冀教版英语2下Lesson 8 Letters E~I教案2

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金戈铁骑 整理制作

Unit 2 Letters Are Fun! Lesson 8 Letters E~I



1.让学生会说会写字母T: E, F, G, H, I.

2.通过实际训练,让学生会熟练运用T: E, F, G, H, I.。


能听、说、读 E, F, G, H, I和 e, f, g, h, i.


card,students’ book,tape,recorder。


Step 1 Warm-up

(The teacher stands at the stage and let students to review the lesson we learned last class) T: Read the letter ABCD together. (The students read the letters together.) T: What’s the initial letter of the apple? Ss: A

(The teacher looks at individual students, asking this question and prompts them to answer.) T: What’s the initial letter of the word: elephant?21cnjy.com S1: E

(The teacher gets three or four students to come to the front of the classroom.) (The teacher explains to the students: what’s the function of a letter?)21教育网 T: What’s the initial letter of the word: friend? 金戈铁骑整理制作


S2: F

T: What’s the initial letter of the word: high? S3: H

T: What’s the initial letter of the word: idol? S4: I

T: What’s the initial letter of the word: giggle? S5: G

T: What’s the initial letter of the word: hot? S6: H

T: What’s the initial letter of the word: fun? S7: F

T: What’s the initial letter of the word: good? S8: G

T: What’s the initial letter of the word: human? S9: H

Step 2 Presentation

1. Play a game. (Give students the cards of the letters and let students do the game. The teacher say to the students: may I have the letter I? Then, the students find the letter as quickly as they can. The quicker one will get a present. The teacher does an example.)21世纪教育网版权所有 2. Listen to the tape, please. Find some students to perform this situation on the stage.


1. Write down the new words on your notebook. 2. Practice the new sentences with your friends.

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