新标准大学英语综合教程2UNIT TEST答案8
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For me, television is just a(n) manual, but some people consider it a full-time activity.
Your answer
Correct answer
manual diversion
2. Snorkeling and scuba diving are great pastimes, but they also
excitementrisks that make them dangerous.
Correct answer
Your answer
excitement inherent
3. When I move to a new house, I think I'll need a(n)
additionalroom for all of my hobbies. Your answer
Correct answer
additional additional
4. John plays team sports in his free time because he
appreciates the
outlookwith other people.
Correct answer interaction
diversionYour answer outlook
My current job involves a lot of that my next job be at a desk.
Your answer
labor, so I'd prefer Correct answer
diversion manual
6. Any hobby can take over your life if you spend a(n)
leisureamount of time doing it. Your answer
Correct answer
leisure excessive
7. I have to write an essay about what I like to do in my
peculiartime. Your answer peculiar Correct answer leisure
8. The interactionfor the sports industry looks great; more and more people are trying to stay healthy through sports.
Your answer interaction
Correct answer outlook
Most people don't see much in stamp collecting, but I really enjoy it.
Your answer inherent
Correct answer excitement
My friends all think magic is a(n) hobby, but I find it interesting and it makes me happy.
Your answer excessive
Correct answer peculiar
Section B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.
11. My little sister has an _______ spirit—she likes to explore
everyplace she goes.
A. adventurous
B. advantageous
C. adventure
D. advantage
12. Clive would often get into trouble because he _______
expressed his thoughts and opinions.
A. swiftly
B. frantically
C. badly
D. perfectly
13. For many people, learning to speak Chinese is a _______ effort
because it is so difficult.
A. futile
B. rewarding
C. peculiar
D. worthwhile
14. The _______ of the large tree from our backyard freed up space
where we could play football.
A. remove
B. removal
C. removing
D. removes
15. Don't _______ me! Of course I know how to play chess!
A. insult
B. rude
C. offense
D. abuse
16. Enjoyable activities such as painting, photography, and light
exercise help older people maintain a _______ on the real world.
A. grips
B. gripping
C. gripper
D. grip
17. Completing crossword puzzles usually _______ me since many
of the words are so uncommon.
A. aggravate
B. aggravates
C. aggravating
D. aggravation
18. Some games, like chess, have an _______ set of rules, while
others are relatively simple.
A. excellent
B. expensive
C. exact
D. extensive
19. Many young people practically live in the _______ world of
video games.
A. genuine
B. virtual
C. true
D. false
20. By definition, a hobby is something you do for fun and for which
don't receive any _______.
A. excitement
B. leisure
C. compensation
D. gratification
Section C: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.
Please sit meeting.
downand watch this short film before the Your answer down
Correct answer down
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