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References for part of Vocabulary Exercises
1. altantean: exceedingly strong
2. gorgonize: change sb. into a gorgon/ stone, paralyze, stupefy sb. 3. mount one’s Pegasus: (humor) write a poem 4. a chimera in sb’s brain: a product of sb’s imagination 20
1. the choice of Heracles: the choice between a short but glorious life and a long yet boring life
2. hydra-headed: hard to overcome or resist because of its pervasive or enduring quality or its many aspects 3. cleanse the Augean Stable: accomplish a task or problem requiring so much effort to complete or solve as to seem impossible
4. the Shirt of Nessus/Tunic of Nessus /Nessus-robe/Nessus’ shirt: sth that brings destruction to sb.
5. Pillars of Heracles: an ancient name for two promontories on either side of the strait of Gibraltar, held by legend to have been parted by the arm of Heracles
6. Herculean effort: great effort 21
1. sow dragon’s teeth: bring about disputes
2. a Cadmean victory: a victory won after a heavy loss of lives 22
1. oedipal: having an Oedipal complex
2. sphinx riddle: a puzzling or mysterious person/thing 23
1.Procrustean bed: a regulation/rule exhibiting merciless disregard for individual differences or special circumstances 2. labyrinth: a maze 3. Daedalian: skillful
4. icarian: reckless, daredevil
5. clue: variant of clew something that serves to guide or direct in the solution of a problem or mystery
6. Ariadne’s thread (logic): the solving of a problem with multiple apparent means of proceeding through an exhaustive application of logic to all available routes
7. the Ship of Theseus (a philosophical proposition): whether an object which has all its component parts replaced remains fundamentally the same 24
1. the apple of discord: sth. that causes disagreement among people 2. Achilles’ heel: a weakness/ vulnerable point
3. hector v: intimidate or dominate in a blustering way 5. Achilles and Patroclus: sworn brothers, bosom friends 6. fight like a Trojan: fight/ work extremely hard
7. sulky like Achilles in his tent: very morose, bad-tempered, and resentful; refusing to co-operate or be cheerful
8. a Trojan horse: the hidden danger; a covert wrecker
9. myrmidon: a faithful follower who carries out orders without question 25
1. the Electra complex: in psychoanalysis, a daughter's unconscious libidinal desire for her father. 2. the Orestes complex: in psychoanalysis, a son's hatred of his mother. 26
1. lotus-eater: sb. who lives in luxury and comfort free of care and worries 2. mentor: a wise and trusted counselor or teacher
3. cyclopean: of or constituting a primitive style of masonry characterized by the use of massive stones of irregular shape and size; huge, gigantic 4. tantalizing: exciting (another) by exposing something desirable while keeping it out of reach 5. siren song: sth beautiful but potentially dangerous
6. between Scylla and Charybdis: in a position where avoidance of one danger exposes one to another danger 27
1. harpy: a predatory person and shrewish woman 2. Palinurus: an ill-fated person
3. hypnotic: inducing or tending to induce sleep; soporific 4. dido: a mischievous prank or antic; a caper 5. ibyllic/sibylline: prophetic; oracular
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