在enough前面。 He is old enough to go to school. 3. 比较级:

原级比较:as+形容词原级+as Mary is as tall as her sister.

否定:not as/so+形容词原级+as 表倍数:倍数+as+形容词原级+as 形容词比较级的用法:


Computers are more expensive than books .

2)比较级前可用―a lot , much ,far, a bit ,a little ,even ‖等修饰;

John is much stronger than his brother .


He got to school five minutes earlier than his brother . 4)―the +比较级…,the +比较级…‖表示―越…越…‖ The more you have ,the more you want .

5)―比较级+and+比较级‖或―more and more +原级‖表示越来越…… Our city is becoming more and more beautiful . 6) 表示“……是两者中更…….的一个”,比较级前要用冠词“the” He is the taller of the two boys.

7)Which is + 比较级,A or B ? 哪一个较……,A还是B? 形容词最高级的用法:

1) 三者及三者以上比较用最高级,最高级常用of, in 或among等短语表示其相比范围,形容词最高级前要加the ;

Which is the biggest ,the earth ,the moon or the sun ? 2)用比较级代替最高级:“比较级+than+ any other + 可数名词单数”或者“比较级+ than+ the other+可数名词的复数” 例:He is taller than any other boy in their class.



邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习 =He is taller than the other boys in their class. =He is the tallest boy in their class.

3)表示“其中最…的一个”,用“one of +最高级+ 名词复数” 例:China is one of the oldest countries in the world. 4)“the+序数词+最高级”表示“第几个最……” 例:China is the third largest country in the world. 5) Which is the + 最高级,A,B,or C? ◆难点4. 连系动词:连系动词常接形容词作表语 连系动词分类 (1). ―状态‖类:表示存在或具有某种特征或状态,这类连系动词强调“存

在”,常见的有:be (是),keep (保持),stay (保持),remain (依然),seem (似乎是),appear (似乎,显得),prove (证明是),这类词表示具有或保持某种特征或状态。 (2). ―感官‖类:主要指与五种感官有关的动词:look (看起来),sound (听起

来),smell (闻起来),taste (尝起来),feel (摸起来/感到)。 (3). ―变化‖类:表示由一种情况或状态变化成另一种情况或状态,常见的

有turn (变成),grow (变得),get (变成),become (变成),make (使变得,成为) come (变得),go (变得), fall (进入某状态), run (变成,进入) 例:The cake tastes delicious.

Her face turns red.

★5. 关于形容词的重要句子结构

1. It+ be+ adj+ to do sth. 表示“做某事怎么样”

(1)It+ be+ adj.+ for+ sb.+ to do sth. (当形容词表示的是修饰物的,则


(2)It+ be+ adj.+ of+ sb.+ to do sth. (当形容词表示的是修饰物的人的


例:It is important to learn English well. It is nice of you to help me.

2. n.+ be + adj. + to do sth. 表示“某事可以怎样做” 例:Kites are easy to make.



1. A strange thing happened this morning when I walked on the street. A. unusual B. fortunate C. good 2. It is sensible of you to take the umbrella. A. funny B. wise C. kind



邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习 3. Lucy was reading when I returned home yesterday. A. came back B. left C. came from 4. I wonder where he is going this afternoon. A. think B. hear C. want to know 5. The young man was hurt in the accident. A. dead B. injured C. lost 6. Tom is a tough and honest person. A. weak B. strong C. terrible

7. Linda and I are good friends. We go to school together every day. A. by ourselves B. without anyone C. with each other 8. The dog is lively and it likes to run around. A. up and down B. outside C. here and there 9. My favorite cartoon will be shown at the cinema. A. made B. on screen C. produced

10. Though my grandpa is over 70, he sometimes watches cartoons. A. But B. Although C. Because 二、单选

( ) 1 ----Your coffee smells __________.

-----It‘s from Hainan. Would you like ______? A. well, it B. nice, this C. good, some D. wonderful, little ( ) 2. ----This dish tastes ______. ----Thank you. It ____ by Mr. Smith. A. good, was cooked B. well, cooks C. bad, is cooked D. terrible, cooked

( ) 3. ----The teacher looked at her students ____ when they were saved.

----We also felt ______ for them. A. happily, happy B. happy, happily C. happy, happy D. Happily, happily ( ) 4. ----The cakes looks ________. -----Yes, and it tastes even _________. A. well, good B. nice, better C. good, worse D. better, best ( ) 5. Put on the coat and it can keep you _______.

A. warm B. warmly C. to warm D. warming ( )6. ---Jim finds ______ easy to remember all the English words.

----_____ a smart child he is! A. it, What B. that, How C. this, What D. it, How ( ) 7. _______ is helpful_______ more exercises.

A. That, to do B. It, to do C. It, doing D. It, doing ( ) 8. It is ________ to pass the exam if you work hard.

A. possible B. hard C. easily D. useless ( ) 9. It is ____ important for us to learn English well. A. much B. too C. very D. enough ( ) 10. Please keep yourself _______,or we will fail.

A. wake B. waking C. to wake D. awake



邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习 Chapter 3-4

Chapter 3


1.★ Lifeless 无生命的 2. absorb 吸收 3. environment 环境 4. act 担当 5. level 水平 6. creat 产生 7. prefer 更喜欢 8.Reach 到达 9. choice 选择 10. solve 解决


1. ★be in danger 处于危险中 2. be in trouble 处于麻烦中

3. ask sb to do 让某人做某事

4. ★keep ? from doing (from 不能省略) stop ? from doing 阻止??做某事 prevent? from doing

5. in the form of 以??的形式 6. cut down 砍下

7. ★for example 例如 举一个详细的例子 such as 例如 举多个例子 8. throw away 丢掉

9. ★in order to 为了

10. mountains of 许多,大量+不可数名词 11. all the way 一路上

12.take action to do 采取措施 13. ★take in = absorb 吸收 14. be different from 与??不同

15. prefer doing to doing prefer to do sth rather than do sth 宁愿做…而不做

Chapter 4


1. organization 组织 organize V 2. trip 旅行

3. thought 想法 n think v 4. exchange 交换

5. ★confident 自信的 confidence n 6. aim 目标

7. ★deeply 深深地



邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习 8. move 使感动 9. government 政府 10. ★improve 提高 11. situation 情况 12. although 虽然 13. scholarship 奖学金 14.tour 旅行

15. ★information 信息 16. detail 细节 17. steam 蒸汽 18. arrival 到达 19. view 景色 20. passport 护照


1.★ be able to do 能够做 Be able to = can +动词原形 2. throughout the world= all over the world 全世界 3. live/ stay with 与…生活在一起 4. make friends with 与…交朋友 5. as well as 还;也;不及

6. ★since then 从那时起;打那以后

7. keep/get in touch with 与…保持联系 8. in case 万一;以防

9.★in order that =so that为了…… 10. be confident of …..对…..感到有信心

11. ★look forward to doing…盼望做某事 12.apply for 申请

13. take a photo/take photos 拍照

14.★be deeply moved 被深深地打动


A…as 用法;

肯定; as…as: 和···一样··· 注意:as+ adj/adv 原级+as

This room is as clean as that one. / Tom is as clever as Mike 否定:not as /so …as: 不如···怎么样

This room isn‘t as clean as that one.= That room is cleaner than this room. Tom isn‘t as clever as Mike=Mike is cleverer than Tom(注意原级和比较级句型之间的转换)



邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习 常见结构; As soon as possible= as…as sb can. I will come back as soon as possible= I will come back as soon as I can.

① 目的状语从句:

A:引导词:in order that ,so that (为了);

B:从句中常用情态动词:may\\might; can\\could ; will\\would; Shall\\should等;

C :so that \\in order that +从句;

In order to \\so as to +动词原形。 ② 结果状语从句:

A:引导词do that(因此),so\\such?that?如此?以至于? B:有关句型:so +adj\\adv+that eg:?so good 和?so carefully) So+many\\few+可数n.(pl)+that So+much\\little+不可数名词+that So+adj+a\\an +单数可数+that

Such+a\\an+adj+单数可数名词+that Such+adj+复数\\不可数+that 口诀:名前such,形、副so,多多少少也用so. ③ 让步状语从句:

A:引导词常用though,although(虽然、尽管); B:它们连接两个意思相反或意思对比的句子;

C: although, though , but 三者不能同时出现在句子中; D:though可作副词放句末,although不能; E:though,although可与yet、still连用。



1. Do you have any ___________(think)about this plan? 2. I was deeply __________(move)by this movie.

3. Our school _____________(organization) a sports meeting every year. 4. We ___________(exchange) our opinions last night. 5. We need ___________(improve) in your handwriting.

6. Can you tell me the ___________(arrive) time of the plane? 7. He was __________(deep) hurt by your words.

8. You may go shopping, eat food and go __________(sightsee)[来源:学|科|网] 9. Would you tell me more ___________(detail) of your book?



邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习 10. The students will have ___________visits to England next month.(education) 二、选出与划线词意思相近或相同的选项

1. Linda doesn‘t like her job because she doesn‘t want to stay with those lifeless things.

A. silly B. boring C. dead 2. Trees can absorb a lot of waste gas.

A. take up B. take in C. take away 3. Pollution can damage crops.

A. protect B. repair C. harm 4. Do you know what caused the traffic accident? A. led to B. took place C. happened to 三、单选

1. His English is ____ his father‘s. (chapter3—4) A. as well as B. as good as C. so good as D. so well as 2. He can sing _____ Mary!

A. as well as B. as good as C. so good as D. as better 3. There is not ____ on the bus.

A. enough room B. room enough C. enough rooms D. rooms enough 4. ---____ don‘t you go for a picnic? ---Because I had ____ money. A. What; little B. Why; few C. When; little D. Why; little 5. He was late ____ he missed the bus.

A. because B. because of C. that is D. that is to say 6. ____ enter a good school, you‘ll work hard.

A. In order that B. In order to C. Because of D. Because 7. Because of pollution, ____ heat is kept in Earth. A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too

8. ---____ do you keep in touch with your old friends? ---By writing e-mails. A. Which B. How C. When D. What 9. ---Have you eaten turkey? ---Yes, It tastes ____ chicken. A. like B. as C. same as D. the same 10. He often _____ me _____ study hard.

A. courage; to B. encourage; to C .encourages; to D. encouraging; for 11. ---Which do you like ____ of the two? ---I prefer the red one ____ the blue one. A. good; to B. well; of C. better; of D. better; to 12. --- I think this cartoon is ____ funny as that one.

--- But I think this cartoon is not _____ funny as that one. A. so; so B. so; as C. as; so D. as; than



邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习 13. He has ______ money as I. And I have ______ books as he. A. as much; as many B. more; more C. as many; as much D. as many; so much 14. We have _____ homework to do.

A. a number of B. a plenty of C. mountains of D. many 15. Write _____ and try not to make any mistakes. A .as careful as possible B. more careful C. as carefully as you can D. most careful 16. They ____ Beijing before New Year.

A. arrived at B. got in C. reached D. arrived

17. Unfortunately, ____ 100 people were killed in the air crash.

A. as many as B. as fewer as C. as much as D. so many as 18. I prefer ____ home to ____ a bus.

A. to walk; take B. walking; taking C. walking; take D. to walk; take 19. --- How do you like Sea Life?

--- It is ____ beautiful that we would not like to go home. A. very B. such C. so D. quite 20. --- Why did you eat so little? --- I did it so that I ____ weight. A. loses B. lost C. can lose D. could lose 21. ---Why the girl doesn‘t go to school? --- Because she isn‘t ____. A. enough old B. old enough C. enough big D. big enough 22. ---Why were you so sad?

--- Because Lily _____ my invitation, but she didn‘t _____ it. A. received; receive B. received; accept C. accepted; accept D. accepted; receive

23. --- How are you getting on with your study this term? --- I‘m trying my best ____ I can catch up with others. A. in case B. in order to C. so that D. so as to 24. --- What‘s the aim of your trip to the factory?

--- It‘s ____ about the real lives of the workers there. A. learning B. to learn C. learnt D. learn 25. ---What‘s Mary doing now?

--- She, as well as her friends, ____ a cartoon together. A. watch B. watches C. is watching D. are watching 26. --- Did you use to communicate with your friends by letter?

--- Yes. But I ____ with them by email since last year.

A. have kept in touch B. kept in touch C. have kept touch D. keep in touch 27. --- How sadly that girl is crying!

--- Yes. She must be ____ by that sad film.

A. deep moving B. deeply moving C. deep moved D. deeply moved 28. --- Why were the people so surprised?



邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习 --- It‘s because ____ a young girl could memorize ____ many poems.

A. such; so B. such; such C. so; such D. so; so 29. He is too fat. ____, he still eats too much. A. But B. However C. Yet D. Although 30. ____ she was quite nervous, ____ she pretended to be confident. A. Though; and B. although; but C. Though; / D. Though; but 31. --- Would you like ____ an exchange student in Canada?

--- Yeah, I‘m looking forward to ____ about the people and culture there. A. being; learn B. to be; learn C. being; learning D. to be; learning 32. ---Our environment is getting worse and worse.

---Yes. We should take action to stop people from ____ our environment A. protect B. protecting C. pollute D. polluting 33. The young _____ reading cartoons ______ comic books. A. likes; and B. likes; as well as C. like; as well as D. like; as well 34. Trees ______ harmful gases.

A. take out B. take away C. take off D. take in

Chapter 5-6

Chapter 5


★1. actor 演员 2. western 西方的(west) ★3. strict 严格的 ★4.while 与……同时 5.chance机会 6.support 支持

7. refuse 拒绝 ★8. manage to do 能够做到,完成 9. cancel 取消 10. childhood 童年


★1.At a price 以很高的代价

2.Be responsible for = be in charge of = take charge of对??负责 3.be ill= fall ill 生病 illness n 疾病 ★4. in place of = instead of代替 5. Call back 回电

6.At the age of 在……几岁的时候 ★7.Be strict with 对……严格要求 8.During one‘s childhood 在……童年时代 9. Give someone a hand 帮助某人

★10.Give up 放弃 Save up 储蓄;攒钱

11.from then on 从那时起 12. be grateful to 感激某人



邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习

Chapter 6


1、paint 画画 2、★except 除了 3、beg 乞求 4、joy 欢快 5、gain 收获 6、★marry 结婚 7、lecture 演讲 8、★select 选择

9、Measure v. \\measurement n. 措施


1、come along=(show up\\appear) 过来、出现

2、★make fun of=(laugh at\\make jokes about )取笑 3、★pick up拿起,捡起

4、★go on (doing sth)=continue(doing sth)继续做某事 5、after a while=after a moment=after a minute过了一会儿 6、and so on等等

7、get more and more interested越来越感兴趣 8、pass by=go pass 路过、经过

9、★encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事 10、 sit down 坐下

11、 get a chance 得到一个机会 12、 after a while 一会儿后 13、 all of 全部

14、 in one‘s heart 在某人心里


概念:过去某一时刻或某段时间内正在进行或持续发生的动 动词形式:was/were +V-ing(现在分词) 现在分词的变化规则:

1、 一般在动词词尾直接加-ing;eg :jump—jumping; play—playing; 2、 不发音字母e结尾的动词,去掉e,再加-ing : have—having;

3、 以重读闭音节结尾,一个辅音字母结尾,双写辅音字母,加-ing,eg :

sit-sitting ;

4、 特殊变化:die—dying ; lie—lying.



邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习

过去进行时态:过去进行时表示过去某时正在进行的状态或动作。结构如下 be(was/were)+doing 否定:

be(was/were)not +doing 疑问:


★常用时间状语: At that time 、yesterday 、at this/that time yesterday 、then、 this morning、 the whole morning/day/week/month/year等……及when/while/as(当……的时候)引导的时间状语。

★4.when 与while区别:

①when是at or during the time that, 既指时间点,也可指一段时间;

while是during the time that,只指一段时间,因此when引导的时间状语从句中的动词可以是终止性动词,也可以是延续性动词,而while从句中的动词必须是延续性动词。

②when 说明从句的动作和主句的动作可以是同时,也可以是先后发生;while 则强调主句的动作在从句动作的发生的过程中或主从句两个动作同时发生。 ③由when引导的时间状语从句,主句用过去进行时,从句应用一般过去时、句和主句的动作同时发生,两句都用过去进行时的时候,多用while引导




b. 修饰一个名词或代词,被修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词。 二、引导词:

a. 关系代词:who 、 whom 、 whose 、 that 、 which等; b.关系副词:when 、 where 、 why 等。

(本章重点关系代词:who 、that 、 which .)

★三、关系代词who that which及关系副词when where why的基本用法 1、who 指人,在定语从句中作主语:

eg:Soon the boys who were free would come along and make fun of him . 2、which 指物,作主语或者宾语(作宾语可省略,如果介词提前则不能省略) eg:These are the trees which were planted last year .(which在从句中作主语)这些是去年种下的树。

3、that 指物,也可以指人,在从句中作主语或者宾语(作宾语可省略) eg:I am the only one that /who can do it well .




邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习 4、whom 指人,只能充当宾语,切介词后只能有whom,不能用who

5、whose 指人或物,在句中充当定语,其后紧跟名词。

6、关系副词只能当状语,when指代时间,where指代地点,why指代原因 7、注意定语从句中只能使用that不能使用which的情况:

a) 在不定代词,如:anything, nothing, everything, all, much, few, any, little等作先行词时,只用that,不用which。 All that is needed is a supply of oil.

Finally, the thief handed everything that he had stolen to the police. b) 先行词有the only, the very, the just修饰时,只用that。 He is the very man that helped the girl out of the water.

c) 先行词为序数词(the last)、数词、形容词最高级时,只用that。.

The first English book that I read was “The Prince and the Pauper” by Mark Twin . d) 先行词既有人,又有物时。

He talked about the teachers and schools that he visited .

e)当主句是以who 或which 开始的特殊疑问句时,用that 以避免重复。 Who is the person that is standing at the gate . f)关系代词在从句中做表语

He is not the man that he used to be .


一、选出与划线词相近或相同的选项 1.She went on painting . A. continue B . go with C continued 2. Have you read the book called War and Peace yet? A said B named C talked 3.All the boys had fun playing soccer except Jack A with B including C not including 4.If it goes on raining , the houses will be drowned

A stops B starts C continues 5. After the hard working , Tom gained great success in his study A got B paid C passed 6. We all have been to Beijing except Tom

A except for B besides C but 7. It was thirty yards long A in length B length C in the length 8. The boy came along at last



邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习 A appear B appeared C appears

9. Don‘t laugh at that man

A make fun for B play a trick C make fun of

二、选出于划线词意思相近或相同的选项 1 My father quit his job to do business A keep B find C give up

2 The story is very interesting and I like it very much A moving B funny C boring 3 John started to learn English when he was 10 A began B loved C decided 4 Thank you for supporting me at the meeting

A turning down B talking with C giving help to 5.Although the job is difficult, I can manage it. A. help with B. succeed in doing C. not deal with D. try to do 6.We should refuse had information on the Internet. A. agree B. not ask C. not accept D. receive 7.Whenever you miss me, call me up or come over to my house. A. Sometimes B. Just now C. In the end D. Any time 8.Dad, why not give up smoking? It‘s bad for your health.

A. keep B. stop C. begin D. continue 9.The girl seems to be in trouble. Let‘s give her a hand. A. help her B. call her up C. laugh at her D. play with her


( ) 1. -- What did you see over there just now?

-- Some children _______ kites.

A. was flying B. were flying C. are fly D. are flying

( ) 2. -- What was he doing _______ you went to say goodbye to him?

-- He _________ a picture.

A. while; were drawing B.when; was drawing C. when; drew D. while; draw

( ) 3. -- I called you at half past nine this morning, but there was no answer. -- Oh, sorry. I ________ chess with my friends in the backyard.

A. were playing B. played C. was playing D. am playing ( ) 4. – What were you doing when the bell _______?

-- I __________ with my mother.



邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习 A. rang; were watching TV B. going out; was chatting C. went off; was dancing D. ringing; were arguing ( ) 5. He was busy working in the office _______ someone broke in.

A. while B when C after D before ( ) 6. I _______ Fuji Mountain while I was staying in Japan.

A. visited B. was visiting C had visited D visit ( ) 7. I ___________ when someone knocked at the door,

A. asleep B was sleeping C slept D were sleeping ( ) 8 My father _________while I __________ at 7 p.m. yesterday.

A. was watching TV, studied B. watched TV, was studying C. was watching TV, was studying. D. watched TV, studied

( ) 9. _____ he _________basketball from 4 to 5 o‘clock yesterday afternoon?

A. Was, playing B. Were ,playing B. Did, play D. Does, play

( ) 10. ---What _____ you doing from 7 to 9 yesterday evening? ---I ________ doing my English homework.

A was, was B were, was C were, were D was, were

( ) 11. ---Ben looks so sad! ---He ____in the school__ __his haircut. A was made fun of, because B was made fun of, because of C made fun of, because D made fun of, because of. ( ) 12. ---I am going shopping . Would you like to ____me, Maria? ---Yes, I?d love to.

A come along B come down with C come down D come along with ( )13. ----Where are the other boys?

---They all ___to the playground ____me.

A have gone, except B have been, besides C have gone, besides D have been, except

( )14. ---Who is your uncle? ---The man ____is smiling is my uncle.

A who B which C whom D whose

( ) 15. ---Did Mr. Li leave Shenzhen _______Saturday morning? ---Yes. He will be back____two weeks.

A on, after B on, in C in, after D in, in

( ) 16. ---You really have nothing to say about the robbery, _____?

---Yes, I am feeling guilty.

A have you B haven‘t you C do you D don‘t you ( ) 17. ---Do you think Mark Twain‘s stories are ___?

---Yeah. Most of us are ____in his stories.

A interesting, interested B interested, interesting



邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习 C interesting, interesting D interested, interesting. ( ) 18. Take care of the boy and the dog ____ are crossing the street.

A. which B. who C. that D. whom ( ) 19. I am the only one ______ can do it right.

A. which B. who C. that D. whom

( ) 20. He was reading a book _____he had bought from London.

A what B who C which D when

Chapter 7

Chapter 7


1. pocket money(n) 零用钱 2. teenager(n) 青少年

3. ★seldom(adv)很少 4. afford(v)付得起

5. ★latest(adj)最新的

6. ★disturb; interrupt(v)打扰 / stop ? talking 7. responsibility n ; responsible adj 责任,负责 8. whole(adj)整个的

9. ★electrical (adj)电的;用电的 electricity n 电 10. perform (v)表演

11. last (v)持续 12. bunch (n)一束 13. play (n)戏剧 14. therefore (adv) 因此


1.After all 毕竟 2.at the bottom of 在?的底部

3.Make it 获得成功 4.insist on 坚持

5.★Look forward to doing sth 期待 6.dream of 梦到

7.A generous amount of 大量的 +不可数 8.expect things for nothing 想不劳而获

9. complain to sb about sth 向某人抱怨某事



邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习 语法——宾语从句


She said that she would leave the message on the headmaster's desk.她说她会把留言条放在校长桌子上。

He said that he could finish his work before supper.他说他会在晚饭前完成工作 二、当由一般疑问句充当宾语从句时,用if或whether引导,意为―是否‖。如: Alice wanted to know if/whether her grandmother liked the bag.爱丽斯想知道她祖母是否喜欢这个包。

I don't know whether he'll come the day after tomorrow.我不知道他后天是否会来

★但直接与or not连用时,往往用whether(if…or not也可以使用)。如:

Let me know whether / if he will come or not.(= Let me know whether or not he will come )让我知道他是否能来。

I don't know whether / if he does any washing or not.(= I don't know whether or not he does any washing. )我不知道他在家洗不洗衣服。

I wonder whether we stay or whether we go.我想知道我们是去还是留。


Could you tell me where we will have the meeting this afternoon? 下面的表格可以帮助大家理解这一部分内容 句式 连词 语序 陈述句 that 不变 一般疑问句 If/whether 改为陈述语序 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词 改为陈述语序 宾语从句的时态问题 主句 一般现在时态 一般过去时态 从句 保留原来时态 改为过去的某个时态 客观事实和自然现象除外 所谓过去的某个时态指的是如下的变化 一般现在时态 一般过去时态 现在进行时态 过去进行时态(was/were doing) 现在完成时态 过去完成时态(had +过去分词) 一般将来时态 过去将来时态(would do;was/were going to do)

我们在学习和运用宾语从句时,应该注意以下四点: ★一、引导词的使用

1. 当宾语从句由陈述句变化而来时,用that来引导从句,that常无具体意义,一般可省略。例如:



邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习 Lin Tao thought(that)the TV play was very boring. 2. 当宾语从句是由一般疑问句变化而来时,要用if或whether来引导从句。例如:

David asked his mother if/ whether she liked the dinner last night.

3. 当宾语从句是由特殊疑问句变化而来时,原句中的疑问词充当连接代词(如who, whose, what, which)或连接副词(如when, where, why, how),引导宾语从句。例如:

Do you know what we can do on the island?

I don‘t know why Jane was late for school this morning. ★二、语序的陈述化


When did he leave? I want to know. →I want to know when he left.

Does the shop close at six every day? Do you know? →Do you know if/ whether the shop closes at six every day? 三、时态的呼应

1. 如果主句是一般现在时、一般将来时或祈使句时,宾语从句可根据情况使用各种时态。例如:

I hear she is here today(she was here yesterday/ she will be here tomorrow.) 2. 如果主句是一般过去时,宾语从句应使用过去时态的某种形式。例如: He said he was watching TV(he had swept the floor/ he would play football after school)。

3. 如宾语从句所叙述的是客观事实、自然现象或科学真理等,从句不受主句时态限制,仍用一般现在时。例如:

Our teacher told us that light travels faster than sound.



1. Although the job is difficult, I can manage it. A. help with B. succeed in doing C. not deal with D. try to do 2. We should refuse had information on the Internet. A. agree B. not ask C. not accept D. receive 3. Whenever you miss me, call me up or come over to my house. A. Sometimes B. Just now C. In the end D. Any time 4. Dad, why not give up smoking? It‘s bad for your health.

A. keep B. stop C. begin D. continue 5. The girl seems to be in trouble. Let‘s give her a hand. A. help her B. call her up C. laugh at her D. play with her 二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。

1. Chen Kun is one of the best __________ (act) in China.

2. A lot of __________ (west) people are interested in Beijing Opera.



邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习 3. My mother was cooking in the kitchen when she suddenly ________ (fall) ill. 4. __________ (whenever) you are in trouble, you may call this number for help. 5. Sir, this is my __________ (person) house. Please leave here at once. 6. Sorry, I nearly forgot the __________ (appoint) with the doctor. 7. Lucy is so __________ (dependent). She never relies on others.

8. What were you thinking about when Mary ________ (refuse) your invitation? 9. When we got to Mike‘s house, he __________ (prepare) for his party.

10. China has lots of big and beautiful _________ (university) such as Shenzhen



1. She makes me _____ up when I feel tired. A.to get B.getting C.got D.get

2. _____ pocket money do yo0u need every week?

A.How many B.How much C.How often D.How soon 3. She never complained _____ anybody _______ her life. A.to, about B.about,to C.on,to D.to,on 4. How much did that bag _________ ?

A. take B.afford C cost D.spend

5. ---Could you please tell me ________? ---Bus No.32 will take you right there.

A. where is Henan Museum B. what Henan Museum is like

C. how can I get to Henan Museum D. which bus I shall take to Henan Museum

6. ---Could you please tell me______? ---I live in Yan‘an. A. where do you live B. where were you born C. where you live D. where you were born

7. It is not surprising that he has won the first prize in the competition. _______, he has got well-prepared for it.

A. After all B. But C. As a result D. For the time being 8. The manager asked the worker ______ again.

A. not to be late B. don‘t be late C. didn‘t be late D. to not be late


A. I am making some money. B. By the way, do you collect them? C. What are you doing? D. What will you do if you spend all the money? E. How are you? F. Do you think you‘ll win? G.. I was buying it, too. 八年级英语


邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习 A: Hello, David! ________ B: I‘m making some money.

A: What did you say? I didn‘t hear you. B: _____ I am buying the football lottery(彩票) A: What were you doing at this time yesterday? B: ______. In fact, I buy it every day. A: ________

B: Yes, I do. And if I win a lot of money, I‘ll buy a car for myself. And then I‘ll travel around the world. A: ________

B: If I spent all the money, I‘ll buy the football lottery again. A: Don‘t think about that! It‘s only a dream.



