
更新时间:2024-06-21 09:07:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



? 代表姓名(delegates):

郭思佳[Scarlette Guo] 赵展[Kinsey Zhao] 董龙威[Dragon Dong] ? 代表来自的专业班级名(major): 物理学[Physics] 一班[Class One] ? 国家名(country): 葡萄牙 [Portugal] ? 议题(topic): 朝鲜核问题

自20世纪90年代初,朝鲜核危机第一次爆发以来,联合国便对此问题表示极大重视。核问题相当复杂,倡导无核化的进程也自然会遇到一些困难,但是无论多么困难,我们还是希望有关各方,特别是主要的当事方能够承担起责任,显示诚意和耐心,美国是主权国家,朝鲜民主共和国也是一个主权国家,在半岛核问题上,恰恰这两个国家是主要当事方,当务之急是这两个当事方逐渐增加相互了解和相互信任,为尽早取得进展做出努力。 葡萄牙政府坚持朝鲜半岛无核化,半岛和平与稳定的目标。同时主张朝方提出的合理问题应该得到照顾。毫无疑问,掌握核武器的国家越多,使用核武器的可能性就越大。因此,我国愿意与其他国家继续加强合作,实现朝鲜半岛无核化,并向朝鲜表明:只有履行义务,才能走上通往安全和受人尊重的道路。 这并非是把矛头指向某一个国家——而是要求所有国家共同承担责任。同时,我国呼吁拥有核武器的国家应向削减核武器数量的目标迈进;没有核武器的国家不应谋取核武器;所有国家都可以和平利用核能。相互威慑的局面不可能长期维持。因为在


Since the beginning of 1990s of twenty century, the nuclear-weapon-free break out,the UN has pay a great attention to this problem. The nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula is very complicated. Therefore naturally there will be difficulties in the process of the peace talks. No matter how difficult the process is, We still hope the relevant parties, particularly those major parties concerned can undertake their responsibilities, demonstrate flexibility, sincerity and patience The United States of America is a sovereign state, and so is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. As to the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula, it is these two countries that are the major parties concerned. Therefore the pressing task is for these two parties directly concerned on the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula to gradually increase their mutual trust and mutual understanding.

Portugal pursues the objective of a nuclear-weapon-free, peaceful and stable Korean Peninsula. At the same time, we also maintain that the legitimate concerns of the DPRK should be addressed.The more nations acquire these weapons, the more likely it is that they will be used. That is why we must continue our collaboration to achieve the denuclearization of the Korean

Peninsula, and make it clear to North Korea that the path to security and respect can be traveled if they meet their obligations.

This is not about singling out any one nation —— it is about the

responsibility of all nations. And together, we must strengthen the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty by renewing its basic bargain: countries with nuclear weapons will move towards disarmament; countries without nuclear weapons will not acquire them; and all countries can access peaceful nuclear energy. A balance of terror cannot hold.In the 21st century, a strong and global regime is the only basis for security from the world's deadliest weapons.

