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? 1.美国和加拿大之间的分界线已经确定了。(define) ? 2. 没有烦恼的生活是不存在的。(exist)

? 3. 我不得不再一次放弃我原来计划的路线。(originally) ? 4. 我和父亲一点共同之处都没有。(have…in common) ? 5. 有些哲学家的思想永远都不过时。(out of style) ? 6. 他否认曾经威胁停止表演。(deny) ? 7. 要等这么久她越来越不耐烦了。(impatient) ? 8. 船只失事后只有十名船员活下来。(survive)

? 9. 我们顺便到俱乐部去看比尔是否在,可是他不在。(drop by) ? 10. 他吃饭的钱都不够,更不用说娱乐。(let alone ) ? 11.除非你有经验,否则你得不到这份工作。(unless) ? ?

12. 我把大部分时间花在研究中美文化的差异上了。(spend) 13. 这句话意思极清楚,决不会引起误解。(so… that)

? 14.他希望能够给予她比现在更多的帮助。(more than) ? 15.穿上外套,否则你会感冒的。(or)

? 16她的收藏品中增加了一张毕加索(Picasso)的画 (add… to…) ? 17.我没意识到以前曾来过这儿。(be aware of) ?

18. 如果你继续对每个人这么粗鲁,你很快就会发现自己什么

? 朋友都没有了。(find oneself without) ? 19. 房间里热极了,请把窗户打开!(far too) ? 20.半夜里那嘈杂声把我们弄醒了。(in the middle of)

? 21.他不应该对我说的话表示生气,那仅仅是个玩笑而已。 (nothing more than)

? 22.我们邀请了所有的朋友去野餐,但是由于下雨只来了其中的五 位。(show up)

? 23.她视婚姻为严肃的事情。(view… as)

? 24。令我失望的是,这部电影并不像我期望的那么好。(live up to somebody’s expectations)

? 25.我过去常去看电影,但现在再也没有时间了。 ? 26.两个工人互相合作修理破裂的管子。

? 27.这是一种残忍的做法,应该马上停止。(… practice which…) ? 28.你的工作哪一方面最困难,哪一方面最有益? (aspect) ? 29. 有些人认为他很粗野,但情况并非如此。(the case) ? 30.我会尽我所能帮忙,但我所能做的也很有限。(a limit to) ? 31.我们正在考虑卖房子。(consider)

? 32. 我建议他先等一会儿,然后再作决定。(suggest) ? 33.明天约翰很可能会来参加聚会。(be likely to) ? 34.我们想知道她不接受这份工作的原因。(reason)

? 35.你本不应该再回到那幢还在燃烧的大楼,你有可能会被严重烧伤的。(shouldn’t have, might have)

? 36.我从来没有想过会有问题。(cross one’s mind)

? 37.How often in introductions has a name failed to stick because your mind was on the way someone looked or acted?

? 38.Laser is one of the most sensational developments in recent years.

? 39.We see objects because light comes from them to our eyes. ? 40.He has the reputation of being a blood-sucker. ? 41.She has made a reputation for herself through hard work. ?

42. Preparations for the conference had been plagued

? by many problems.

? 43.Air and water are two requirements of all living things ? 44.It is before exams. (考试前复习是必要的。) ? 45. succeed. (只有努力才能成功。) ? 46.You must finish your work on time. (你必须严格要求自己按时完成任务。) ? 47.I can’t finish this job by Friday—

? .(你对我期望过高了。) ? 48.The book is full of (这本书提到许多我熟悉的地方。)

? 49.They were lost in the mountain , and____________(用手机和正在寻找他们的父母取得联系)

? 50.________________________ (他们帮助他拜托不良习惯)in this way he regain health

? 51.I’ll help as much as I can , ________________________(我所能做的也有限)

? 52.This is a ______________(残忍的做法) which should be stopped immediately

? 53.______________(你的学习哪一方面)is the most difficult? ? 54.________________(正是在这个房间里) that our first meeting was held

? 55.People think that learning English is just to recite English words as many as possible , but in fact , ___________(情况并非如此) ? 56.There is no ___________(年龄限制)for applications

? 57.His plans are __________________(太抽象而无法)to be put into operation

? 58.Heavy rains and strong wind are __________(天气特征)in some southern area.

? 1. The boundary between the United States and Canada is defined. ? 2. A life free from all worry just doesn’t exist.

? 3. Once again I had to abandon the route I had originally planned. ? 4. I haven’t a thing in common with my father. ? 5. The ideas of some philosophers never go out of style. ? 6. He denies ever having threatened to stop the performances. ? 7. She was getting impatient at having to wait so long. ? 8. Only ten of the crew survived the shipwreck.

? 9. We dropped by the club to see if Bill was there, but he wasn’t. ? 10. He hasn’t enough money for food, let alone amusements.

? 11. You won’t get the job unless you’ve got the experience. ? 12.Most of my time is spent studying the differences between Chinese and American cultures.

? 13.The statement/sentence is so clear that it can’t cause any misunderstanding.

? 14.He wishes he could give her more help than he does. ? 15.Put on your coat or you’ll catch cold. ? 16. She has added a Picasso to her collection. ? 17.I am not aware of ever having been here before.

? 18. You will soon find yourself without any friends at all if you keep on being so rude to everybody.

? 19. It’s far too hot in the room; open the window, please! ? 20. The noise woke us up in the middle of the night.

? 21. He shouldn’t have been angry at what I said. It was nothing more than a joke.

? 22. We invited all our friends to the picnic but it rained and only five of them showed up.

? 23. She views marriage as a serious matter.

? 24. To my disappointment, the movie didn’t live up to my expectations.

? 25. I used to go the cinema/movies a lot, but I never have the time now.

? 26. The two workers cooperated with each other to fix the broken pipe.

? 27.This is a cruel practice which should be stopped immediately. ? 28. What aspect of your job/work is (the) most difficult, and what aspect is (the) most rewarding?

? 29. Some people think he is rude, but that’s not the case. ? 30. I’ll help as much as I can, but there is a limit to what I can do. ? 31.We’re considering selling the house

? 32.I suggest he wait a while before he makes any decision. ? 33.John is very likely to come to the party tomorrow.

? 34.We’d like to know the reason why she didn’t accept the job. ? 35.You shouldn’t have gone back to the burning building—you might have been badly/seriously burnt.

? 36.It/The thought had never crossed my mind that there might be a problem.

? 37. 向你介绍别人时,有多少次是由于你在注意这个人的长相和动作而没能记住他的名字

? 38. 激光是近年来最轰动的成就之一。

? 39. 我们之所以看得见物体,是因为光从物体那里射到我们的眼睛里。

? 40. 他是个臭名昭著的吸血鬼。 ? 41. 她勤奋工作为自己赢得了声誉。

? 42. 会议的筹备工作受到了许多问题的干扰。 ? 43. 空气和水是一切生物赖以生存的两个条件。 ? 44.necessary that we go over the lessons ? ? ? ?

45. Only by working hard can one 46. discipline yourself to

47. you expect too much of me 48. references to places I know

looking for them.

? 49. made contact by cell phone with their parents who were

? 50.They helped him to get rid of his bad habits ? 51. but there is a limit to what I can do ? 52.cruel practice

? 53.What aspect of your study ? 54.It was in this room ? 55.this is not the case ? 56.age limit /limit to age ? 57.too abstract to ? 58.features of the weather


1. awareness occur behave bow communication curl decrease gesture facial meaningful means rarely signal unfamiliar misunderstanding 1) With a tiny facial ______, Anne signaled that she wanted to leave.

2) A green light is a(n) ______ to go.

3) There must be some _________________. I never asked for these chairs to be delivered.

4) I am sorry about last night—I ________ like a child. 5) She ________ up her legs in bed and reads a book. 6) She found it difficult to form ____________ relationships. 7) He is ______ in his office on Friday afternoons.

8) The bus is the cheapest ________ of getting round the town. 9) She speaks no Chinese and is __________ with Chinese culture. 10) Applications (申请) to join the course have ________ by 20%. 11) They ________ to the king before speaking.

12) Bill has had no ______________ with his brother for 10 years. 13) Her ______ expression changed to happiness when she heard the good news.

14) Public __________ of AIDS (艾滋病) has helped to limit the spread of the disease.

15) Violence of some sort seems to ______ in every society.

means unfamiliar decreased communication facial awareness occur ) 2. lot major rear settle taste tip

1) This soup has no ____ at all.


2) Reports about the costs of _______ children are more than

we can understand.

3) The book also contains some ___on how to take better photos. 4) “Go on then, ____ it,” said my grandfather, pouring a little of his home-made wine into my glass. 5) After they got married, they ______ in New York. 6) What’s your ______, English or Business?

7) What a ___ of cars there are in the parking ___! 8) The ____ of the car was damaged in the accident. 9) Can we _____ the question of who will replace our leader tomorrow?

10) Computers are a _____ influence (影响) on modern society. 11) He ______ into a very comfortable corner seat to enjoy the view.

12) The service hasn’t been very good—should we leave a 15% ___ for the waiter?

taste rearing(培养,抚养) tips taste settled major lot/lot rear settle major settled tip(注:过去式、过去分词tipped)

3.view clasp completely crash grin grope hesitation opportunity relax schedule slip tray a) The waiter brought drinks on a ____.

b) Her parents always _____ her as the cleverest of

their children.

c) A baby monkey ______________ its mother’s fur (毛) tightly. d) Why don’t you stop being angry and ____ for a while! e)The car ________ into a tree and burst into flames (着火). f)The construction was completed three weeks ahead of________.

g) He was able to _____ out of the room without disturbing anyone.

H) She ______ for her glasses on the bedside table. I) She was bored with work and wanted to do something _________ different.

J) Sarah tried several times to catch Philip’s eye, but he just ______ at her.

k) When you’re in school there are lots of ___________ for meeting people of the opposite sex.

l) Any ________ on the part of the government will be seen as weakness.

tray view clashed/clasps(抱紧) relax crashed schedule silp groped(摸索) grinned (咯咯的笑) completely opportunities hesitation

4.remove create feature rule out abstract invention gesture response individual make up for

1) She made a(n) to the right with her hand to show the direction of the park.

2) His work enormous interest in England. 3) Professor Brown’s books are very and are hard to read.

4) Each animal is weighed and measured

before being set free.

5) Books had to be written by hand before the of printing. 6) The island’s chief is its beauty. 7) We drove as fast as we could, trying to lost time. 8) The waiter our plates from the table. 9) The manager’s (回答) to our plan was encouraging. 10) We can’t (排除) the possibility that she was murdered by her husband.

(gesture created/has created abstract individual invention feature make up for removed response rule out) 5. confuse create inhibit outcome audience be faced with unless take action strategy if 1) She would have died _____ the doctor hadn’t operated immediately.

2) I ___ the terrible job of breaking the news to the girl’s family.这里break:透露(坏消息)

3) Because of our general’s good _________, we won the war.

4) It’s too early to predict the __________ of the meeting. 5) We’ll go there next Saturday—___ it’s raining of course. 6) The drug will _______ the progress of the disease. 7) The Government has promised to ___________ on the energy crisis.

8) He sent the wrong reports because he __________ them with other ones.

9) The television company has lost a large part of its ________ since it changed its programming.

10) His work ________enormous interest in England.

( if was/am faced with strategy(战略) outcome unless inhibit take action confused audiencecreated/has created)

6.speak up as a result on her own make sure take responsibility for at ease took advantage of 1) I never feel ___ when I am together with him.

2) He’s not afraid to ___ when he thinks someone’s been unfairly treated.

3) They ____ the hotel’s facilities.

4)There was a traffic jam and, ___, she missed her plane. 5)Although her father is in the firm she got the job ____. (at ease speak up took advantage of as a result on her own)



7. fund aid crash structure discipline rear stress view 1. The company has agreed to ______ my trip to Australia. 2. The meaning of a sentence often depends on _____ and intonation(语调).

3. Many people avoid sitting in the ____ of a train, because they are worried about a crash.

4. A new software (软件) system has been developed to ____ managers in advanced decision-making.

5. His parents set up a(n) _____ for his college education. 6. The president _______ the need for calm in TV and radio broadcasts throughout the day.

7. He describes how these birds ______ their young. 8. The company has donated $80,000 in emergency ___ to countries affected by the war. 9. We could hear waves _______ on the shore.

10. Good teachers know that children need and enjoy firm ________.

11. She is ______ as a strong candidate (候选人) for the job. 12. With such an old-fashioned management ________, it’s not surprising that they’re having problems.

13. His elder son was killed in a car _____ three years ago. 14. I’m trying to ________ myself to eat less chocolate.

15. She holds strong _______ about how children should be taught.

16. We’ve tried to _______ the meeting so that there is plenty of time for discussion.

(fund stress rear aid fund stressed rear aid crashing discipline viewed structure crash discipline views structure ) fund: v. 为谁提供资金,拨款 rear:v.抚养(孩子) structure v.组织


1.contact limit form attempt command

1)A.He borrowed the money up to the that the bank allowed.

B. Having so little money to spend on an apartment does you in your choice.

2) A. If you’re already in with the school, it will be easier to discuss any difficulties.

B. Is there a phone number where I can you? 3) A. The prisoner was shot while to escape.

B. He failed to set a new record, but it was a good .

4) A. He the dog to leave the house. B. The army is under the king’s direct . 5) A. Swimming is an excellent of exercise. B. The leader of the winning party has been invited to a government.

( limit/limit contact/contact attempting/attempt commanded /command form/form)

word formation

1) Do you have a dictionary ? (hand)

2) We are all products of the influences of our societies. (culture)

3) What he said is ; he’s lying. (true) 4) His in God gave him hope during difficult times. (believe)

5) I want to be a because I like biology

and chemistry. (science)

6) A result brings happiness. (success)

7) The two groups battled because of their ________

differences . (religion)

8) The wall was once an important part of the city’s . (defend)

9) He pulled with all his but the rock would not

move. (strong)

10) We talked about various problems, such as homelessness and education. (society)

( handy cultural untrue belief scientist successful religious defense strength social ) 11) Without _________ the soldiers started firing into the crowd. (warn)

12) There have been great computer ____________ during the last few years. (develop)

13) “Have you decided what to do?” “No, I’m still considering the various___________. (possible)

14) A(n) ________ number of children do not get medical care. (alarm)

15) I thought I saw her at the movies, but I was________. (mistake)

16) Did you feel any pain or _________ in the hand? (comfort)

17) The weather is always a(n)__________, especially when planning a picnic. (uncertain)

18) We’ve got three people called Paul James working for us, so it’s a bit__________. (confuse)

19) Before the speech, the student felt a lot of________. (anxious)

20)Her family was generally ______of her decision. (support)

( warning developments possibilities alarming mistaken discomfort uncertainty confusing anxiety supportive)

21)Yoga is one of my favorite _____and I feel ____ after it . (relax)

22) Considering the problems he’s had, there can be little ___of him winning the race. (expectancy)

23)The film has a ____ predictable(可预测的) ending. (bore) 24) How will such a small firm survive in the ______ world of business? (compete)

25) I meant it to be an informal discussion, but it didn’t turn out as I _______. (intend)

(relaxation/relaxed expectation boringly(adv.) competitive(竞争的) intended )


1) This detergent will (remove/move) all stains from your clothes.

2) She has just (accepted/received )the invitation to the film star’s fiftieth birthday party, I don’t know if she will (accept/receive )it.

3) Do you (allow/agree) your children to cross the street by themselves?

4) I have (later/lately) received a number of letters about this problem.

5) The boat was about a mile off the( beach/shore) when the

engine suddenly died.

6) The math teacher( taught/trained )algebra in five classed each day.

7) I studied the mysterious (object/subject) that fell from the sky.

8) These flowers are brightly colored in order to (attack/attract )butterflies.

1)remove remove: 拿走 move: 移动位置 2)received/accepte

receive an invitation: 收到请柬

accept an invitation: 接受邀请 3)allow allow: 让某人做,同意某人做 agree: 同意,意见一致 4)lately

lately: 最近

later: 不久之后

5)shore shore : 海湖或很宽的河旁边,岸

beach: 在海或其他的水的旁边有石头、沙子的一个区域 6)taught train: 训练

teach: 教

7)object object:看的见摸得着的东西

subject:用来检验、讨论或研究的东西 8)attract attack: 袭击 attract:吸引 介词填空

1) He woke up in the morning _____ a bad headache.

2) You’re confusing me _____ my sister—it was her who was sick on your sofa.

3) Tom broke the computer ____ throwing a brick at the screen. 4) She was frightened _______ the way he spoke.

5) You can have some tea instead ____ coffee, if you want. 6) In less than ten years it develops from a seed ____ a full-grown tree.

7) Can you be certain _________ the truth of what she said? 8) You are acting _____ a complete fool.

(with with by at/by of into about/of like )


1.When she saw what had happened, she began laugh loudly. 2. It is important that the work were completed on schedule. 3. If I saw you pass me in the street, I would have said hello. 4. I have to meet Tom in ten minutes. I’d better to go now or I’ll be late.

5. He has been learning English for a few years but he still speaks as a beginner.

6. I want my son to wear the same clothes like everyone else at the school.

7. He did not say anything to her, and she did not speak to him too.

8. Only in this way we can catch up with the development of science and technology in the world.

(laugh—to laugh/laughing were—be/is saw—had seen to go—go as—like like —as too—either we can—can we


1. She was so _____ in her job that she didn’t hear anybody knocking at the door.

A) attracted B) absorbed C) drawn D) concentrate

2. There were no tickets _____ for Friday’s performance. A) preferable B) considerable C) possible D) available

3. Please be careful when you are drinking coffee in case you ____ the new carpet.

A) crash B) pollute C) spot D) stain

4. About half the population in the poor country is still _______.

A) literature B) educated C) intellectual D) illiterate

5. Many new ______ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education. A) opportunities B) necessities C) realities D) probabilities

6. It does not alter(改变) the fact that he was the man ______ for the death of the little girl.

A) accounting B) guilty C) responsible D) obliged

7. Although the weather was very bad the buses still ran on ______.

A) list B) schedule C) plan D) arrangement

8. For Soviets, clothing is the _______ of greatest complaint, housing follows, and food is the last. A) source B) problem C) cause D) reason (BDDDACBA ) 1.be absorbed in

3.stain v.沾污;污染 (此处需要动词) spot n.斑点

v.认出(人或物) 4.illiterate 不识字的,文盲的

6. guilty adj. 违法的,有罪的 (此处需动词) oblige v.强迫某人做;帮某人忙

8.source 来源(对前苏联来说,布是最多抱怨的来源,其次是房子,食物是最后)

