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第一部分 实用英语语法专项训练

第一章 名词和名词词组(含名词属格)

I. Multiple choices.

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section, each of which is supplied with four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are to choose the one answer that best complete the sentence.

1. The room was small and contained far too _____.

A. many new furniture B. much new furniture C. many new furnitures D. much new furnitures

2. The department purchased_____ to improve the working conditions there. A. a new equipment B. a new piece of equipment C. new equipments D. new pieces of equipments 3. In the United States, presidential elections are held once _____.

A. every four year B. every four years C. four every year D. four every years 4. At least we are required to write five_____ every year.

A. theses B. thesis

C. thesises D. pieces of thesis 5. A hammer_____ a means of driving a nail.

A. was B. is C. are D. were 6. He has given a series of _____ of his loyalty and sincerity.

A. proof B. prooves C. proofs D. proofes

7. He was eager to make some extra money, since during these years he could hardly live on his _____.

A. wages B. little wage C. wage D. few wage

8. The police _____ the house attempting to find some traces of the questioned.

A. is searching B. search C. searching D. searches 9. After ten years, all these youngsters became _____.

A. growns-ups B. growns-up C. grown-up D. grown-ups 10. All the _____ got a rise last month without any expectation.

A. woman doctors B. women doctors C. women doctor D. woman doctor 11. The police put the criminal _____.

A. in a iron B. into a iron C. in irons D. into a pair of iron 12. Some _____ from the countryside want to find jobs in the city.

A. youth B. youths C. a youth D. the youth 13. Ten years have passed, I found my mother had_____.

A. a little white hair B. a few white hairs C. much white hair D. some white hair 14. ―Did _____ go to the party?‖


A. many John friends B. many John‘s friend C. many of John‘s friends D. many friends of John 15. This shop sells_____ and sometimes other fashionable things.

A. men‘s clothing B. man clothes C. clothing of men D. man‘s clothing

16. _____ receives only a small portion of the total amount of the sun‘s energy.

A. The surface of the earth B. The earth‘s surface C. The earth surface D.The surface earth 17. ―What can I do for you?‖ ―I want _____.‖

A. two dollar‘s worth of candy B. two dollars‘ worth of candy C. dollars worth of candy D. two dollars-worth candy 18. Numerous materials are available to _____.

A. today of designers B. today‘s of designers C. today‘s designers D. today designers 19. John has a _____ daughter.

A. five-years-old B. five-year old C. five year old D. five-year-old 20. I had my hair made at _____ near the department store.

A. the barber B. the barbers C. the barber‘s D. the barbers‘

II. Identify the one underlined part that is wrong.

21. His arguments, comparatively speaking, have a firm basis. A B C D

22.He was employed as a consultant on the base of three weeks. A B C D 23. They designed a new type of TV device. A B C D

24. There are so many convenient kitchen sets in this specialty. A B C D 25. The harvest to the crops was serious because of the storm. A B C D 26. He invested his money in stocks at an adventure. A B C D

27. They have got everything ready for the three day‘s voyage in the mountains. A B C D 28. When the couple went to the party, they were in their best clothing. A B C D 29. Several articles of clothes were found in the suitcase. A B C D 30. Our university received a gift of a million dollars. A B C D

III. Give the plural of :


31. sit-in 32. clothes hanger 33. woman driver 34.information office 35. gentleman farmer 36. saving bank 37. evening dress 38. great aunt 39. take-off 40. passer-by

IV. Fill in the blanks with the cues in the brackets, using a countable or uncountable noun in its proper number.

41. They grow their own _____. (carrot)

42. Good stew(炖菜) must contain _____.(carrot) 43. _____is refreshing in summer. (beer) 44. They had two _____.(beer)

45. Rich men live in _____.(luxury) 46. A refrigerator is _____here. (luxury) 47. _____travels faster than sound. (light) 48. Do you have _____ in the corridor? (light) 49. _____ is its own reward. (virtue) 50. Her _____ were well-known. (virtue)

【参考答案与解析】 I. Multiple choices.

1.【B】furniture 是表总称的物质名词(也有的书称为集合名词),没有复数形式,也不能与不定冠词连用,含义上永远是单数。即使前面有some 修饰,也不能用复数。例如:I‘ve just bought some new furniture.若要表示―数‖, 可用much, little, a little, a lot of, lots of 等修饰。

2.【B】equipment 是集合名词,不可数。一件设备:a piece of equipment;一套设备:a set of equipment. 3.【B】every 与基数词、序数词、other 和few 连用,表示时间和空间的间隔,表示―每……;每隔……‖。例如:He comes here every three days.―他每三天/每隔两天来这儿一次。‖在every four years 中,year受前面的four制约了,所以加s(复数要求),可以理解为every管不着year了。

4.【A】thesis ,―毕业或学位论文‖,它的复数形式是不规则变化:theses.

5.【B】means,表示―方式,方法,工具‖的时候, 是个单复同形的名词。当means做主语时,其谓语的数须根据句意来定。All possible means have been tried. ―所有可能的办法都已经试过了‖。 Every possible means has been tried. ―每种可能的办法都已经试过了。‖ 6.【A】当proof表示的证据是物品时是可数名词;当证据是言论和行文时是不可数名词。 7.【A】wage(s)(经常用于复数),这个词用来指体力或机械工人、仆人、商店店员、职工等的工资。通常指一周,(甚至一天)一付的工资。例如:邮递员又罢工了。他们要增加工资。 The Postmen are on strike again. They want higher wages.而wage的单数形式常用作定语和某些短语中。例如:wage labor,―雇佣劳动‖或―雇佣劳动力‖。


8【B】集合名词police, family, group 作主语时,若强调一个整体时,谓语动词用单数形式;若强调集体中一个个成员时,谓语动词用复数形式。例如:The class is to have its picture taken this afternoon.今天下午全班照相。This class is studying now. Mr. Smith is teaching them.这个班级的同学都在学习,斯密斯先生教他们。

9.【D】grown-up, ―成人‖,是复合名词,复合名词的复数形式通常是把最后的那个词变为复数形式,例如:boy-friends, break-ins ,travel-agents.

10.【B】当复合名词的第一个词是woman或man时,复合名词的两个部分都要变为复数形式。例如:men drivers, women drivers.

11.【C】in irons 是固定搭配,―被监禁、上镣铐、带着镣铐‖。 12.【B】 youth, 青年,是可数名词,要用复数形式。

13.【B】当hair 指一整头头发时,是不可数名词,而当hair指一根根头发时是可数的。例如:My hair is black. He has three white hairs.

14.【C】名词的双重所有格的基本形式为:不定冠词或表示数量的词+of+名词所有格,也就是说当a,an,this, that, these, those, some, any, no, every, such, another, which, what等与名词共同修饰一个名词时,用―a(this,some)+名词+of+‘s所有格。 15.【A】clothing是不可数名词,men‘s clothing,男服。

16.【A】英语名词所有格有两种:‘s属格和of 属格。‘s属格由名词后加‘s 或‘构成,多用来表示有生命的人或动物。由介词of 加名词构成的所有格,多用来表示无生命的事物。 17.【B】当表示值多少钱的东西时,可以用‘s属格。例如:£1‘s worth of stamps, ten dollars‘ worth of ice-cream. dollar 是可数名词,其复数形式的所有格是dollars‘.

18.【C】表示时间时,可以用‘s属格。例如:a week‘s holiday, today‘s paper, tomorrow‘s weather 等等。 19.【D】 ―five-year-old‖,是作为一个整体来修饰daughter的,是形容词的词性,表示―……岁‖,要有连字符,而且要去掉years后面的s. ―five years old‖是名词词组,不能做定语修饰daughter.

20.【C】at the baber‘,在理发店。这个名词所有格省略了后面的shop.类似的例子还有:the baker‘s/the butcher‘s/the chemist‘s/the florist‘s等等。

II. Identify the one underlined part that is wrong.


22.【C】basis ―根据,基础‖, 指抽象事物,如讨论、推断等依据或根据。on the basis of 为常用搭配,

23.【D】set―电视机或无线电的接受装置‖;device ―发明物,装置‖,指做工具的简单的机械装置。



26.【D】adventure指―冒险活动或经历‖;risk―危险,风险‖,应改为at risk。

27.【C】voyage 指远距离的水上或空中旅行, journey是指时间长,距离较远的陆地旅行。

28.【D】clothing ―衣服,服装‖的总称,是物质名词,只有单数形式。而clothes既指穿戴在人体各部位的衣着,也可表示专为某种场合或年龄的人而设计的衣服,是个复数名词,可同many,these,those连用.根据句子意思,这里应改为clothes.




III. Give the plural of :


32.【clothes hangers】以可数名词结尾的复合名词有复数形式,其复数形式把后面的名词变为复数。

33.【women drivers】以man或woman 为前缀的复合名词变复数时,前后两个名词均需变为复数。

34.【information offices】解析见32题 35.【gentlemen farmers】解析参见33题。

36.【savings banks】以―动词-ing形式+副词‖构成复合名词时,在动词-ing形式后加-s,如:coming-in的复数:comings-in. 37.【evening dresses】解析同32题。 38.【great- aunts】 解析同32题


40.【passers-by】如果复合名词是由―动词+er/or+修饰语(副词),它的复数形式通常是在―动词+ er/or‖构成的名词上加复数词尾。

IV. Fill in the blanks with appropriate determiners or corresponding pronouns.

41.【carrots】表示蔬菜、动物等名词是可数的。当carrot表示蔬菜时是可数的。 42.【carrot】当carrot 表示餐桌上的食品时,就转化为不可数名词。 43.【beer】beer是物质名词,不可数。

44.【beers】beer表示具体的个别的事物时,是可数的,two beers, 两杯啤酒。 45.【luxury】luxury作抽象名词时时不可数的。

46【a luxury】luxury表示具体的事物时是可数名词。 47.【light】light表示―光‖的时候是不可数的。 48.【lights】light表示―灯‖的时候是可数的。

49.【virtue】virtue表示―美德‖的时候是不可数的。 50.【virtues】virtue表示―优点‖时,是可数名词。

第二章 限定词及代词

I. Multiple choices.

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section, each of which is supplied with four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are to choose the one answer that best complete the sentence.

1. He is _____ here in town, but I suppose he is _____ in his own village. A. no one, some one B. any one, no one C. nobody, somebody D. anybody, nobody


2. Yesterday morning, I went to _____ school, which stood in ____ sight of my house, to tell him about the terrible accident.

A. /, the B. the, / C. the, the D. /, / 3. They paid _____ money for the machine than I expected. A. little B. less C. much D. fewer 4. He was on leave _____ days.

A. the few last B. few another C. few other D. the last few

5. I suppose _____ never occurred to you to ask the police for assistance. A. something B. anything C. it D. he

6. The government has promised to do _____ lies in its power to ease thehardships of the victims in the flood-stricken area.

A. however B. whichever C. whatever D. wherever 7. Mark plays _____ violin, while his brother prefers to play _____ baseball. A. the, the B. the, / C. /, the D. /, / 8. Do they have _____ air-conditioners for cooling the rooms in summer? A. many a B. enough C. a great deal of D. a bit of 9. _____ are letting us use their house while they‘re away.

A. Some our friends B. Some friends of ours C. Our some friends D. Our some of friends

10. The new teacher made _____ clear that she would not allow talking in class.

A. it B. us C. that D. her 11. _____ London of Dickens‘ time comes to _____ life in his books. A. The, / B. /, / C. /, the D. The, the 12. He has been staying at home _____ days.

A. these all last few B. these last few all C. all these last few D. these last all few 13. It was more expensive than _____ we were normally able to afford. A. the any other magazines B. the other any magazines C. any the other magazines D. any of the other magazines

14. On the first Friday of the month, the group meets in the morning, but _____ it meets in the evening.

A. one every another Friday B. on each another Friday C. on every other Friday D. on each other Friday 15. Your idea, _____, seems unusual to me. A. like her B. like hers C. similar to her D. similar to herself

16. He carries the parcel home himself, but he ___so, the shop could have sent it. A. did not need to do B. needn‘t have done


C. must not have done D. couldn‘t have done

17. On account of the typhoon _____ shipment will arrive this week.

A. neither B. all C. both D. these 18. He has published _____ short stories in English.

A. a great amount of B. a number of C. another D. many a

19. If my mother and I were together for too long, we began to get on_____ nerves. A. each the other‘s B. one the other‘s C. each other‘s D. one and other‘s

20. My legs were aching and I knew that there was _____ I would make it up the hill. A. neither way B. either way C. none the way

D. no way

II. Identify the one underlined part that is wrong.

21. More corn is produced in the United States than in any country in the world. A B C D

22. I can‘t go for one thing , I have no money, and what‘s more I have too much work. A B C D

23. The girls played their instruments. The performing for us was a nice surprise. A B C D

24. He was offered a job in a weapons factory but he said he would have no of it. A B C D 25. The furniture is theirs, but the house is our‘s. A B C D

26. Her husband‘s absent left her completely at loss when the accident happened. A B C D

27. When Dad spoke to the lawyer, he was extremely nervous and ill at ease. A B C D

28. Trying to finish her thesis in time, she has been burning midnight oil over the last few



29. Linguistics is a scientific study of the language. A B C D

30. The formers are hoping that there will be a great many rainfall this year than there was last


year. 31. There was a little food left, though we all got hungry. A B C D

32. Two people had met the general before, but either recognized him. A B C D


33. Children should be taught how to get along with another.


34. Either house of Congress have begun their debate on granting the president authority A B to commit US troops to war. C D

35. —I want to have my CD player fixed, but I can‘t find a repair shop.


—Oh, I know the one. Come on, I‘ll take you there.


III. Fill in the blanks with appropriate determiners or corresponding pronouns.

36. There has been hardly _____(any, some)sign of agreement as yet between the management and the union in their dispute over wages and working conditions.

37. Mexico is a country in North America. _____ (It, She) has an area of 760,373 square miles with a population of 81,140,920.

38. We don‘t have to buy any more eggs. There are a great _____ (much, many)left in the fridge.

39.Francine was so kind to me that I shall never forget _____(him, her).

40. On a fine summer Bank Holiday, seaside places are so crammed with people and cars that the holiday makers can hardly find space to sit down, which is why those people who hate crowds keeps away from ____(these, many) places.

41. Once upon a time there was a wolf in sheep‘s clothing, hiding _____(himself, herself) among a flock of sheep.

42.A truck collided with a car. The car was totally damaged, but _____(little, few) damage was done to the truck.

43. Faced with the possibility of ____(a, / ) water shortage during the summer months, the city has asked its citizens to limit its use of water.

44. The president got down from the plane and shook hands with _____ (each, every) one waiting at the airport.

45. When we were little and would visit her, my grandmother often gave presents to my sister and _____(me, myself) .

IV. Improve the following sentences, eliminating the ambiguity caused by faulty pronoun reference.

46. The government have made up its minds that they are going to win no matter at what cost. 47. Anyone who drives its car at two hundred miles an hour is asked for trouble.

48. Our Association, which has consistently pressed for greater employment opportunities for the disabled, will publish our proposals in the near future.

49. A tall man stood up and shook hands. He was Captain Whitehead.

50. If I think someone may attempt to take an overdoes, I will spend hours talking to him.


【参考答案与解析】 I. Multiple choices.

1.【C】nobody―小人物‖;somebody ―大人物‖。 2.【B】在bed, church, college, hospital, market, office, prison, sea, school, table等名词之前, 如果带定冠词或不定冠词则表示各该名词所表示的处所; 若带零冠词,则表示各该处所的功能。介词短语in sight of的意思是―看得见的,可以看见‖例如:We live in sight of the school.


4.【D】限定词分为中位限定词、前位限定词和后位限定词。限定词之间存在着搭配关系,其搭配关系总是按照―前位--中位--后位‖的顺序排列,后位限定词多有重叠现象。the last few 三个限定词的排列为―中--后--后‖排列。




8【B】空格处为一个定语位置,可以用排除法把四个选择项中的A、D 两项排除,余下的B、C两项,C项太夸张,B项最为合适。

9.【B】some friends of ours 是一―双重属格‖,起加强语气的作用。 10.【A】代词it在句子中做形式宾语。


12.【C】 限定词分为中位限定词、前位限定词和后位限定词。限定词之间存在着搭配关系,其搭配关系总是按照―前位--中位--后位‖的顺序排列。all these last few 四个限定词的排列是―前--中--后--后‖,

13.【D】any of the other magazines 表达的是―其他杂志中的任何一种‖。 14.【C】on every other Friday 表达的是―每隔一个星期五‖。

15.【B】hers 为名词性物主代词形式,名词性物主代词在 句子中可以充当主语、宾语和表语。介词like 后接介词宾语做句子的方式状语,而similar没有这种用法。

16.【B】―情态助动词need + have done‖可以用来表示―没有必要做,而做了‖的意义。 17.【A】表示―两者都没有、都不是‖等概念时,要用否定代词neither, 而不说both not 或是 all not. on account of 的意思是―因为,由于‖例如:She‘s angry on account of what you said.

18.【B】四个选择项中的C、D两项为干扰项,可以排除,A项可以用来修饰不可数名词,而被修饰词是stories 显然,B项为正确选项。

19.【C】to get on each other‘s nerves ―互相感到烦,使对方感到心烦‖。 20.【D】no way ―不行‖,用于表达强烈的反对或拒绝,例如:There is no way I‘m agreeing to that! 我绝不会答应那件事的。

II. Identify the one underlined part that is wrong.


21.【C】在比较结构中,比较的两者应该是对等的,如本句中的A为the United States, B则应该是―其他任何一个国家‖any other country.

22.【C】for one thing为固定搭配词组,表示―首先,一则‖,经常和for another搭配使用。 23.【C】人称代词有主格、宾格和所有格之分,此句中的空格处是一个定语位置,因此,C项为错误项,应该改为their.

24.【D】no、not、none 三词中none 为代词,在句中可以充当主语或宾语的,把B项中的错误用词no改为none 即可。

25.【D】our‘s 是名词所有格形式, ours 是名词性物主代词,在句中与动词is 构成谓语。

26.【C】―不知所措‖的正确表达为 at a loss .

27.【B】B 项中的人称代词he指代不明确,可以认为它指代Dad,也可以认为它指代的是lawyer, 将he改为Dad即可。

28.【C】burn the midnight oil 是―熬夜‖的意思。

29.【D】冠词的类指用法比较复杂,学习时必须弄明白冠词的类指意义:类指就是表示类别,也就是泛指一类人或事物。不论定冠词还是不定冠词和零冠词都具有这种功能。此句D项中的the language ,由于受定冠词the 的限定,极易认为是某一种特定的语言,应该把定冠词the 除掉。 30.【C】限定词 a great many 和 a great amount of 分别用于修饰可数名词和不可数名词,被这个限定词修饰的词为rainfall ,rainfall 是一个既可做可数名词―下雨‖也可作不可数名词的词―降雨量‖, 此句利的rainfall 为不可数名词―降雨量‖,所以应该把a great many 改为 a great amount of.

31.【B】little 和a little 修饰不可数名词,little表示否定意义,a little 表示肯定意义。 32.【C】either意思是“两者中的任何一个”,neither意思是\两者都不\,因此,从句意看,应该是“两个都不”的意思。


34.【A】从后面的their可知句意表示both houses ―两者都‖。 35.【C】用ones代指上文提到的一类事物(复数),因为repair shop 不止一间,因此用 ones,而不用the one。

III. Fill in the blanks with appropriate determiners or corresponding pronouns.

36. 【any】some、any 和no 都是不定代词,some用在肯定句中,any用在否定句中,no表示否定意义,如果句中已经有表示否定意义的词如:hardly, scarcely, barely等时,句中不再实用否定词no, 因此,本句应该选择any. 37.【It】先行项为国家名称时,如果仅视为地理名词时,代词或相应的限定词用中性(it,its,itself),但若视为政治实体或者说话人带有感情色彩,代词或相应的限定词用阴性。 38.【many】限定词many 和much的用法是:前者修饰可数名词,后者修饰不可数名词。本句中many修饰的是前面提到的eggs.

39.【her】英语中的人名,如Ally (f), Amy (f), Barney (m), Benny (m),

Emile (m), Frances (f), Francis (m)等,有性别区别的。学习时要注意确定其性别,随后的代词或相应的限定词就不会用错。

40.【these】这里考核的是指示照应问题。指示照应是由指示代词和指示限定词实现的照应关系。指示代词和指示限定词通常都可以比较自由地用于后照应。本句中的指示代词these place是指代的就是seaside places.


II. Identify the one underlined part that is wrong.

21.【B】advise的常用结构为:advise doing sth; advise sb to do sth.

22.【C】can not help doing sth. 禁不住做某事;cannot help to do sth.不能帮助做某事。 23.【C】arrive at/in后面跟表示地点的名词;arrive home, home 是副词,前面无须加介词。

24.【A】ask sb. to do sth.让某人做某事;call on sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事;call 意为―叫喊‖,不能误解为―要,让‖。

25.【D】avoid doing something ―避免‖,avoid后不接不定式。

26.【D】call sb.‘s name ,―谩骂某人‖;call sb. by the name,―唤某人的名字‖。

27.【A】have the pleasure of doing something ―有……的荣幸‖;take pleasure in doing something ―以……为乐‖。此处,have应该改为take。 28.【C】depend on/upon ―依靠,依赖‖。

29.【D】throw to ―把……扔给‖,表示传递,没有恶意;throw at ―用……砸‖,表示攻击,有敌意。

30.【B】take……as ―把……当作‖,没有弄错的意思;take …… for ―把……当作‖,含有―把……误认为是……‖的意思。

III. Replace the underlined part of each sentence by the proper phrasal verbs (The first word is given.).

31.【heading for】go towards:朝……走去;heading for:朝…进发,动身。

32.【failing behind】工作没有按期完成。 falling behind with something,逾期作某事。 33.【give to】交给; hand in递交。

34.【mark out】划出,选出;cross off取消。 35.【represent】代表;stand for:代表,象征。 36.【review】复习;brush up on:复习。

37.【have grown out of】grow out of:渐渐穿不上, 长得太大以至… 38.【adds up to】 mean, 表示……的意思。adds up to:等于; 意味着, 看来实际是……; 总起来说。It all adds up to a complete failure.事情总起来说是彻底失败了。

39.【tried out for】选拔。如:These teams are going to try out for the Olympic Games.这些队伍要参加奥林匹克运动会的选拔赛。

40.【feel up to decorating】feel up to doing something: 感到自己有能力〔适于〕(做某事). I don't feel up to going out tonight.今晚我没精神出去。

IV Fill in the blanks with appropriate determiners or corresponding pronouns.

41. put away/back. 收起来, 放好 42.go on/carry on 继续 43.take off 脱下 44.going up 上涨 45.turning in 上床睡觉 46.laid them off 解雇 47.looks down on 看不起


48.hung up /rung off 挂断 49.turn down 拒绝 50. speed up 加速

第四章 动词的时和体(一)

I. Multiple choices.

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section, each of which is supplied with four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are to choose the one answer that best complete the sentence.

1. He usually ___ coffee, but today he ____ tea.

A. drinks / is drinking B. is drinking / drinks C. is drinking / is drinking D. drinks / drinks 2. ___ you ____ the wind. It _____ very strongly tonight.

A. Are you hearing / is blowing B. Are you hearing / blows C. Do you hear / blowing D. Do you hear / is blowing

3. While people may prefer television for knowing about the news, it is unlikely that television ____ the newspaper completely.

A. replaced B. have replaced C. replace D. will replaced

4.Research ____ all over the world into the possible cause of cancer in the past years.

A. was made B. had been made C. has been making D. has been made

5.When you _____, I know for certain that you will feel much better.

A. are waking up B. have been waking up C. wake up D. have woke 6.Hardly had Tom ____ when the movie began.

A. seated B. been sat C. sited D. been seated

7.― The ground is wet.‖ ―Yes, didn‘t you know? _____ for the last 20 minutes.‖

A. It‘s raining B. It was raining C. It‘s been raining D. It‘s has rained

8. Johnson ___ a novel about ancient China last year, but I don‘t know whether he has finished it.

A. has wrote B. wrote C. had written D. was writing

9.The air will be further polluted unless some measures_____.

A. will be taken B. are taken C. were taken D. had been taken

10.When David arrived, he learned Jack ____ for almost two hours.

A. had gone B. had set off C. had left D. had been away

11. You should have put the yogurt into the fridge, I expect it ____ undrinkable by now.


A. became B. had become C. has become D. becomes

12.Even if she herself _____ tomorrow, it ____ too late to do anything.

A. will come… is B. should come… were C. comes… will be D. comes… would be

13.Advertising media like direct mail, radio, television and newspapers ____ to increase the sales of industrial products.

A. have been used B. will be used C. is being used D. has been used

14.We are late. I expect the film ___ by the time we get to the cinema.

A. will have started B. has started C. will start D. may start

15.A bell ring again! It was the third time someone ___ me that evening.

A. has interrupted B. had interrupted C. to have interrupted D. would have interrupted 16.—Can I help you, sir?

—Yes. I bought this radio here yesterday, but it _____.

A. didn‘t work B. won‘t work C. can‘t work D. doesn‘t work

17.I don‘t know when she _____, but when she ______ I‘ll discuss with her.

A. will come… comes B. comes… comes C. comes… will comes D. will come… will come

18.To understand the situation completely requires more thought than ___ thus far.

A. has given B. was given C. being given D. has been given

19.―100 Yuan for this cloth! I _____ it would cost so much, ‖ said the woman in surprise.

A. know B. hadn‘t known C. don‘t know D. didn‘t know

20.Jessica ought to stop working; she has a headache because she ____ too long.

A. has been reading B. had read C. is reading D. read

II. Identify the one underlined part that is wrong.

21. For in 1895, the year of the Curie marriage, Roentgen discovered the famous rays that are A B C D named after him.

22. The changes that taken place in air travel during the last sixty years would have seemed A B impossible to even the most Brilliant scientists at the turn of the 19 century. C D

23. I regret having left the work unfinished, I should plan every thing ahead carefully. A B C D 24. No bank kept enough cash to pay all its depositors in full at one time. 18


25. Almost every new innovation goes through three phases. When initially introducing into A B the market, the process of adoption is slow. The second phase is the explosive one, where C

the innovation was rapidly adopted by a large number of people. D

26. I have been studying here for three years, by the next summer I will graduate. A B C D

27. What do you think we shall do if it will rain on the day fixed for the sports meeting? A B C D

28. It is reported that by the end of this month the output of cement in the factory will be A B C rising by about 10%. D

29. The meat is not ready yet and it already has to be cooked for another five minutes. A B C D

30. She had worked on this essay for 20 minutes but she has written only about a hundred A B C D words.

31. Human beings are using the natural resources so rapidly over the years that some of them A B C are almost gone. D

32. Knowledge begins to increase as soon as the thoughts of one individual could be A B C communicated to another by means of speech. D

33. Like is often pointed out, knowledge is a two edged weapon which could be used equally A B C for good or evil. It is now being used indifferently for both. D

34. The law also provided begun in 1971 federal employees would be granted three-days A B

weekends by observing Washington‘s Birthday on the third Monday in February, Memorial C

Day on the last Monday in May, Columbus Day on the second Monday in October and

Veteran Day on the forth Monday on October. By 1971, most of the states also adopted the


new dates.

35. A study at the Boston University Medical Center of overweight police officers and other public employees confirmed that those who diet without exercise regained



almost all their old weight, while those who worked exercise into their daily routine C maintained their new weight. D

III.Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word or phrase.

36. As soon as he saw ____ happened, he switched off the electricity.

37. When I started working for this company, I ____ an architect for six years. 38. She‘d ____ studying marine biology but she finally decided on geography. 39. The minute the train ____ standstill, get on and try to find a seat.

40. I spoke to Sylvia last night: she sounds ____ had a hard time recently. 41. I was really happy when they announced ____ decided to get married. 42. It wasn‘t until he mentioned the conference that I ____ met before. 43. By next Christmas we ____ decorating the house.

44. After he had lost his glasses, he ____ but to buy another pair.

45. Our builder told me he ____ best to get the materials as soon as he could.

IV. Fill in each of the gaps in this passage with one suitable word.

I've often _____ (46) that Stefan's success as a teacher is due to his eccentricity as much as his knowledge of the subject. From the first time he ever _____ (47) into a classroom, students have always loved him. They've probably _____ (48) met anybody who displays such an extraordinary mixture of enthusiasm and great personal warmth. It _____(49) also probably the first time they've _____ (50) somebody who always wears a leather jacket and a scarf even at the height of summer.

【参考答案与解析】 I. Multiple choices.

1.【A】 usually表明我们经常做的事,所以用一般现在时。 today 表明说话的时候正在做的事,用进行时。

2.【D】\通常用在一般现在时中。说话时正在发生的动作用进行时is blowing。 3.【D】本句的意思是:―虽然人们可能喜欢靠电视获得最新消息,但电视完全取代报纸是不可能的。‖此句是对将来情况的预测,故用一般将来时,而不能用过去时、现在完成体和一般现在时,故A、B、C均应排除。

4.【D】被动语态。从时间状语in the past years 判断,该句应该用现在完成体;research做主语,其谓语应用被动式。


6.【D】sit为瞬间性动词,不用于完成体,be seated 表示―就坐,坐下‖,此处用其过去完成体形式,故选D。

7.【C】时间状语for the last 20 minutes, 表示的是过去的一段时间里完成的动作持续到现在并有可能继续下去,动词应用现在完成进行体。故选C。 8. 【B】句中有last year只能用过去时。


9. 【B】 在时间和条件状语从句中,主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时。


间动词leave转换为延续性动词be away。

11.【C】 从句意分析,酸奶已经变质,不能喝了,属于过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,再加上by now是现在完成体的典型时间状语,故选C。

12.【C】 在条件句中表示将来的时间,需要用一般现在时,主句中使用will+动词原形。 13.【A】 根据句意,应用现在完成体的被动语态,media 是medium 的复数形式。 14.【A】will have started 是将来完成体形式。该题考查了 ―by+时间状语‖ 是决定句中谓语动词的时态形式。 “by+将来的时间‖是将来完成体的标志,句中by the time we get to the cinema 表示将来时间,故其所在的句子应该用表示将来时间的完成体。所以A 为正确答案。

15.【B】此处用过去完成体,是因为本句意指―到那次门铃响,已经是第三次有人打搅我了‖。句中用词was和that evening 都说明指过去发生的事,到过去某一时刻为止已出现的情况用过去完成体。

16.【D】此处的work是指radio不能正常运行,应用一般现在时的否定式,故选D。 17.【A】该题中第一个when引导的是宾语从句,第二个是时间状语从句,在时间状语从句中需用一般现在时表示表示将来含义,所以答案为A。

18.【A】时间状语thus far ―到目前为止‖,与现在完成体连用,据此排除B、C。比较从句完整的结构应该是… than the thought which has been given thus far, 可以把than看作关系代词在从句中作主语,也可以把主语看作是省略了。


20.【A】―Jessica 应该停止工作;她头疼,因为他一直长时间看书‖。根据主句时态为一般现在时,再根据时间状语too long 可排除其他诸项。文中表示过去发生的动作一直持续到现在。用现在完成体。

II. Identify the one underlined part that is wrong.


22.【A】 have taken place. During the last sixty years 提示时间,动词应用现在完成体。

23.【C】 should have planed. 根据前后两句时态的关联,后面一句应用现在完成体。 24.【B】 keeps. 该句是在谈论一个客观事实所以用一般现在时。

25.【D】 is rapidly adopted. 时态错误,从前句可知,应沿用一般现在时。 26.【D】 will have graduated. 时态错误,by the next summer提示应为完成体。 27.【C】 rains. If 引导的条件状语从句中,从句用一般现在时表示将来。

28.【C】 will have risen。By the end of this month 提示要用将来完成体。

29. 【B】 still。Already 用于完成体中,句子的后半句中有has,但不是完成体,容易混淆。

30. 【A】 has been working。现在完成体表示现在以前这段时间里一直进行的动作。 31. 【A】 have been using。用现在完成进行体表示―一直……至今‖。 32. 【A】 began。根据下一行出现的could可以判断本句是过去时。

33. 【C】 can。主句为现在时,而从句也不表示虚拟,所以应该用一般现在时。

34.【D】 also had adopted。如果一个句子里面有by引导的表示过去时间的状语,从句



35.【B】 dieted.这里叙述的是过去的一项研究。

III.Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word or phrase.

36. 【what had】 主句用过去时,从句动作发生在主句动作之前,因此用完成体。 37.【had been working(or training) as】从句用过去时,主句的动作发生在从句之前,用过去完成体。 38.【had been thinking of】 Think的动作发生在decided之前,因此用过去完成体。 39.【comes to a】get on 提示用一般现在时。 40.【as if she has】Recently提示使用现在完成体。 41.【they had】Decided的动作发生在announced之前,所以使用过去完成体。 42.【realized /remembered we had】从句动作发生在主句动作之前,表示过去的过去,用过去完成体。 43.【will/shall have finished】 By next Christmas提示使用将来完成时。 44.【had no alternative/ option/ choice】主句动作发生在从句动作之后,所以使用一般过去时。 45.【would do his】表示打算,但是主句已是过去时,因此用过去将来时。

IV.Fill in each of the gaps in this passage with one suitable word.

46.【thought】 ―我一直认为Stefan成功的教师生涯来自于他的奇特和学识。‖ 从过去一直持续到现在的动作,因此think用现在完成体。

47.【walked/stepped】―从他第一次踏进教室,学生们就喜欢上了他‖。Walk/step into,叙述过去的事用一般过去时。

48.【never】―他们从没遇到过像他那样能如此超乎寻常地展现热情与友好的人‖。 49.【is】 ―或许这也是他们第一次碰到大热天海船这皮夹克,带着围巾‖。谈论现在的事实,用一般现在时。

50.【met】 ―或许这也是他们第一次碰到大热天海船这皮夹克,带着围巾‖。

第五章 动词的时和体(二)

I. Multiple choices.

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section, each of which is supplied with four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are to choose the one answer that best complete the sentence.

1.By the end of next year, we ____ more the five thousand new words.

A. have learned B. will learn C. will have learned D. have been learning


2.Even if his famous father ____ in person tomorrow, it ____ too late to do anything.

A. will arrive… is B. should arrive… were C. arrives… will be D. arrives… would be 3.The meeting ___ a full week by the time it ends. A. must have lasted B. will have lasted C. would last D. has lasted

4.Scientists say it may be five or ten years ___ it is possible to test this machine on human patients.

A. since B. when C. after D. before

5.The student said there were a few points in the essay he ___ impossible to comprehend. (2007年TEM-4第59题)

A.has found B.was finding C.had found D.would find

6.James has just arrived, but I didn‘t know he ____ until yesterday. (2005年TEM-4第54题)

A. will come B. was coming C. had been coming D. came

7._____ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen. ( 2005年TEM-4第55题)

A. I was and always will be B. I have to be and always will be C. I had been and always will be D. I have been and always will be

8. In this play Shakespeare ____ his characters live through their language. (2008年TEM-4 第63题)

A. would make B. had made C. made D. makes

9. Tom said there were a few points in the paper he ____ impossible to understand.

A. had found B. finds C. has found D. would find

10. Mary would have finished her graduate education, but she ___ to quit and find a job to support her family.

A. had had B. has C. had D. would have

11. Jack ____ from home for two days now, and I am beginning to worry about his safety. ( 2003年TEM-4第42题)

A. has been missing B. has been missed C. had been missing D. was missed

12. For some time now, world leaders ____ out the necessity for agreement on arms reduction. (2002年TEM-4第43题)

A. has been pointing B. have been pointing C. were pointing D. pointed

13. Susan ____the magazine the whole morning, yet she hasn‘t finished it.

A. has read B. is reading C. reads D. has been reading

14. Between 1897 and 1919 at least 29 motion pictures in which artificial beings were portrayed____.

A. would have produced B. had produced


C. have been produced D. had been produced

15. I hope you ___ all the material before you make the final decision.

A. will have read B. will read C. will be reading D. would have read 16. They _____ so tired if they ____ for a whole day.

A. wouldn‘t feel… didn‘t walk B. wouldn‘t feel… weren‘t walking

C. wouldn‘t be feeling…weren‘t walking D. wouldn‘t be feeling… hadn‘t been walking 17. ____ their terms, we would go bankrupt.

A. If we accept B. If we should accept C. If we had accepted D. If we are to accept 18. She told me that an earthquake ____ in my hometown.

A. occurred B. had occurred C. was occurred D. has occurred

19. There was an accident in this street this morning and ____ there has been a severe congestion of traffic.

A. until that B. since that C. for which D. after that

20. Kennedy ___ in the library every night for the last three months.

A. studied B. studies C. has been studying D. is studying

II. Identify the one underlined part that is wrong.

21. In fact, some scientists worry that 100 years since now there may be no whales left. A B C D 22. The American hasn‘t been told very much about the kind of food he might expect. A B If he had known about American food, he might have behaved better. C D

23. We may normally think of iron as a solid, but if we will heat it in a furnace, it will A B C melt and become a liquid, and at very high temperatures it will become a gas. D

24. We begin the ?natural‘ learning of pronunciation long before we start learning to read A

or write, and in our early years we went on unconsciously imitating and practicing the B

pronunciation of those around us for many more hours every day than we ever have to spend C

learning even our difficult English spelling. D

25. If frogs remained in pools, the weather will be fine . If they were seen on rocks, rain and 24

A B C cold were due. D

26. The most provocative conclusion that had so far been productive, however, is that A B C different character kinds tend to get different disease.


27. A physiologist for the past century demonstrated that puppies will die if kept awake A B C for more than five days. D

28. As they are crowded largely by those attracted to the capability of finding work A B and better living conditions in the city, they grew at an amazing speed. C D

29. Men have often felt the need to cultivate their given language to show that they A B C are distinctive from another race whose hegemony they resent. D

30. Since 1921 the buget of the United States became the primary responsibity of the A B C D president.

31. Smith has written a book about China last year, but I don‘t know whether he has A B C finished it. D

32. -- How long have they known each other before they got married? A B C --For about a year. D

33. Hardly had I been sat when the play began. A B C D

34. ―The ground is wet.‖ ―Yes, didn‘t you know? It has rained for the last 20 minutes.‖ A B C D

35. By the end of next semester, we have been learning more than three thousand new A B C D words.

III. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar in meaning as possible to the sentence printed before it.

EXAMPLE: I’ve never had to work all through the night before. This is the first time I’ve had to work all through the night.


36. Most of us became salesmen when we left university.

Most of us have __________________________________________. 37. I haven‘t heard from Sarah for a couple of months.

The last time __________________________________________________. 38. I used to find computers difficult before I stared taking these lessons.

Since ___________________________________________________. 39. Michael Owen is the best player I‘ve seen so far in this competition. I‘ve yet__________________________________________________. 40. Make sure you finish this book before you start on the others.

Don‘t start _______________________________________________. 41. Nobody has seen Jo for over a month.

Jo was __________________________________________________. 42. No one has asked me that before.

This is the first time_______________________________________.

43. The journey to Paris took much longer before they built the Channel Tunnel.

Since the __________________________________________________. 44. I‘m sure he will arrive before you get there.

By the time_________________________________________________. 45. We will fax you further details on receipt of your completed application form.

Having ___________________________________________________.

IV.Fill in each of the gaps in this passage with one suitable word.

?When did you really begin to feel at home here?‘ Paul asked. ?Oh, you‘ve got me there!‘ John replied. ?Let‘s just say you won‘t feel you truly belong until you‘ve ______(46) out with your colleagues and then made it up severa1 times. Over the summer I‘ve lost it with al1 of them countless times, often over quite trivial things. I‘ve lost ______ (47) of the times I‘ve said to myself – That‘s it! I‘ve had ______ (48)! But I come back the next day, time after time. I‘ve often ______ (49) why I do. As far as the boss goes, just wait until you make a major mistake. Your colleagues will go ―Oooh, now you‘ve done it!‖ or ―Um, that‘s torn it!‖, and the boss comes in and just smiles at you. Then you‘ll know you‘ve made it. Then you‘ll definitely have ______ (50).

【参考答案与解析】 I. Multiple choices.

1. 【C】 考动词时态,by the end of next year 提示用将来完成时,结构为:will have + V-ed。

2.【C】 在条件句中表示将来的时间,需要用一般现在时,主句中使用将来时。

3.【B】该题考查谓语动词的时态。句中介词短语by the time it ends表示主句动作要延续到将来某一时刻,因而要用表示将来时间的完成体。由此可见B为正确答案。

4.【D】 在before引导的时间从句中,用一般现在时表示将来的事,A项since引导的时间从句中的事发生在主句所述事情之前,不能用现在时;it may be… years 不与when


引导的从句连用;C项after引导的从句中也是讲时间较主句早的事,不能用现在时。 5.【C】宾语从句中的时态应与主句中时态一致。该句中主句用了过去时,而从句中的动作发生在主句动作之前,故用过去完成体来表示。

6.【B】该句意为:詹姆士刚回来,但我直到昨天才知道他要回来。句中用过去进行时表示将来,如用将来时,则应当用would come。


8.【D】考查动词的时态。本句讲的是一个客观事实,所以要用一般现在时来表达。 9.【A】此题考查时态。汤姆发现论文中有些地方不理解这一动作在说话的动作之前,为表示这种前后关系,要用过去完成体。

10.【C】 第一个句子是虚拟语气,而but后的句子不是虚拟语气,适用一般过去时就可以了。

11.【A】从for two days now可断定此处是现在完成体,have been doing表示过去某个时间到现在持续发生的一个动作,本句指Jack从家失踪都两天了。

12.【B】for some time now表示从过去的一段时间一直持续到现在,now表动作并正在进行,要用现在完成进行体;另外注意与for some time(一段时间)的区别,此短语往往用于过去时。

13.【D】 the whole morning 为一大段时间,而且只是说话人所指的一上午,因此谓语不会是B项―正在‖或C项―经常‖。而A项表示动作已经完结,与下一分句矛盾。D项表示动作一直持续,可能还要继续下去,符合题意。

14.【D】此题考查动词的时和语态。首先确定主语为motion pictures,因此句子的谓语应用被动语态,据此可排除A和B。由于句子的状语为过去的一段时间,因此应选用含有过去完成体的D.


16.【D】 条件从句中使用过去完成体表示对过去的假设,主句使用would +进行体表示对现在的假设。

17.【B】 should 在if 从句中表示对将来的推测,在时态上与主句的would相符。

18.【B】 她告诉这一动作是一般过去时,因此在间接引语中动词的时态就是完成体了。 19.【B】 根据从句中用完成时has been 来看,应该选择since then. 20.【C】 for the last three months表示现在完成体的时间状语。

II. Identify the one underlined part that is wrong.

21.【B】将since改为from。―100 years from now‖指―从现在起100年后‖since 只能用于完成时。

22.【C】 将hasn‘t改为hadn‘t been told。根据上下文我们可以看出这里需要使用过去完成体。

23. 【B】将will去掉。在时间条件状语从句和条件状语从句中要用现在时表示将来时间。

24.【B】 go on。这段话谈到的是一个客观的事实,因此用一般现在时。

25.【A】 would。 if引导的是条件句用的是remained一般过去时,主句要用过去时。 26.【A】 has。so far ―到目前为止‖,文中用现在完成体即可。 27.【B】 would die。for the past century 提示应使用过去时。

28.【D】 grow。从句使用一般现在时,主句也是在谈论现在的事情,因此用一般现在时。


29.【A】 将have删除。本题考查的是动词时态。本句中often表明动作的经常反复,因而不能用表示完成体的have。

30.【A】 应改为in。since一般要求主语用完成时态,而句中谓语动词为过去式,其时间状语应与之呼应,故改since为in。

31.【A】 wrote。句中有last year 只能用一般过去时。

32.【A】 had they known。谈论的是过去的事情,从句用一般过去时,主句动作发生在从句动作之前,用过去完成体。

33.【C】 been seated。Sit为瞬间性动词,不用于完成体,be seated表示―就座,坐下‖,此处用其过去完成体形式。

34.【D】 has been raining。时间状语for the last 20 mintutes表示的是过去的一段时间里完成的动作持续到现在并有可能继续下去,动词的时态应用现在完成进行时。 35.【B】 will have learned。By the end of next semester提示用将来完成时。

III. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar in meaning as possible to the sentence printed before it.

36.【been salesmen since we left university】

37.【I heard from Sarah was a couple of months ago】

38.【I started taking these lessons, I haven‘t found computers so difficult】 39.【to see as (or: such a) good a player as Michael Owen in this competition】 40.【the other books until you have finished this one】 41.【last seen over a month ago】

42.【anyone/ someone has asked me that/ I‘ve been asked that】

43.【Channel Tunnel was built, the journey to Paris takes / has taken much less time】 44.【you get there I‘m sure he will have arrived】

45.【received your completed application form, we will fax you further details】

IV.Fill in each of the gaps in this passage with one suitable word.

46.【fallen】fall out with… 与…….起纠纷。 47.【count】 ―我都记不清有多少次了‖。 48.【enough】 ―我受够了‖。

49.【wondered】―我想知道我为什么这么做。‖ 50.【arrived】―你一定做到的‖。

第六章 助动词

I. Multiple choices.

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section, each of which is supplied with four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are to choose the one answer that best complete the sentence.


1. Were it not for the debt, we _____ a happy life. A. are living B. would live C. were living D. will live

2. Neither of the young men who had applied for a position in the university_____.

A. has been accepted B. have been accepted C. was accepted D. were accepted 3. Her facial expression suggested that she _____ angry.

A. should be B. must be C. was D. be 4. If it ____ too much trouble, I‘d love a cup of coffee.

A. hadn‘t been B. isn‘t C. weren‘t D. may not be

5. She said she wouldn‘t call us the next day, _____ she?

A. would B. wouldn‘t C. did D. didn‘t

6. It is absurd that women_____ be paid less than men for doing the work.

A. are to B. ought to C. would D. should

7. Fibers of hair and wool are not continuous and must normally be spun into thread ___

woven into textile fabrics. A. as are they B. when to be C. that they are D. if they are to be 8. He gave me a lift in his car, but I ____.

A. would rather to walk B. would rather walk

C. would rather to have walked D. would rather have walked

9. America will never again have as a nation the spirit of adventure as it ___ before the West

was settled. A. has B. did C. was D. would

10.Linda was__ the experiment a month ago, but she changed her mind at the last minute. (2007年TEM-4第55题 )

A. to start B. to have started C. to be started D. to have been started

11. ____ for the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed the exam.

A. Had it not been B. Hadn‘t it been C. Was it not D. Were it not

12. Acute hearing helps most animals sense the approach of thunderstorms long before people ______.

A. do B. hear C. do them D. hearing it

13. Just as the builder is skilled in the handling of his bricks, ___ the experienced writer in the handling of his words.

A. and so is B. as is C. the same is D. so is 14. ―_____ you a chair?‖ ―Yes, please.‖

A. Will I get B. Am I going to C. Shall I get D. Am I getting

15. We did hold a meeting yesterday, but you ___ , so we did not inform you.


A. did not need attending B. needn‘t attending C. did not need to attend D. needn‘t attend

16. The government ___ to approve the use of widespread surveillance when the Justice Department took objections.

A. is going B. had been C. was about D. is coming

17. As is turned out to be a small house party. We ____ so formally.

A. needn‘t dress up B. needn‘t have dressed up C. did not need dress up D. did not need have dressed up

18. Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than _______ Eastern Nebraska. (1996年TEM-4)

A. in B. it receives in C. does D. it does in

19. So badly _____ in the car accident that he had to stay in hospital for a few months.

A. did he injure B. injured him C. was he injured D. he was injured 20. Not until three years ago____ to work outside.

A. he began B. he begins C. began he D. did he begin

II. Identify the one underlined part that is wrong.

21. However, we do not know yet how exactly we inquire language and how it is possible for A

us to perceive through language; nor we understand precisely the combinations between B

language and thought, language and logic, or language and culture; still less, how and when C language started. D

22. For the last fifteen or twenty years the fashion in criticism or appreciation of the arts


have been to deny the existence of any valid criteria and to make the words ―good‖ or ―bad‖ B C D irrelevant, immaterial, and inapplicable.

23. So badly he was in the traffic accident that he was sent to hospital for treatment. A B C D

24. Descriptions written by eighteenth-century travelers of the poor of Mexico City, and the

enormous contrasts that was to be found there, are very similar to descriptions of Mexico City A B C today—the poor can still be numbered in millions. D

25. When a human infant is born into any community in any part of the world it has two 30


things in common with any other infant, provided neither of them have been damaged C D in any way either before or during birth.

25. This is fine and natural and full of promise. So also was the growing interest in the care A B C

and preservation of forests and wild places in general, and in the half wild parks and gardens D of towns.

27. But, in 1066, when a foreigner from north west France became King William of A B

Britain, he ordered that a wooden castle built on the banks of the river Thames. C D

28. A top UN official said that as much as 70% of the woods in Asia would be gone in 20 A B C years unless actions are taken now to save them. D

29. The producers of Eros, the McDonnell Dougals Corporation in the U.S., are now studying A

the fitting of Eros and will do more make the sky safer: they shall also lighten the work of air B C traffic controllers and increase the efficiency of airports. D

30. Small-town residents are more involved with kin than do big city residents. A B C D

31. The boy spent as much time watching TV as he does studying. A B C D 32. ―Which coat did your husband buy?‖


―The black one, but I would rather buy the green one.‖


33. Not only they bring snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when A B C they had a picnic in the forest. D

34. Important for parents to learn is the practical techniques for self-help. A B C D 35.We get to be careful about these things. A B C D

Ⅲ. Rewrite the sentences as required.

36. Act like an angel and fetch my newspaper, please_____. (Replace the italic part with ―be‖) 37. A good clothes shop is not far from here. (Use ―there be‖)


38. They own an apartment near the beach. (Replace the italic part with ―have‖)

39. Those twins are always fighting. (Use ―have‖)

40. The whole of my sister's class spent last weekend redecorating her flat.(Use ―have‖) 41. It rained a lot last week. (Use ―so far‖)

42. I can't say I enjoy the teacher reading out my work in front of the class.( Use ―having‖) 43. It‘s only after a few weeks that you begin to feel at home here. (Use ―you‖as the subject) 44. The advertisement said: ―Become the proud owner of a new sports car! ‖ (Use ―be‖) 45. A new security system will be in operation from next week. (Use ―there be‖)

IV.Fill in each of the numbered blanks in the passage below with a form of have or be.

It was last May, while we were taking our annual late spring break on Lindos that we had our house broken into. Al1 our TV and video equipment _____ (46) stolen, but what was worse was when we discovered that the final draft of my husband's latest novel _____ (47) torn into pieces and the disks he had been writing it on _____ (48) disappeared. Of course, you hear about people who _____ (49) their properties vandalized and others whose most prized possessions have been taken, but it's a terrible shock when it happens to you, when you know that your home _____ (50) invaded, and that you have had your most intimate belongings handled and examined by strangers.

【参考答案与解析】 I. Multiple choices.


2.【C】 was accepted ―被接受‖,符合题意。neither of 结构,作主语必须用谓语动词单数形式。

3.【C】 本题的suggest显然不是―建议‖之义,答案A与D均为干扰项。suggest作―显示,暗示‖解释时,其后的限定分句应使用陈述语气。

4.【B】 if从句式一个真实条件句,主句中would仅起礼貌作用。 5.【D】 主句动词是said,反意疑问句部分应该用助动词didn‘t。 6.【D】 should 在这里表示强烈的感情色彩。 7.【D】 be to 表示将来。

8.【D】 此题考查―would rather‖的用法。would rather+动词的现在式(即动词原形)是针对现在而言,表示现在想做某事的愿望;would rather+动词的完成体是针对过去而言,表示现在希望过去该做某事的愿望,换言之,would rather+动词的完成体表示过去该做而没做之事。本句的前一个分句为过去时,因而是错的。只有D项符合题意。

9.【B】 此题考查统一动词重复使用时用助动词替代的用法。本句主句中的动词是have, as从句完整写出应是:―as it had the spirit of adventure…‖,其中had应用与其时态一致的



10.【B】 本题考查―be+不定式‖结构。Be to do…结构的完成时表示与事实相反的动作或状态。

11.【A】 if引导条件状语从句时,if可以省略,但从句中要用倒装语序,否定句中的not不提前;此句中主句的谓语是might have passed, 表示对过去的虚拟,所以,前面也要选择一个表示对过去事情的假设,只有选A.

12.【A】 助动词do替代前面的动词短语sense the approach of thunderstorms。

13.【D】 so/neither/nor开头的句子,说明前面的内容也适用于后者时,用倒装句―so/ neither/ nor +be/ have/助动词、情态动词+主语‖。所以应选D。

14.【C】 请求对方发命令,第一,三人称用shall提问,第二人称用will提问。

15.【C】 在本题中,need是做实义动词,表示―需要,必要‖之意。need用作实义动词时,后面跟带to的不定式。构成否定句和疑问句,要借助于助动词do。B、D两项中的need其用法为情态动词,可首先排除。而A项need+-ing形式则表达的是被动意义,也与题意不符,因此只有C项为正确答案。

16.【C】半助动词be about to (+动词原形)同will/shall, be going to, be to 一样,也能表达将来时间。但是be about to表达的是最近的将来,意思相当于be on the point of +动名词或be going to加上just,表达―正要,马上就要‖之意was/were about to 可以表示过去的将来时间。在本题的四个选项中,A、B、D的时态均有错误,并且他们不能表达―正要‖之意,而C项在语法上和意义上均合题意,故为正确答案。

17.【B】 need做情态动词构成疑问句或否定句式不用助动词do,C、D两项结构错误,可首先排除。一般情况下用did not need to (need为行为动词)或need not (need为情态动词)+动词原形,表示―没有必要做某事,但此事还是做了‖,含有责备或懊悔之意。根据句意,B项为正确答案。

18.【C】 完整形式应该是:than Eastern Nebraska receives snow,省去了部分谓语,保留了主语和助动词,可以倒装,因此C。 19.【C】倒装,将助动词提到主语前,被动。


II. Identify the one underlined part that is wrong.

21.【B】We 前面加上do,副词nor放在句首表示强调,应用倒装句。一般现在时强调句是在主与前面加助动词do。

22.【B】 将have改为has。该句的主语 the fashion是单数.

23.【B】 改为was he。当so…that…结构中的so用于句首,加强语气时,用部分倒装。 24.【B】 将was改为were。that引导定语从句,其先行词是descriptions…and the enormous contrasts,因此谓语动词be要用复数。

25.【D】 have 改成has。Neither 后面跟单数形式。

26.【C】 was—is。虽然这一句很长,它的结构是动词替代―so+代动词do+ somebody‖最简短反应。代动词do包括助动词be、have、do等情态助动词。在一般情形下,代动词do的时态与前句是一致的。

27.【D】 be built。动词order后面的that从句可以是be型虚拟语气,也可以是情态助动词should。所以可以说order that a castle should be built或者order that a castle be built。



28.【C】 would—will。UN官员陈述的是一个完全可预见的事实。

29.【C】 shall—will。表示一般将来,shall常用于第一人称,will则常用于第二和第三人称。

30.【D】 do改为are。两个比较分句的谓语动词应该同是be involved,如果将后一个比较分句里的动词部分省略,保留下来的也应该是be动词,而不是do。 31.【C】 did。本句是助动词起替代作用的用法。这里用替代词did 代替前面句中的spent。替代词要与被替代词在时态、数和人称上保持一致,如果本句中前部分用的是spends, 则替代词就要用does。

32.【C】 would rather have bought。would rather之后是对过去事实相反的假设,其结构为would rather have+过去分词。

33.【A】 only后加did。否定词not only提前,句子主谓要倒装。根据后面一句的时态可判断为过去时,故要在they前加助动词did。

34.【C】 改为are。本句为全倒装句,真正的主语是the practical techniques,所以系动词要用复数形式。

35.【A】 have got to ―不得不‖。―这些是我们得小心。‖

Ⅲ. Rewrite the sentences as required.

36.【be an angel】 Be +名词:―act like‖

37.【There is a good clothes shop not far from here.】 38.【They have got an apartment.】

39.【Those twins are always having fights.】

40.【My sister had her flat redecorated by the whole of her class last weekend.】 41.【It hasn‘t rained much so far this week.】

42.【I can't say I enjoy having my work read out in front of the class.】 43.【You won't feel at home here until after a few weeks.】

44.【The advertisement said: ―Be the proud owner of a new sports car! ‖】 45.【There will be a new security system in operation from next week.】

IV.Fill in each of the numbered blanks in the passage below with a form of have or be.

46.【was】谈论last May的事情,用一般过去时。

47.【had been】―被撕成碎片‖这个动作发生在过去的过去用完成体。 48.【had】 and 连接两个动作都用完成体

49.【have had】have这个动作是基于hear这个动作发生的,所以用现在完成体。 50.【has been】同上。be这个动作基于know这个动作发生,所以用现在完成体。

第七章 动词的非限定形式(一)


I. Multiple choices.

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section, each of which is supplied with four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are to choose the one answer that best complete the sentence.

1. It is not unusual for workers in that region ________.

A. to be paid more than a month late B. to be paid later than a month C. to pay later than a month more D. to pay late more than a month 2. Could you please _______ write on the test books? A. don‘t B. not to C. not D. to not

3. Parents warned their children ____________ go skating on the ice.

A. didn‘t B. don‘t C. not to D. not 4. He wore dark glasses to avoid _____________.

A. recognized B. being recognized C. having been recognized D. to be recognized 5. I don‘t mind ________ by bus, but I hate _______ in queues.

A. travel / stand B. to travel / to stand C. traveling / standing D. to travel / standing 6. When Kate was told the whole story, she ______ in the film.

A. ceased to interest B. ceased being interested C. ceased interest D. ceased interested

7. I have considered ________ a part-time job _______ pay for my school expenses.

A. to get / to help to B. get / helping to C. getting / to help D. got / helping

8. Everyone had an application form in his hand, but no one knew which office room ______. (1994年1月TEM-4真题)

A. to send it to B. to send it C. to be sent to D. to have it send

9. The bank is reported in the local newspaper ______ in broad daylight yesterday. (2001年1月TEM-4真题)

A. being robbed B. to have been robbed C. having been robbed D. robbed

10. As a public relations officer, he is said _______ some very influential people. (2001年6月TEM-4真题)

A. to have been knowing B. to have known C. to be knowing D. to know

11. The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds _______ his arguments in favor of the new theory. (2000年6月TEM-4真题)

A. to be based on B. which to base on C. to base on D. on which to base

12. I‘ll never forget ______ you for the first time. (2001年1月TEM-4真题)


A. to meet B. meeting C. to have met D. having to be meeting

13. That young man still denies ________ the fire behind the store. (2001年1月TEM-4真题)

A. start B. having started C. to start D. to have started

14. Fifty years ago, wealthy people liked hunting wild animals for fun ______ sightseeing. (2001年6月TEM-4真题)

A. than to go B. more than going C. rather than to go D. other than going

15. _________ in this way, the situation doesn‘t seem so disappointing. (2001年1月TEM-4真题)

A. To look at B. Looked at

C. Looking at D. To be looked at

16. These surveys indicate that many crimes go _______ by the police, mainly because not all victims report them. (2000年6月TEM-4真题) A. unrecorded B. unrecording C. to be unrecorded D. to have been unrecorded

17. __________ the temperature falling so rapidly, we couldn‘t go on with the experiment. (2001年1月TEM-4真题) A. With B. As C. For D. Since

18. So many directors ________, the board meeting had to be put off. (2001年1月TEM-4真题)

A. were absent B. been absent C. had been absent D. being absent

19. All the tasks ______ ahead of time, they decided to go on holiday for a week. (2001年6月TEM-4真题)

A. had been fulfilled B. having been fulfilled C. were fulfilled D. been fulfilled 20. He was ashamed _______ to pass the exam. A. to fail B. to have failed C. to be failed D. to be failing

II. Identify the one underlined part that is wrong

21. Giving the right kind of training, these teenage soccer players may one day grew the A B C D international stars.

22. The lady walked around the shops, kept an eye out for bargains. A B C D

23. The lawyer listened with full attention, not trying to miss any point. A B C D

24. With Father‘s Day around the corner, I have taken some money out of the bank buying 36

A B C D presents for my dad.

25.The retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake A B in Yushu, to enable the students to return to their classrooms. C D

26. Having seen from the top of the tower, the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees. A B C D 27. Though surprising to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome. A B C D

28. Look at my classmates‘ faces, I read the same excitement in their eyes. A B C D

29. When we visited my old family home, memory came flood back. A B C D 30. Being a winner, you need to give all you have and try your best. A B C D 31. I was used to go to the cinema once a weak. A B C D 32. He has never been heard speak ill of others. A B C D

33. We hear it say frequently that what present-day men most desire is security. A B C D 34. She always enjoys to read a detective story. A B C D

35. I am sure that Jane‘s father would not let her to go. A B C D

III. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the verbs given.

36. ______( teach) is to learn twice.

37. It had no effect except _____(make) him angry. 38. Mary is supposed __________(be) a teacher. 39. We are eager _________(go) there.

40. ___________(complete) their task ahead of schedule, they are working day and night. 41. ________(learn) a foreign language is not easy. 42. He objects to _______(learn) mathematics. 43. The question is worth ___________(discuss). 44. ________(lie) is vice.

45. ________(lie) about it will only make matters worse.

IV. Study the following sentences, pointing out the function of each underlined part.


46. He pretended to have been studying. 47. To doubt, under the circumstance, is almost to insult. 48. His habit, reading newspapers at night, remains unchanged. 49. I knew nothing about the window being open. 50. We hurried to the station only to learn that the train had left.

【参考答案与解析】 I. Multiple choices.

1.【A】动词不定式与前面的 for workers in that region一起构成动词不定式的复合结构for sb. to do, 在句中作真实主语。 2.【C】本题考点是不定式的否定。不定式的否定应在不定式之前,应是warn sb. not to do sth.。故选C。

3.【C】 would you please 后接动词原形,但其否定形式的not 应放在please 之后,动词原形之前。故选C。

4.【B】本题考点是后接名词的动词。动词avoid 后接动词 +ing 的形式。故只有B和C项,但C 项用了现在完成时态,不对,故选B。

5.【C】本题考点是动词mind和hate。此两词后接动词的现在分词形式,故选C. 6.【B】本题考点是动词cease 的用法,该动词后接动词要用分词形式。而be interested in… 是固定词组,对……感兴趣,故选B。

7.【C】动词consider后如再接动词需跟动词的现在分词,而后部分就相当于sth. to do,要干的某事,故用不定式形式,故选C。 8.【A】这里是一个含有疑问词which (office room) to send it to 的动词不定式短语。which office room 在短语中作介词宾语。

9.【C】动词不定式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前;同时,不定式与其逻辑主语the bank的关系为被动。因此用其完成被动形式。


11.【D】先行词为grounds,其后为―介词 + 关系代词 + 动词不定式‖作为后置定语,在这个结构中,介词on与动词base搭配构成动词短语,关系代词时介词on的宾语。 12.【B】题干中forget一词后跟动名词作宾语,意为―忘记做过某事‖。 13.【B】题干中deny一词后跟动名词作宾语。意为―否认做过某事‖。

14.【B】like…more than…结构,意为―与……相比更喜欢……‖;going sightseeing 作介词like的宾语(与hunting for fun比较);rather than―与其说……倒不如说‖;other than―除了‖,―除……以外‖。

15.【D】分词与其逻辑主语的关系为被动。过去分词短语作条件状语,相当于条件状语从句if the situation is looked at in this way。


17.【A】题干中空白处所缺为介词with,共同构成独立结构表示原因。 18.【D】现在分词与so many directors构成独立结构表示原因。




II. Identify the one underlined part that is wrong.

21.【A】 giving → given,如果把句子补充完整就不难看出:if they are given the right kind of training,可知主语they 即these teenager soccer players 与give 之间是被动关系,所有用过去分词。根据主、从句主语一致可省略从句主语的原则,连词if 也可省,所以得出given the right kind of training, these teenager soccer players……

22.【C】kept an eye → keeping an eye, 句子主语lady 和keep 之间是主动关系,而且walk 和keep同时发生。

23.【C】not trying → trying not,考查现在分词短语作伴随状语激动此不定式的否定式。句中listen 和try not to miss 为同时进行的动作,故用现在分词的一般式作伴随状语。又动词不定式的否定式要在其前加not。

24.【D】 buying → to buy, D项前为名词,但其后的部分不是对bank 解释说明,而是说明取钱的目的,因此此题中非谓语动词作目的状语,非谓语动词中不定式作状语用来表示目的,故选D。

25.【C】 to enable → enabling,表示他在捐献后的结果。

26.【A】having seen → seen。 此处是非谓语动词作状语,逻辑主语是句子的主语,非谓语动词与逻辑主语是被动关系,且其动作在谓语动词动作之前已经完成,用过去分词,故选A。

27.【B】 surprising → surprised, 本题考查非谓语动词和省略结构。Though he was surprised, 主语一致,省略主语和系动词。

28.【A】 look at → looking at, look 与句子主语I 为主动关系,因此用looking,故选A。

29.【C】flood → flooding,memory 与 flood 是主动关系,作伴随或方式状语。用现在分词作定语表示正在进行的动作。故选C。

30.【A】 being a winner → to be a winner,本题考查非谓语动词。为了成为一名赢家,你需要全力付出并且尽你所能。用不定式表目的。故选A。

31.【A】 was used to → used to, used to + 动词原形表示过去的习惯,be used to + 名词/ 动名词表示习惯的持续。

32.【C】speak → to speak, 感观动词/ 使役动词改为被动语态时,要将主动态时省去的―to‖ 还原。

33.【B】say → said,said是过去分词作补足语,而it 是形式主语。 34.【B】to read → reading,enjoy其后只可加动名词。

35.【D】to go → go,let 是使役动词,其后接不带to 的不定式作补足语。

III. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the verbs given.

36. 【To teach】带to 的不定式作主语。句意:教学是再学习。

37. 【to make】 不定式(短语)作介词宾语。句意:这除了激怒他之外没起别的作用。 38. 【to have been】在主动句中作宾语补语的不定式(短语)变成被动句中的主语补语。句意:人们猜想玛丽当过老师。

39. 【to go】不定式(短语)所表示的未来动作可能最终没有发生。句意: 我们渴望到



40. 【To complete】不定式(短语)作目的状语。句意:为了提前完成任务,他们正日夜奋战。

41. 【Learning】动名词(短语)作主语通常位于句首。句意:学会一门外语是不容易的。

42. 【learning】动名词(短语)作介词动词的宾语。句意:他反对学数学。

43. 【discussing】动名词(短语)与介词构成介词短语作状语。句意:这个问题值得讨论。

44. 【Lying】动名词多泛指概念性动作,在意义上较笼统和抽象。句意:说谎是不道德的行为。

45. 【To lie】不定式多表示具体的、一次性的动作。句意:对此事说谎只会使事情更糟糕。

IV. Study the following sentences, pointing out the function of each underlined part.

46. 【带to 的不定式作单宾语】句意:他假作一直在学习。

47. 【不定式(短语)作主语补语】不定式(短语)在系动词后作主语补语通常为带to的不定式。句意:在这种情况下,怀疑几乎等于侮辱。

48. 【动名词(短语)作同位语】句意:他晚上读报的习惯没有变。

49. 【带逻辑主语的动名词结果作介词宾语】句意:我一点都不知道窗户开着。

50. 【不定式(短语)作结果状语】不定式to find, to hear, to learn, to see等通常表示以外的结果,前面可加上only来突出以外而不愉快的结果。此时,不定式(短语)可转换为并列句中的一个分句。句意:我们急忙赶到车站,结果得知火车已经开走了。

第八章 动词的非限定形式(二)

I. Multiple choices.

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section, each of which is supplied with four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are to choose the one answer that best complete the sentence.

1. A new technique _______, the yields as a whole increased by 30 percent. A. working out B. having worked out

C. having been worked out D. to have been worked out 2. _______ this information, they sat down again to wait. A. After given B. On giving

C. Having been given D. After having to give 3. I haven‘t decided which hotel _______.

A. to stay B. is to stay at


C. to stay at D. is for staying

4. I hear they‘ve promoted Mike, but he didn‘t mention _______ when we talked on the phone.

A. to promote B. having been promoted C. having promoted D. to be promoted

5. ________ the project as planned, we‘ll have to work two more hours a day. A. Completing B. Complete C. Completed D. To complete

6. __________ around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Bird‘s Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games.

A. Having shown B. To be shown C. Having been shown D. To show

7. ________ that he was in great danger, Eric walked deeper into the forest. A. Not realized B. Not to realize

C. Not realizing D. Not to have realized

8. It is one of the funniest things _______ on the Internet so far this year. A. finding B. being found C. to find D. found

9. At the beginning of class, the noise of desks ______ could be heard outside the classroom. A. opened and closed B. to be opened and closed C. being opened and closed D. to open and close

10. At the age of 30, Jim was a worker, ______ in a small apartment near Boston and _____ what to do about his future.

A. living; wondering B. lived; wondering C. lived; wondered D. living; wondered

11. Ladies and gentlemen, please remain ______ until the plane has come to a complete stop. A. seated B. seating C. to seat D. seat 12. I feel greatly honored _____ into their society. A. to welcome B. welcoming C. to be welcomed D. welcomed

13. _______ their hats into the air, the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory. A. To throw B. Thrown C. Throwing D. Being thrown 14. The next thing he saw was smoke ______ from behind the house. A. rose B. rising C. to rise D. risen

15. Sit down, Emma. You will only make yourself more tired, _____ on you feet. A. to keep B. keeping C. having kept D. to have kept

16. More highways have been built in China _______ it much easier for people to travel from one place to another.

A. making B. made C. to make D. having made

17. ________ the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height. A. Approaching B. Approached C. To approach D. To be approached

18. That is the only way we can imagine ______ the overuse of water in students‘ bathrooms. A. reducing B. to reduce C. reduced D. reduce


19. He had a wonderful childhood, ______ with his mother to all corners of the world. A. travel B. to travel C. traveled D. traveling

20. Dina, _____ for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency. A. struggling B. struggled C. having struggled D. to struggle

II. Identify the one underlined part that is wrong .

21. It is difficult to make yourself understand in English. A B C D 22. You should avoid to keep company with such people. A B C D

23. He moved away from his parents, and missed them very much to enjoy the exciting life in A B C D New York.

24. Mr. Wang is far too wise a man not see that. A B C D

25. He ran all the way up to the station only find that the train had left twenty minutes before. A B C D 26. I meant having discussed the matter with you, but I had some guests then. A B C D 27. Do you have clothes to be washed today? A B C D

28. The famous scientist was easy to be got along with. A B C D

29. My wife suggested to go to Scotland for a holiday, but I favor visiting Wales instead. A B C D 30. Three officers narrowly escaped to be killed in the fierce battle. A B C D

31. I don‘t allow to smoke in my office and I don‘t allow my family to smoke at all. A B C D

32. Having finished to prepare dinner, she stood at the front door waiting for her husband to A B C D return.

33. The island, joining to the mainland by a bridge, is easy to go to. A B C D

34. Passengers are permitted carrying only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane. A B C D

35. The difference in thickness and weight from the earlier version makes the iPad 2 more A B C comfortable hold. D

III. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the verbs given.


36. We all looked at him _____(fix) the radio.

37. The orchestra members, _____________(practice) all day, were very tired by evening. 38. ____________(finish) the painting, he began to make a frame for it. 39. ______(work) and _______(play), Mary is always intense. 40. He paused as if _______(expect) Mary to speak. 41. She could not make herself _________(understand). 42. I should like the matter _______(settle) immediately.

43. _______(face) with difficulties, we must try to overcome them.

44.___________(consider) from this point, the question will be of great importance. 45. Mary came out of the room, _______(follow) by her dog.

IV. Study the following sentences, pointing out the function of each underlined part.

46. This answer was very pleasing to his parents. 47. Working hard, you will succeed. 48. His office is very large, (with) its windows overlooking a beautiful park. 49. Even though given every opportunity, they would not cooperate with you. 50. Everything taken into consideration, your work is well done.

【参考答案与解析】 I. Multiple choices.

1.【C】现在分词的完成时表示分词的动作发生在主句谓语动作之前,有―having + 过去分词‖构成。

2.【C】分词完成被动式作状语。现在分词的完成被动式,表示一个发生在谓语动作之前的被动动作,在句中用作状语。 3.【C】―连接词 + 不定式短语‖ 在句中作定语。stay为不及物动词,作定语时其后要加介词。

4.【B】mention 后跟名词或动名词作宾语,此处要用动名词的完成被动式表示,―被提拔‖的动作在mention 前发生。


6.【C】show 与 take 之间有明显的时间先后关系,且句子的主语与show构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故该空格处用现在完成时的被动形式。

7.【C】 realize 与句子的主语构成主谓关系,故排除A项;B项和D项都指将来的动作,故选C。

8.【D】 found 此处为过去分词作后置定语,用来修饰things, 与things构成被动关系。 9.【C】 本题考查非谓语动词作定语。过去分词作定语表完成、被动;不定式作定语表将来;现在分词作定语表示正在进行。由句意可知表示开关课桌的动作正在进行,因此用现在分词作定语。

10.【A】本题考查分词的用法。现在分词作定语修饰a worker, and为并列连词,连接相



11.【A】 本题考查非谓语的用法。remain 后可接 adj. , v-ing, v-ed 和 to be done等多种形式作表语,该题中科院把seated 看做一个形容词,故选A。

12.【C】welcome 与 I 之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故welcome 须用被动形式。该句语意相当于 I feel it a great honor to be welcomed into their society.

13.【C】 throw 与句子主语 the fans 之间为主谓关系,故用现在分词作状语。 A 项表示动作还未发生; B 、D 两项表示被动,均不符合句意。

14.【B】本题考查非谓语动词作状语的用法。rise 升起来和 see 看到这两个动作时同时发生的,因此选择现在进行的形式表示非谓语动词动作和谓语动词动作同时发生。 15.【B】 A项 to keep 是表示将来。 C项 having kept 和D 项 to have kept 表示动作先发生,make yourself more tired 与 keeping on you feet 同时进行。故选B。

16.【A】空格后面是it ,说明是主动关系,排除B;不能选择C的原因是to do 作目的状语,不符合句意;答案选择A,表示结果。

17.【A】 本题考查现在分词作状语,表示正在进行或主动的动作。此时分词的逻辑主语就是主句的主语,因此要注意人称、时态和语态的一致性。 18.【B】 此处应该用不定式the way to do sth. 表示做……的途径、方式。The only way to do…, we can imagine 作定语,前面省略了that。

19.【D】本题考查非谓语动词作状语。主语 he 与动词travel 之间存在主动关系,故用traveling 作原因状语。

20.【C】空格处应为分词短语作时间状语,其逻辑主语Dina 与 struggle 为主动关系,故排除B项。由句中的finally 可知非谓语动词表示的动作发生在句中谓语took a position 之前,故用现在分词的完成主动式。

II. Identify the one underlined part that is wrong.

21.【C】 understand → understood, make oneself understood 译为:―使别人了解自己的意图即自己被别人理解‖。

22.【B】 to keep→ keeping, avoid 其后加动名词作宾语。 23.【C】very much to→too much to, 不定式短语too… to 作结果状语。―too + adj./adv. + to do‖意为―太……而不能―。

24.【D】see → to see, 不定式短语―only/ all too + adj./adv. + to do; too +adj. / adv. + not to do‖意为―非常‖,在句子中作结果状语。

25.【B】only find → only to find, 不定式前加only ( only to do ),表示令人失望的、不愉快的结果。

26.【B】having discussed →to have discussed, be, wish, hope, mean, intend, plan 等动词的过去式以及would like, should like与动词不定式的完成时连用,表示过去想做而未做的事。

27.【D】be washed→wash, 当不定式与它修饰的词之间有动宾关系,并且与句子的主语在意思上有主谓关系时,虽然表示的意思为被动,但却用主动形式。

28.【C】to be got→to get, 当不定式作表语(或宾补)形容词的状语,又与句子中的主语(或宾语)有逻辑上的动宾关系时,虽然不定式有被动意思,但只能用主动形式。 29.【A】to go →going, suggest 后面接动名词的一般式宾语。动名词的一般式所表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生,或在谓语动词表示的动作之前或之后发生。 30.【C】to be killed→being killed, 动名词的被动一般式作宾语。根据句意的需要,也常


用动名词的被动式。动名词的被动一般式的形式为―being +过去分词‖, 表示动名词的逻辑主语是动名词的动作对象。当表示一个被动动作发生在谓语动作之前时,可用动名词的被动完成时。 31.【A】to smoke→smoking, 英语中有些动词(如advise, allow, forbid, permit, recommend等)后面既可接动名词,也可接不定式,但其作用完全不同。接动名词作宾语,接不定式作宾补。

32.【B】to prepare →preparing, 现在分词短语表示主动,在句中作时间状语。finish 后面要求跟动名词作宾语。分词或分词短语作状语时,可以表示时间、原因、让步、条件、方式或伴随状况。通常可转换成相应的状语从句;表示方式或伴随状况时可以转换成并列句或非限定性定语从句

33.【A】joining →joined, join 是及物动词,但在A项后没有宾语,故使用join的过去分词形式,充当表示状态或性质的形容词用。

34.【B】carrying → to carry, permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事,句中是被动语态,passengers 是 carry 的逻辑主语,用主动式。

35.【D】hold → to hold, 在用easy, difficult, hard, comfortable等形容词构成的复合宾语时,用不定式作状语。hold与前面的the iPad2 有逻辑是的动宾关系,故用主动式。

III. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the verbs given.

36.【fixing】现在分词(短语)在某些感观动词后作宾语补语。这类感观动词有:feel, hear, notice, observe, perceive, see, smell, watch, listen to, look at等。句意:我们都看着他修理收音机。

37.【having been practicing】现在分词短语作后置定语,其作用相当于定语从句。句意:练习了一整天的乐队队员们到晚上已经筋疲力尽了。

38.【Having finished】现在分词(短语)作时间状语。句意:画完这幅画之后,他开始为它做画框。

39.【Working/ playing】现在分词(短语)作条件状语。句意:无论是工作还是娱乐,玛丽总是很投入。



42.【settled】过去分词(短语)在某些表示意愿、爱憎等的动词之后做宾补,这些动词还可以带不定式和/或现在分词作宾补,如(can‘t) bear, find, hate, like, need, prefer, want, wish等。句意:我希望这件事马上解决。

43.【Faced】过去分词(短语)作时间状语。句意:遇到困难时,我们必须设法克服。 44.【Considered】过去分词(短语)作条件状语。句意:从这一点看,这个问题就是非常重要的。


IV. Study the following sentences, pointing out the function of each underlined


