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carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \here are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives



roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflecteand turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard 教 学 设 计

丁晓霖 易孝文

俞利平 谢梦璐 吴晓 2007年9月

ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \ls and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, sts are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinkng and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations Comrades, do a \d in awe. Party a party of ideaof our Communicarried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party brnches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \here are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives




1、我看到了什么 2、校园的树木 3、大树和小草 4、观察水生植物 5、植物的叶

6、植物发生了什么变化 7、植物的共同特点 动物

1、寻访小动物 2、蜗牛(一) 3、蜗牛(二) 4、蚯蚓 5、蚂蚁 6、金鱼

7、动物的共同特点 我们周围的材料

1、观察我们周围的材料 2、谁更硬一些 3、比较柔韧性 4、它们吸水吗

5、材料在水中的沉浮 6、砖和陶瓷

7、给身边的材料分类 水和空气 1、水

2、水和食用油的比较 3、谁流得更快一些 4、比较水的多少 5、我们周围的空气 6、空气占据空间吗 7、空气有重量吗

roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to nd implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \ members 1037, find there are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives


浙江省诸暨市新世纪小学 丁晓霖





【教学准备】调查表格。 【教学过程】





生:确定新的4人小组学习单位,小组长每月轮换。 推选2位科学课代表,明确相关责任和权利。



师: 组织学生看封面,了解图中意思。阅读目录,本年级科学有哪些内容呢,让我们也来了解一下。有哪些内容需要课外补充完成,请做好记录。


roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ learning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party brnches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \here are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives小结:我们提出了许多新的问题,有待于通过课堂内外的科学学习来逐一解决,当学期结束后,回过头来再来看一看这份调查表,希望我们从中看到自己成功了。

三上教科版科学第一单元 植物

第一课 我看到了什么

【教学目标】 科学概念:

树是活的植物,生长在一定的环境里,是有生命的物体。 过程与方法:



借助放大镜、皮尺等简单的工具对大树进行观察和测量。 用简单的词语记录观察的结果。 情感、态度、价值观:

懂得从图片上获得的信息是有限的,亲自观察事物会对事物有更多的认识。 发展观察大树的兴趣,体会到生命体给我们带来的生机勃勃的感受。 在观察过程中,培养与他人合作的习惯。

【教学重点】了解观察的目标和方法,认识到观察的重要性。 【教学难点】对大树的观察要指向生命体这个核心概念。 【教学准备】

分组材料:一些观察用的测量工具(如皮尺、放大镜等),观察记录纸。 【教学过程】 一、引言


2.就让我们从身边的熟悉植物——大树开始观察研究吧。 二、看照片上的大树


roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to nd implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \ members 1037, find there are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives株梧桐树的哪些特点? (你能发现几点?)















roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ learning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations

carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party brnches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \here are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives


第二课 校园的树木

【教学目标】 科学概念:


树生长在一定的环境里,有一定的生存需要。 过程与方法:


用简图描述树的整体形状。用拓印树皮的观察树干。 用实物来补充语言描述的不足。 情感、态度、价值观:



【教学难点】比较讨论树木的相同之处。 【教学准备】


【教学过程】 一、观察树木的方法




roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to nd implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \ members 1037, find there are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives干粗细、闻树叶、看果实、拓印树皮、捡拾标本、对比法……)



1.从远处观察整棵树,我们怎样记录?(树冠形状、树的高度等) 2.从近处有序观察树的各个部分,我们会有哪些新的发现?


(拓印树皮图案的方法:把白纸紧压在树干上,先用手指在纸上反复按压, 再平捏蜡笔在纸上涂擦,使凸起的部分染上颜色。)






我们观察了哪些树?这些树的生长需要什么样的条件? 不同的树有什么相同和不同?


板书设计: 树的相同之处: 它们都长在泥土里 都需要阳光、水 都有树干、树皮

树的不同之处: 树冠有大小 树干有粗细

有的树皮光滑,有的粗糙 结的果实不一样 叶片不一样

roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ learning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations ……

carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party brnches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \here are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives都有树叶、果实 …… 教学后记:

第三课 大树和小草

【教学目标】 科学概念:





用简图画出小草的主要形态特征,能看懂维恩图的表达方式。 情感、态度、价值观:


【教学重点】找大树和小草的相同点,体会陆生植物生命体的特征。 【教学难点】看懂维恩图的表达方式。 【教学准备】


【教学过程】 一、认识常见的小草


2.教师指导:对不知名的小草怎么认识?提供认识的方法及资料。 二、观察记录狗尾草


roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to nd implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \ members 1037, find there are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives2.观察记录要求:运用前面学过的观察顺序、观察方法、记录方法来观察记录一株狗尾草。




1.引导讨论:可以从哪些方面比较樟树和狗尾草的相同和不同之处? 2.比较完成对比表格:

茎 颜色 软硬 粗细 质地 叶 颜色 形状 软硬 大小 气味 果实 颜色 形状 大小 多少 樟树 狗尾草 roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ learning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party brnches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \here are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives





大树 小草


板书设计: 教学后记:

第四课 观察水生植物

roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations

carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to nd implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \ members 1037, find there are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives【教学目标】 科学概念:

水葫芦叶柄部位膨大的海绵体充满空气是浮在水面上的原因。 水生植物都有根茎叶等器官,它们的生长需要水分、阳光和空气。 过程与方法:

用简图画出水生植物的主要形态特征,能看懂维恩图的表达方式。 在观察中提出问题,探究水葫芦浮在水面的秘密。 情感、态度、价值观:

培养研究水生植物的兴趣,体会到水生植物也是一个个活生生的生命个体。 【教学重点】利用维恩图总结水生陆生植物作为生命体的共同特征。 【教学难点】探究水生植物适应水生环境的结构特点。 【教学准备】










roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ learning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party brnches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \here are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives水葫芦和金鱼藻有哪些相似之处?(除了形态结构特征外,还可以稍作拓展,如它们都会繁殖后代,都会死亡等。)它们是水生植物,它们的生长需要什么条件?


水葫芦等水生植物与陆生植物狗尾草等又有什么相同和不同之处? 与前堂课学生总结的陆生植物的唯恩图进行比较,再次填写维恩图,完成对植物生命体特征的梳理。(都有根茎叶、都会繁殖后代、寿命都短、都是草本植物,都需要阳光、水分和空气等)

板书设计: 教学后记:

第五课 植物的叶

【教学目标】 科学概念:

树的叶是多种多样的,同一种树的叶具有共同的基本功特征。 植物的叶一般由叶片和叶柄组成,叶片上有叶脉。

叶也是有生命的,叶从叶芽开始生长,到最后衰老死亡,完成了一生。 过程与方法:




roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to nd implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \ members 1037, find there are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives情感、态度、价值观:

发展研究树叶的兴趣,培养爱护环境,与自然和谐相处的态度和意识。 【教学重点】开展观察叶生命现象的活动,建构起叶也是有生命的科学概念。 【教学难点】是否是同一种树叶的判断。 【教学准备】


分组材料:同一种植物的新鲜叶和落叶。 教师准备:一条有大小不同叶片生长的树枝。 【教学过程】











roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ learning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party brnches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \here are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives虽然秋天不落叶,但它们的叶同样也有生长和衰老的完整过程。

板书设计: 教学后记:

第六课 植物发生了什么变化

【教学目标】 科学概念:

植物在不断地发生变化,有些变化比较明显,有些变化不太明显。 植物的变化表现在各个方面,主要表现在发芽、生长、开花、结果等方面。 植物的变化是生命体的特征之一。 过程与方法:

能用测量的方法比较叶的大小,能用数据记录植物的变化。 情感、态度、价值观:

能够关注周围植物的变化,坚持记录完成一棵植物的变化记录表。 【教学重点】观察记录描述植物的变化。

【教学难点】坚持记录完成一棵植物的变化记录表。 【教学准备】


教师准备:一些树木四季变化的图片,带花苞的菊花,狗尾草。 【教学过程】






roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to nd implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \ members 1037, find there are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives狗尾草会枯死吗?樟树的果实又是怎样变化的呢? 二、观察叶的生长变化


从一棵树的树叶大小不同、软硬不同中,我们知道了什么? 从一片树叶的颜色变化过程中,我们又知道了什么? 三、实地观察记录植物的茎、叶


2、交流:汇报我们的观察数据,思考这些数据能说明什么问题? 落叶的数量说明什么问题?一条树枝上有大小不同的树叶,说明什么问题?如果以后测量得到的数据变化很大,说明什么?如果变化不大,又怎样理解?





月 日 月 日 月 日 月 日 月 日



树干 粗细 树皮 树冠 落叶数 叶子 颜色 大小 其他 roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ learning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations

carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party brnches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \here are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives


第七课 植物的共同特点

【教学目标】 科学概念:

植物按生存的环境不同,可以分为陆生植物和水生植物。 植物的生存需要水分、阳光、空气和营养。




运用比较的方法获得有关共同特征的认识。 情感、态度、价值观:

通过对植物寿命的认识,懂得生命的可贵,也体会生死的自然规律。 【教学重点】了解植物的一些共同特点。

【教学难点】通过阅读资料来总结植物的一些特征。 【教学准备】

教师:水生植物和陆生植物的图片,植物一生的图片; 学生:水生植物和陆生植物的比较记录纸。 【教学过程】



陆生植物 水生植物

roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to nd implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \ members 1037, find there are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives2、思考:植物需要什么才能正常生长?请交流。请补充阅读P21的“植物需要阳光”。

陆生植物的生长需要__________________________________________ 水生植物的生长需要__________________________________________ 能用唯恩图记录下它们生存需要的共同点吗? 二、了解植物的一生


请看图:向日葵的一生,我们能找出向日葵一生的几个典型生长阶段吗? 种子、发芽、幼苗、开花、结果,这是向日葵一生的典型生长阶段。 看图:一棵大树的一生,你们能找出与向日葵一生的相同和不同吗?对了,主要不同是寿命的长短不同。请看资料库:“植物的寿命有长有短”,你们有什么体会?是呀,无论是百年老树,还是一年草本植物,它们都会死亡,这是自然规律,也是生命的特征。

交流:从这些植物的一生中,我们明白了什么? 三、植物有哪些共同特点







roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ learning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party brnches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \here are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives


第二单元 动物

1、成都市二仙桥学校 易孝文

单元目标 科学概念



4、动物具有多样性,动物的生存依赖于环境,不同的环境中生长着不同的动物。 5、动物有最基本的生存需要:食物、空间和应激性。


7、动物有相同点:生长在一定的环境里,会运动,需要食物维持生命,会排泄废物,会对外界刺激做出反应,会生长发育,会繁殖后代。 过程与方法




4、在观察过程中提出要研究的问题,用不同的方法解决不同的问题。 5、通过阅读提高对动物基本需要和动物多样性的理解。 6、比较多种动物,总结他们的相同和不同。 情感、态度、价值观


2、感受动物的多样性,培养对不同动物的研究兴趣。 3、培养对动物生存需求的敏感性。

4、培养保护自然环境种动物的意识,能爱护自然环境下的小动物。 5、培养以观察目的为出发点,实事求是的观察态度。


第一课 寻访小动物




roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to nd implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \ members 1037, find there are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives过程与方法

会议和整理已有的对小动物的经验和知识,提出寻访小动物中可能碰到的未提及解决问题的方法。 情感、态度、价值观



【教学难点】避免学生在寻访过程中过分关注某一种小动物。 【教学准备】

1、在校园里准备一块可供学生寻访小动物的场地(最好教师提前寻访一遍)。 2、设计简单的记录表,供学生参考。 【教学过程】 一、理解小动物

1、教师问:“听到‘动物’这个词我们想到了那些动物?” “‘大动物’我们能想到那些动物?”



3、关注:学生举例的普遍性性,举现实存在的动物的为俐。 4、设计意图:使学生明确小动物所指范围。 二、回忆和整理已有的对小动物的经验和知识

1、教师组织学生回忆、交流在一定范围内见过那些小动物。 2、过程中注意引起学生寻访小动物的兴趣。

3、关注:学生是否注意倾听同学的经历;学生的描述是否有想象的内容。 4、设计意图:初步认识动物的多样性。 三、寻访活动的准备

1、组织讨论,明确寻访的任务、寻访的时间、地点和观察与调查的方法。 2、学生分组讨论,并明确组内的分工。


4、教师做好明确要求:注意安全、关注和爱护小动物。 5、关注:学生任务和分工是否明确。 6、设计意图:为顺利寻访做好准备。 四、到校园里寻访小动物 1、学生分组寻访。


3、关注:学生是否遵守纪律、是否爱护小动物,是否用一定的方式作记录。 4、进一步增强对动物多样性的认识,获得更多的信息。

roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ learning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party brnches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \here are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives第二课 蜗牛(一)





3、蜗牛利用腹足能在各种物体上爬行,腹足做细波浪状运动并在爬行中留下粘液痕迹。 过程与方法

1、经历和体验从整体到局部的观察过程,并学习使用放大镜做更细致的观察。 2、用简图画出蜗牛的外形。

3、按照教科书介绍的方法饲养蜗牛,做好记录。 情感、态度、价值观


【教学重点】经历对蜗牛外形、运动、反应等方面的观察活动。 【教学难点】学生观察过程中对蜗牛的态度及对观察到的信息的整理。 【教学准备】

1、分组:2-3只蜗牛、放大镜、树枝、绳子、玻璃、饲养槽。 2、与学生相同的但大一号的材料。



1、教师提醒学生注意在那里捉到的蜗牛,捉到蜗牛的地方有什么环境上的特点。 2、关注:学生捉蜗牛是否伤害蜗牛和其他动植物。

3、设计意图:使学生对蜗牛的生活环境有一个初略的认识。 二、观察蜗牛的身体。


2、学生观察、记录蜗牛的身体。并在观察过程中提出自己的新的问题。 3、关注:学生在观察过程中的组织纪律性,学生在观察过程中交流和记录情况。 4、设计意图:认识蜗牛的身体结构特点。 三、观察蜗牛的运动和反应。





roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations

carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to nd implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \ members 1037, find there are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives激做出反应。

(被注:观察蜗牛的身体和观察蜗牛的运动最好结合起来在同一时间段内完成) 四、饲养蜗牛


2、学生饲养、观察蜗牛并记录发现和产生的新问题。 3、关注:饲养过程中是否坚持观察、记录。


第三课 蜗牛(二)



蜗牛有一些与生命活动相关的生活习性:运动和休眠、呼吸、吃食、排泄。 过程与方法

尝试用不同的方法解决遇到的不同问题。 情感、态度、价值观




【教学准备】分组:2-3只饿了的蜗牛,菜叶、苹果片、饼干、等食物,记录表。 【教学过程】

一、交流饲养蜗牛的经验和发现 1、复习上节课学习的内容。 2、交流饲养蜗牛过程中的发现。 3、教师板书学生汇报的内容。

4、关注:汇报情况的真实性,要求汇报的是自己观察到的而不是听别人说的或丛书上看到的。 5、设计意图:获取更多的有关蜗牛的信息,初步体会观察对获取信息的重要性。 二、观察蜗牛吃食

1、整理有关蜗牛排泄的信息,引出蜗牛吃什么和不吃什么。 2、学生设计蜗牛吃什么和不吃什么的实验。 3、学生用实验验证蜗牛吃什么和不吃什么。 4、教师注意就学生提出的新问题提供信息。

5、关注:学生设计实验的多样性和可行性;学生观察过程中新问题的提出。 6、设计意图:尝试用不同的方法解决遇到的问题。 三、观察蜗牛排泄和呼吸


roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ learning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party brnches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \here are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives2、学生观察蜗牛排泄和呼吸。

3、关注:学生观察的方法的正确性和学生获取更多地(如排便)信息。 4、设计意图:体会细节观察对获取信息的重要性。 四、继续观察蜗牛



3、关注:饲养中是否仔细认真的观察,注意引起饲养和观察的兴趣。 4、设计意图:在饲养中获取更多的有关动物的信息。

第四课 蚯蚓




2、蚯蚓能对外界的刺激做出相应的反应,如对外力刺激的反应、对水的反应。 过程与方法

能用简图画出蚯蚓的形态结构,能用维恩图比较相同和不同。 情感、态度、价值观


【教学重点】经历对蚯蚓的观察,初步理解动物身体结构的多样性。 【教学难点】对蚯蚓的细致的观察,对蚯蚓身体结构的认识。 【教学准备】每组:几条蚯蚓,一只浅水碟子。



1、教师提醒学生注意在那里捉到的蜗牛,捉到蜗牛的地方有什么环境上的特点。 2、关注:学生捉蜗牛是否伤害蜗牛和其他动植物。

3、设计意图:使学生对蜗牛的生活环境有一个初略的认识。 二、观察蚯蚓的身体


2、学生观察、记录蚯蚓牛的身体。并在观察过程中提出自己的新的问题。 3、关注:学生在观察过程中是否注意到肛门、扣、和环带,学生在观察过程中交流和记录情况。

4、设计意图:认识蚯蚓的身体结构特点。 三、观察蚯蚓的运动和反应。


roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to nd implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \ members 1037, find there are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives2、学生观察、记录蚯蚓的运动。并在观察过程中提出自己的新的问题。



四、比较蚯蚓和蜗牛的相同和不同 1、回顾维恩图的用处。


3、小结蚯蚓和蜗牛的相同点和不同点。 4、关注:学生比较的信息的多寡。



第五课 蚂蚁




2、蚂蚁的身体分成头、胸、腹三个部分,头上有触礁,胸上长有六只脚。 过程与方法


2、想办法解决观察过程中的问题,尝试用不同的方法进行观察研究。 情感、态度、价值观


【教学重点】经历用不同方法观察蚂蚁的过程,初步体会动物的多样性。 【教学难点】观察蚂蚁过程中不干扰蚂蚁,室外观察蚂蚁的安全性。 【教学准备】


教师准备:装在玻璃瓶里的蚂蚁、白志、放大镜、小盆子、小石块。 【教学过程】


1、课前找蚂蚁的要求:在校园找到蚂蚁;不惊扰蚂蚁;不捉蚂蚁。 2、学生找蚂蚁,最好能找到蚂蚁的窝。 3、关注:学生是否按要求找蚂蚁。

4、设计意图:为观察蚂蚁找到合适地点。 二、观察蚂蚁


roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ learning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party brnches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \here are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives1、交流有关蚂蚁的经验。


3、教师整理学生的意见并根据学生意见适当补充观察的注意事项。 4、学生到校园找好的地方观察蚂蚁。



(二)室内观察蚂蚁(用于补充室外观察的不足或校园内找不到蚂蚁的情况) 1、教师问:“蚂蚁要乱跑,怎样才能很好的观察蚂蚁呢?” 2、学生讨论方法,教师整理。



5、设计意图:设计意图:尝试用不同方法观察蚂蚁;通过观察了解蚂蚁在身体结构、运动等方面的信息。 三、交流发现




4、设计意图:培养倾听的习惯;获得更多有关蚂蚁的信息。 (备注:如果是室内观察,注意送蚂蚁回家。)

第六课 金鱼



1、鱼类有适应水生环境的结构,具有生命体的基本特征。 2、金鱼用鳍游泳,用腮呼吸。

3、金鱼和蚂蚁具有相同的生命特征。 过程与方法


2、继续利用维恩图比较动物的相同和不同。 情感、态度、价值观


【教学重点】通过观察金鱼的生活,了解水生动物与陆生动物的相同和不同。 【教学难点】学生有想法时用实验的方法进行验证。

roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to nd implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \ members 1037, find there are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives【教学准备】每组:2-3条金鱼,装载玻璃缸里。1只滴管、少许使用色素调制的红水、少许鱼食。



1、教师介绍鱼类的生活环境。 2、学生举例其他的水生生物。 3、关注:“鱼生活在水里”的理解。 4、设计意图:为进一步观察与作铺垫。 二、观察金鱼的外形和运动



3、关注:学生对金鱼形态的关注和对金鱼运动方式的关注。 4、设计意图:了解金鱼在外形和运动方面的信息。 三、观察金鱼的吃食和呼吸

1、交流有关金鱼在吃食和呼吸方面的经验。 2、讨论、设计观察金鱼吃食和呼吸的方法。

3、教师根据学生的交流与讨论作出提示:喂食观察金鱼的吃食;用红水观察金鱼的呼吸。(如需要可以演示在水中放红水的方法) 4、学生观察并记录。




四、比较金鱼和蚂蚁的相同和不同 1、回顾维恩图的用处。


3、小结蚯蚓和蜗牛的相同点和不同点。 4、关注:学生比较的信息的多寡。



第七课 动物的共同特点




roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ learning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations

carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party brnches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \here are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives的环境里,会运动,需要食物维持生命,会排泄废物,会对外界刺激做出反应,会生长发育,会繁殖后代。 过程与方法

运用比较的方法获得动物的共同特征。 情感、态度、价值观



【教学难点】学生提供的信息是否有证据支持,学生无证据信息对整理的干扰。 【教学准备】蜗牛、蚯蚓、蚂蚁、金羽的图片;四种动物议政的图片。 【教学过程】



2、小组讨论四种小动物的共同特点,把结果记在课本上。 3、汇报,教师把汇报结果记在黑板上。

4、教师或学生举例某种动物,看是否具有上面的共同特点,如果某一种动物不具备上面四种动物的某个共同特点就删去,这样找出动物的共同特点。 5、关注:学生交流的信息是否有证据支持。 6、设计意图:了解动物所具有的共同特征。 二、感受生物的多样性

1、教师讲解到校园观察学校动物和植物的注意事项。 2、学生分组到校园静静的观察校园的植物和动物。 3、回教室汇报。

4、关注:是否能做到安静的观察、不打扰校园的动植物。 5、设计意图:学生体会生物的多样性。 三、总结生物的共同点


2、在动物和植物相同的圈里写上“生物”两个字,并告诉学生,动物和植物艘是生物,都是有生命的物体。 3、关注:学生在过程中提出的问题。 4、设计意图:理解什么是生物。

四、讨论人与其他动物、植物的共同特点 1、教师指着动物、植物的共同点问:“人有这些特点吗?”

2、归纳小结:人和动物、植物都是生物,都是活的,生活在一定的环境里,会生长繁殖、最后都会死亡。这是生物的特点,也是生命的基本特征。 3、关注:人是否是生物的理解。


roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to nd implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \ members 1037, find there are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives

第1课 观察我们周围的材料

【教学目标】 科学概念:


2.我们周围的常见材料有木头、纸、金属、塑料、玻璃、纤维等。 过程与方法:

1.调查材料在日常生活中的应用。 2.观察和辨认不同的材料。 3.用词语描述常见材料。

情感、态度、价值观:发展进一步研究材料的兴趣和愿望。 【教学重点】观察和辨认身边不同的材料 【教学难点】用适当的词语描述木材的特性 【教学准备】6种用最常见的材料做成的物品 【教学过程】







roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ learning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party brnches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \here are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives①调查了多少物品?使用了多少种材料?

②哪些物品是由一种材料制成的?哪些物品是由多种材料制成的。 ③哪种材料使用得最多?


哪些材料在我们身边被广泛使用着,为什么大量使用它们呢? 二、观察描述几种常见材料的主要特点




4.请保管好记录单,下次还要再使用。 板书设计: 教学后记:

第2课 谁更硬一些

【教学目标】 科学概念:

1.物理性质可以用来描述材料,比如硬度、柔韧性和在水中的沉浮能力。 2.材料的硬度越大,就越能防止别的物体破坏它的表面。 过程与方法:


2.选择适当的词语定性描述材料。 情感、态度、价值观:

roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to nd implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \ members 1037, find there are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives1.发展对物质世界的探索兴趣。

2.认同物理性质是可以被观察和测量的观点。 3.增强材料循环利用、节约资源的环境保护意识。 【教学重点】比较材料软硬的方法。

【教学难点】选择适当的词语定性描述金属的特征 【教学准备】


教师准备:电路检测器、榔头 【教学过程】 一、比较硬度







①如果再给你一种材料:塑料,它们的软硬又会是怎样的?(学生猜测) ②可以怎样检测它们的软硬?





roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ learning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party brnches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \here are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives⑵用力适度,并尽量保持在每一次刻划时用力大小相同。






为什么用金属不用其它材料(根据学生的举例,出示材料开展实验) 1.易传热





试着用榔头轻轻敲打铜丝,观察铜丝发生了什么变化? 4.有金属

用砂纸磨擦铁钉、磨擦部位发生了什么变化? 三、饮料罐的故事

1.组织学生阅读第50页,了解一个饮料罐的生产过程 2.讨论

①铝片之所可以做成饮料罐,主要利用了金属的什么性质? ②在易拉罐的制作过程中,要消耗哪些资源,会产生哪些问题? ③我们怎样合理使用消费金属材料? 板书设计: 教学后记:

roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations

carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to nd implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \ members 1037, find there are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives

第3课 比较柔韧性

【教学目标】 科学概念:


2.柔韧性是指物体在受力度形后,不易折断的性质。 过程与方法:


2.选择适当的词语定性描述材料。 情感、态度、价值观:


2.认同物理性质是可以被观察和测量的观点。 3.增强材料循环使用,节约资源的环境保护意识。 【教学重点】用简单测量方法比较材料的柔韧性。 【教学难点】选择适当的词语定性描述金属的特征。 【教学准备】 学生(每小组):


2.一套宽度、厚度不一样的塑料、不锈钢、木头做成的物品。 3.测量弯曲度的“T字”尺一把。 4.50克钩码一个,回形针一个。

老师:同样宽度、厚度的粗塑料条、木条各一根,两桶水。 【教学过程】 一、柔韧性的认识



roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ learning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party brnches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \here are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives条的变化情况。








5.学生小组讨论、汇报,教师引导,最后边小结边演示操作步骤: ⑴把木条、金属条、塑料条放在桌面上,一端用手压住,另一端伸出桌面1厘米,用回形针挂上钩码,观察它们的前端弯下去了多少。测量材料前端弯下的距离时,眼睛要平视。


6.学生分组实验后汇报实验情况。 三、认识塑料




1.阅读教科书,说说你了解了些什么? 2.出示“可回收标志”,认识可回收标志。


roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to nd implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \ members 1037, find there are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives板书设计: 教学后记:

第4课 它们吸水吗

【教学目标】 科学概念:


2.吸水性是指材料对水的渗透能力,与材料的组成和结构有关。 过程与方法:

1.用观察的方法检验材料的物理性质,通过比较发现材料的不同物理特性。 2.选择适当的词语定性描述材料。 情感、态度、价值观:


2.认同物理性质是可以被观察和测量的观点。 3.增强材料循环使用,节约资源的环境保护意识。 【教学重点】用观察的方法比较材料的吸水性。

【教学难点】通过比较发现吸水性与材料的组成和结构有关。 【教学准备】 学生(每小组):


2.放大镜、餐巾纸、铅画纸。 3.浸泡好的废报纸、筷子、棉布 老师:古代造纸的录像。 【教学过程】 一、导课 小游戏:各取所需

roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ learning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party brnches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \here are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives具体规则:教师出示木头、纸、铁、塑料,让学生根据具体情况选择材料,并简单说明理由。具体情境设置举例:做一个杯子、擦去桌上的水、造一艘船……






①.实验的公平性:材料的大小厚薄、水滴的大小位置等要尽量保持相同。 ②.从侧面观察水滴的变化,既要观察水滴的变化,也要关注材料遇水部分的变化。

③.注意记录,可以用图画和语言相结合,来描述观察到的观察。 ④.根据观察到的现象把四种材料按吸水性从强到弱排序。快的小组思考:材料的吸水性可能跟什么有关?

4.学生分组实验后汇报。 可预期的发现:


②.纸和木头都能把水吸到内部,它们的表面比较粗糙,可能中间有空隙。 三、纸的观察




roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to nd implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \ members 1037, find there are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives3、小组观察后全班交流。学生可能会说出许多纸的特点,均应给予肯定,要注意将学生的关注点引向纸的纤维和结构上去。





说说古人造纸与我们的研究所得有什么相似的地方?(纤维) 五、我们来造一张纸

1.有没有兴趣用短纤维来造一张纸呢?出示造纸方法。 2.出示浸泡好的废报纸。学生动手造一张纸.

3.观察:我们造的纸是怎么样的?与我们使用的纸有什么相同和不同之处? 相同:都由纤维组成,里面都有空隙。 不同:厚薄、疏密、纸纤维叠加的方式等。



1、通过对纸的研究,我们明白了材料的吸水性与什么有关了吗? 2、用过的纸还能再利用吗?我们应该怎样对待用过的纸? 板书设计:


第五课 材料在水中的沉浮

roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ learning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations

