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项目简介 Understanding of the Project

项目区位分析Location该项目位于重庆市城市核心九龙坡区, 地处石坪桥中心,周围成熟社区密布, 交通便利,生活配套齐全。 是城市热 点区域,人气旺盛。 The site locates in Jiu Long Po district, center of Shi Ping Qiao, which is the core area of the city. It is surrounded b y l o t s o f m a t u re c o m m u n i t i e s , with convenient transportation and amenity. It is one of the most visited district of the city.基地 Site 九龙坡区 Jiu Long Po District万科重庆西郊医院城市广场商业景观方案设计 Vanke Chongqing City Plaza and Retail Street Landscape Schematic Design

设计范围Design Scope该项目位于城市中心区,是对原西郊医 院场地改造。旨在激发城市活力,打造 一个集居住,商业,商务为一体的功能 性社区。项目占地2.6万平方米,商业 面积4.3万平方米,包括西南面的三栋 高层住宅,一个幼儿园,及东北部的商 业内街,公寓楼,LOFT与还建房。 The project sits in the city center, it is a revitalized development. It is aim at activate the city, creating a functional community with residential and commercial. It occupies a total area of 26,000 sq/ ㎡ , and 43,000 sq/ ㎡ commercial area, including 3 high-rise residential, a kindergarten in the south-west, and retail street, apartment, LOFT, rebuilt house in the north-east.万科重庆西郊医院城市广场商业景观方案设计 Vanke Chongqing City Plaza and Retail Street Landscape Schematic Design

建筑业态分析Building Types商业 Retail 25层公寓 3层酒店公寓 2层地上商业 25F Apartment 3F Hotel Apartment 2F Ground Floor Retail 29层还建房 3层酒店公寓 29F Rebuilt House 3F Hotel Apartment 32层住宅 1层架空层 32F Residential 1F Undercroft 30层住宅 2层幼儿园 30F Residential 2F Kindergarten万科重庆西郊医院城市广场商业景观方案设计 Vanke Chongqing City Plaza and Retail Street Landscape Schematic Design

建筑风格Architecture Style该项目为现代简约风格建筑。 主体造型简洁典雅,各朝向面向城市, 形成一致的建筑形象。竖向设计元素体 现了建筑挺拔向上之姿。整体线条简洁 流畅,富有都市朝气,从老城区灰暗的 背景中跳跃出来。The architecture style is mainly contemporary and simple style. Main structure is simple and elegant, with all directions facing to the city. Vertical elevation shows the upward straight form of architecture. The architecture stands out among surrounding old communities with simple and smooth lines, and energetic outlook.万科重庆西郊医院城市广场商业景观方案设计 Vanke Chongqing City Plaza and Retail Street Landscape Schematic Design

交通组织Circulation人行流线 Pedestrian Flow 商业入口 Retail Entry 入户 Residential Entry 车行入口 Vehicle Entry 地下车库入口 Underground Carpark Entry万科重庆西郊医院城市广场商业景观方案设计 Vanke Chongqing City Plaza and Retail Street Landscape Schematic Design

消防规划分析EVA消防登高面 EVA Pad 消防流线 EVA Route万科重庆西郊医院城市广场商业景观方案设计 Vanke Chongqing City Plaza and Retail Street Landscape Schematic Design

标高分析Level Diagram万科重庆西郊医院城市广场商业景观方案设计 Vanke Chongqing City Plaza and Retail Street Landscape Schematic Design

现有植被Existing Vegetation可以保留的大树 Big Trees to be Retain 可能需要移植的大树 Big Trees to be Relocated万科重庆西郊医院城市广场商业景观方案设计 Vanke Chongqing City Plaza and Retail Street Landscape Schematic Design

成功范例 Precedent Projects

社区商业广场 - 墨尔本联邦广场Community Space - Melbourne Federation Square澳大利亚墨尔本联邦广场位于墨尔本商业区,是非常精美和样式丰富的公共广场。 在整体规划上,表层结构设计成人造景观,从而避免因预制件而带来的单一和呆 板。 联邦广场建筑在12条还在运行的铁路在线,项目总投资达4亿5千万,是澳大利亚所 承建的最复杂、最庞大的项目之一。除了11栋主体建筑,广场还包含一些开放区 域,广场据说可容纳1万人,铺设着西澳金伯利地区特有的鹅卵石,广场的地面略高 于街道的地平线,有一定的倾斜度,方便人们观赏周围的市容和雅拉河的景观。联 邦广场是游客来墨尔本不可错过的一站,而且常常被当作第一站。 联邦广场将中央商业地区与墨尔本中心的河流连接起来,融合艺术、活动、消闲、 观光和露天场地各种功能。联邦广场是墨尔本新兴的文化中心,体现了这座城市的 自信、包容和国际水准。 Federation Square is a civic centre and cultural precinct in the city of Melbourne, Australia. For everyday life, the plaza acts as a series of individual spaces, each animated and anchored with outdoor cafes and restaurants, as well as accommodating different cultural and social activities. As a compound figure, where the individual components are aggregated into a large outdoor amphitheatre, the plaza's key role as a focus for major public festival events is revealed. The informal topography of the plaza surface focuses upon a stage area to the south west, adjacent to the large video screen fixed to the corner pub. To distinguish it from the city's existing pavement, the plaza is surfaced in cobblestones of distinctly coloured kimberley sandstone, with stone pavers for the edge terraces, stairs, planters, walling and seating elements.万科重庆西郊医院城市广场商业景观方案设计 Vanke Chongqing City Plaza and Retail Street Landscape Schematic Design

街道生活体验 - 城市街道与站前北广场Street Life - City Street丹德农是墨尔本第二大的城市中心,也是澳大利亚最大的制造区之一。北广场站旁 的城市开放中心城市街道项目,是丹德农城市发展与转换的重要步骤。 设计师增强了场地的空间变化,并将公共艺术品融入到收放有致的街道空间。街道 的特色是一条曲折的预混凝土"彩虹带"穿越广场与街道,形成各种活动空间,有 时变成特色铺装,有时变成路牙、矮墙或座椅。此外,在施工的过程中,局部的街 道被打造为临时的公园与绿廊花架,供人们使用。 项目中融入了生态可持续设计措施,从材料的选者至施工方法都进行考虑,并过滤 收集雨水作为植被的灌溉,使用节能灯具以及"生态"脚手架。 设计师通过当前最先进的计算机模拟系统来进行各种测试。澳派工作室的互动模拟 测试推测出准确的结果,其中包括建筑阴影模拟系统与广场宽度模拟系统来研究人 对空间的感受,从而更科学对打造更好的城市空间。 Dandenong is the second largest urban centre in Melbourne and one of the largest manufacturing regions in Australia. City Street, and the adjacent public open space of Station North Plaza, are key elements in its larger urban and social transformation. The design enhances the topography of the site, and the non-linear shared use street brings full integration of public art into its streetscape design. A pre-cast and in situ concrete ‘ribbon’ snaps across the plaza and street, tying the spaces together and moving between being a flush line in the pavement, to a kerb, to a low wall, to a seating element. The construction process is accompanied by extensive temporary occupation of sites as public parks and green arbours. Sustainability is embedded in the project, from material selection to construction techniques, and includes water sensitive urban design, passive irrigation to street trees, storm water storage, reuse of water for irrigation, low energy use lighting and re-usable “green” construction hoardings. Leading edge computer modelling techniques were used to generate and test design. ASPECT Studios’ interactive modelling allowed accurate and dynamic investigations, for example shadowing arising from building height and plaza width scenarios, that allowed for rapid resolution of issues. 澳派作品 ASPECT Works万科重庆西郊医院城市广场商业景观方案设计 Vanke Chongqing City Plaza and Retail Street Landscape Schematic Design

文化艺术体现 - 天使降临的街道Cultural Relevance - Angel Place漂浮在空中的鸟笼艺术品、光滑的鹅卵石街道、舒适的户外餐饮空间、高品质的花 岗岩铺地、闪耀的霓虹灯、没有车辆干扰的步行街、雨水收集与利用系统,这一系 列的措施将悉尼被人遗忘的空间变成为精彩的聚会场所。 小巷的铺装用小块精致的石材拼凑组成,营造出丰富绚丽的视觉效果。小巷提供临 街小店面和可供租赁的小空间,进一步促进了丰富多样的街道生活。小巷还设有一 系列的闪烁的灯光,指引人们发现更多有趣的空间。小巷也成为举办各种庆典活动 比如悉尼节的开幕晚会的场所,拥有Angel Place演唱厅和皇家剧院两个演出场所。 120个鸟笼子悬挂在空中的壮观场面出现在Angel Place小巷中,这是著名的艺术节目 “忘却的歌曲”中的经典场景。这项艺术作品是乔治巷改建项目的组成部分,由艺 术家Michael Thomas Hill、 科学家 Richard Major、程序设计师 David Towey 以及 环境设计师 Richard Wong 共同完成。艺术家们通过悬挂在空中的鸟笼来唤起人们 对于曾今栖息于此地的鸟类的回忆,由于城市的发展它们失去栖息地,正面临灭绝 的危机。 Floating birdcages, cobblestones, outdoor dining. granite paving, decorative and street lighting, a traffic-calmed pedestrian street, and a new stormwater system, form the core of a strategy to attract people back into one of Sydney’s forgotten spaces. The materials palette utilises small units and detailed layout to promote a rich tapestry for the central precinct lanes. Small shop fronts and tenancies are encouraged, to allow for a commercial diversity in the city centre. A thread of lighting elements expresses the labyrinthine-like quality of the laneways and provides visual cues to pedestrians that wider connections exist. The laneways are the setting for playful events such as the Sydney Festival Opening Night and they contain two performance spaces, the Angel Place Recital Hall and the Theatre Royal. The popular art project Forgotten Songs – which includes the installation of 120 birdcages suspended in the sky – has returned to Angel Place permanently. The artwork, created for the City’s By George laneways project by artist Michael Thomas Hill, scientist Richard Major, programmer David Towey and environment designer Richard Wong, uses birdcages floating above the laneway to echo the sounds of birds that lived in the Tank Stream area before the city’s growth forced them to the outer fringes of suburbia and towards extinction. 澳派作品 ASPECT Works万科重庆西郊医院城市广场商业景观方案设计 Vanke Chongqing City Plaza and Retail Street Landscape Schematic Design

概念来源 Design Inspiration

场地的历史与生活Site History and Life Style场地历史与文化遗产参考 本项目目标之一在与捕捉场地历史文化 及自然风貌,传承发扬重庆本土文化。 场地有一些值得参考借鉴的地方,例如: 1. 混凝土座椅样式 2. 植物攀爬的廊架 3. 植被 4. 自然及硬质岩石样式 One of the key aims in this project is to capture some of the heritage of the sites history and natural features. There are some elegant references to draw from, for example: 1. Concrete seat forms 2. Vegetated pergolas 3. Sculptural vegetation 4. The natural and constructed rock forms基地特色 Site Features植被 Vegetation墙体 Walls万科重庆西郊医院城市广场商业景观方案设计 Vanke Chongqing City Plaza and Retail Street Landscape Schematic Design

场地分析 Site Analysis

