剑桥国际英语教程 3级听力

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Unit 1

That’s what friends are for! P2

2 Conversation

A Listen and practice.

Chris: Do you have a date for the party yet?

Kim: Actually, I don’t ……Do you think you could help me find one?

Chris: Hmm. What kind of guys do you like?

Kim: Oh, I like guys who aren’t too serious and who have a good sense of humor. You know ... like you.

Chris: OK. What else?

Kim: Well, I’d prefer someone I have something in common with – who I can talk to easily. Chris: I think I know just the guy for you. Bob Branson. Do you know him? Kim: No, I don’t think so.

Chris: Let me arrange for you to meet him, and you can tell me what you think.

B Listen to Chris and Kim discussing Bob after Kim met him. How did Kim like him?

Chris: So, what’s the Verdict? What did you think of Bob?

Kim: Well, I was worried at first especially when I saw that he wears not one but two earrings, I thought he might turn out to be one of those guys who are into heavy rock music and stuff like that. You know what I mean?

Chris: But he’s just a regular kind of guy, right? Kim: Yeah, we got along really well! Chris: I just knew you’d like him.

Kim: Yeah, I do, and he’s really funny. He had me laughing hysterically

during dinner. I think the people sitting next to us in the restaurant thought we were crazy. Chris: So, are you two going to get together again?

Kim: Definitely, in fact, we’re going to a concert tomorrow night. Chris: That’s great. P4

Listening What are they like?

B Listen to conversations about what the people above are like.

Write down two adjectives for each person. How similar were your guesses? 1. Andrea

A: So, have you seen Andrea lately?

B: Yeah, I see her pretty often. We work together at a café latté. A: How’s she doing, I’ve been meaning to call her.

B: Well, to be honest! I’ve always thought she’s a little difficult. But these days, I find her impossible.

A: What do you mean?

B: Oh, you know how she is. She has such strong ideas about everything. If you don’t agree with her she lets you know what she thinks of you. A: Yes, that’s true. But that’s why we love her, right?

B: Yeah, I guess so. But she’s changed a lot since she started college.She talked about

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herself all the time and she always manages to mention how good she is at everything she does.

A: Hmm. Maybe I won’t call her after all. 2. James

A: Are you going to James party on Saturday?

B: Of course, James always gives the best parties. And there are always lots of interesting new people to meet.

A: That’s true. I don’t know where he manages to find them all.

B: Well, you know what he’s like. He makes friends very easily. He really likes talking to people, and he loves inviting people over.

A: Ur – Ur, he invited me for dinner last Saturday, what a feast! B: Yeah, he’s a great cook too.

A: After dinner I offered to help clean up, he told me not to worry about it. He said he’d take care of it in the morning. He was like. It’s nothing, no big deal. B: Yup, that sounds like James. 3. Mr. Johnson

A: Have you met the new apartment manager?

B: Mr. Johnson? Hmm. Yeah, I met him last week. He’s… a little strange.

A: Yeah, he is. I’m not sure I like him. He’s hard to predict. Sometimes he’s pretty cheerful and talkative,

and the next day he doesn’t even say hello. I think he must have personal problems or something.

B: I think you’re right. And have you noticed that half the time when he says he’s going to do something, he never actually does it? He told me three times he’d come to fix the light in my kitchen, and he still hasn’t done it. P5

8 Conversation Roommates

A listen and practice. Dave: Hello?

Jim: Hi. My name’s Jim Hunt. I’m calling about the ad for a roommate. Dave: Oh, right.

Jim: Are you still looking for someone? Dave: Yes, we are.

Jim: Oh, good. I’m really interested.

Dave: Well, there are four of us, and it’s a fairly small house, so we want someone who’s easy to get along with. Jim: I’m pretty easygoing.

Dave: Great! So can I ask you a few fairly straightforward questions about yourself? Jim: No problem. I like it when people are direct.

B Think of three questions that Dave might ask Jim. Then listen to the rest of the conversation. What questions did Dave ask?

D: What do you do, Jim?

J: Oh, well, I’ve had a lot of different jobs, but I’m not working right now. D: Oh?

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J: Yeah, I got fired from my last job about six months ago, so I’ve been looking for something else. I haven’t been very lucky so far.

D: Uh-huh. Well, the rent here is $1,200 a month – uh, that’s $300 a month for each person.

J: Oh, Uh ….

D: Will you have enough money to pay the rent every month? J: Yeah, I probably will … if I can find a job.

D: Yeah. Uh, look, where are you living now?

J: Well, I’ve been staying with a friend for the past couple of weeks. D: Uh-huh.

J: Yeah, but he’s asked me to leave by Friday, so I really need to find a place to live. I’ve had to move four times in the past year and, well …

D: Listen, Jim. I appreciate your telling me about yourself. I like it when people are honest with me. Anyway, I have to talk to my other roommates about this, and I’ll give you a call tomorrow to let you know what we decide. Why don’t you give me your number? J: Sure, it two, two, three … Unit 2

Career moves P8

2 Conversation Job fair A listen and practice.

Tim: Wow! There are so many jobs to choose from! What do you think?

Diane: Working in the media could be fun – there’s TV, newspapers, the internet…. T: Well, let’s look. Hmm. How about this? You could be a TV news director. D: Are you kidding? Directing the news would be nerve-racking!

T: Well, writing for a magazine must be exciting. How about that?

D: No. I’m really more interested in working with computers. Hey, look. Designing interactive media. I’d like that!

T: Designing interactive media? It sounds interesting, but what is it?

B Listen to the rest of the conversation. What does an interactive media designer do? Does it sound interesting to you? Why or why not?

D: Well, my cousin designs interactive media, and from what she tells me, it sounds kind of interesting. She’s involved

with designing all the different media that go into an interactive CD-ROM. You know, sound, video, and graphics. T: Uh-huh.

D: There’s actually a lot more to it than you would think. She works with computer graphics and special effects – and also in filming video material to include in CD-ROMs. And then she has to develop what they call the user interface navigation system. T: The user interface navigation system?! Now what is that?

D: Well, that’s what lets the user interact with all the different elements of the program. That’s really the key to an effective CD-ROM.

T: If you say so. It sounds pretty complicated to me. But you already seem to know a lot

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about it. Maybe you should be an interactive media designer. D: Hmm. Maybe. P11

7 Conversation Summer jobs A listen and practice.

Tracy: Good news! I’ve found a summer job! Mark: That’s great! Anything interesting?

T: Yes, working at an amusement park. Doesn’t that sound fantastic? M: Sure, it does.

T: So, have you found anything?

M: Nothing yet, but I’ve got a couple of leads. One is working as an intern for a record company – mostly answering phones. Or I can get a landscaping job again.

T: Being an intern sounds more interesting than landscaping. And it’s probably not as hard! M: Yeah, but a landscaper earns more money than an intern. And you get a great tan! B Listen to the rest of the conversation. What is Tracy going to do at the amusement park? M: So what will you be doing at the amusement park, exactly?

T: Actually, I’ll have two jobs. First, I’ll be working at a place called Children’s World. They have all kinds of interesting games and educational activities for young kids. I have to go to a training program for three days before I start to find out how everything works. M: Three days? Wow, the equipment must be pretty high-tech!

T: Oh, it is – a lot of computers and interesting devices. It’s just the kind of stuff that kids love.

M: Well, it sounds like the perfect job for you. I know how much you live kids. So what’s your other job?

T: Well. I’ll also be one of the people who walks around the park greeting people. M: Do you mean you’ll have to dress up in a costume?

T: Yes, as a cartoon character! I know, I know. It sounds silly. And it’s certainly not as rewarding as working in Children’s World, but it’s part of the job. P12


A Listen to Carlos, Paul, and Julia talking about their summer jobs. Where does each person work? White the correct name under each picture. Carols

Woman: So where are you working this summer, Carols? Carlos: I’m working as a tutor in a learning center for kids. W: Interesting. What kinds of things do the kids do there?

C: They work on subjects they need help in, uh, mainly math and English.

W: Is your job hard?

C: No, not at all. The kids work on computers most of the time. We have to help them get started and when they run into problems.

W: Do you enjoy it?

C: Oh, yes. Working with kids is so much more fun than working with adults. And I get to choose my own hours.

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As long as I work eight hours a day, I can come in at any time from 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. W: Lucky you! Paul

Woman: Paul, did you find a summer job, yet? Paul: Yeah, I’m working in a restaurant. W: Oh, how’s it going? P: Oh, the money’s not bad.

W: What are you doing? Are you waiting tables?

P: I wish! No. I’m working in the kitchen. I cut up stuff for the chef – vegetables and meat and things.

I also wash the dishes. W: Oh, yuck.

P: Yeah. It’s pretty hard work. I didn’t realize how hot it is in a restaurant kitchen until I took this job.

W: So why don’t you quit?

P: I’d love to, but I need the money.


Man: So what kind of job did you find for the summer?

Julia: I’m working for a marketing company. I’m doing telephone marketing.

M: Oh, so you’re one of those people who drives me crazy by calling me up and trying to persuade me to buy something that I have absolutely no need for.

J: Exactly.

M: Do you like it?

J: Believe it or not, I do. It’s mostly a bunch of students working there, and we have a lot of fun when we’re not making calls. It’s really easy, too, since we just have to read from a script.

M: Are you doing this full time?

J: Yes, but I work from two in the afternoon until eleven at night, so I get to sleep as late as I want to in the morning. Unit 3

Could you do me a favor? P14

2 Conversation

A Listen and practice. Jack: Hi, Rod. This is Jack. Rod: Oh, hi, Jack. What’s up?

J: I’m going to my best friend’s wedding this weekend. I’d love to videotape it. Would you mind if I borrowed you video camera?

R: Um, yeah. That’s OK, I guess. I don’t think I’ll need it for anything. J: Thanks a million.

R: Sure. Have you used a video camera before? It’s pretty easy.

J: Yeah, a couple of times. Would it be OK if I picked it up on Friday night? R: Fine. No problem.

B Listen to two more telephone calls Jack makes. What else does he want to borrow from

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friends? Do they agree to lend them to him? 1.

Andy: Hello.

Jacj: Hi, Andy. This is Jack. A: Oh, hi, Jack.

J: I was wondering if you could do me a favor. A: That depends.

J: Well, I have to go to a wedding this weekend. Would it be OK if I borrowed your navy blue suit?

A: Oh, sure. No problem.

J: Thanks a lot. I’ll come by and pick it up tonight. A: That’s fine. 2.

Rose: Rose Rizzo.

Jack: Hi, Rose. This is Jack. R: Oh, hello. How are you?

J: Pretty good, thanks. Listen, the reason I’m calling is I have a really big favor to ask you. R: Yes?

J: Remember I told you about that friend of mine who’s getting married to a woman he met in Barcelona?

R: Yeah, I remember. And?

J: Well, the wedding’s this Saturday afternoon, and it’s out in the country – about an hour’s drive from here – and I was wondering if I could borrow your car for the afternoon to get there.

R: Gee, Jack, I’d really love to help you out, but I’m going to be needing my car all weekend. I’ve got a friend coming in from out of town, and I promised to show her the sights.

J: Oh, OK. I understand. Anyway, how are things? I haven’t seen you for ages. R: Oh, pretty good. P16

5 Listening

A Listen to three telephone conversations. Write down what each caller requests. Does the other person agree to the request? Check (√) Yes or No. 1. Tina

Robert: Hello?

Tina: Hi, Robert. This is Tina. R: Hi, Tina. What’s up?

T: Well, actually, I was wondering if you’d mind lending me your camera for a few days. I want to take some photos of my new apartment to send to my folks. R: Sure. You can borrow it. T: Oh, thanks a million.

2. Mike

Mike: Hi, Sandy. This is Mike.

Sandy: Oh, hi. How are things with you?

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M: Pretty good. Listen. I was wondering if I could use your video game system over the weekend.

S: You mean my Sony Play Station?

M: Yeah. My sister’s asked me to take care of my niece and nephew over the weekend – they’re six and eight –

and I thought it would be a great way to keep them busy.

S: That’s a good idea – kids that age love video games – but, well, I have bad news: My machine isn’t working.

I’ve been meaning to take it in to get fixed, but I haven’t gotten around to it. M: Oh, too bad.

S: But you know you can always rent one. Most video stores have machines to rent. You just have to leave a deposit.

M: Oh, perfect. I’ll do that. Thanks, Sandy. S: No problem. 3. Phil

Phil: Hi, Greg. It’s Phil.

Greg: Hi. What’s up?

P: Not much, but I was wondering if I could ask you for a favor. G: Hmm…maybe. Try me!

P: Well, I have to go out of town for a few days next week. G: Uh-huh.

P: Could I leave Polly with you while I’m gone? G: Polly? Who’s Polly?

P: You know – Polly, my bird.

G: Oh, yeah. I forgot, your bird. I don’t know, Phil. I really don’t like birds very much. They’re messy, and they make a lot of noise, and…

P: No, not Polly. She’s really a great bird. She’s really clean and very quiet. She won’t bother you – I promise. G: Oh, all right. I’ll do it.

P: Thanks. I really appreciate it. I’ll bring her over on Tuesday night. G: OK. But you owe me one! P17

8 Conversation

A Listen and practice.

Amy: Hello?

Jeff: Hello. May I speak to Sophia, please?

A: I’m sorry, she’s not in right now. Would you like to leave a message?

J: Yes, please. This is Jeff. Would you tell her that Tony is having a party on Saturday? A: Un-huh.

J: And would you ask her if she’d like to go with me? A: All right, Peter. I’ll give her the message. J: No, this is Jeff, not Peter. A: Oh, I’m sorry.

J: By the way, who’s Peter?

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B Listen to Amy talking to Sophia. Who is Peter? Is Sophia going to go to the party with Jeff? Sophia: Hi! I’m home! A: Oh, hi.

S: Did anyone call?

A: Uh-huh. Your old friend Peter called a few hours ago. He’s going to be in town on Saturday and wants to get together with you Saturday night. He said to call him. S: Oh, super! I haven’t seen Peter in almost a year. Any other calls?

A: Uh, yeah. Jeff called. He wants to know if you want to go to Tony’s party with him. S: Oh. When is Tony’s party? A: On Saturday.

S: Oh, perfect. That’s the same night I’m going to get together with Peter, so I have an excuse not to go. Even if I weren’t going out with Peter, I wouldn’t go anywhere with Jeff. Oh, he’s such a pain!

A: Oh, he didn’t sound so bad. He sounded kind of sweet.

S: Yeah, yeah, I guess he is. It’s just that I don’t want to go out with him – and he just doesn’t seem to get the message. Do me a favor. Amy: If he calls again, could you just tell him I’m not home? A: Hmm. OK. Unit 4 What a story! P20

2 Conversation Storytelling A Listen and practice.

Jake: What an awful story! A couple was sailing their yacht from Hawaii to Mexico. While they were crossing the Pacific, their boat hit a whale and sank!

Anne: Is that true? What happened to the whale?

J: It doesn’t say! Oh and here’s another one. A guy in Los Angles was robbing a bank. But as he was escaping, he got caught in the revolving door. A: I guess it was his first bank robbery!

J: Yeah. On and listen to this. Some guy got locked out of his house, so he tried to get in through the chimney.

A: Don’t tell me! He got stuck in the chimney!

J: Exactly. And he was still trying to get out two days later when the police rescued him. P22

5 Listening News broadcasts

A Listen to news broadcasts about three events. Take notes about each event. 1.

A man who considered himself a snake charmer was strangled to death on Sunday by a three-and-a-half-meter boa constrictor in a town in Thailand. It seems that the man rushed to see the giant snake after friends told him the serpent was seen beside one of the town’s main roads. The snake charmer put it around his neck; while he and his friends were walking home, the snake strangled him to death. 2.

Two teenage girls who disappeared from a ship were found alive and well. The girls turned

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up on Friday, near a small town on the northeast coast of Australia. The girls said they were visiting a friend on the ship and fell asleep in their friend’s cabin. When they woke up, the ship was heading for Singapore, so they decided to jump off the ship and swim to shore. They found themselves on a deserted part of the Australian coast, and had to walk over 100 miles to the nearest town. 3.

Early Tuesday morning in California, two police officers who were pursuing a car thief down Hollywood Boulevard in a high-speed chase were rescued by the thief. During the chase, the officers’ car overturned and fell into a shallow river. The officers couldn’t get out of the car, which was rapidly filling up with water. The thief went back to the scene of the accident and helped rescue the officers. The Hollywood Police Department has decided to drop charges against the thief for saving the officers’ lives. P23

8 Conversation

A Listen and practice.

Brian: Someone stole my wallet last night!

Kate: Oh no! What happened?

B: Well, I was working out, and I had put my stuff in my locker, just like I always do. When I came back, someone had stolen my wallet. I guess I’d forgotten to lock the locker. K: I’m sorry. That’s terrible! Did you lose much money?

B: Only about $20. But I lost my credit card and my driver’s license. What a pain! B Listen to the rest of the conversation. What did Kate have stolen once? Where was she? What happened?

K: Hmm. That reminds me of when I had my purse stolen last year. B: Really? What happened?

K: Well, it was when I was in Belgium. I was on my way to the airport, so I was standing on the side of the road with my bags, trying to figure out the bus schedule. Anyway, this a bunch of guys came by and asked if they could help me. They spoke very broken English, and I couldn’t really understand what they were saying. I really just wanted them to leave me alone. Finally, they left and when I looked down, I realized my purse had disappeared. It had my wallet in it with all my traveler’s checks and my money and my credit card. Well, luckily, I had put my airline ticket and my passport in one of my carry-on bags.

B: How awful! So what did you do?

K: Well, first I screamed at the top of my lungs and tried to run after the guys – but they were long gone. Then – this sounds really corny – I did just what I had seen people do on TV: I called my credit card company. B: Were they helpful?

K: They were lifesavers! In no time at all, they’d given me new traveler’s checks and a new credit card, and sent me on my way. Review of Units 1-4 P26

2 Listening Favorite gripes

A Listen to two people discussing these topics. Complete the chart. 1 Taxi drivers

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A: It really upsets me when taxi drivers drive so fast. I’m always terrified of having an accident.

B: That doesn’t really bother me. I like to get where I’m going quickly. But I can’t stand it when they have their radios turned up all the way full blast. You can’t even hear yourself think!

2 People with dogs

A: I hate it when people take their dogs into a park and let them make messes all over the place. It’s so irresponsible!

B: You know what bothers me? I hate it when they go out and leave their dog at home, barking all day.

3 TV commercials

A: I can’t stand it when they show the same commercial twice in a row. Why do they do chat? It drives me crazy!

B: The thing that bothers me the most is when they interrupt a ball game at the most exciting moment to show some stupid commercial. 4 Store clerks

A: It really upsets me when store clerks pretend they haven’t noticed you and just stand around chatting to each other. It’s so rude.

B: Yeah. Or on the other hand, they give you the hard sell, and try to get you to buy something you don’t really want. Unit 5

Crossing cultures P28

1 Conversation A Listen and practice.

Fred: I hear Maggie is going to work in India.

Pam: India! Wow! I hear it’s a beautiful place, but I don’t think I could ever live there. F: Why not?

P: Well, it’s too far from home. I’d miss my family.

F: I don’t think I’d mind moving to a foreign country. The language is the only thing that I’d be worried about.

P: Yeah, but wouldn’t you miss your friends? F: Sure, for a while, but I’d make new ones. P: You certainly sound very confident.

F: You know, actually, there is one thing I’d miss. P: What’s that? F: My dog! P29

4 Listening

B Listen to a radio broadcast by journalist James Fallows, who talks about some of his experiences in Japan.

1. What is the most difficult thing about learning a foreign language? 2. Why is he able to read more books in Japan? 3. What other advantages does he mention?

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up, and watch a little TV, OK?

A: I’m sorry, Mr. Smith. I think that you should do something about this. Now!

B: OK, Mrs. Taylor. I’ll go down to the post office and speak to someone……tomorrow. Unit 9

Self-improvement P54

2 Conversation

A Listen and practice.

Ken: you know, I’ve always wanted to have my fortune told. Lisa: Really? Do you know where you can get it done?

K: I’m not sure. But maybe there are some fortunetellers listed in the phone book. Let’s take a look.

L: Hmm. Here’s one. You could have your palm read by Madame Zara for $70. K: That’s really expensive.

L: What about this one? You can get your fortune told over the phone for only $3.75a minute.

K: That’s reasonable. Come on. Try it with me!

B Listen to the phone conversation. What does the fortune-teller say about Ken’s future?

F: Fortune-Tellers international. This is Madame Ines. Let me tell you what the future will bring. What’s you sign?

K: I’m a Leo.

F: Hmm…let’s see. Well, this is going to be an interesting week for you. K: Why is that?

F: It seems that you’re waiting to hear about something important, and you should have good news toward the end of the week. K: Hmm…I wonder what that’s about.

F: But your situation at work or at school will become more difficult in the coming days. You may find things boring for a while, but you should be patient. K: OK.

F: Now, on the personal side, you will have some lively and interesting discussions with someone you know well. Pay attention to this friend’s advice because it will turn out to be good for you in the long run.

K: OK. That doesn’t sound too bad.

F: If, you would like to hear more, I’ll need your credit card number, please. K: Oh. It’s 8997-9670072…… P55


Listen to people talk about things they want to have done. Check (√) the correct information about each person and complete the chart. 1. Anne

I think I really need to call in a professional to help me plan it. I mean, I’m expecting as many as 75 people, so I’ll really need help. That way I can make sure I have the right kind of food – and enough of it – and I can have help fixing up the house and arranging for the

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music and that kind of thing, and since the mayor and her husband are coming, along with lots of other VIPs, it’s going to be really important for everything to go smoothly and to be well organized. 2. Eric

I think I’ll have a pretty good-sized one built, maybe about25 meters – but narrow, just so I can do laps. It will probably cost a fortune, but my parents are going to help with the cost. And anyway, I really need to have it done so that I can train for the national championships next summer. 3. Dawn

Once I start taking this night course on top of my full-time job. I just won’t have time to spend doing chores and going to the supermarket and all that. So I’m going to start using this service about once a week. From what I hear, it’s very easy: I just call them up and give them a list of everything I need to have done. And the person who does it checks out prices in different stores and hunts down bargains, so I’ll probably save money in the long run. P57

8 Conversation A Listen and practice.

James: This has got to stop! Another Friday night without a date! What can I do? Mike: What about looking through the personal ads in the newspaper? That’s how I met Stephanie.

J: Actually, I’ve tried that. But the people you meet are always different from what you expect.

M: Well, why don’t you join a dating service? A friend of mine met his wife that way. J: That’s not a bad idea.

M: Also, it might be a good idea to check out singles’ night at the bookstore. J: Yeah. If I don’t find a date, at least I might find a good book!


10 Listening

Listen to three different suggestions for each of the problems in the chart. Write down the suggestion you think is best. Then compare in groups. 1. How to overcome shyness

M: Well, I think if you’re really shy it might be a good idea to see a therapist or someone like that – you know, to get some professional help. You can’t always change by yourself. W: Or how about getting one of those self-help books from the library? I’m sure there are books around with lots of good suggestions that you can try.

M: I think the best thing is to join a club and do activities where you have to meet and talk to different people. Like, if you join a theater group and work on putting on a play, you’ll probably be able to overcome your shyness. 2. How to stop biting your fingernails

M: I think biting your fingernails is just a sign of nervousness, so the first thing to do is to find out what’s making you nervous. Once you’ve identified that problem and then solved it, the nail biting will disappear.

W: My sister used to bite her nails all the time, so she started wearing bright red nail polish.

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She bought the really expensive kind, so she felt that she had made an investment in quitting her bad habit. I think the polish made her think about what she was doing, too. Anyway, after a few months, it worked, and she has really nice nails now. I guess if you’re a guy, it’s a little more difficult, though.

M: Maybe you could find something else to do when you’re stressed out, like tapping your fingers or counting to 100. You have to try to transfer your habit into a different activity – one that doesn’t cause such a problem.

3. How to get in shape for summer

M: Getting in shape for summer can be easy. Just take a fairly fast walk for at least an hour a day. You’ll be surprised at how much fat you can burn off just by walking every day. W: I recommend getting a personal trainer at a gym. It’s expensive, but a personal trainer can help you focus on what you really need to do and show you the best kinds of exercises to do to tighter up your tummy or whatever it is you want to tighten up.

M: I think the best way to get in shape is by riding a bicycle to work or school. And on the weekends, go out for longer rides. It sounds easy, but actually, a good long bike ride can be even better for you than a workout at the gym. Unit 10

The past and the future P60

2 Conversation

Emma: Look. Here’s a quiz on events of the twentieth century. Steve: Oh, let me give it a try. I’m good at history.

E: All right. First question: When did World War I begin? S: I think it began in 1917.

E: OK. And how long has the United Nations been in existence? S: Uh, since Kennedy became president in 1961.

E: Hmm. Next question: How long was the Berlin Wall up?

S: Well, they built it right after World War II, and it came down in 1989, so it was up for 44 years. Uh, how am I doing so far?

E: Not very well. None of your answers is correct!

B Do you know the correct answers to the three questions in part A? Listen to the rest of the conversation. What are the correct answers? S: So what are the correct answers, then?

E: Well, World War I began in 1914 and ended in 1918.

S: Oh, that’s right.

E: And the United Nations was formally established in 1945, following the end if World War II.

S: And the Berlin Wall?

E: Well, it did come down in 1989, but it wasn’t built until 1961, so it was up for 28 years. S: Did I say I was good at history? Um, I meant geography. P62

6 Listening

A Listen to two people explain who they feel has been the most important public figure in the last 30 years. Complete the chart.

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1. Andrew

Well, as for as I’m concerned, Princess Diana has to be one of the most important public figures in recent history. Her death was such a tragedy. While she was living, she used her status to make the world a better place. I mean, she could have just sat back and had a fabulous life, but she tackled problems like AIDS and land mines and really brought them to people’s attention. That’s why I feel she was such an important figure. 2. Stephanie

Well, I think Bill Gates is probably the most important person I can think of His company Microsoft has changed the way computers work and made computers available to everybody. And the Windows software that Microsoft developed was really a turning point in the development of computers in the twentieth century. P63

8 Conversation

Kathy: Have you heard about the new computer they’re coming out with? It’ll be able to recognize any voice command, so you won’t ever need to use the keyboard.

John: Yeah, and soon everyone will be using computers that fit into the palm of your hand. K: Within 20 years, I bet all our news and information will be coming through computers. J: By then, maybe even newspapers will have disappeared!

K: Wow! Computers are going to take over our lives one of these days. J: Yeah! Isn’t great!

B Listen to the rest of the conversation. Write down two other ways the world might be affected by computers.

K: You know what else I think? In a few years, you won’t need to go to a university campus to get a university degree. J: How will you do it?

K: They’ll have found a way for you to take all your courses on the computer over the Internet. When you want to talk to a professor, you’ll just tap into his or her web site and find out anything you need to know.

J: That would be great. No need to get up in the morning for early classes! And I bet libraries will probably disappear, too.

K: What’ll you do when you need something to read?

J: Everything will be on CD-ROM, and you’ll be able to access everything you want from your home over the computer. There will be no need to have huge buildings full of books. No need to waste all that paper.

K: Gee, I don’t like the sound of that. There’s nothing better than curling up with a book. I can’t quite picture “curling up” with a computer! P64

11 Listening A perfect future?

A Listen to people discussing changes that will affect these areas in the next 50 years. Write down two changes for each topic. 1. Work

A: Work? In the future? Well, I think unemployment is going to keep getting worse. B: I agree. As companies get more efficient and more computerized, they’re finding ways of using less staff.

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A: So I guess people will find it hard to get a good job unless they have excellent qualifications.

B: Mmm, yeah. I think that’s probably true. But I also think that because of computers, more and more people will be working at home instead of going into an office.

A: Wow, I’d really love that. Can you imagine-spending most of your work week in the comfort of your own home?

B: Personally, I would get so much more done. And with e-mail, faxes, and conference calls you can still keep in touch with everyone you need to.

A: Well, I’d certainly enjoy it, but I don’t know if I’d get more done or not. I’m afraid I might just turn on the TV and zone out!

2. Transportation

A: As far as transportation is concerned, I think there’re going to be huge changes in the way people use cars. They’ll probably have made laws about what kind of car you can own and when you can use it.

B: And I bet it’ll be impossible for people to use cars whenever they like. There’ll just be too many of them on the roads.

A: Exactly. People will have to rely on other modes of transportation – especially trains. B: Why do you say that?

A: Well, we won’t be able to use cars, and airports take up too much space. With the supply of land for airports shrinking around the world, there are going to be fewer airports and fewer plane flights. That leaves trains.

B: Huh. So you think there will be more efficient train systems between cities.

A: Sure. There may even be trains going under the oceans to connect the major continents. B: Under the oceans? Get out of here! I get nervous enough flying on a plane. 3. Education

A: How do you think that education is going to change in the future?

B: I think kids are going to have to stay in school until they’re older – maybe until they’re 20 or 21. A: Why?

B: Well, one reason is that there simply won’t be enough jobs for everyone, so it will be necessary to keep kids in school longer.

A: Hmm. I think that they will have found a way for us to learn without teachers. There will be computer learning programs that can instruct you much more quickly than a teacher, and they’ll also make learning much more fun. B: Are you saying that our teachers weren’t any fun? A: Well……OK. Maybe some of them were fun. 4. Health

A: Every day you hear about some new medical breakthrough on the news. B: Yeah. Who knows what they’ll have done in the next 50 years?

A: I hope that in the next 50 years new drugs will have been discovered that will enable people to stop smoking permanently, or to lose weight permanently – without dieting! B: And hopefully they will have found cures for many of the diseases that are around today, so people will live longer.

A: how much longer do you think?

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B: I bet that within the next 50 years, most people will live to be over 100. Unit 11

Life’s little lessons P66

2 Conversation

Alan: So what were you like as a kid?

Carol: When I was a kid, I was kind of rebellious. A: You? Really? What was the turning point? C: When I graduated from high school. A: What do you mean?

C: Until you graduate, you don’t understand that life is just Beginning. After I finished high school, I realized that I still had a lot to learn.

A: I know what you mean. I was really immature when I was a kid. C: What changed?

A: I think I became more mature after I got my first job. Once you have a job, you learn to be more independent.

C: That’s true. Where did you work? A: In my father’s bank.

B Listen to the rest of the conversation. What was another turning point for Carol? For Alan?

C: Another turning point for me was when I got my dog, Pepper. I know that sounds silly, but it was really important to me. A: Why was that so important?

C: Well, I was about 11. I remember that having a dog – you know, he was mine – made me feel really responsible in a funny kind of way. He would follow me everywhere and was always waiting for me when I came home from school.

A: Actually, that sounds kind of nice. I never got to have a dog, but I remember when I got my first bicycle. That was a very important day for me. For the first time, I could go out on my own and go as far as I wanted to. I used to polish the bicycle every day and take really good care of it. Of course, that only lasted a few months, and then I lost interest in it! P68

4 Listening Important events

Listen to three people describing important events in their lives. Complete the chart. 1. Sally

One thing that was really a turning point for me was when I learned Spanish. I was always kind of scared of learning a foreign language, yet I was really envious of kids who could speak another language. But when I started learning Spanish, I found I was actually pretty good at it, and the moment I reached that breakthrough stage – you know, when you discover you can actually speak and communicate with people in the language – I felt really proud of myself. I realized that learning a foreign language wasn’t an impossible thing after all. Now I can speak three, Spanish, Italian, and German. And I’m taking Korean this year. 2. Henry

I’m a twin, and my twin brother and I have always been very close. We always did

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everything together, and we were never apart for any time at all – until we were 18. Then we went to different colleges in different towns, and that was the first time we had ever really had to cope on our own. I think it was good in a way, because we both became more confident and independent. Until then, I had always had my brother to depend on

whenever I ran into a problem. But once I went away to college, I realized I was actually capable of working things out on my own. 3. Debbie

I guess I was always pretty shy in school, and I didn’t share a lot of things with people – not even with my parents. Then one time it was Awards Day at school. I didn’t think I was getting any prizes or anything and neither did my parents. So we were all pretty surprised when the principal announced that I was the top student in my class. Afterward, I didn’t think too much about it, but then people suddenly started treating me differently. You know, I think some of the kids in school started looking up to me, and I became a lot more outgoing after that. P69

7 Conversation

Peter: I’m thinking of going back to school to get another degree. It’s so hard to find a job with a degree in literature.

Kay: Yeah, I know what you mean.

P: I should have studied something more practical. If I’d been more sensible, I would have majored in economics.

K: Why did you major in literature?

P: I don’t know! I should have listened to my mother. She wanted me to major in business. K: Oh? What does she do?

P: Mom? She’s a literature professor.

B Listen to the rest of the conversation. What does Kay regret about the choices she made in college?

K: I guess I could have made better use of my time in college, too. P: How do you mean?

K: Oh, I spent too much time studying. I should have taken part in more extracurricular activities – you know, like joining the drama club or the swimming team or something like that. If I’d enjoyed myself more, I would have made a lot more friends.

P: Yeah, but didn’t you get incredible grades in college? You might not have done so well if you’d spent your time doing a lot of other things.

K: Oh, I know lots of people who studied hard and did well – but played hard too – and left college with four years of terrific memories. I really regret that I didn’t do that. I missed out entirely. P70

10 Listening

Listen to these people describing a regret they each have. Complete the chart. 1. Barbara

I always regret that I didn’t take typing in high school. I was stupid, really. Once I got to college. I discovered I had to type all my assignments, and I sort of taught myself typing. But I can’t type half as well as friends of mine who took typing in high school it takes me

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twice as long to type anything as it takes them.

2. Alex

I should never have started smoking. It’s the dumbest thing I ever did. I’ve been trying to give it up for the last year and a half, and it’s really difficult. I guess I was just like everyone else at my age. I thought smoking was really cool, and everyone else did it. I wanted to be just like them. But I’m determined to quit because I know it’s not doing me any good. I already have a smoker’s cough, and … uh … you’re not going to believe this: I hate the smell of cigarettes! 3. Sonia

If I’d had a choice, I would have learned to play the guitar when I was a kid. My parents made me study the piano, and I only studied classical music. I love the piano, but it’s not very practical. I mean, you can’t take a piano with you to a party. But I love it at a party when someone brings a guitar and they can play songs and everyone sings along. I wish I could do that. Unit 12

The right stuff


2 Conversation

Kelly: I hear you’re going to open your own restaurant. Joe: Yeah, I’ve always wanted my own place. K: But isn’t it a little risky?

J: Sure, but in order to succeed in business, you need to take a few risks – calculated risks, of course. That’s what they taught me in business school, anyway!

K: So what do you have to do in order for a restaurant to succeed in this town? I mean, don’t you need some sort of gimmick?

J: Well, I’ve come up with a concept that I think will work very well.

B Listen to the rest of the conversation. What will be special about Joe’s restaurant? Do you think it will be successful? Why or why not? K: So what’s your plan?

J: Well … I’m going to have singing waiters.

K: Singing … waiters? What do you mean?

J: I’m going to hire waiters who are also good singers – maybe guys who are going to music school. Then every half hour or so, they’ll take a break from waiting or tables and do a little singing.

K: Like what?

J: Maybe a little opera or some barber shop quartet – type stuff, popular musical theater pieces … that kind of thing. I went to a restaurant like that once in San Francisco, and it was really neat. So, what do you think?

K: It sounds kind of crazy, but who knows? People might love it. P73

5 Listening Big business

Listen to three successful entrepreneurs talk about their businesses. What are the two most important reasons for each person’s success? 1. Elena

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I’m the owner of a restaurant in the city. It’s a kind of theme restaurant. We specialize in Latin American food, and we serve dishes that are tasty and also healthy. The restaurant started out quite small, but lately I’ve been able to double the amount of space we have and it’s doing really well. Next year I plan to open another restaurant based on the same successful formula: Maybe we’ll serve food from the Caribbean – you know, like Jamaica and the Virgin Islands as well as Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. I think the reason the restaurant is successful is that we concentrate on serving food of the very best quality for a reasonable price. I think advertising has also been important. We’ve run ads in magazines aimed at younger professional types, and the restaurant has become a kind of meeting place for people.

2. Richard

I have a business that provides natural juice drinks to snack bars and convenience stores in the California area. I have 40 employees, and my business has tripled in size in the last four years, and it keeps right on growing. In fact, I hope to go national in the next year or so. What are the reasons for my success? Well, one thing you need in order to succeed is a product you really believe in. I first tasted the type of juice drinks I sell in Spain, and I decided to try to learn how they were made. I experimented for several weeks before I found a successful way of mixing fruit, sugar, and water. Once I had it. I knew it would sell. I think packaging has also been extremely important. I hired an artist friend of mine to develop an eye-catching logo and label. I think at first people started buying my drinks just because they liked the look of the bottle. Then, once they tried it, they came back for more. 3. Bill

I have a mail-order clothing business. I specialize in T-shirts and sports clothes, but with really bold designs. I got the idea after I came back from a trip to Asia with some really cool and unusual sports clothes. All my friends started asking, like, “Where did you get that T-shirt? So I thought I could make some money by importing clothes and using a mail-order catalog to sell them. One of the reasons my business has done so well is that I know my market. I sell to people like me – people who like sports – and all the clothes in the catalog are great to wear whether you’re at the gym or out on the tennis court or just jogging down the road. Another factor is the design of my catalog: The catalog has a different look from other catalogs. It’s fun, with humor in it, and it’s very colorful. Lots of people say they never throw my catalogs away, so that tells me something. P75

8 Conversation

Alice: What’s your favorite club, Eric?

Eric: The Downtown Club. They have great music, and one nice thing is that it’s never crowded.

A: That’s funny. There’s always a long wait outside my favorite club. And I like it because it’s absolutely packed most nights. E: Why do you think it’s so popular?

A: Well, it just opened a couple of months ago, everything is brand new and modern, and there are lots of “hip” people who go there. It’s called The Casablanca.

E: Oh, right. It’s the newest “in” place. I hear the reason people go there is just to be seen.

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A: Exactly! Do you want to go some night?

E: I thought you’d never ask! P76

10 Listening Radio commercials

Listen to three radio commercials advertising these places. What are two special features of each place? 1. Restaurant

Excuse me. Was that your stomach I just heard growling??! Hmm…… feeling hungry, right? Only … you’re not sure what you want? Well, close your eyes and picture this: A huge tortilla filled with sizzling pieces of chicken. Should you add fried onion and peppers … or maybe crispy lettuce and tomato… or guacamole and spicy salsa? Well, you know what?! You can have any of these, because we’ll add any combination of fillings you want. In a hurry? No problem. We have lots of people waiting to serve you. And check out our low process. Tortilla Kitchen: You won’t find a cheaper, tastier meal – anywhere!

2. Sporting goods store

Hey, people, what are you going to do this summer? A little fishing… camping… maybe finally learn how to play tennis instead of just watching it on TV? Yeah, I know how much you’d like to do these things… if only you had the right equipment… if only you knew what you were looking for when you walked into one of those big sporting goods stores. Well, here at Sports Pro, we want to help you, not confuse you. Our friendly salespeople are knowledgeable…they really know what they’re talking about. The person who helps you pick out a tennis racquet plays the sport. Same with the tents: You’ll be dealing with an experienced camper. So, feeling inspired? Like maybe it won’t be so hard? Good! Now, no excuses – we’re open every day. Come on in. sports Pro: We’re here to help you have fun! 3. Discount clothing store

A: Oh, Carol, what a great suit! It looks just like the one I saw in the latest fashion magazine. Is… that… a…?

B: Uh-huh.

A: Wow! But her clothes are so expensive. How can you afford designer clothes? And on our salary? Hey, did you get a raise?

B: No way! You know I’d tell you if I did.

A: Well, there’s something you’re not telling me.

B: OK, OK. Well, I found this really great store. They have all the latest fashions – not last year’s stuff that’s already out of style. And their prices are just unbelievable!

A: They must be. That’s the second new outfit you’ve worn this week! Where is this place? B: It’s called Maggie’s, and it’s just around the corner. I’ll take you there at lunch time. C: Don’t wait for your lunch hour – come to Maggie’s now! We’ve got all the best designer fashions at the lowest prices. And we accept all major credit cards. Remember: If you don’t see what you want in your closet, come check out ours! Review of Units 9 – 12 P78

2 Listening How good is your history?

Try to answer these questions. Then listen to people discussing the questions and write the correct answers. How many did you know?

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A: George Michael is coming out with a new CD. B: Who?

A: George Michael. The singer. B: I don’t know who that is.

A: Sure you do. Before he started singing solo, he was in that pop music group during the early eighties. What was it called? Whack? Whoops?

A: Oh, no, no, no. I remember. It was Wham!

B: That was it. Wham! I couldn’t stand them, but I really like George Michael’s music now. 2.

A: Who developed the theory of relativity? B: Oh, uh, it was Charles Darwin.

A: Charles Darwin? Are you sure?

B: Oh, no, Sorry. I wasn’t really listening to you. The theory of relativity? That was Albert Einstein.

A: That’s right. I don’t know why I couldn’t remember that.


A: How long was India under British rule?

B: Um, uh, I have no idea. Let’s look it up. Hmm. Let’s see. Impressionism, improvisation, here we are, India. Hmm. It says that the British took power in 1857. A: Hmm. And when did India gain its independence from Great Britain? B: In 1947. 1857 to 1947 – that’s just over 90 years. 4.

A: Look, here’s an article about John Kennedy, Jr. I think he is so cute! B: You know who his mother was, don’t you? A: Sure. It was Mrs. Kennedy! B: Stop it. Really. You don’t know?

A: No, I don’t

B: It was Jacqueline Onassis. Here first husband was John F. Kennedy, the U.S. President from 1961 to 1963. when he died, she married her second husband. Aristotle Onassis. 5.

A: What was Sigmund Freud famous for? B: He was the founder of psychoanalysis. A: Psychoanalysis, huh? B: Yes. Why do you ask? A: Oh. No reason. P79

5 Listening Success story

A Listen to a business consultant discussing some of the factors necessary for a successful restaurant. Check (√) the factors in the chart she mentions as important.

Consultant: Well, the restaurant business is very competitive, so one factor that’s very important is to develop a concept for the restaurant – a strategy that distinguishes the restaurant form its competitors.

What will make the restaurant different? How will it be better than other restaurants in the

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Another important factor is the location. It’s important to do some research and find out how many cars drive past the site every day, and also how many pedestrians walk by. You want the restaurant to be known to people so it needs to be in a location that’s frequented by business people, local people in the neighborhood, as well as visitors.

Finally, promotion is also crucial. You need to decide how you’re going to attract first-time customers into the restaurant – through radio advertisements, through newspapers or magazines, for example. Or maybe through a form of direct marketing, such as sending out promotional material to potential customers, offering them a free drink or a meal coupon, or something like that. Unite 13

That’s a possibility P80

2 Conversation

A Listen and practice.

Jackie: You asked Beth to be here around seven o’clock, didn’t you?

Bill: Yes. What time is it now?

Jackie: It’s nearly a quarter to eight. I wonder what happened.

Bill: Hmm. She might have forgotten the time. Why don’t I call and see if she’s on her way? A few minutes later

Bill: I got her answering machine, so I guess she must have left already.

Jackie: I hope she didn’t have a problem on the road. Her car could have broken down or something.

Bill: Of course she may have simply forgotten our invitation and done something else today. Jackie: No, she couldn’t have forgotten. I talked to her only yesterday. Let’s just start without her.

B Listen to the rest of the conversation. What happened? Bill: Oh, here comes Beth now.

Beth: Hey, guys. Sorry I’m late. I had an emergency. Jackie: Oh. Nothing serious I hope. Beth: Well, kind of. It was Sally.

Jackie: Sally, your dog? What happened?

Beth: Well, I was just about to leave when she started acting strange. Then she just passed out.

Jackie: Oh, my gosh.

Beth: I panicked. I thought she had died at first. I had to rush her to the vet. Jackie: But is she OK? She’s so cute. I hope she’s all right.

Beth: Yeah, she’s going to be fine. The vet said it was some kind of virus. So he gave her an injection, and I had to leave her with him. I’ll go by later and pick her up. Oh, but guess what! Jackie: What?

Beth: She’s going to have puppies?

Bill: Congratulations! You’re going to be a grandmother! Jackie: Very funny, Bill!

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Beth: Yeah, Bill. Very funny!


5 Listening Jumping to conclusions

B Listen to the explanations for the two events in part A and take notes. What did happen? How similar were your explanations? 1.

Boy, did you hear the explosion this morning? I bet half the city heard the boom. A lot of people must have though it was a bomb! Those guys from the demolition company sure did a good job. The whole building came down with only one blast. It only took them a few seconds to reduce the school to this. And once the site is cleared, they’ll be able to start work on building the new school. You can be sure it will be a lot nicer than the old one. 2.

I’m so embarrassed! I can’t imagine what people must have thought when they saw me out on that ledge. See, my cat had gone out the window and was too scared to come back in. He was just sitting there on the ledge, crying. I knew I had to go out and get him. So I crawled out the window and picked up the dumb cat. I crawled back, put him inside, and was about to climb back through the window myself when it slammed shut and locked! What a nightmare! I called down to some people in the street for help, and the fire department had to come to get me down. P82

7 Conversation

Brent: How was your dinner party?

Adam: I think it went pretty well. People really seemed to enjoy themselves. B: That’s good.

A: Yeah, but we shouldn’t have invited my wife’s boss again. We can never get him to leave! B: Really? How late did he stay this time?

A: Until two o’clock in the morning! And we both had to get up early the next day. B: Oh, he shouldn’t have stayed so late. That was really inconsiderate. You should have asked him to leave earlier.

A: Well, it’s pretty difficult to do that to your wife’s boss! P84

10 Listening

A Listen to descriptions of three situations. What would have been the best thing to do in each situation?


Dennis: [Trying to open a car door, but the door is locked] Oh, no! [Rattling the car door] Arrgh!

Woman: Dennis accidentally locked his keys in his car when he went shopping. When he returned to his car, he couldn’t get in. so he decided to try to force the door open. He damaged the door, and it cost him $200 to get it repaired. 2.

Diana: [People fighting; phone being picked up and 9-1-1 dialed] Hello, police? This is an emergency!

Man: Diana heard the sound of people fighting in the apartment next door. Then she heard

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a loud scream. She called the police, but when they arrived, it turned out the neighbors’ kids were watching television and turned the sound up very loud. 3.

Simon: [Traffic and pedestrians] Hey, what’s this? Wow! A gold ring!

Woman: Simon found a gold ring on a busy sidewalk. It looked like an expensive ring. He wanted to give it back to the owner, but he thought the person who lost it might return to look for it. So he left the ring on the sidewalk. Unit 14

Behind the scenes P86

2 Conversation

Ryan: Working on movies must be really exciting.

Nina: Oh, yeah, but it’s also very hard work. A one-minute scene in a film can take days to shoot.

R: Why is that?

N: Well, each scene isn’t filmed just once. Lots of different shouts have to be done. only the best ones are used in the film. R: So, how any shots are taken?

N: It depends, but sometimes as many as 20. One scene may be shot from five or six different angles.

R: Wow! I didn’t realize that.

N: Why don’t you come visit the studio? You can see how the special effects are done. R: Great, I’d love to!

B Listen to the rest of the conversation. What else makes working on movies difficult?

N: Of course, it’s not really as glamorous a job as people think. R: I guess not.

N: For example, the hours are dreadful. R: So it’s not exactly a nine-to five job.

N: Not at all! Sometimes we shoot a scene right through the night. Or we may start work early in the morning. We have to get everything ready for a shoot – the lighting and everything – and that can take hours. So if we’re going to start filming at eight in the morning, we usually have to be on the job by three or four A.M. to get ready. R: Three in the morning! That’s unbelievable!

N: Oh, no, it’s not! Believe me. It happens all the time. P87 Listening

Listen to a TV producer describe what he does. Write down two things you learned.

Rita: Welcome to another edition of “Behind the Scenes,” the show that profiles fascinating and perhaps somewhat misunderstood jobs and the people that do them. I’m Rita Roberts. Our guest today is Scott Jasper, a local TV producer. Hello, Scott. Welcome.

Scott: Hi. Thank you for inviting me, Rita.

Rita: Let me begin by saying that I asked a few people what they thought a producer does, and I was surprised at all the different responses I got.

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Scott: Ahhh…yeah…you’re so right! When I tell people I’m a producer, I often get a slightly confused reaction – sort of like, “Oh, really…? Rita: Well, let’s clear up the mystery.

Scott: Great! First off, let me say that not every producer does exactly the same things. But I can say that they are all tired and stressed out, but probably love their job! For myself, I can tell you that my job allows me to be in charge of things and at the same time work as part of a team. There’s a lot of responsibility to this job, too: I have to see that everything is done correctly, on time, and within the budget.

Rita: Most people probably think of the producer as the “money person.” Is there a creative side to the job, too?

Scott: Oh, absolutely. For example, I do research and think up ideas for shows with the writers. And then I work with the directors and the performers. You have to have a strong personality to be a producer – you have to be in charge of everyone, get them to do what you want – but you still have to be nice to them!

Rita: That can’t be easy!

Scott: Oh, no, not at all. Also, you have to be above to make quick decisions…and if something you thought was great isn’t’ working you can’t waste time. You have to let it go and start again. This isn’t the job for someone who is indecisive or hates being under pressure! I love the excitement and the opportunity to work with very interesting people. Rita: Well, this has been very informative. Scott, but I’m afraid we’re out of time. Thank you so much for being our guest today.

Scott: Oh, it’s been my pleasure!

Rita: Speaking for “Behind the Scenes,” I’m Rita Roberts. Join us next week for… P89

9 Conversation

Liz: Where are you working now, Bob?

Bob: The Daily Advertiser. I have two jobs, actually. My main job is working as an assistant editor.

L: What does an assistant editor do?

B: Well, an assistant editor, who is often relatively new to journalism, gets the stories ready for the editor.

L: That sounds kind of interesting.

B: It’s OK. But my other job is more interesting. L: And what’s that?

B: I’m the movie critic, too. It’s terrific. And I get to see all the latest movies for free. L: So you’re the one who writes those sarcastic reviews. You don’t like anything! B: That’s me!

Unit 15

There should be a law! P92

2 Conversation

April: Rich, you look exhausted!

Rich: I know. I didn’t get much sleep last night. A: What happened?

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R: Remember those guys I told you about?

A: The ones that just moved in next door?

R: Yeah. They had another party, and the noise kept me awake all night.

A: Well, something has got to be done. This has happened every weekend since they moved in!

R: Yeah. Tell me about it. I finally had to call the police.

A: I would have done the same thing. They shouldn’t be allowed to disturb people like that. And anyway, they should have at least inverted you to the party! P94 5 Listening

Listen to people discussing these problems. What solution do they suggest for each problem?

1. people using cellular phones in restaurants

W: I hate it when people use cellular phones in restaurants.

M: Me, too. It’s so unnecessary. It’s just showing off, really.

W: I agree. I think people with cell phones should be asked to leave them at the door – you know, like coats and umbrellas. They can always check their voice mail later to see if there are any messages.

M: Exactly. That’s a great idea.

2. car security alarms going off at night

M: [Car alarm going off] I tell you another thing that drives me crazy – when people’s car security alarms go off in the middle of the night.

W: Yeah. Don’t you hate it when an alarm wakes you from a deep sleep? It’s such an awful sound – and it just goes on and on!

M: I think people who park regularly on the street ought to be required to let their neighbors know their license plate number and their telephone number. Then if their alarm goes off, someone car call them to come down and turn it off.

W: Good idea. At least that way they’d be sure to get woken up, too. 3. telemarketing salespeople calling too often

W: [Phone ringing] And I really hate it when people call me at home and try to sell me stuff. M: Me, too. I think the telephone companies should offer a service that automatically blocks telemarketing calls.

W: That’s an interesting idea. That way, we might pay a little bit more, but we’d have peace. M: Right! P95

7 Conversation A Listen and practice.

Sarah: Health insurance bills, child-care bills, rent! Now that I’m going to school and only working part time, I have a hard time making ends meet. Todd: Health insurance is so expensive, isn’t it?

S: Yeah! My company used to pay for it when I was working full time.

T: And child care isn’t cheep either, is it?

S: No, it’s not. After I pay for rent and groceries, almost all my money goes to pay for my son’s day care.

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T: Your college should provide free day care for students with children.

S: I think so, too. But they don’t have any services like that.

B Listen to the rest of the conversation. What’s Todd concerned about?

Sarah: Oh, listen to me. I’m always complaining, aren’t I? Anyway, how are things with you? Todd: Oh, not bad, but I’m still not sure what I’m going to do after I graduate. S: Yeah, it’s hard to find a job these days, isn’t it?

T: It’s not that. I’m just not sure if going to law school was the right thing to do. S: What do you mean?

T: I only have a few more months before I graduate, and I’m wondering why I did this. I don’t want to be a lawyer. It all seems like a waste of time now.

S: So what are you going to do?

T: Well, I’d like to move to Mexico and open a coffee shop, but I think my parents would kill me. P96

11 Listening

A Listen to people giving their opinions about current issues in the news. What issues are they talking about? Then listen again. What opinions do you hear for and against each issue? 1.

M: I see some students are planning to hold a protest march downtown tomorrow. W: Well, there’s no law against protests, is there?

M: No, no. of course not.

W: What are they protesting about?

M: I think they’re trying to get the university to ban all research sing animal subjects. W: Oh, yeah. I definitely support them. I hate to think of chimpanzees and other animals being used for research. It’s so cruel, and it’s unnecessary as well. I don’t see why animals should be killed just so some professor can publish a bunch of papers and get promoted. M: Well. I don’t think it’s quite as simple as that. The fact is that a lot of advances in medical research on diseases like cancer and AIDS depend on animal research. You simply can’t do that kind of research on humans, so they have to use animals. I’m afraid there’s no other way. 2.

M: I saw a really interesting program on TV last night. It talked about the types of things that record companies have to be careful with when they come out with new CDs. W: What do you mean?

M: Well, they have to be careful not to offend people – especially parents of young kids who might buy a CD that contained violent content or used strong language.

W: How can that be avoided?

M: Well, don’t you remember when that woman – some senator’s wife. I think – made such a fuss over this issue? It’s not really a law, but music companies are now encouraged to put a warning label on albums that describe violence or use strong language.

W: I don’t understand. Doesn’t that reduce the musicians’ freedom of speech?

M: Not really. Musicians still have a right to free speech, but the message on the label says, “Buyer, be careful: If you get upset by violence and ugly language, don’t buy this album.”

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You agree with that, don’t you?

W: I don’t know. I still think the whole thing is ridiculous. Musicians should have the right to say what they want to without having to have a warning label put on their music. I mean, who gets to decide what is considered offensive and what isn’t we don’t need a sticker to tell us what to do! Unit 16

Challenges and accomplishments P98

2 Conversation A Listen and practice.

Kurt: So, how long have you been in the Peace Corps? Brenda: For about a year now.

K: Do you enjoy it?

B: Most of the time. The work can be extremely difficult, but it has its rewards.

K: What’s the most challenging thing about being in the Peace Corps?

B: For me, it’s finding a way to fit into a community that’s very different from my own. It can be frustrating!

K: And what’s the most rewarding thing?

B: That’s easy. The most rewarding thing about being in the Peace Corps is learning about another culture.

B Listen to the rest of the conversation. What else does Brenda find challenging about here work? What else is rewarding?

Brenda: You know what I’ve found to be one of the most difficult things? Learning the local languages.

Kurt: Oh, I know exactly what you mean!

B: You know, I thought I would only have to learn one language when I came here, but I soon discovered that almost every village has a different language or dialect.

K: I have the same trouble myself. It sometimes takes me a while to find someone who can speak English.

B: I need an interpreter with me most of the time – that is, if I want anyone to understand anything I say.

K: But it is one of the things that makes living here so interesting.

B: Oh, absolutely. I think the people here are really wonderful. They’re very sincere – kind of sky at first with foreigners, but once you get through that, they come to accept you. K: Oh, yeah. I’ve made some wonderful friends here. B: Me, too. P100

5 Listening Challenges and rewards

Listen to these people talking about their work. What is the biggest challenge of each person’s job? the greatest reward? 1. Psychologist

Maybe the biggest challenge for me is listening to people talk about their problems all day. At the end of the day, I’m usually pretty worn out. At times, it can be depressing as well. On the other hand, I do see patients making real progress. It’s great to see someone really turn their life around and get on top of a problem that they never thought they could deal

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2. Camp counselor

As a camp counselor, it’s difficult to find a way to get through to kids with problems and win their trust. Sometimes kids are very suspicious and find it hard to trust an adult – even a young adult. So getting them to open up is the hardest part. Once you’ve done that, they almost become different people. One of the things I find most rewarding is seeing kids develop confidence and a sense of self-worth. It’s especially great to see that happen in a kid who started out the summer with low self-esteem. 3. Firefighter

It sounds pretty obvious, but in my job, the biggest challenge is going into a burning building that’s full of soke when you can barely see a few inches in front of you. It’s really difficult – especially when you know there are people in there, and it’s your job to get them out. Once you do get someone out safely, then you feel really great and you forget about how dangerous the work is. P100

7 Conversation

A Listen and practice.

Grandfather: Happy birthday, Alison. So how does it feel to be 21?

Alison: Kind of strange. I suddenly feel a little anxious, like I’m not moving ahead fast enough.

G: But don’t you think you’ve accomplished quite a bit in the last few years?

A: Oh, I’ve managed to get good grades in all my courses, but I still haven’t been able to decide on a career.

G: Well, what do you hope you’ll have achieved by the time you’re 30?

A: For one thing, I hope I’ll have seen more of the world. But more important than that, I’d like to have made a good start on my career by then. P102 10 Listening

A Listen to three young people discussing their plans for the future. What do they hope to have achieved by the time they are 30? 1. Justin

What do I hope I’ll have achieved by the time I’m 30? Well, I hope I’ll have made a successful career in the music industry. Right now, I play in a band and I’d love to be able to do that professionally. I plan to from a group of my own in a few years. Once we get known, we’ll record an album – and make music videos, of course – and try to break into the music scene in a big way. 2. Sophia

I plan to be a doctor. When I’ve graduated from med school and finished with my interning, I want to work overseas for a few years. I’ll probably work in a developing country with an organization like UNICEF. After that, I’ll come back home and work in a hospital. I don’t really care if I make a lot of money or not, but I do want to work somewhere where I feel I can make a difference.

3. Rachel

I’m planning to be a model. I’ve already had some modeling experience, and after I graduate, I’m going to see if I can get a job with an agency in New York or Los Angeles. I’ll

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probably work as a model for ten years or so, and then I hope to start a modeling agency of my own.

Review of Units 13-16 P104

2 Listening Little events

A Listen to four conversations about things that have happened. Complete the chart. 1.

A: Well, I’ll certainly never eat here again! And I’ll tell all my friends not to come here, either!

B: I do apologize. I … I’m afraid he’s just started working here, but I don’t think he’s going to last long … not after this! 2.

M: [Pounding on wall] Help! Help! Would someone call the manager? Can anyone hear me? Help!

W: Oh! Is someone in there?

M: Yes! I’m stuck between the second and third floors! Please help me get out! W: Won’t it open?

M: Get the manager, please!

W: OK@ I’ll get some help. Don’t’ go away! 3.

W: I wonder what this is?

M: Who’s it from?

W: Well, let me see. Oh! Ooh! It’s from Aunt Mary. M: Oh, she’s always so generous, isn’t she?

W: [Opening a package] Oh, look, Eddie! This is just what we’ve been wanting! M: It’s fantastic!

W: Oh! It’ll be perfect above the fireplace in the living room, won’t it?

M: Oh, yes. Perfect! 4.

M: [Car driving with engine trouble] Oh, no! not again! Listen to that funny noise. I thought you just had it checked.

W: Well, I did! The mechanic said everything was OK now.

M: Good grief! Well, let’s stop and check the manual again. Maybe we can fix it ourselves. W: Well, let’s have a look under the hood and see what we can do.

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