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Lesson 31 A lovable eccentric 可愛的怪人
【New words and expressions】 生詞和短語
lovable adj. 可愛的 eccentric n. (行為)古怪人
disregard v. 不顧,漠視 convention n. 習俗,風俗
conscious adj. 感覺到的,意識到的 invariably adv. 總是,經常地
routine n. 常規;慣例 shrewd adj. 精明的
eccentricity n. 怪僻 legendary adj. 傳奇般的
snob n. 勢利小人,諂上欺下的人 intensely adv. 強烈地
bedraggled adj. 拖泥帶水的 dump v. 把……砰的一聲拋下
apologetic adj. 道歉的 reprimand v. 訓斥
stage v. 暗中策劃 elaborate adj. 精心構思的
★ lovable:friendly and attractive 友好可愛的
a lovable eccentric
lovely:beautiful or attractive漂亮可愛的
a lovely new-born baby
lively:full of vigor and gay 歡快而充滿活力的
a bright and lively boy 充滿朝氣的孩子
endearing:making others love or like you
an endearing smile 迷人的微笑
beloved mother 摯愛的母親
★ disregard :to ignore or treat as unimportant 不顧,漠視
disregard social conventions 不顧社會習俗 disregard one’
不顧反對/ 警告/ 抗議/ 情感/ 建議
eg:The eccentric disregarded social conventions and persisted in his old ways. 這個怪人不顧社會習俗依然我行我素。 neglect:to pay little attention to sth that you should do 疏忽、忽視(長期)
neglect one’ignore:not to take notice of 不理睬、置之不理
eg:The vast majority of people just sit back and ignore the poor.
overlook 忽視、原諒
overlook one’s mistakes
leave out or account
eg:The noble man left his servants out of account.
eg:The tyrant paid no attention to people’s cry.
give no thought to personal safety 對個人安危置之度外
★ convention n. 習俗,風俗
(1)custom, tradition, accepted practice
eg:In the light of traditional Chinese conventions, people will stay up to celebrate Eve.
follow the local conventions 遵守當地的風俗習慣
break down the old conventions 突破舊傳統
conventional 傳統的 conventional industry / war / weapons / greetings
傳統工業/ 常規戰爭/ 常規武器/習慣性問候
international convention 國際慣例
routine 常規、慣例 (the usual or normal way in which you do things)
daily routine 日常生活
adj. 常規的、例行的
a routine medical examination 常規身體檢查
routine meetings 例行會議 ;routine jobs 乏味的工作
(2)a formal agreement, esp. between counties 公約
Geneva convention 日內瓦公約
Pact條約、協約 (a formal agreement between two groups;nations esp. to help each other to fight against an enemy) sign a non-aggression pact 簽訂互不侵犯條約
trade pact 貿易條約
treaty (國語國之間締結的)條約、協議(an agreement made between countries and formally signed by their representatives)
a Peace Treaty 和平協議
NATO 北大西洋公約組織 (北約)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(3)a large formal meeting
a summit convention 高級首腦會議
assembly (集會式的)會議
(a group of people who are elected for a particular purpose)
UN Assembly 聯合國大會
conference (討論式的)會議
(a large formal meeting where a lot of people discuss)
a press conference 記者招待會
send-off party 歡送會
tea party 茶話會
meeting n.碰頭會 ; hold a meeting 開個會
attend a meeting 參加會議 ; get-together 聯歡會
a family get-together 家庭盛會
a temple fair 廟會 (fair:a market held at a particular place at regular periods for selling farm products)
the UN Security Council 聯合國安全理事會 (council:委員會)
National People’s Congress (NPC)全國人民代表大會
(congress:law-making body立法機構)
★ invariably adv. 總是,經常地
★ variable n. (數)變量adj. likely to change often 易變的、多變的
the variable nature of the English climate 英國氣候的多變性
eg:His performance has been very variable lately.他最近的表現不穩定。
invariable 不變的
invariable temperature 恆溫
eg:The diplomat’s invariable answer was ‘no comment’.
invariably adv. always
eg:Parents seem invariable right!
★ eccentricity n. 怪僻
eg:The old man had a reputation for eccentricity.
freak 古怪的人、奇特的人,…迷,……狂
(someone who is so interested in bikes, fitness etc. that other people think they are strange or unusual)
a rock freak 搖滾樂狂
eg:Carrot juice is a favorite with health-food freak.
eg:I was regarded as a sort of eccentric when I quit my seemingly promising job.
★ legendary adj. 傳奇般的
eg:Michael Jordan, a legendary figure in US basketball, was considered to be the best player of the 1980s and 1990s. legend n.
(1)傳奇故事the legend of King Arthur
★ snob n. 謅上欺下的人
(1)someone who thinks he or his class is better than people from a lower class and dislikes being with them勢利小人(清鄙貧賤的人)
eg:People invariably hold snobs in despise.
(2)恃才傲物的人、自大的(貶)intellectual snob 自以為才高八斗的人
the snobbish (表示一類人)勢利小人
★ intensely adv. 強烈地
(having a very strong feeling or felt very strong) 劇烈的痛苦/ 酷熱
an intense husband 一個重感情的丈夫
intense dislike about snobs 極其憎惡勢利小人
極大的興趣/ 熱切期盼/ 極其憤怒/強的忌妒
intensive adj.密集的、集中的 集訓/ 精讀
★ bedraggled adj 拖泥帶水的
(looking very untidy and dirty because you have caught in a rain)
look bedraggled 看上邋遢的樣子
slobbery agj.流著口水的 (slobber:口水、唾液)
TV slob 電視迷
shabby adj. 衣衫襤褸的、邋遢的(wearing clothes that are old and worn)
a shabby tramp 一個衣衫襤褸的流浪漢
★ dump v. 把……砰的一聲拋下 n.垃圾堆
down in the dumps 傷心透頂
(very sad and without much interest in life)
eg:Peter has been feeling down in the dumps since he and his girl friend split up.
v. 碰地一聲仍下
eg:He dumped the bag on my desk angrily and slammed the door away.
dump sb:to get rid of 甩掉
eg:He dumped his girl friend and fell in love with a rich woman.
★ reprimand v. 訓斥
severe official scolding (上級對下級式的)批評
eg:The officer reprimanded the soldier severely.
rebuke v. = reprimand
reprove sb for doing sth 因..而責罵
eg:The boy was reproved for playing with fire.
Reproach sb for / with sth
(to criticize someone in a way that shows you are disappointed, but not angry )失望地批評某人
eg:The hen-pecked husband was reproached for lack of foresight.
scold:to criticize a kid
blame v. 歸罪於某人
blame sb fore sth ; blame sth on sb
★ elaborate adj. 精心構思的
(containing a lot of details or parts that are connected with each other)
一個精心製作的小說 /故事/藉口 /晚餐/計劃 /語音 /準備
Why did the shop assistant refuse to serve Dickie?
True eccentrics never deliberately set out to draw attention to themselves. They disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary. This invariably wins them the love and respect of others, for they add colour to the dull routine of everyday life.
Up to the time of his death, Richard Colson was one of the most notable figures in our town. He was a shrewd and wealthy business-man, but the ordinary town-folk hardly knew anything about this side of his life. He was known to us all as Dickie and his eccentricity had become legendary long before he died. Dickie disliked snobs(勢利小人) intensely. Though he owned a large car, he hardly ever used it, preferring always to go on foot. Even when it was raining heavily, he refused to carry an umbrella. One day, he walked into an expensive shop after having been caught in a particularly heavy shower. He
wanted to buy a &300 fur coat for his wife, but he was in such a bedraggled condition that an assistant refused to serve him. Dickie left the shop without a word and returned carrying a large cloth bag. As it was extremely heavy, he dumped it on the counter. The assistant asked him to leave, but Dickie paid no attention to him and requested to see the manager. Recognizing who the customer was, the manager was most apologetic and 'reprimanded the assistant severely. When Dickie was given the fur coat, he presented the assistant with the cloth bag. It contained &300 in pennies. He insisted on the assistant's counting the money before he left 30,000 pennies in all! On another occasion, he invited a number of important critics to see his private collection of modern paintings. This exhibition received a great deal of attention in the press, for though the pictures were supposed to be the work of famous artists, they had in fact been painted by Dickie. It took him four years to stage this elaborate joke simply to prove that critics do not always know what they are talking about.
迪基痛恨勢利小人。儘管他有一輛豪華小轎車,但卻很少使用,常常喜歡以步代車。即使大雨傾盆,他也總是拒絕帶傘。一天,他遇上一場瓢潑大雨,淋得透濕。他走進一家高級商店,要為妻子買一塊價值300英鎊的手錶。但店員見他渾身泥水的樣子,竟不肯接待他。迪基二話沒說就走了。一會兒,他帶著一個大布口袋回到店裏。布袋很沉,他重重地把布袋扔在櫃檯上。店員讓迪基走開,他置之不理,並要求見經理。經理認出了這位顧客,表示了深深的歉意,還嚴厲地訓斥了店員。店員為迪基拿出了那塊手錶,迪基把布口袋遞給他,口袋裏面裝著300鎊的便士。他堅持要店員點清那些硬幣後他才離去。這些硬幣加在一起共有30,000枚! 還有一次,他邀請一些著名評論家來參觀他私人收藏的現代畫。這次展覽引起報界廣泛注意,因為這些畫名義上是名家的作品,事實上是迪基自己畫的。他花了4年時間策劃這出精心設計的鬧劇,只是想證明評論家們有時並不解他們所談論的事情。
★True eccentrics never deliberately set out to draw attention to themselves.
※ set out
(1)to start a journey 出發
eg:Columbus and his crew set out from Europe in 1492.
(2)set out to do sth
(making plans to do sth in order to achieve a particular result)
eg:She deliberately set out to poison every one of her 5 husbands.
set out to draw attention 刻意引起注意
★ They disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary.
※ They disregard social conventions without being conscious…
eg:The snobbish disregard ordinary citizens without being conscious that they are no different.
eg:The snobbish disregard ordinary those warnings without being conscious that he was getting close to real danger. 這個魯莽而大膽的全然不顧那些警告,絲毫意識不到自己已在鄰近真正的危險。
★ This invariably wins them the love and respect of others, for they add colour to the dull routine of everyday life. 他們總能贏得別人的喜愛與尊敬,因為他們給平淡單一的日常生活增添了色彩。
※ win sb sth (帶雙賓語)
eg:The advertisement wins the company huge sums of money.
win sb’s approval / trust / heart / independence
※ add color to 為了…添加色彩
eg:Humor invariable adds color to communication.
add to sth 加重(to make sth such as a feeling or quality stronger)
eg:Our explanation seemed only to add to his anger.
eg:Her eccentricity adds to her charm.她的古怪更增添了她的魅力。
add up to總計
eg:The total fee adds up to as much as $5000.
★ Up to the time of his death, Richard Colson was one of the most notable figures in our town.
※ Up to the time of his death……
※ up to 直到…之前
up to the war
up till
eg:The Cox brothers kept the secret up to the time of his death.
up to sth(doing)(to be good enough to reach a standard)
eg:He isn’t up to his new job.他不勝任新工作。
※ the most notable figures 最有名望的人
notable + 人 = famous
notable + 物 = remarkable
notable discovery 了不起的發現
★ He was a shrewd and wealthy business-man, but the ordinary town-folk hardly knew anything about this side of his life. 他是個精明能幹、有錢的商人,但鎮上大部分人對他生活中的這一個方面幾乎一無所知。
※ shrewd :successful in business and politics canny:clever, careful , not easily deceived 精明,不易上當的
a canny old lady
cunning:good at deceiving 奸詐、狡猾的
a cunning fox
★ He was known to us all as Dickie and his eccentricity had become legendary long before he died.
※ be known to us all as…被大家叫做…
eg:He was known to us all as a walking encyclopedia and it had won him love and respect long before he died.
★ Dickie disliked snobs(勢利小人) intensely.
★ Though he owned a large car, he hardly ever used it, preferring always to go on foot.
eg:Though the rich man owned several bodyguards, he hardly ever asked them to accompany him, preferring to go for a walk alone.
★ Even when it was raining heavily, he refused to carry an umbrella.
※ carry / take / hold an umbrella 帶/拿/舉傘
the political umbrella 政治保護傘
★ One day, he walked into an expensive shop after having been caught in a particularly heavy shower.
※ be caught in 突然被…所困
get caught in
eg:The boat was caught in a heavy storm.船隻遭遇特大風暴。
eg:I got my finger caught in the door.我的手指被門縫夾了。
eg:The youngsters were caught in a heavy shower and looked bedraggled.
be caught up in捲入…:get involved in sth unwilling
eg:President Nixon was caught up in Watergate and was forced to leave his job before Congress could impeach him. 尼克身總統捲入悱聞事件,並且在國會開除他之前辭職了。
★ He wanted to buy a &300 fur coat for his wife, but he was in such a bedraggled condition that an assistant refused to serve him.
※ serve him 接待他
attend to a customer 招呼客人
sever the guests 接待賓客 serve the country in the war 衛國參戰
★ Dickie left the shop without a word and returned carrying a large cloth bag.
※ left…without …and returned…
eg:The jailer came off the stage with the blank piece of paper and returned with the normal one.
★ As it was extremely heavy, he dumped it on the counter.
★The assistant asked him to leave, but Dickie paid no attention to him and requested to see the manager.
※ pay no attention / heed to
attach too great importance to 給…太多的重要性
place too much emphasis on 過於強調
eg:We attach too great importance to tradition and at the same time little attention is paid to world trend.
★ Recognizing who the customer was, the manager was most apologetic and 'reprimanded the assistant severely. 經理認出了這位顧客,表示了深深的歉意,還嚴厲地訓斥了店員。
※ Recognizing…
eg:Recognizing who the visitor was, the woman became wild of joy; it was none other than her long-lost husband! ★ When Dickie was given the fur coat, he presented the assistant with the cloth bag.
※ present sb with sth provide/ supply / furnish sb with sth
arm sb with sth
★ It contained &300 in pennies. 口袋裏面裝著300鎊的便士。
※ in pennies按一個硬幣一個硬幣地計算 in miles / seconds
eg:The distance was shoed in miles. 距離是以英里為單位計的。
a novel in 3 parts 一部由三部分組成的小說
three in one 三合一 ; two in one
★ He insisted on the assistant's counting the money before he left 3o,000 pennies in all!
※ insist on 強調、堅持 (say firmly and repeatedly)
persist in (continue to do sth)
eg:Teachers insist on the importance of being punctual.
eg:His parents persist in his full recovery before going back to work.
★ On another occasion, he invited a number of important critics to see his private collection of modern paintings. 還有一次,他邀請一些著名評論家來參觀他私人收藏的現代畫。
★ This exhibition received a great deal of attention in the press, for though the pictures were supposed to be the work of famous artists, they had in fact been painted by Dickie.
※ critics 批評家、批評家
an out spoken critic一個直言不諱的批評家。
analyst 分析家、分析師 ; system analyst 系統分析師
observer 觀察家 ; an observer of nature 自然觀察家
receive tremendous response 收到熱烈的反應
★ It took him four years to stage this elaborate joke simply to prove that critics do not always know what they are talking about.
※ stage v. 策劃, 舉行, 發動
wage a war 發動戰爭 ;stage an exhibition 舉辦展覽
stage a come-back 密謀東山再起
※ simply to do (used to say that someone did sth with a bad result)
only to do
eg:They lift a rock only to drop it on their own feet.
eg:I came to its rescue only to find the house was burnt out.
….critics do not always know what they are talking about.
talk sense(比較:talk nonsense) ; speak sense
1. They disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary.
eg:The snobbish disregard ordinary citizens without being conscious that they are no different.
eg:The snobbish disregard ordinary those warnings without being conscious that he was getting close to real danger. 這個魯莽而大膽的全然不顧那些警告,絲毫意識不到自己已在鄰近真正的危險。
2. One day, he walked into an expensive shop after having been caught in a particularly heavy shower.
※ be caught in 突然被…所困
get caught in
eg:The boat was caught in a heavy storm.船隻遭遇特大風暴。
eg:I got my finger caught in the door.我的手指被門縫夾了。
eg:The youngsters were caught in a heavy shower and looked bedraggled.
be caught up in捲入…:get involved in sth unwilling
eg:President Nixon was caught up in Watergate and was forced to leave his job before Congress could impeach him. 尼克身總統捲入悱聞事件,並且在國會開除他之前辭職了。
3. Dickie paid no attention to him and requested to see the manager.
※ pay no attention / heed to
attach too great importance to 給…太多的重要性
place too much emphasis on 過於強調
eg:We attach too great importance to tradition and at the same time little attention is paid to world trend.
1. I’m going to hit him where it hurts.以其人知道還致其人之身。
2. A real beauty is in no the inside. 真正的美是內心的美。
the money before he left.
a. that the assistant should count b. the assistant to count
c. to count d. to be counted
8. He asked a number of important critics to come _____ his private…a. and see b. seeing c. see d. so they saw
12. Critics do not always .
a. mean well b. speak with understanding
c. tell the truth d. talk sense
talk nonsense 胡說
1. His behavior was above .
a. comment 注釋; 意見; 評論 b. scolding責罵; 斥責
c. criticism 批評, 非難, 評論 d. reproach責備, 使丟臉, 申斥
2. The school being over, the children were allowed to watch television their heart’s content.
a. at b. on c. for d. to
分析:d. to one’s heart’s content 表示”盡情地”。在這個短語中heart 永遠用單數名詞的所有格。
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