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1.A.rice B.nice C.mice

2.A.meat B. beach C.feed

3.A.worker B. walk C.worst

4.A.class B. cloud C.club

5.A.put up B.look up C. take up



6.How can the girl get to the bookshop?

7.What might the woman's body language be?

8.What would Jody 1ike?

9.What's the man's favourlte TV programme?

10.What's the weather like now?

11.How often does Ted go to restaurant?.

A.0nee a month. B. Once a day. C. Once a week

12.Which subject is the boy Interested in?

A.physics. B.chemistry. C.math.

13.How will Lily go to Beidaihe next week?

A.By bus. B. By train. C. By plane.

14.What are they talking about?

A.A sport. B. A short trip. C. A film

15.What did Tony buy?

A.A radio. B.A phone. C. A schoolbag




16.When is the woman's flight?

A.At half past eleven. B. At ten o'clock. C. At twenty past tell

17.How many times has the woman been abroad?

A.Three times. B.Five times. C It's the first time.


18.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At schoo1. B. 0n the phone. C. At the doctor's.

19.What's the matter with Jim7 .

A.He hurt himself. B.He has got a headache. C He didn't sleep well.

20.How 1ong has Jim been ill?

A. For one day. B. For two days. C. For three days.




21.When did the writer go to the theatre?

A.On Sunday. B. On Monday. C.On Friday

22.How was the play that day?

A.Boring. B.Interesting. C. Funny.

23.Who was sitting behind the writer?

A.Two old men. B Two young ladies. C.A young man and a young woman.

24.What did the writer speak to them?

A.I can't hear a word.

B. You must stop talking.

C.You should say sorry to me.

25.Why was the writer very angry?

A.Because the writer couldn't enjoy the movie.

B. Because they speak to the writer rudely.

C.Because it's none of the writer's business.



vI.单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

31.It's very kind ___________ you to help the old man over there.

A.to B of C.at D.with

32.-- Why don't you buy a car instead of your old bike?

--Well,you know,bike needs ___________ space than cars.

A.more R higher C.1ess D. fewer

33.Do you know ___________ man in black’

-- Yes,he is a teacher of our university.

A.the B an C./ D. a

34.Do you think the ___________ he saw this morning is true?

A.story B. picnic C.boy D. accident

35.If people ___________ the traffic rules,there will be fewer traffic jams and accidents.

A.Will obey B.obey C. break D. will break

36.-- Let's visit the island next Saturday.

-- ___________

A. It's a pleasure B.We were busy. C.Good idea. D.You won't bell’eve it.

37.Don't forget to ring me up ___________ you get to Beijing.

A.when B. though C.while D.until

38. ___________ you stay here for lunch,please?

A.Will B.Can C. Must D. Do

39.The girl saw a man ___________ towards her when she was leaving home yesterday.

A.come B. came C.to come D. coming

40.I'll chat with Daniel ___________ the Internet.

A.on B. at C. by D. in

4l.The latest kind of radio is now ___________ in that shop,it's much cheaper than before.

A.carry on B.on sale C.sell out D. in style

42. --Julia said she sent you a birthday card yesterday.Have you got it?

--Oh really! I haven't___________ my mailbox yet.

A.examined B. reviewed C.tested D. checked

43.The boy 100ked through his paper again that there's no mlstake.

A.make sure B.making sure C.to make sure n makes sure

44.-- My watch___________.

-- Don't worry.Let's go to the Lost and Found Office.

A.is lost B.is broken C. has found D. has stopped

45.--Thank you for telling me your telephone number.

A.A11 right. B. That's right. C.It's hard to say. D. You're welcome. Ⅶ.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分。满分30分)



A young man was traveling down a street in his new car.Some 46 are running on the street.As his car passed,a stone suddenly 47 to the car's door! The 48 driver then jumped out of the car,and caught the nearest kid,shouting,“That's a new car and you must pay a lot of 49 .”The young boy was sorry.“I’m sorry I didn't know 50 else to do.” Then the boy pointed 51 a place and said.“It’s my brother,he fell out of his wheelchair and I can't 1ift 52 up.He's hurt and he's 53 heavy for me.I just wanted to get your attention.”Hearing the boy's words,the driver lifted the boy back into the 54 . The young driver let them go without saying 55 ,he was thinking---Don't go through life so fast that someone has to throw a stone at you to get your attention !

46.A.birds B. children C.policemen D.girls

47.A.flew B. lifted C.pushed D.brought

48.A.happy B.mad C.sad D.funny

49.A.time B. note C. message D. money

50.A.how B.where C.what D.when

51.A.to B. of C.for D.in

52.A.him B her C.you D.me

53.A.very B. too C.to D. a little

54.A.car B.house C.wheelchair D.shop

55.A.anything B. something C.everything D. nothing

B Mr.Brown lived in a small town.He was a 56 in a primary school。he doesn't like his work and often 57 in class,but he didn't want his 58 to know and do that.0ne day he fell asleep again in class. 59 he woke up,one of the boys,Tom asked him,“Why did you fall asleep in class just now,dear sir?'’Mr.Brown's face turned 60 .“I I The Sun god (太阳神)asked me to visit him in my 61 ,”he said.Tom wanted to say something,but he 62 .The next day,Tom 63 fell asleep in class.

Mr.Brown asked him,“Why do you fall asleep in class and don't listen to me,Tom?”Tom answered 64 a smile on his face,“The Sun god asked me to visit him,too.”The teacher became 65 when he heard this and asked,“What did he say to you,then?” “He told me he didn't see you yesterday.”

56.A.postman B.seller C.pilot D.teacher

57.A.worked hard B.fell asleep C.sang songs D. had a fight

58.A.doctor B. Wife C.students D. brother

59.A.Before B.Since C. When D. As

60.A.red B.black C. round D. off

61.A.class B. dream C. bedroom D. hometown

62.A.can't B. mustn't C.didn't, D. wasn't 63.A.again B.also C.still D. happi1y

64.A.with B. of C.at D. for

65.A.happy B.angry C.excited D.worried




A:Hi,Lily! Did you go to the concert 1ast night?

B:Yes, 66

A: 67

B:Wonderful.many famous singers sang at the concert. 68

A:What does it mean?

B: 69 You know many children in the world don't have enough food.

A: 70

B:I think people all over the world should help them.

A:That's right!




Gary Egeberg,an American high schoo1 teacher,wrote My Feelings are Just Like Animals to help you control your feelings. It tells teens how to stay cool when bad things happen to them.The book says that getting angry only makes problems worse. It can not make them better.“Getting angry is not a natural way to act”.the book says.It is just a bad habit,like smoking.The book says you can control your anger easily,and all you have to do is to tell yourself not to be angry.

When a baby falls over,it cries only when people are watching it.Like a baby,you can only get angry if you are sure it is the right thing to do.

The book gives many suggestions to help you if you get angry easily Here are the top three.

① Keep a record.Every time you get angry,write down why you are angry.Look

at it later and you will see you get angry too easily.

②Ask your friends to stop talking to you when you get angry.This wi11 teach you not to be angry.

③D0 something different.When you get angry,walk away from the problem and go some Where else.Try to laugh !

71.My Feelings are Just Like Wi1d Animals is a _____________.

A.story B. book C.picture D. film

72.My Feelings are Just Like Wi1d Animals mainly tells us _____________.

A.what to read B.how to read

C.how to stay cool D. how to 1earn English Well

73.How many suggestions are given in the book?

A.three B.four C.six D.We don't know.

74.In the fourth paragraph,the underlined word“it”refers to _____________.

A the book B.anger C.habit D.the baby

75.The writer wants to tell us _____________.

A.not to get angry easily B. to work hard at school

C.to do more exercises D.to help each other


Dear Michael,

What a wonderful day it is today! The sun was always shining,but it was cool.I had a great field trip to East Mountain with Grandpa and Danny.The mountain was a little high,so it took US over art hour to reach the top.

Standing on the top of the mountain, I breathed in the fresh air and looked up.The sky was blue and I could see some white clouds fly over my head quickly.I didn't feel very tired,but Danny kept saying that he couldn't move any move. Grandpa to1d us“no pains,no gains”.That is a very good saying and I'11 try to keep it in my mind. Grandpa told us an old story about the mountain.We both became quite interested in it.It was time for us to leave a11d Grandpa told us that we would go there again the next weekend.

Did you have a happy trip? Please tell me.



76.What was the weather like?

A.It was fine. B. It was windy.

C.It was terrible. D. It was cold.

77.It took Julia ___________to get to the top of East Mountain.

A. one hour B.1ess than one hour

C.more than one hour D. half an hour

78.After climbing to the top of the mountain,___________.

A.Julia's grandpa sat down B. Danny felt very tired

C.Julia had a good rest D.Julia and Danny didn't feel tired at all

79.From the passage we know that ___________.

A.Julia and her grandpa had a nice trip near a 1ake

B. Julia was tired and wanted to give up,but her grandpa didn't

C.Julia's grandpa told her many interesting stories

D. Julia enjoyed the field trip very much


Mr Howe worked in an office.He studied the old things and sometimes bought some for himself.So he got a lot of money.Eight years ago,when he was sixty-five,he retired。He needn't worry about food or clothes. He was busy before, but now he has enough time to rest.He loves playing ping—pong and spends most of his time on the game.He had never been ill until he had got a headache one day.He was taken to a hospital at once.The doctors looked him over carefully and did their best to save him but he felt worse and worse.He made his son send for a witch.

“Do the people in heaven(天堂)play ping—pong,madam?”asked Mr.Howe.

“I'm sorry I don't know.sir.”answered the witch.“Let me go and ask about it for you.”

That evening the witch came and said,“I've just been to heaven,Mr.Howe.I’ve brought two pieces of news to yon.One is good and the other is bad.”

“Tell me the good news first,please.”

“Most of the people in heaven play ping-pong.” said the witch.“But you'll have a game there the day after tomorrow!”


A.isn't very rich B.is seventy—three now.

C.1ikes playing chess. D. is an office manager.

8l. Mr.Howe had never been ill until one day he had a _______.

A.fever B.bad co1d C. headache D. stomachache

82.The underlined word“witch”means _______.

A.化学家 B.魔术师 C.巫婆 D.巨人

83.What did the bad news mean?

A. Mr.Howe would die in two days.

B. Mr.Howe would be very happy

C. The God 1iked to play Ping-pong with Mr.Howe.

D. The witch would play Ping-pong with Mr.Howe in the heaven.


0ne day in April, a special activity called“Food Street”was held on the playground at Railway No.1 Middle school in Xi'an.This activity was part of the English Art Festival in the school The students in each class were divided into some groups.Each group so1d different kinds of foods.The students did the shopping and the cooking a11 by themselves.The students cooked delicious food such as fried chicken,potato chips and vegetables.They all worked hard and so1d the food at low prices.The customers were a11 the students,teachers.and parents.They were all pleased with the nice food. “It's really hard work,”said one of the students who took part in the activity. “We must make a plan before the cooking.We must know how much we should spend on the things we need.Also,we must learn how to serve customers well”

“The activity is to give a chance to students to develop their practical

abilities(实践能力),”said one teacher,“What's more,the students will not only learn how to make money by their own hands,but also know the meaning of 1ife.”

84.“Food Street ”was ________ .

A.a street for students to sell food a1ong

B.a kind of food so1d by the students

C.part of the activity about the English Art Festival

D. an activity for food prices among the students

85.Which of the following can the students NOT learn in the activity?

A.How to grow vegetables. B.How to work well.

C.How to make money. D.What 1ife means.

86.Before the activity,the students ________.

A.had to be customers

B. made a plan about the cooking

C.asked their parents to do the shopping

D. had to serve the customers well

87.From what one student said,it showed that ________.

A. the activity was not easy

B. the students like the activity better than their class lessons

C. the whole cooking has too much work

D.they don't 1ike to make Chinese food



Most Americans like taking vacations in summer.A vacation usually goes on for one or two weeks.Families will often drive to some places to spend their vacations,but if the place is too far,they can fly there.Many Americans go to the beaches,the mountains.Disney World or large cities.Some families enjoy living in the open air;others prefer to rent hotel rooms or beach homes.

Some people want to spend their time relaxing at the seaside and enjoying the sunshine(阳光),but others prefer to take as many activities as possible.Year after year.some Americans often return to the same vacation place,but some families enjoy visiting new ones.So a vacation is a great way to take a rest from work or school and have a good time with friends and family members,

88.How long do most Americans take a vacation?(不超过5个词)

89.How will people travel if the place k too far?(不超过5个词)

90.What do Americans often do at the seaside during the vacation?(不超过10个词)




91.Frank is very c________ (粗心的).He usually makes mistakes in his exams

92.The local clubs are making every e________ (努力)to interest more young people.

93. It's dangerous to drive so fast on such a f________ (有雾的)day.

94.We must f________ (遵循)the teacher's instructions when we are in the lab.

95.Many of Mo Yan's novels were t________(翻译) into some foreign languages. Ⅺ.书面表达 (共1小题.满分25分)





4.城里有许多著名景观,你只游览了伦敦博物馆和著名的海德公园(Hyde Park)。






1-5.ABBCB 6-10. ABCBC 11-15. CCCBA 16-20. ACCBA 21-25.ABCAA

26. excellent 27. three 28. Wednesday 29. written English 30. 867-3425

第二部分 英语知识运用

31-35. BCADB 36-40. CAADA 41-45.BDCAD 46-50. BABDC

51-55. AABCA 56-60. DBCCA 61-65. BCBAB 66-70. DBFGA

71-75.BCDBA 76-80 .ACBDB 81-85. CCACA 86-87.BA

88.One or two weeks.

89.They will fly there.

90.Relax and enjoy the sunshine.

91. careless 92.effort 93. foggy 94.follow 95. translated


Dear Li Ping,

I ve been in London for two months and I d like to introduce it to you.

London is the capital of England and it is very big with a population of about 7 million. It lies at the River Thames which is quiet and beautiful. Like Beijing, London is a busy city ,people are very friendly and helpful, I ve made some good friends here ,they teach me English. The most interesting thing about London is the weather, it is really changeable so I always have an umbrella in my bag. There are many places of interest and I went to the British Museum and Hyde Park last month. Next time if you come here, I can be your guide.

Wish you good luck.






1.My favorite food is fried rice and beef.

2.Judy and I will go to the beach tomorrow.

3.Tom is very healthy and he always takes a walk in the evening.

4.I like reading and I joined a book club last week .

5.You can look up a new word in the dictionary.



6. W: Excuse me. Where is the bookshop, please?

M: Go along this street, and then turn right at the first crossing. It s just on your left.

7. W: Keep quiet, please! My baby is sleeping.

M: I m sorry. I won t make any noise.

8. M: Why are you so healthy, Jody?

W: I eat lots of fruit and vegetables every day.

9. M: What s your favorite TV program?

W: Dad, Where Are We Going. This program is very interesting.

10. M: What s the weather like now?

W: It is rainy in the morning but now it s sunny.

11. M: Did you go outside to have dinner last night, Ted?

W: No, I go to restaurant once a week.

12. M: Which subject are you fond of, physics or chemistry?

W: Neither. But I m really interested in math.

13. M: Tom, I hear you will go to Beidaihe for summer camp.

W: Yes, I will fly to Beidaihe for summer camp.

14. W: The scenery is very beautiful and it is not far from the city.

M: Yes. If we take outdoor activities next time, I will suggest my family come here.

15. W: Did you go shopping with Tony last night, Robert?

M: Yes, Tony bought a radio and I bought a phone. I ve always wanted a phone.



W: I would like to hurry up to the airport, sir.

M: OK. When is your flight?

W: At half past eleven. But it s ten o clock now.

M: Don t worry. We ll be there on time. Is this the first time you travel by air?

W: Yes. And this is the first time for me to go abroad.

M: Here we are. It s twenty past ten. You have enough time to get your boarding pass ready. W: Thank you.

M: You are welcome.


W: Good morning, doctor.

M: Good morning, Mrs Brown. Well, what s wrong with this young man?

W: He s my son, Jim. He s got a headache.

M: Have you taken his temperature, Mrs Brown?

W: Yes. His temperature seems to be OK.

M: How long has he been like this?

W: Since yesterday morning.

M: Has he had anything to eat this morning?

W: Yes. For breakfast he had a little porridge and an egg.

M: Well, Mrs Brown, I think he has caught a cold.

W: Shall I keep him out of school?

M: No, it ll be all right for him to go to school.

W: Thank you very much.

M: You re welcome.


Last week, I had a busy day, and I wanted to do something to relax myself. So I went to the theatre on Sunday. I had a very good seat. I was very happy, because I could see the movie clearly. The play was very interesting. I did enjoy it. But a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. “ I can t hear a s word !” I said angrily, “It s none of your business,” the young man said rudely. “This is a private conversation!”


Hello, everybody! Do you want to improve your English in a short time? Windy English Club is a good place for you. We have a good environment for you to study in. And we have many excellent teachers to teach you.

Here is some information about our club. Our courses start on July 3rd, and before National Day, on September 29. Classes meet every Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 in the evening. If you want to take the course, please come to my office a week before classes begin. You need to pay 800 yuan for them. The courses include grammar, written English, conversation and listening skills. If you want to know more about the course, please call me at 867-3425. I m Allan. Thank you.

