江苏职校高二年级英语第四册Unit 2 That Must Be hard on You

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课题序号 授课课时 授课章节 名 称 使用教具 1 2 授课班级 授课形式 综高部高二年级 新授 Unit 2 That Must Be Hard on You. Warm-up ,Listening and Speaking Multi-media player, teacher’s book 1. Master the important words and expressions in the dialogue. 教学目的 2. Enable the students to know how to describe relationships 3. Enable the students to make dialogues by using the useful expressions learned in the dialogue according to the given situation. 教学重点 教学难点 更新、补充、删节内容 Useful words, phrases and sentence patterns. 1.How to use the useful expressions in the real situations. 2.Improve the students’ Listening and speaking ability 1. Learn some complex words Such as: hot-tempered ; good-natured; easy-going ;warm-hearted 课外作业 1. Read the dialogues Task B fluently. 2. Preview the passage. 教学后记 主备:刘立仁 辅备: 魏冰花 唐春花 王正明 孔新福 1



Unit 1 Listening and Speaking Step 1 Review Words and Expressions Step 2 Speaking I. Lead-in: Warming up Try to finish the two activities on page20. II. Part A I’m having a problem with my room-mate 1.Show some expressions on the blackboard, and then ask students to give the responses with the real situations. (Present the useful patterns and expressions in this way) 2.Let the students listen the dialogue carefully and finish the exercises 3.According to the listening materials, fill in the blanks. 4.then explain some difficult language points in the dialogues. III. Part B I’m really sorry to hear that 1. Useful expressions. 2. Listen to the tape carefully, and pay more attention to the pronunciation. 3. According to the tape, finish the exercises on the book. 4. Ask students to imitate, and then let some groups read the dialogues IV. Practice Pair work.: Let students make a dialogue by using the useful patterns and expressions learned in the model dialogues according to the given situation. Step 3 Assignment 1. Read the dialogue fluently 2. Preview the passage. Step 4 Homework

主备:刘立仁 辅备: 魏冰花 唐春花 王正明 孔新福 2


Unit 1 Listening and Speaking


This is the first period of Unit 1. The students have learned some words about kinds of travel.

Analysis of the students:

The students can use some simple sentences to talk about their relationships

. In this class, they will learn more about




personal relationships.

Teaching Aims:

1. Master the important words and expressions in the dialogue.

2. Enable the students to know how to express their communication and relationships in English

3. Enable the students to make dialogues by using the useful expressions learned in the dialogue according to the given situation.

Teaching aids: multimedia, pictures, computers and so on. Teaching Procedures: Step I Warm up

Activity 1: Complete the following descriptions of people with the adjectives in the box.

注:1.新课导入部分 通过对不同人物性格特征的描述,导入主题,激发学生兴趣,启发学生思考,并为下一个活动做准备。在讨论中,教师补充相关学生可能要用到的词汇: what if ; I wish ; I’d like to be ; courageous; self-centered; bossy;

ambitions; gentle ; patient; fair

主备:刘立仁 辅备: 魏冰花 唐春花 王正明 孔新福 3


Activity 2: Put the adjectives in activity1 into the three groups given below. 注: 1.结合上一个活动中学生的发言提到的自己的性格特征,请学生 分析给特征是正面,中性还是负面特征。

Step II Listening and speaking

A I’m having a problem with my room-mate

Activity 1: Listen to the conversation and circle what Jim is upset about. Activity 2: Listen again and tick which is true about Jim. Activity 3: Listen again and fill in the blanks.



B I’m really sorry to hear that

Activity 4: Listen to the conversations and find out the problem mentioned in each one.

Activity 5: Complete the conversations with the sentences in the box. Listen and check the answer. Then practise the conversations with a partner.

注:引导学生认真阅读交流的技巧与策略,看懂Expressing Sympathy

Activity 6: Work with a partner . Role-play the following situations. Use the conversation strategy in Activity 5. Step III Language point 1 that must be hard on you. 那对你一定很难吧!

2. My room-mate was talking behind my back.

主备:刘立仁 辅备: 魏冰花 唐春花 王正明 孔新福 4


我的室友在背后说我。 3.tell all sorts of lies 说各种谎言 tell lies 说谎 4.I’m really frustrated in his class. Frustrated 沮丧,懊恼

5.I’m having a problem with my room-mate. 我与我的室友之间闹别扭。 6 How come? 怎么会? 7. Put my things away

整理,收拾我的东西 put away 收拾,整理 8. turn the things into a mess

把东西弄成一团糟 turn …into a mess 9.The appointment started to smell bad. 公寓里开始闻到臭了 10.keep the appointment clean. 保持公寓干净 keep sth +adj

11.I came through something similar with my room-mate. 我也曾经和我的同学遇到同样的问题。 Come through 遇到,碰到,经历 Be similar with 与 相似 12.It will work out eventually. Work out 成功的发展 成功的解决 Work on 从事 Work for 为 而工作

主备:刘立仁 辅备: 魏冰花 唐春花 王正明 孔新福 5


课题序号 授课课时 授课章节 名 称 使用教具 2 4 授课班级 授课形式 综高部高二年级 新授 Unit 2 Reading and Writing Passage A and Passage B Multi-media player , teacher’s book 1. Master the important words and expressions in the text. 2. Master some useful words, phrases and sentence structures 教学目的 learned in the passage. 3. Train the students’ reading ability. 4. Improve students’ senses about detailed information 教学重点 教学难点 Useful words, phrases and sentence patterns. 1.How to use the useful expressions in the real situations. 2.Improve the students’ reading ability 课外作业 1. Read the text fluently. 2. Preview the passage and retell Passage B 教学后记

主备:刘立仁 辅备: 魏冰花 唐春花 王正明 孔新福 6



Unit 1 Reading and Writing Passage A Learn to be friendly and charming Step 1 Review Words and Expressions Step 2 Warm up Lead-in: Activity : do you know how to get on well with others? And which kind of person do you like to make friends with? (give 4 mins to discuss and sum up ) Step 3 Reading 1 Key words and useful expressions ( Guess the meaning of the words and learn to prepare for reading) 2 Pre reading tasks Ask students to make their own questions Discussions 3 while reading explain the language points in text sum up the main idea of each paragraph 4 post reading write a short composition about how to communicate with others. Step 4 Consolidation Explain the grammar of text to ss and ask them to learn the new word and expressions. Step 4 Practice Finish the exercises after the text, and ask ss to show their answers to us Step 4 Homework Making compositions, retelling and reading. 主备:刘立仁 辅备: 魏冰花 唐春花 王正明 孔新福 7


Unit 2 Reading and Writing

Passage A Learn to be friendly and charming


This is the third period of Unit 2. The students have learned some words about change

Analysis of the students:

The students can use some simple sentences to talk about how to communicate with others. In this class, they will learn more about the ways of learning to be friendly and charming

Teaching Aims:

1. Master the important words and expressions in the text.

2. Master some useful words, phrases and sentence structures learned in the passage. 3. Train the students’ reading ability.

Teaching aids: multimedia, pictures, computers and so on. Teaching Procedures: Step I Warm up


Review the knowledge of introducing in last class. Learn new words in the vocabulary and ask Ss to read them

Step II Pre-reading tasks

The pre-class tasks are as follows:

Activity 1: Read the text and match the qualities with the functions. (give 4 mins to discuss and sum up )


Step III Reading the text.

Activity 2: Read the text quickly and try to catch the main idea of the text. You may

主备:刘立仁 辅备: 魏冰花 唐春花 王正明 孔新福 8


use your skills of skimming and scanning and have a discussion with your partner. Later I will ask two of you to share your opinions.

Activity 3:Read the text again and fill in the blanks with the information you have got from passage A.

Activity 4: Discuss in groups: what else can be done to improve friendships? 注:是学生了解段落主要大意,训练学生概括段落大意并为全文写总结的能力。 Activity 5: Read the text again and find out the grammar and difficult points. a.

We all have different style of talking, laughing, smiling, responding and communicating.

我们在说笑,反应,交流上风格方式各不相同。 b.

What are the qualities needed to improve the relationship between our friends and us? 这是后置定语来修饰前面的the qualities 我们与朋友之间改善关系哪些素质是必须的? c. d.

The very first quality is a smile. Very adv 正是, 恰恰 If the smile is without any hatred, it is more enchanting. 假如微笑是不怀恶意的,那就比较迷人。 e.

Keep your problems to yourself, and keep your face smiling.

问题放在心中,脸上写着微笑。 Keep sth doing 保持 状态 f.

Ask open-ended questions. That will encourage the speaker to pour out all to you. Open-ended 不受限制的 这类组合词如:warm-hearted , kind-hearted, best-salt ,newly-built pour out (感情或说话) 奔涌,迸发 g.

There is enough pain in the world. Bring in some laughter. Bring in 引入 bring about 带来,产生 bring up 抚养,养育 h. The more they laugh, the more they will enjoy your company. 喜欢你的陪伴

h. Have a word of appreciation for everyone. 对每个人都以欣赏的目光

i. The only need is to pay less attention to ourselves and more to others.少关注点自己多关心点他人。

主备:刘立仁 辅备: 魏冰花 唐春花 王正明 孔新福 9


j. Make your presence the life of any gathering.让你的存在成为任何集会的生命。

Step IV Writing

Activity 6: group work, and write your weak points and strong points. then rethink about yourself which aspects you must change.

Step VI Homework

主备:刘立仁 辅备: 魏冰花 唐春花 王正明 孔新福 10



Unit 2 Reading and Writing Passage B Myths about Relationships Step 1 Review Words and Expressions Step 2 Warm up Lead-in: Activity : Have you ever thought about relationships ? and scan the text to answer the question: what myths are mentioned? (give 6 mins to discuss and sum up ) Step 3 Reading 5 Key words and useful expressions ( Guess the meaning of the words and learn to prepare for reading) 6 Pre reading tasks Ask students to make their own questions Discussions 7 while reading explain the language points in text sum up the main idea of each paragraph 8 post reading write a short composition about Myths about Realtionships Step 4 Consolidation Explain the grammar of text to ss and ask them to learn the new word and expressions. Step 5 Practice Finish the exercises after the text, and ask ss to show their answers to us Step 6 Homework Making compositions, retelling and reading. 主备:刘立仁 辅备: 魏冰花 唐春花 王正明 孔新福 11


Unit 2 Reading and Writing Passage B Myths about Relationships


This is the fifth

period of Unit2. The students have learned some words about Relationships .

Analysis of the students:

The students can use some simple sentences to talk about common myths about relationships . In this class, they will learn more about common myths about relationships and form a right views on them.

Teaching Aims:

1. Master the important words and expressions in the text.

2. Master some useful words, phrases and sentence structures learned in the passage. 3. Train the students’ English complex sentences’ understanding ability.

Teaching aids: multimedia, pictures, computers and so on. Teaching Procedures: Step I Warm up

Review the knowledge of introducing in last class.

Learn new words in the vocabulary and ask Ss to read them

Step II Pre-reading tasks

The pre-class tasks are as follows:

Activity 1: Read Passage B and underline the complex lines and phrases. (give 4 mins to discuss and sum up )


Step III Reading the text.

Activity 2: Read the text quickly and try to catch the main idea of the text. You may use your skills of skimming and scanning and have a discussion with your partner.

主备:刘立仁 辅备: 魏冰花 唐春花 王正明 孔新福 12


Later I will ask two of you to share your opinions.

Activity 3:Read the paragraph B again and circle the best answer.

Activity 4: After reading , work with a partner .discuss and complete the following table based on passage B.

注:是学生了解段落主要大意,把握文章细节,发掘作者的表达意图与技巧,训练学生概括段落大意的能力。 Common Myths Author’s Suggestions

Activity 5: Lead ss to read the text carefully again, and try to complete the outline of passage B. Outline:

Part one Introduction :_________________________________________________

Part two: Body

Myths 1: ____________________________________________________ Myths 2:____________________________________________________ Myths 3:____________________________________________________

What does the myth mean? Why is it not true? Suggestion

Part three:

Conclusion :________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Activity 6: Three kinds of common myths are introduced in passage B. Do you know any other common myths about relationships? Make an outline and write a

主备:刘立仁 辅备: 魏冰花 唐春花 王正明 孔新福 13


passage based on it.


Activity 7: Write a short passage based on the outline you’ve made in Activity 6. (This is homework)

Activity 8: Lead students to consulate the key points and languages. k.

In my practice as a relationship counselor, I come across people nearly every day who believe common myths about relationships. 作为一名人际关系顾问,我几乎每天都碰到一些人,他们对人际关系的理解都存在误区。 Come across 遇到,碰到 who believe common myths about relationships. 这是一个定语从句 :对人际关系存在误解 l.

Many people believe that finding a partner who is very different from themselves is a great relationship match. 许多人认为找一个与自己截然不同的伴侣是绝配。 a great relationship match.绝配 m.

But while it may be exciting at first to be with someone not like you, in reality, once the early excitement wears off, you may find that the things you used to find unusual about that person now annoy you.


be exciting to be with :对 兴奋 in reality:事实上 wears off,:渐渐消失 the things you used to find unusual about that person :这是一个定语从句 find the things unusual : 发现 不同寻常; used to find 过去发现 ; 此句的真正结构:the things now annoy you. n.

Eventually, the different attitudes, values ,and interests can become a source of conflict for couples. 最后,不同的态度,价值观和兴趣变成夫妻双方冲突的源泉。 o.

Instead, stop focusing on finding your opposite and find someone who has a approach to life similar to yours. 相反,不要倾心于寻找与你完全不同的人,寻找

主备:刘立仁 辅备: 魏冰花 唐春花 王正明 孔新福 14



p. It’s a constant surprise to me how many people saw their partner from across the room and “just know” they were to be together.

一直令我惊讶的是多少人从房间的另一边看他们的伴侣,并且“就知道”他们将会在一起。a constant surprise :持续的惊讶 across the room:房间的另一边 n. In actuality, there are many complex reasons why people are attracted to one another at the beginning, but remember that the attraction can often fade as quickly as it arrives. 事实上,也有许多复杂的原因人们为什么起初彼此吸引,但是记住,这种吸引来得快去的也快。

o. It’s a common belief that healthy couples have no secrets from one another, but in reality honesty can hurt.普遍的观念认为,健康的夫妻间彼此没有秘密,但是,实际上坦诚也会带来伤害。

that healthy couples have no secrets from one another 由that 引导的同位语从句,是a common belief 的同位语从句,解释这个观念

p. First of all, telling your partner about things in your past that you know are likely to be upsetting is not going to do you or your relationship any good, and could be hurtful to your partner. 首先,告诉你的伴侣一些你过去的,你也知道有可能带来苦恼的事情这将不会给你们和你们的关系带来好处,并且有可能伤害你的伴侣。

telling your partner about thing 这是动名词做主语 的结构;that you know are likely to be upsetting 这是定语从句,先行词是things ;be likely to do sth 有可能干什么 do you or your relationship any good :短语 do ….. any good 对 有好处 ;be hurtful to 对 有害

q. More importantly, don’t tell your partner that he or she looks terrible in a favorite outfit, even if your partner asks you to be honest. 更重要的是,不要告诉你的伴侣她穿着最喜欢的着装却看起来很糟糕,即使你的伴侣要求你诚实的说。 r. It’s important to look at how relationships work in a clear and logical way and to believe facts instead of myths.


主备:刘立仁 辅备: 魏冰花 唐春花 王正明 孔新福 15


13. It was the very place _________ the soldiers fought over sixty years ago. A. that B. which C. where D. there 14. Hardly ______ when the bus suddenly pulled away.

A. they had got to the bus stop B. they got to the bus stop C. did they get to the bus stop D. had they got to the bus stop

15. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced______ tractors in 1998 as the year before.

A. as many twice B. as twice as many C. twice as many D. twice as many as 16. You can fly to UK this morning _____ you don’t mind changing planes in Hong Kong. A. because B. provided C. unless D. so far as

17. It’s the same in China---many people, _____some are not overweight at all, are always going on diets

or taking weight-loss pills, ______ are often dangerous.

A. whose; which B. of which; who C. of whom; which D. who; that

18. Is _________ 48 hours _________ the man-made satellite _________ is made in our country to orbit the planet around?

A. it; that; where B. it; when; that C. it for; that it takes; that D. it; that it takes; which

19.Is _________ 48 hours _________ the man-made satellite _________ is made in our country to orbit the planet around?

A. it; that; where B. it; when; that C. it for; that it takes; that D. it; that it takes; which 20. _____ occurred to me that the murder happened ____ a rainy day. A. What; in B. What; on C. It; in D. It; on

21. The old man has a son and two daughters, ______ treating him well, ______ makes him sad. A. none of them; which B. and none of whom; that C. none of whom; which D. and none of them; that

22. Many experts hold the view ____ teachers’ development is _____the key to better education lies.

A. which; where B. which; what C. that; where D. that; which

23. Was it in Disneyland, ______ many cartoon characters can be seen, ______ the film was set? A. that; where B. that; when C. in which; where D. where; that

24. the world economy is in difficulty, we can see, the people of China are full of hope. A.As;/ B.Because;which C.Though;as D.With;/

25.The reason______ being late for the meeting was______ his little son fell ill this morning. A. for, that B. why, that C. for, because D. why, because

26._______ she had time to realize what was happening, she was hit on the head. A. Since B. Before C. When D. Until

27. What impresses me most is ______ he appears in front of others, he wears a sincere and charming smile.

A. what B. which C. that where D. that whenever

28.______ I failed in English a third time, I had no doubt about my gift for foreign languages. A. By the time B. Until C. After D. Unless

主备:刘立仁 辅备: 魏冰花 唐春花 王正明 孔新福 21


29 In the past few years, “My Heart Will Go On” was a popular song among young people, __________ were often heard singing it at parties. A. who B. which C. they D.that

30.The question came up at the meeting ______ we had enough money for our research. A. whether B. that C. which D. what

31.Faced with trouble or difficulty,a person takes help that is available. A.whatever B.whenever C.wherever D.however

32.____ you have expressed your determination , you should act immediately. A. Now that B. Even though C. In order that D. Until

33.You’d better give the task to_______ you think can finish it ahead of time. A. whoever B. whomever C. anyone D. no matter who 34.—It’s a long time __________I saw you last.

—Yes, and what a pity it is that it will be another year_______ we see each other again. A. before;since B. since; when C.since;before D. when;before

35.Japanese scientists said “Our dream is to create(clone)a mammoth(猛犸), it is a big dream.”

A. since B. because C. though D. however

36.The disease outbreak had infected 65 people by last Monday, 19 have died. A. with which B. of whom C. for whom D. in which

37._________ a small number of Australians are bitten by spiders each year, most recover without any medical treatment.

A. While B. Unless C. When D. Because 38.—Will you go to Mary’s birthday party?

—No. _____ invited, I can’t go. I’ll be too busy then.

A. If B. Unless C. Even if D. When 39. annoyed him most was that he had received no apology. A.How B.Why C.What D.Which

40.—Do you think the weather will be all right this summer?

—No, _______ we’re lucky. The newspaper says it’ll be very hot anyway. A. unless B. if C. though D. as 41.—When shall Janet return to work? —_________ she has totally recovered.

A. If B. Since C. When D. Until

42.He had to be reminded two or three times ________ he could avoid making the same mistake. A. before B. when C. until D. as

43.I don't say I am against their plan. But the trouble is __ _ they do doesn't agree with what they say.

.A. what that B. that what C. if what D. what if

44.It was shortly after that serious accident happened ______ all the people involved were caught and questioned.

A. since B. that C. before D. when

45.Lucy was having a holiday with her friend in a national park ____ she was bitten on the foot by a snake.

A. while B. since C. once D. when

主备:刘立仁 辅备: 魏冰花 唐春花 王正明 孔新福 22


46.____ you’ve tried it, you can’t imagine how pleasant it is. A. Unless B. Because C. Although D. When 47.The game is not very difficult you understand the roles. A. until B. though C. once D. unless

48.The conference aims to develop business and let people think about ______ they can have a positive influence on the planet.

A.why B.that C.what D.how

4927.Honesty is a kind of quality and that’s it takes to communicate with others successfully.

A.what B.why C.how D.which

50. It was the training _______he had at school _______made him good jumper. A.what;what B.that;that C.what;that D.that;what


1-5BBABB 6-10CBCBD 11-15BBCDC 16-20BCDDD 21-25ACDCA 26-30BDBAA 31-35AAACC 36-40BACCA 41-45CABBD 46-50ACDAB

主备:刘立仁 辅备: 魏冰花 唐春花 王正明 孔新福 23


课题序号 授课课时 授课章节 4 1 授课班级 授课形式 综高部高二年级 讲授与集体探讨 Unit 2 Real life skills 名 称 使用教具 Multi-media player , teacher’s book 1. Master the important words and expressions in the text. 2. Master some useful words, phrases and sentence structures 教学目的 learned in the passage. 3. tell ss the methods of communication 4. Train the students’ thought and expression ability. 教学重点 Analyze complex sentences and use them to express their minds 教学难点 How to find out whether you are prejudiced and discuss your action 课外作业 Preview the next lesson. 教学后记

主备:刘立仁 辅备: 魏冰花 唐春花 王正明 孔新福 24



Unit 2 Real life skills Step 1 Review Words and Expressions Step 2 Warm up Lead-in: Activity : Rivew the phonetics and grammar of last lesson. (give 4 mins to discuss and sum up ) Step 3 Real life skills 1. Ask ss to discuss and finish task 1 2. ask ss to work in group of six .discuss and decide on their speeches 3. lead ss to learn how to assess others’ speeches and give comments and marks. Step 4 Make a discussion 1 all the ss are divided into eight groups and discuss with your partner how to behave better in the situations given in Activity 1. 2 Based on what you have discussed, answer the following questions. Step 5 Homework Try to write a short passage about communication and relationship

主备:刘立仁 辅备: 魏冰花 唐春花 王正明 孔新福 25

