2015 交际教学法 开题报告
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题目: 浅谈交际教学在中学英语课堂上的应用
院 系 名 称: 外国语言文学系 专 业 名 称: 英 语 学 号: SY1103126 姓 名: 王丹妮 指 导 教 师(职称): 李悦(讲师)
教务处制 二〇一五年五月
The Application of CLT in the English Class of
Middle School
A Thesis Submitted to Shiyuan College of
Guangxi Teachers Education University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts
By Wang Danni Supervisor:Li Yue
May, 2015
摘 要
在交际教学引入中国后,相当一部分专家与学者研究了交际教学在高中和大学的应用,但很少有研究资料与中学教学相关,所以此论文研究的是以基础教育选择对英语开始有兴趣的初中生为研究对象。作者希望通过探究当前交际教学在中学的现状从而找出一些问题和给出建议,然后分析其技巧来提高交际教学的教学质量。这不仅有效地研究了交际教学在课堂上的实用性问题;而且也肯定了交际教学所带来的优点与启示。作者论证交际教学在初中英语课堂的应用的方法有三种:1、文献研究法 2、对比分析法 3、举例子。最后如何探究交际教学在初中英语课堂的运用是一个值得讨论的问题。
关键词:交际教学 课堂 初中 应用
Robinson(1984) points out the CLT mostly attaches importance to learners’ intentions and application rather than outwardly language. So it’s the key of CLT since the language application serves communicative intentions. There are three main features of CLT: (1) It emphasizes the ability of savvy, expression, communication towards language with an aim to complete teaching intention. (2) It’s student - oriented to be a passive participate of information in CLT instead of negative receiver. (3) The process of teaching is more communication. From the studies, we can see that only CLT bestows on three advantages to take effect on making the best use of what one has learned. Under no circumstances does Chomsk thinks (1975)“An organization's ability to understand sentences and sentences, nor is it
a capacity to
with affairs, but an abstract principles and knowledge to
improve the system”.
Chapter Three The advantages and disadvantages in the English Class of Middle School
3.1 The advantages of CLT ’ s application 3.1.2 The principles of CLT
Although we vary from understanding of communicative language teaching, experts in the field of CLT like Richards and Rogers (1986:12-20) and Nunan (1991:1-13) all have agreed on follow three principle: (1) Communication principle - the real communication involves in given activities to improve learning. (2) Task principle - activities are laid stress on meaningful sense. (3) Meaningful principle - language is meaningful to learners in the whole activity. In addition, Hawatte (1984:279) claims that CLT that of “Language is acquired through communication.” No matter who argues on communication always connecting with CLT as it provides the experience for learners to know how to speak English in communication.
3.1.3 The objectives of CLT
“The goal of CLT refers to develop students’ communicative competence , which includes both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations”(2006:5). Professor Hans-Eberhard Piepho died in 2004 at the age of 75 who was an applied linguist in Germany that of whom had an impact on the teaching and learning of foreign and second languages. His celebrated and remarkable book is Communicative Competence as Primary Goal in Teaching English. Piepho states five levels of objectives in a communicative method,: (1) An integrative and
The Use of Linking Adverbials by Chinese College English Learners
content level (2) A linguistic and instrumental level (3) An effective level of interpersonal relationships and conduct (4) A level of individual learning needs (5) A general educational level of extra-linguistic goals.
3.1.4 The techniques of CLT
Oral communication is a bidirectionally social activities.It emphasizes the actual situation of the communication and interaction which is a kind of effective language communication activities between the communication objects on the premise of human's language skills. So the techniques of CLT as follows: (1) Integration-oriented in real life (e.g. 5 - minute speech before class, text - based drama, small debates etc.) (2) Situation-organized (e.g.
Cooperative group learning methods, Intellectual stimulation methods etc.) (4) Information gap (e.g. Guessing games, Jigsaw puzzle, role play)
3.2 The disadvantages of CLT ’s application
Although there are many advantages of communicative approach, when the
concrete application of the CLT in classroom teaching has still many limitations and problems due to different factors such as language, cultural background such as a number of studies have been conducted with regard to its practicality in the Chinese contexts. (E.g. Anderson, 1993; Rao, 2002). “Both advantages and constraints are recognized by teachers and students, only using the learned grammar rulers and translation in small classes won’t meet the demands of students from different contexts.” So they don’t know how to appropriately communicate with others. What’s more, “as far as syllabus design and classroom teaching’s concern, it’s hard to design a syllabus with one to one correspondence between a function and a form. More often, one function of the language can be fulfilled by several language forms; similarly, one language form may also have several functions.”(MCDonough and Shaw, 2003). Finally, “whether such a approach is suitable for all age level of learners or all competence level of learners.”(MCDonough and Shaw, 2003).
(1) the wrong interpretation on communication competence
Owing to the goals and methods of CLT can’t keep a balance, in order to finish the aim of improving learners' communicative competence, communicative teaching advocates language in the classroom neither knowledge, nor the content, but the means of exchange and access to information in the concrete teaching with emphasizing the meaning and the communicative functions of language, communicative teaching method emphasizes the real,
authentic language materials and scene, language use smoothly. The more you make communication smoothly, the more practitioners focus on communicative teaching method in communicative culture instead of its influence and cultivate students in the humanities. So this is actually not benefited to improve the learners' communicative competence. (2)the complex relationship both teacher and students
Judging from the characteristics of communicative language it stands
by the soul of the
student -
the teacher is no
centered classroom has higher demands for teachers, teacher doesn’t play a leading role, but
whole teaching activity also a guiding ability,
only the organizational skills of teachers, but
longer a thought to prepare for teaching activities. We should adopt multi-aspects to operate the whole teaching activity so as to pay more attention on organizing, stimulating, encouraging and helping learners take part in activity. It’s also a capable requirement for teacher.
while ignoring the use of written language. (3)the contrast of students’ individual
The CLT faces diverse students whose thinking, personality, learning style as well as language demands are different. Therefore it’s hard to analyze and cater for each student’s learning needs actually.
Chapter Four The advice of CLT in the English Classroom of Middle School
All in all, CLT is considered as one of the most practical language and a far stronger in a common language tongue. Students can improve their communicative competence through CLT in English class, but people should realize that a method is effective only when it’s appropriated the teaching context. Therefore, when a new method or approach emerges. The best way to do is to develop one’s own teaching methods based on the context where are teachers and integrates the merits of different methodologies to serve the purpose of one’s teaching objectives and needs of one’s students. So there are some advice below:
(1)Lack of grammar-oriented:Traditional systematic teaching is the shortage of CLT, although one function can be expressed into different forms and context. There is no standard to know
The Use of Linking Adverbials by Chinese College English Learners
how to exactly use and choose. Hence it results from losing teaching effect due to unsystematic recognition for grammar so as to forget easily and make errors in imparting knowledge process. We should take some measures for below: (1) Build up your language sense in the game, context, task. (2) Use the two stage approaches. (3) Apply the ladder-spiral approach.
(2)The misunderstand of teaching communication approach:
Early teaching of communicative approach was under the influence of Linguistics as a first wave of oral. Learning is intended to communicate for the most part of students in this way for learning a foreign language , so this is one of the reasons for this misunderstanding. In China, foreign
language teaching since 1862, is basically the old European \ although teaching was reformed, the reform still stays in a slow step with various disturbances, reform and development. The
result of this misunderstanding is that some teachers simply go in oral English
regardless of whether students understand in class, so the thing we should do is to make communicative teaching complement traditional teaching
Chapter Five Application of CLT in the teaching of English
The Use of Linking Adverbials by Chinese College English Learners
The Use of Linking Adverbials by Chinese College English Learners
The Use of Linking Adverbials by Chinese College English Learners
The Use of Linking Adverbials by Chinese College English Learners
The Use of Linking Adverbials by Chinese College English Learners
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I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude thanks to my supervisor—Li Yue who offers me academic and constructive advice on composing this paper. I have benefited greatly from her patience, encouragement and carefulness, excellent guidance.
The Use of Linking Adverbials by Chinese College English Learners
Then, I am very grateful of my lovely friends, they offered me quiet situation to compose my paper and discuss with me about my paper.
Last but not the least,I would like to express my thanks to those who spend their time in reading my paper.
姓名:王丹妮 女 1992年2月29日出生 汉族
广西师范学院师园学院外国语言文学系英语专业2011级本科生 E-mail: 564468573@qq.com
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