新目标八年级英语上册教案及练习题全套教案 - 2

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Unit1 How often do you exercise?

单元目标一览表 Tide Topic Function Stincture Targetlanguage How often do you exercise? Free time activities Talk about how often you do things Wh-questions:What dO...?How often...?Adverbs Of frequency:all/most/some/none What do you usually do on weekends?I sometimes go to the beach.How often do you eat vegetables? Every day.Most of the students do homework evely day. always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly ever,neverexercising,sopping,skateboardingonce,twice,three times a week,month,every daymilk,junk food,drink reading,watchingTV,go to the moviesfruit,vegetables Using contextTransforming information Section A 教学目标

认识目标:学习使用频度副词always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly,ever,never和表示频度的短语,如every day,once a week,twice a week,three times a week,once a month,twice a month,掌握语法内容 What do you usually do on weekends? What do they do on weekends? What does he do on weekends? How often do you shop? How often does Chung watch Tv? I usually play soccer. They often go to the movies. He sometimes go skateboarding. I shop once a month. He watches TV twice a week. Vocabularv Recycling Learningstrategy 能力目标:谈论周末的课外活动,谈论参与各种活动的频率。 情意目标:谈论周末的课外活动,感受生活的乐趣。 数学方法

引导学生运用Using context和Transforminginformation的学习技巧,加强听力与口语训练,提高学生的听力能力与口头交际的能力。 教学媒体

教学挂图;录音磁带,录音机;动作简笔画;练习幻灯片。 设计理念www.xkb1.com

《新目标英语》注重课堂Pairwork和Groupwork活动设计,把Pairwork和Groupwork活动贯穿于教学步骤和教学环节之中,并且设置一定量的具体活动任务,与任务型教学巧妙地结合。不同课型的各个教学步骤和教学环节所采用的Pairwork和Groupwork活动不同,合作学习的方法也不尽相同。新目标英语为什么提倡Pairwork和Groupwork活动呢?Pairwork和Groupwork活动培养了学生的团队精神,使他们能适应时代的需求,因为引导学生学会共同生活是当今世界教育的重要课题。在小组合作学习的过程中,共同的学习目标将小组成员的个人利益与小组的集体利益紧紧地联系起来,为了达成共同的学习目标,小组成员分工协作,互相学习,互相帮助,使小组的学习活动建立在和谐的氛围之中。小组合作学习增强了学生对他人的了解和对相互依赖的认识,小组成员之间的关系体现了现代社会所需要的团队合作精神。 教学流程


◆展示——些动作简笔画,引导学生写出与简笔画所对应的活动与动作 ◆师生交谈,引导学生说一说他们周末都做一些什么事情,展开口浯交流 ◆展示课本彩色图片,要求学生列出图中人物在周末都进行一些什么样的活动,填写表格,完成1a部 分的学习任务 二、师生互动


◆引导学生根据教学挂图和听力内容,运用Transforminginformation学习技巧,展开课堂口语交际,谈论图中人物所进行的各种活动,正确使用频度副词,完成1c部分的Pairwork活动任务 Model:

A:What does she do on weekends? B:She often goes tO the movies. ◆播放2a部分的录音,引导学生听一听图中人物进行的各种活动,按听力材料的先后给2a方框中的句子标序号,完成2a部分的学习任务


◆引导学生展开课堂口语交流,谈论自己周末的课外活动.完成2c部分的表格,并分小组进行Pairwork口语交际,注意参照运用GrammarFocus内容,完成2c部分的学习任务 Mlodel: A:How often dO you watch TV? B:I watch TV every day. A:What'S your favorite program? B:It's Animal World. A:How often do you watch it? B: ... 引导学生完成阅读练习:阅读杂志上的“Activity Survey”,参照“Vocabulary Key”内容,运用运用all、most、some、no完成短文WhatDoStudentsDoatGreenHiShSchool?,完成第3部分的学习任务

◆引导学生展开Groupwork活动:分小组活动,分析如何才能学好英语,展开调查活动,完成第4部分的表格内容 三、思维探胜

◆频度副词always,usually,often,sometimes,hardlyever,never: 频度副词 always usually often sometimes hardly ever never

词义 总是 通常 经常 有时 几乎不 从不 频率 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 英文释义 all the time often,generally (at)manytimes at times,now and then almost not,not at all not ever,not at any time 近义词 constantly frequently generally occasionally seldom rarely ◆对比How long、How far、How many、How much、How often、How soon:

疑问词 how long how far how many how much how often how soon 词义 多长时间 多长 多远 多少 多少 多久一次 多久以后 使用范围 提问一段时间 提问长度 提问距离 提问可数名词的数量 提问不可数名词的量、提问价钱或提问重量 提问表示频度副词或表示频度的短语 提问表示将来时态的时间,多由in引出的一段时间短语 2002~2003年部分省、市中考试题中有涉及how long,how far,how many,how much,how often,how soon的句型转换试题(就划线部分提问)。

例1:At the age of five,Martin weiShed 25 kilos.(上海市中考题) ______ _______did Martin weigh at the age of five?

析:How much。划线部分涉及重量,应用How much提问,表示\多少\。

例2:She usually comes to see her grandpa four times a month.(呼和浩特市中考题) _______ _______she usually come to see her grandpa?

析:How often does。划线部分four times a month涉及频率,应用How often提问,同sometimes,usu ally,often,always,once,twice,once a week,twice a year等。句中动词comes为单三式,改为疑问句时应添加助动词does,动词还原。 例3:Jim has stayed in China for five years.(哈尔滨市中考题) _______ ________ has Jim stayed in China?

析:How long。划线部分for five years涉及一段时间,而一段时间应用how long提问。 例4:The hospital is about 300 meters away.(甘肃省中考题) _________ _________is the hospital?

析:How far。划线部分about 300 meters away涉及距离,应用How far提问。 例5:His uncle will be back in a week.(新疆乌鲁木齐市中考题) _______ ________will his uncle be back?

析:How soon。划线部分in a week(一周以后)表示一段时间,常用于一般将来时态,而将来时态

中的一段时间应用Howsoon(多久,多久以后)提问。 练习:

1.John went to see his grandmother once a week.(2003广州市) ______ ________ ________John so to see his grandmother? 2.He has worked in this school for five years.(2003四川省) _______ ________ has he worked in this school?

3.The meeting will start in ten minutes.(2003乌鲁木齐市) _________ ________will the meeting start?

KEYS:1.How often did 2.How long 3.How soon


例1:He sometimes goes to the movies. 一What does he sometimes do? 例2:Ann often does her homework. 一WhatdoesAnnoftendO? 例3:Iusually play football at school.一What do you usually do? 例4:She is doing her homework. 一What is she doing? 四、拓展运用新课标第一网

课外活动与实践:回顾自己的课后生活,对自己进行调查,完成下面表格内容。 Activities Listen to music Surfthe Intemet Speak English Co shopping Visit friends Play football Have a trip Do homework Frequency Reason


◎选用方框中所给动词的适当形式填空,每个动词汇只用一次。 watch;surf;read;go;exercise;sing;play;shop;do;skate 1. Do you like_________ football? 2. Howoften___________ she watchTV? 3. I sometimes_________ the Intemet.

4. Millie usually _________ TV twice a week. 5. I can__________on the ice well. 6. Would you like to go________?

7. I want to keep healthy,so I _________ every evening. 8.Did you _________the story?

9.Why not________to the movies with me?

10.Alice often __________English songs in the forest.

KEYS:1.playing 2.does 3.surf 4.watches 5.skate 6.shopping 7.exercise 8.read 9.go 10.sings

◎按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词。(含缩写形式) 1.Mrs Li taught her maths last year.(改为—般疑问句) ______Mrs Li_______her maths last year?

2.Mike plays computer games everyday.(改为一般疑问句) _________Mike _______ computer games every day?

3.My brother has lunch at the school everyday.(改为一般疑问句) ________your brother_______lunch at the school every day?

4.Ann returned the book to the library yesterday.(改为—般疑问句) _________Ann_______the book to the library yesterday?

5.We’ll have a class meeting this afternoon.(改为一般疑问句) _________you________a class meeting this afternoon? 6.Lin,Faoputtheradioonthedesk.(对划线部分提问) ______________Lin Tao put the radio?

7.He lost the key to his bike on his way to the lecture.(对划线部分提问) _________did he________on his way tO the lecture? 8.You’d better not ask your teacher.(改为否定祈使句) _________ __________your teacher,please. 9.Uncle Wang likes making things.(改为否定句) Uncle Wang __________making things.

10.He has to buy a dictionary for his daughter.(改为否定句) He__________to buy a dictionary for his daughter.

KEYS:1.Did;teach 2.Does;play 3.Does;have 4.Did;return 5.will;have 6.Where did

7.What;lose 8.Don’t ask 9.doesn’t like 10.doesn’t;have ◎完形填空。

This week we asked students at New Star High School about 1 ways to learn more English.Many said they learnt by 2 English.Some students had more specific suggestions.Lillian Li,for example,said the best way to learn new words was by reading English magazines.She said that menmorizing the words of pop songs 3 helped 4 .When we asked about studying grammar,she said,“I never study grammar.It’s too boring.”

Wei Ming feels it 5 . He’s been learning English 6 and really loves it .He thinks studying grammar

is a great way to learn a language. He also thinks that watching English movies lsn’t a bad way because he can

7 the actors say the words. 8 ,however,he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly.

Liu Chang said that joining the English club at school was the best way to 9 her English.Students get lots of practice and they also 10 .She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all.“We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese,”she said.

( )1.A.good B.better C.best D.the best ( )2.A.use B.used C.tO use D.using ( )3.A.too B.also Leither D.neither ( )4.A.1ittle B.alittle C.few D.afew

( )5.A.different B.difference C.differently D.differences

( )6.A.for Six years B.in six years C.sinces six years D.six years ago ( )7.A.see B.look C.watcn D.notice

( )8.A.Some time B.Some times C.Sometime D.Sometimes ( )9.A.improve B.rise C.lift D.raise

( )10.A.make fun B.have fun C.do fun D.play fun KEYS:1~5 DDBBC 6~10 ACDAB Unit 1 How often do you exercise? Section A always —a11 the time usually —often,generally often 一(at)many times sometimes —at times,now and then hardly ever —almost not,not at all never —not ever,not at any time once —one time twice —two times


People have flown kites in Japan for more than 1,000 years.There are many different kinds Of kites there.Some 1ook like bats,others look like birds. Most have pictures on them. There are many interesting Stories about kites in Japan.

One story tells us about a thief(小偷)who used a kite to fly.He wanted to steal(偷窃)the g01d(金子)fromthe top of an old tower(塔).The thief and his friends made a large kite.One dark windy night,the thief caughthold of(抓住)the kite.His friends raised(使升起)the kite into the air.Then they moved the kite near the top ofthe tower.The thief was able to steal the gold.

Another story tells about a father and a son who were on a small lonely island in the middle of the Japanesesea.There were no boats or ships.They Couldn't go back to the mainland.So they made a big kite.His son flewOn it back to Japan.

There is a K-Day in Japan.The young men in Japan have kite matches.When the kites are flying,the matchstarts.The young men try to break each other's kite strings(细线).The last kite left left in the sky is the winner.

( )1.Most kites in Japan_________. A.are very large B.are very small

C.1ook like bats D.1ook nice with pictures

( )2.In the kite match,the young men try to_________. A.make their kites fly high

B.stop each other's kites from flying in the Sky C.make very large kites themselves

D.draw beautiful pictures on their kites

( )3.The father in the passage made a big kite to help his son to__________ . A.return home B.fly over Japan C.win the match D.steal the gold

( )4.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.The last kite left in the sky is the winner in the kite match. B.The thief stole the gold from the top of an old tower. C.The father and son in the story were dead in the sea at last. D.There is a K—Day in Japan.

( )5.The passage mainly tells us_________. A.how to fly kites B.how a kite match starts

C.something about the kites in Japan D.what the kites look like KEYS:1~5 DBACC 思维拓展

One Thing at A Time一时专一事

Work while you work,play while you play. 工作的时候就工作,玩耍的时候要玩好。 This is the way to be cheerful and gay. 这样的日子过得欢喜又快乐。

Whatever you do,do with your might. 无论做任何事,我们都要尽全力。

Things done by halves are never done right. 半途而废的人,必然会永无成功之日。

One thing at a time,and that done well. 一时专一事,做事认真而又彻底。

That’s a very good rule.as many may tell. 这条原则极其好,想必大家都有体会。 Moments are useless when trifled away. 每寸光阴都要珍惜,否则时光空流逝。

So work while you work and play while you play. 工作的时候就工作,玩耍的时候要玩好。 赏析:该诗是劝说大家要“一时专一事”,因为我们都会“一心无二用”,就如我们同时用左手画圆右



使时光空流逝。同学们有这样的经历吗?请记住“One thing at a time”。 Amy’s Funny Story Amy is a little girt.She is only six years old.There is a cinema near her home.But she never went

there all by herself.One day she went to the cinema alone.It is the first time for her to do that.She bought a ticket and then went in.But after a minute she came out.bought a second ticket and Went in

again.After a few minutes she came out again and bought a third ticket.Two or three minutes late she

came out and asked for another ticket.

Then the young Woman in the ticket office asked her,“Why do you buy So many tickets? How

many friends do you meet?” Amy answered,“No.I have no friends here with me.But a big boy always stops me at the door

and tears my ticket into pieces.” section B 教学目标

认知目标:谈论自己与他人的饮食习惯与生活方式,了解如何保持健康。 能力目标:培养学生的听力技巧与口语表达能力。

情意目标:谈论自己的饮食习惯与生活方式,感受健康的生活情趣。 教学方法

展开课堂听力训练和Pairwork口语交际活动,并引导学生开展调查活动,培养他们的听力技巧、口语表达能力和实践能力。 教学媒体

收集一些食品、饮料、运动的图片;录音磁带,录音机;练习幻灯片。 设计理念


生的每一步成长都离不开自己的积极思考和实际活动,离不开学习主动性。教师只有通过调动学生的学习主动性才能取得较好的教学效果。要激发学生的求知欲,激发学生的主动性和学习兴趣,除进行必要的、经常的目的性的思想教育之外,还要培养他们良好的学习习惯。英语课是一门语言实践课,是一门技能训练课,所以要学生学好英语,必须引导他们仔细听、认真看、勤动脑、多动笔、反复模仿等,即所谓的\眼到、口到、手到、心到\。在英语课堂上,应鼓励学生大胆地回答老师提出的问题,养成用英语思维的良好习惯;在课外,也要培养学生乐于开口、勤于动手实践的习惯。 教学流程 一、图片导入


◆引导学生讨论什么样的饮食习惯与生活方式才有利于健康 二、师生互动






◆引导学生分小组展开课堂调查Whoisthehealthiest?,完成第4部分的活动任务 Answers Questions student'S name student'S name student'S name How ohen do you exercise? what spoas do you play? How often do you eat vegetables? How long do you watch TV every night? How often do you eat fast food? How often do you walk to school? How long do you sleep every night? What do you like best? 三、思维探胜 ◆But my mother wants me to drink it.但我妈妈想我喝。

want somebody to do somethlng想让某人做某事(用动词不定式做宾语补足语,类似的有Wish,tell),

like,would like,get,ask等。) 例:Would you like me to help her?

◆She says it’s good for my health.她说那对我的健康有益。

be good for对??有益——对比be good at(擅长于??);be good to(对??好)

例:Watching TV too much is not good for your heaith. He is good at playing football. The old woman is good tO us. 四、拓展运用



统计调查结果:Who is the healthlest?

Listyle Of——(name) Question Answer Score How often do you exercise? a.1ess than three times a weeL b. three to six times a week c.every day How long do you sleep every a.1ess than 5 hours night? b.more than 10 hours c.5~10 hours How much TV do you watch every-day? a.more than 4 hours b.2~4 hours C.1ess than l hour How often do you eat fruit and vegetables? a.never b. se1dom C.often How often do you wdlk school? a. never b.sometimes C.alWays

Lifesty of_____________(name) 备注 You are not fit at all!You need to 6-9 points a:=I point exercise more,watch less TV,and b:=2 points eat healthier food. c:=3 points Not bad, but you are not very healthy.Yon should eat healthier 10-13 points food and exercise more.Try to be healthier. You are a very healthy person 14-18 points Congratulations! 五、达标反馈 ◎翻译下列短语。

1.对??有益 _________ 2.垃圾食品____________ 3.放学回家 _________ 4.饮食习惯___________ 5.当然 __________ 6.照顾___________

7.—周一次_________ 8.拥有健康的生活方式____________ 9.与??相同 __________ 10.有点不健康__________ KEYS:1.be good for 2.junk food 3.come home from school 4.eating habbits 5.of course 6.1ook after

7.once a week 8.have a healthv lifestyle 9.he the same as 10.be kind of unhealthy

◎单词拼写。根据英文释义或汉语提示及句义完成下列单词的拼写。 1.t________(two times)

I go to Beijing t_________a year. 2.u_________(not healthy)

She has an u________eating habbit.

3.t_________ (put into another language) Can you t________ the sentence into Chinese? 4.p_________(very)

I’m ________healthy. 5.h________(almost not)

There are h_________ any people in the hill. 6.Do you know the _________ (结果)?

7.I often surf the __________ (互联网)at home.

8.Good food and exercise help me to study________ (更好). 9.She never___________(做)her homework at night. 10.How often do you eat ___________ (青菜)? KEYS:1.twice 2.unhealthy 3.translate 4.pretty 5.hardly 6.result(s) 7.Internet 8.better 9.

does 10.vegetables


Sam,Sandy,Tom and Alice 1 to a teahouse 2 on Sunday.A waiter came to them,and asked 3 they wanted 4 .Cue ofthe two boys said,“1 want 5 lemonade.”One girl asked the other,“You take

you coffee 6 sugar,don’t you?”Sandy said,“My brother and l don’t want beer.”Tom 7 to one of the girls,“I want some lemonade.” Aftera 8 ,the waiter took out a glass of beer,a cup of coffee,a cup Of tea

and a glass of lemonade.What drink do they 9 want? My dear fnends,use your heads,then you 10 a way.

So We can guess:Sam likes tea;Sandy enjoys coffee;Tom lemonade;but AhCe beer. ( )1.A.went B.go C.gocs D.going

( )2.A.with B.together C.as well as D.together with ( )3.A.when B.why C.what D.which ( )4.A.drank B.drinking C.drinks D.to drink ( )5.A.a glass of B.a piece of C.a kilo D.a plate of ( )6.A.in B.with C.about D.of

( )7.A.ays B.saied C.said D.saying ( )8.A.hour B.time C.when D.while ( )9.A.each B.every C.one D.that

( )10.A.finds B.Will find C.to find D.going to find KEYS:1~5 ABCDA 6~10 BCDAB 板书设计 Unit l Section B Useful expressions: be good for junk food come home from school eating habbits of course 1ook after help sb.to do sth. have a healthy lifestyle be the same as be kind of unhealthy 激活思维

Do you know why different animals or insects(昆虫)have their special COlours in them seem tO be

used mainly to protect themSelves.

Some birds like eating locnsts(蝗虫),but birds cannot easily catch them.Why? It is because locusts change

their colours togelher with the change Of the co1ours of crops.When crops are green,1ocusts lOOk green.But as the harvest time comes,locusts change to the same brown co1our as crops have.Some other insects with differet

colours from plants are emsily found and eaten by others.So they have to hide theaselves for lives and appear Only at night.

If you study the animal life,you’ll find the main use of co1ouring is to protect theaselves.Bears,lions an

other animals move quietly throngh forests.They cannot be easlly seen by hunters(猎人) .This is because they

have the Colours mach like the trees.

Have you ever noticed an even more strange act?A kind of fish in the sea can sead out a kind of very black

liqmd(液体)when it faces danger.While the liqutd spreads over(散开),its enemies(敌人)cannot find it And

it imaediately(立即)swims away.SO it has lived up to now though it is not strong at all.(2003河北卷)


( )1.Locus can change their co1ours together with the change of the colours of crops. ( )2.A kind of finsh in the sea can send out a kind of very white liquid(液体)when it faces danger

( )3.The main use of colouring is to protect animals theaselves. ( )4.When crops are green,loeusts lOOk brown. ( )5.Bears,lions can be easily seen by hunters becanse they can’t change their colours. Ⅱ.阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。

( )6.From the passage we learn that locusts——. A.aye small animals

B.are easily found by birds

C.are dangerous to their enemies

D.change their colours to protect themselves

( )7.How can insects with different colour8 from plants keep out of danger? A.They run away quickly.

B.They have the colours much like their enemies. C.They hide themselves by day and appear at night. D.They have to move quickly.

( )8.Bears and lions can keep safe because——. A.they have the colours much like the trees B.they move quickly

C.they like brown and grey colours D.they live in forests

( )9.Why can the kind of fish live up t0 now? A.Because it is very big and strong.

B.Because the liquid it sends out can help it escape from its enemies. C.Because the liquid it sends out can kill its enemies. D.Because it swims faster than any other fish. ( )10.Which is the best title for this passage? A.The Change of Colours for Animals and Insects B.Colours of Different Animals and Insects

C.The main Use of Colours for Animals and Insects D.Some Animals and Insects

Keys:1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.C 思维拓展


Every student can learn rope(绳子)jumping.You can jump alone or with your classmates.You

can also help turn a long rope for many others to jump over,one at a time.If you jump alone,you will

need a short rope and it will be just enough for your height(高度).Try ropes of different lengths(长

度)until you find a right one for your size. A rope should be turned slowly.It must also be turned high enough to let you jump freely and safe— ly.Turning the rope freely and safely needs careful timing.In rope jumping,timing means turning the

rope slowly enough for you to jump over at the right time without its striking(碰)your feet.

When you jump rope,your heart beats faster and your face has a healthy colour.But If you jump

too many times at first,you will get tired.You must learn when to stop for a rest before you jump again.

If you practise。you can increase(增加)the number of times you jump without resting. 古巴的风筝节



the open air)放风筝,有时在公墓草地(grass)上进行。据说这是为了悼念死者i寄托亲人的哀思,祝愿下一

代幸福长寿(a happy and long life)。玛雅人的风筝很特别(special),它的直径长达三至六米。20世纪初,风






才能充分利用这个难得相识的机会,相互表达自己的爱慕之情(10ve feelings)。小伙子为了要在风筝上打开


(meaning),画上两颗心,表示年轻恋人倾心相爱;玫瑰花象征结婚典礼(’wecIding eeremony);家兔意味着喜



姑娘的爱慕。这样,风筝便成为玛雅未婚青年男女相爱的“月下老人”(march.maker)。 每年11月的前两天,在圣地亚哥萨卡杰别开斯村镇的上空,满天的风筝在迎风飘动,五颜六色,相映生j

辉,不仅使人赏心悦目,充分享受风筝节的愉快,同时也寄托着玛雅人对美好前景的向往(1ong for a bright future)。

单元综合检测题 I.单项填空。(10分) ( )1.She likes to play________today.

A.d football B.footbaIIs C.football D.thefootball ( )2.___________does Daniel going swimming in the lake? —Twice a week

A.How often B.How many C。How long D.How much

( )3.He always eats chocolate but he__________eats after going to bed.Because he thinks It’s not good for his teeth.

A.slways B.often C.USUally D.hardlyever

( )4.I like eating vegetables,but I don’t eat__________now. A.it B.this Cones D.them ( )5.How long do you sleep__________?

A.every a night B.every night C.in every a night D.in every night ( )6. I want________milk.

A.a B.a cup of C.a glass D.a glass of

( )7.Eating good food——doing exercise help you keep healthy. A.or B.but C.and D.then

( )8.We should eat more vegetables because they are green food dnd good——me。 A.to B.at C.for D.with

( )9.What do you usually do——weekends? A.on B.in C.at D.Lo

( )10.I English books about twice a week.

A.see B.watch C.1ook D.readⅡ.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)

11.The results for“watch TV”are_________(interest). 12.I shop________(one) a week 13.What are the________(different)? 14.Why not_________(go)with me?

15.My_________(eat)habits are very good. Ⅲ.完形填空。(20分)


个最佳选项。 A

I am a businessman.My job is 16 computers.1 work very hard.Every morning get up at seven.I do some 17 and have a light breakfast.Then I l8 my office.It takes me 40 minutes,so I usually get there 19 than 20 . I am very busy.I think every minute 21 ,so I plan my work very carefully.I 22 a diary to help me remember things.I meet and 23 many people.I 24 lots of telephone cslls.I often go out and visit people.I travel to cities in the USA and many foreign countries 25 China,Japan and lndia.

( )16.A.sell B.to sell C.selling D.sells

( )17.A.exercises B.exercise C.much exercise D.much exercises ( )18.A.drive B.drove C.drive to D.drove to

( )19.A.early B.more earlier C.earlier D.the earliest ( )20.A.other B.the other C.any others D.others ( )21.A.counts B.has C.does D.keeps ( )22.A.keep B.keeping C.write D.writing ( )23.A.tell with B.talk with C.tell to D.talk ( )24.A.do B.call C.make D.ask ( )25.A.as B.of C.from D.like B

Books are treasures(财富).They bring us knowledge(知识).Knowledge is important because it enriches

(丰富)our life and brings 26 happiness.

All great men in the history 27 human beings(人类)loved books.It is the knowledge in the books that

let them succeed(成功).There is no genius(天才) 28 books.Because books are the source(源泉)of

knowledge.And knowledge is the source of success.Books bring us pleasure(快乐)and knowledge, 29

They enable(使??能够)us to see through the 30 and to see into the future.Macaulay,the famous histori- an(历史学家),once 31 to a little girl.If anyone would 32 me the greatest king(国王)that ever lived

with palaces and gardens and 33 dinners,and beautiful clothes,and 34 servants(仆人),on condition

that(以??为条件)I should not read books,I would not be a king.I would like 35 a poor man in a top

room(阁楼)with lots of books instead of a king who did not live to read. ( )26.A.we B.us C.our D.ours ( )27.A.for B.with C.of D.to

( )28.A.with B.without C.on D.about ( )29.A.also B.too C.either D.nor ( )30.A.past B.future C.1ast D.next

( )31.A.write B.to write C.writing D.wrote

( )32.A.do B.take C.make D.get ( )33.A.fine B.well C.healthy D.bad

( )34.A.hundred of B.hundreds of C.hundred D.hundreds ( )35.A.am B.was C.be D.to be Ⅳ.阅读理解。(20分) A

Many people like to watch TV.Watching TV is one of the most important activities(活动)0f the day.TV

brings the outside world c—lo—ser to people’s homes.Some people say the world is now smaller than before because of

(因为)Tv.Perhaps they are right.

What’s going on in other countries?What’s life like in the deepest parts of the sea? Well,just turn on the TV.Turn it on and watch.You can see a lot and you can learn a lot.Of course people

can also learn through reading or listening to the radio.But with TV they can learn better and more easily.Why?

Because they can hear and watch,too.TV helps to open our eyes.TV also helps to open our minds.TV often

gives us new ideas.We learn newer and better ways of doing things. 阅读短文,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个正确答案。

( )36.People do some important things in the day,but one of the most important things is to_________.

A.go shopping B.watch TV C.watch a football match D.go boating

( )37.It is not possible to see the life of fish in the deepest parts of the sea,sea,is it? A.Yes.it is. B.No,it isn’t. C.Yes.it isn’t. D.No,it is.

( )38.With TV people call learn things_________than only listening to the radio. A.better B.faster

C.more easily D.both A and C

( )39.In the text the word“closer”means“_________”. A.to be closed B.shorter C.nearer D.farther

( )40.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Many people’s favourite thing is to watch TV.

B.Today’s world itself is becoming smaller and smaller. C.Our minds can be helped to open by IV. D.We often get new ideas from watching TV. B

The internet is playing a more and more important role(角色)in our everyday life.On the internet,we Can

learn news both at home and abroad and all kinds of other information(信息)as well.We can also send messages

(消息)by e—mail,make telephone calls,go to net school,read many kinds of books and learn

foreign languages by ourselves.And we can enjoy music,watch sports games and play chess(象棋)and cards.Also we can play

games.On the internet,we can do some shopping,have a chat with others and make a lot of friends.In a word

(总之),the internet has made onr life more colorful. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。

( )41.The internet is very important in our daily life. ( )42.On the internet we can only learn news at home. ( )43.We can send messages by e—mail on the internet. ( )44.we can’t have a chat with others on the internet. ( )45.The internet has made our life more colorful.

V.从方框内所给的七个句子中,选择五个分别填入空白处,完成下列对话。(10分) —Look at this photo of my family.This is my father and this is my mother. — 46 It’s my little brother.

一He looks very clever. 47 —He is six years old.Look!He is riding a bike. 一Could you ride a bike when you were six? 一No,I couldn’t. 48

一I could when I Was six.And I rode well. —By the way. 49 一No.thanks.I’m not thirsty.

—what about some cakes?一 50 Oh,they are delicious.Thank you. A.No thanks B.How old is he? C.Yes,please. D.Would you like something to drink? E.Why not eat something? F.Who is this? G.What about you? Ⅵ.用方框中的短语填空,使句意通畅。符合逻辑。每个短语只能使用一次。(10分) good for junk food come home from school eating habbits of course look after help me to a healthy lifestyle the same as kind of unhealthy 51.Reading is_______my study. 52.We don’t like_________.We often eat healthy food. 53.Tom usually________at 5 p.m.

54.She doesn’t have good________.Every night she always eats too much. 55.一Can I use your ruler? _________.Here you are.

56.Can you_________ my little sister?I want to go shopping.

57.Good food and exercise_________study better. 58.I often exercise.I have__________.

59.The story isn’t _________ that one. 60.She is too fat.So she says she is____________. Ⅶ.书面表达。(25分)


频度副词。短文要求语句通顺、行文流畅。 Ann Alice Fruit Vegetables chocolates Rice Fruit Vegetables chocolates Rice never hardly ever sometimes often usually always √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ ********************************************************

I know Ann Alice well.They my best friends ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Unit2 What’s the matter? 单元目标一览表 Title Topic Functire structure Target language What’s the matter? Health Talk about your health Make suggestions Have for talking about health problems Modal should/shouldn’t What’s the matter? I have a headache You should drink some tea. That sounds like a good idea I have a sore back That’s too bad I hope you feel better soon Head,nose,eye,ear,mouth,tooh,neck,stomach,back,leg,arm,hand, Vocabulary tired,hungry,thirsty,stressed,out a cold,headache,backhe,toothache,stomache,sore throat,dentist Recycling Learning strategy cold,hot,go to bed,listen to musis,drink Using what you know Inferring contet Section 教学方法

认识目标:引导学生运用Using what you know 和Inferring content的学生技巧, 来谈论自己的健康状况,并提出改变现状的合理性建议。


Grammar Focus: I have a headache He has a stomache She has a toothache You should go to bed He shouldn’t eat anything for 24 hours She should see s detist 情意目标:体验身体健康的重要性。 教学方法



形象生动,容易记忆,课堂气氛活跃,有利于加速直接用英语交流思想。 教学媒体




练。通过Talk about your health和Give advice,主要学习并运用重点语法项目,引导学生采用Using what you

know和Inferring content的学习方法,提高学生的口语表达能力,体现为交际而学习英语的目的。









A: What’s the matter? B: have a sore throat. ◆播放2a部分的录音,引导学生捕捉关键信息,将各种生病症状与建议连线,完成2a部分的学习任务





A:What’s tlle matter? B:I have a othache. A:Maybe you should see a dentist. B:That’s a good idea.


话内容) .




作出猜测并提出合理的建议,进行口语训练,为学生创设合作式的课堂学习氛围 三、思维探胜

What’s the matter?(你怎么了?)该句型用来询问有什么问题或生了什么病,类似的说法有What’

the trouble?/What’s wrong?/What’s the matter with you?/What’s your trouble?/What’8 wrong with you?

例:一What’S the matter with you,Judy? 一I’m not feeling well.

◆ 表示疾病的短语,为固定习语:

have a toothache牙痛 have a sore throat喉咙痛 have a stomachache胃痛 have a fever发烧

have a a headache头痛 have a cold感冒 have a sore back背痛

well adv.好,好地(用来修饰动词,作状语,区别于形容词good,比较级是better,最高级是best)

well aaj.(身体)好(相当于fine或heathy)

例:Kitty can dance well.基蒂跳舞跳得很好。 She can speak good English.她英语说得很好。 Millie feels very well.米莉感觉很好。 四、拓展运用


这些问题的分 析,记录医生提出的合理建议。这是一种探究性的学习,把学生学习的课堂延伸到校园以外,以培养学生



多的知识、培养更高的技能,更好地学习英语。 Disease Doctors ’advice My advice 五、达标反馈 ◎用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Judy_________(have)a headache. 2.She is not________(feel)well.

3.You should drink________(1ot)of water.

4.When________(do)your toothache start yesterday? 5.He shouldn’t eat anything for 24______(hour). KEYS:1.has 2.feeling 3.10ts 4.did 5.hours ◎1.看牙医 ______ 2.好主意________

3.二十四小时__________4.喝加蜂蜜的热茶__________ 5.躺下__________ KEYS:1.see a dentist 2.a good idea 3.for 24 hours 4.drink some hot tea with honey 5.1ie down

◎根据对话内容及首字母拼写单词。 一What’S the m _________ (1)? I have a s _________(2)throat.

一H0w are you f ____________ (3)now? I’m feeling worse.

一Did you eat anything for b__________ (4)? 一No,I have nothing this m __________(5).

—well,take medicine three times a d___________ (6).Have a good rest and dink more w __________ (7).

—0K.T___________ (8)you.

KEYS:1.matter 2.sore 3.feeling 4.breakfast 5.morning 6.day 7.water 8.Thank ◎完形填空。

1 all the things we eat and drink,water is the 2 important.Not 3 people understand this but it

is quite true.The human body can go 4 food for a long time,but two 5 three days without water usually

makes people 6 .

Many people do not understand how 7 water the human body needs 8 well and many people do not

drink enough,especially(尤其)in hot weather.Most people drink when they are thirsty but often need more

water,especially when they take exercise. A man’s body is 65 to 75 percent(百分比)water.If we do not have 9 water we feel 10 and may

become i11.Do you know what the best drink is? ( )1.A.At B.Of C.By D.In

( )2.A.much B.more C.most D.least ( )3.A.few B.10t of C.much D.many ( )4.A.on B.without C.by D.with ( )5.A.or B.but C.of D.and

( )6.A.to die B.dying C.died D.dead ( )7.A.1ittle B.much C.can D.many

( )8.A.to work B.working C.works D.work ( )9.A.some B.a little C.enough D.all ( )10.A.tired B.happy C.well D.fine KEYS:1~5 BCDBA 6~10 DBACA Unit2 What’s the matter? Section A —I have a headache. —You should go to bed. —He has a stomachache. —He shouldn,t eat anything for 24 hours. —She has a toothache. She should see s dentist. 板书设计 Coffee has been a part of people’s lives for thousands of years.and today it is still one of the most favou-

rite drinks in the world.Many people in the world begin their busy day by drinking a cup of coffee or several cups

of coffee.They have always said that a cup of coffee in the morning helps them begin their day in the fight way.So

they say a cup of coffee is necessary for them in the morning.

Do you know what in the coffee makes our bodies and brains(大脑)active?It is caffeine.Caffeine may increase a person’s mental and phyrsical abilities(精力和体能).For example,two cups of coffee will make you

breathe faster and augment body heat.All this makes your heart beat faster,and doctors warn that this may be a little dangerous.

Caffeine is found in tea.coffee,chocolate and some other foods.A little caffeine is probably not


too much caffeine can make people nervous and sleepless(无眠的,不能入睡的). ( )1.A good title for this passage is___________ A.Coffee Is Harmful B.Coffee and Tea

c.Caffeine and Health D.Caffeine Is Useful ( )2.The word“augment”means__________ A.increase B.drink C.stop D.make less

( )3.From this passage,we may know that drinking a cup of coffee late at night might_________.

A.give you a haedache B.make you fall asleep C.keep you awake D.be dangerous ( )4.Caffeine is found in_________.

A.tea and water B.chocolate,meat and some other foods C.coffee and jam D.coffee,tea and some other foods ( )5.Which ofthe following is not TRUE?

A.Coffee has been a part of people’s lives for thousands of years. B.Caffeine is no harm to our body.

C.Two cups of coffee will make you breatbe faster and increase body heat. D.Caffeine may ir~crease humans’mental and physical abilities. KEYS:1~5 CACDB 思维拓展

Washington Irving

Washington I rving was America’S first man of letters(作家)to be known internationlly.His works

were received with great interest and admiration both in England and in the United States.He was,in

fact,one of the most successful writers of his time in either country,giving great pleasure to a large

general public and at the same time winning the admiration of fellow writers like Scott in Britain and Poe

and Hawthorne in the United States.The respect in which he was held was partly because of the man

himself,with his warm friendliness,his good sense,his good manners,his cheerful spirits,his artistic

integrity(艺术上的完美),his love of both the Old World and the New.Thackeray regarded Irving as“a

gentleman who,though himself born in no very high sphere(地位),was most finished,perfect,wise,

socially the equal(地位相同)of the most refined(高雅的)Europeans.”In England he was granted an

honorary degree frOm Oxford--an unusual honor for a citizen of a young nation having no good educa—

tion—and he received the medal of the Royal Society of Literature.America made hjm

ambassador to

Spain(驻西班牙大使). Secti。 B 教学目标



情意目标:了解在生病时应该做些什么、不可以做什么,知道如何保养自己。 教学方法 教师方法


教学媒体 设计理念






生的写作能力。 教学流程 一、图片导入

◆引导学生看图片,完成1a部分的学习任务 ◆引导学生看图片,完成1b部分的学习任务 二、师生互动

◆播放2a部分的录音2—3遍,引导学生捕捉细节,完成2a部分的表格内容 ◆根据2a部分的录音内容,展开课堂Pairwork活动,进行对话交际 —What’s the matter with Gina? —She’s tired —Well,she should g0 t0 bed early.She shouldn’t go to the party. ◆阅读短文A Healthy Lifestyle,the Chinese Way,完成3a部分的学习任务 ◆根据短文内容,要求学生补全3b部分的短文 ◆引导学生进行书面表达活动,假设你感冒了,说一说应该做什么、不应该做什么,写一篇小短文

◆ 引导学生进行调查,展开课堂Groupwork活动:

Problems I have a toothache Advice Name I’m stressed out. I can’t sleep I’m hungry I have a backche I have a cold. I have a sore throat I’m tired. I have a headache ◆ 三、思维探胜 ◆ stressed out紧张的,有压力的

◆ It’s easy to have a healthy lifestyle,and it’s important to eat a balanced diet.这


◆ 康,而且饮食平衡很重要。 ◆ it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式t0 have a healthy。lifestyle和t0 eat

a balanced diet。

a balanced diet平衡的饮食结构 ◆ 对比too much和much too: too much太多(其后接不可数名词) much too太(具后接形容词或副问的原级)

例:It’s much too hot,and she drinks too much water. ◆ more更多(many和much的比较级,其后接不可数名词或可数名问的复数形式) 例:She wants more milk.

We need more people to do the work.





和生活方式,再向医生进{;咨询,询问他们如何才能保持身体健康,列出被调查人所存在的问题,并有针对 性地提出建议, Name Litestvle Problems Advice 五、达标反馈 ⑦根据括号中的要求拼写单词。

1.lie(现在分词) 2.have(第三人称单数形式)________ 3.foot(复数) 4.should not(缩写形式)___________ 5.stress(形容词) 6.cool(反义词)__________

7.may(过去式)_________ 8.heahh(形容词)__________ 9.1ife(复数) ___________ 10.ill(名词)___________

KEYS:1.1ving 2.has 3.feel 4.shouldn’t 5.stressed 6.warm 7.might 8.healthy 9.1ives 10.illness


T_______ (1)Chinese doctors belies、we need a b___________(2)of cooling yin and hot yang to healthy.Forexample,are you quiet and often tired?It might be b_________(3)you have too much yin.You should eat hot yangfoods,like beef or lamb,to give you more e_________ (4).Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good forthis.On the o__________ (5)hand,people who are s____________ (6)out and a________(7)might have too much yang intheir lives. Chincse doctors believe that they should eat more yin foods。like tofu,Or b_________ (8)sprouts.It’seasy to s (9)healthy,and it’s I________ (10)to eat a balanced diet.

KEYS:1.Traditional 2.balance 3.because 4.energy 5.other 6.stressed 7.angry 8.bean

9.stay 10.important


There is a nice girl in Our class.Her name is Kitty. Kitty is in Row 8. She is twelve years old. She is not tall

and not short.Kitty is a bit fat because she likes eating sweets.She has a round face like an apple.She has two big black eves and a small nose.Her mouth is also big,but her eyes are small.She has long blond hair.She likes

red and purple,so she often wears red clothes.But today she is wearing a green sweater,blue trousers and brown

shoes.Kitty likes little animals.She has a little dog from Canada in her home.The dog is Kitty’s good friends.

( )1.Kitty is_____________.

A.short B.tall C.small D.fat ( )2.Kitty’s face is________.

A.big B.round C.1ong D.an apple

( )3.She has____________eyes but__________nose.

A.small;big B.round;big C.big;small D.fat;tall ( )4.Kitty’s favourite colour is__________. A.red and black B.purple and red C.brown and purple D.green and blue

( )5.Her good friend at home is__________.

A.a sister B.a cat C.a computer D.a dog KE YS:1~5 DBCBD 板书设计

Unit2 Section B Name Gina Tony Julie Alan Problem Should Shouldn’t 激活思维

Iraq War伊拉克战争 The United States,Great Britain took the war on Iraq in late March,2003.After over twenty days American

soldiers were in Baghdad(巴格达),the capital of Iraq.They ended the government of Saddam(萨达姆政府).

Thousands of Iraqis died in the War.Saddam is gone.No one knows if he’S dead or alive. In some parts of the city there was no light because of the War.Some oil wells were set on fire.Now the Iraqis need food,water and medicine.Many soldiers and 15eople who were hurt in the war need hospital care.People also

need a way to find their family members.

After the war,some Iraqis broke into Saddam’S palace,government buildings,and stores.They stole many things from Iraqi Museums.Other Iraqis are angry that the US soldiers didn’t stop the robbers.So far there is still

no government of Iraqis.

The reason for American soldiers taking the War is that they are looking for weapons of mess destruction(大规

模杀伤性武器).But by June 6,they hadn’t found any at a11.

( )1.The United States,Great Britmn took the wag on Iraq _________. A.in early March,2003 B.in early April,2003 C.in late March,2003 D.in late April,2003 ( )2.The capital of Iraq is________. A.Paris B.Sydney C.Washington D.Baghdad

( )3.The Iraqis who were hurt in the War need__________. A.hospital care and medicine B.the US soldiers C.the Saddam’s government D.food,water and soldie

( )4 After the war, _________ broke into Saddam ’s palace, government buildings,and stores.

A.the US soldiers B.Great Britain soldiers C.some Iraqis D.foreign tourists

( )5.Which of the following is NOT ture?

A.The Iraqis lost their homes and family members in the war. B.The United States,Great Britain fought for justice in Iraqa.

C.Saddam is gone in the war.No one knows if he’s dead or alive. D.The war only brought great sufferings and disasters to the people. KEYS:1~5 CDACB 思维拓展

What’s its name?

Two elderly couples were enjoying friendly conversation when one ofthe men asked the other,

“Fred,how was the memory clinic you went to last month? “Outstanding,”Fred replied.“They taught US alI the latest psychological techiniques—visuliza-

tion,association--it made a huge difference for me.” “That’S great!What was the name of the clinic? Fred went blank He thought and thought,but couldn’t remember.Then a smile broke across his

face and he asked,“What do you call that flower with the long stem and thOrns?” “You mean a rose?” “Yes,thats it!”He turned to his wife...“Rose,what was the name Of that cIinic?” 小诗欣赏 Seasons

Spring is green, Summer is bright, Autumn is gold, Winter is white. Year in year out, We work and fight,

For a new world,of red sunlight. 单元综合检测题 I.单项填空。(10分)

( )1.You have a toothache.Maybe you should_________a doctor. A.see B.1ook C.notice D.watch

( )2.Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of__________yin and hot yang to be healthy.

A.running B.cooling C.colding D.getting

( )3.You have a cold.You should drink some_____________tea. A.cool B.warln C.hot D.cold

( )4.For example,are you quiet and often tired?It might be because you have__________yin.

A.much too B.too many C.many too D.too much ( )5.What is the matter Sonja? A.with B.of C.about D.for

( )6.On the other hand,people who are____________out and angry might have too much yang in their lives.

A.stress B.stressed C.stresses D.stressing

( )7.It’S easy__________,and it’S important to eat a balanced diet. A.staying health B.to stay health C.to stay healthy D.staying healthy

( )8.__________Dangshen and Huangqi herbs___________also good for this. A.Eat;is B.Eating;are C.Eat;are D.Eating;is ( )9.How long do you sleep___________? A.every night B.every a night C.in every a night D.in every night

( )10.Nadim needs to_______ healthy. A.go B.stay C.100k D.turn Ⅱ.用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空。(10分) say health do thin much go beautiful time well be 11.Bill is feeling________.So he can go to school today. 12.Lucy dreamt that she was busy_________homework. 13.Have a good rest and drink___________water.

14.My wife ___________to see her doctor yesterday evening. 15.The little girl looks very__________.She has two big eyes. 16.Henry Norman Bethune___________born in Canada in 1890. 17.Kitty is too fat.What does she do if she wants to be___________? 18.You should take this medicine two_________a day. 19.Tom__________ he wants to try everything.

20.The old man feels much _________ this year than last year. Ⅲ.完形填空。(20分)



Betty Brown was five years old,and her mother wanted to make her 21 going to school,because she her-self was going to start working in an office again.

A month 22 the beginning of the school year,Mrs Brown 23 Betty about school.“It’s Very nice,”

she said.“You,ll 24 games,draw pictures and sing songs.”Betty 25 all these things very much.

The problem was that she always worried and wondered,“What 26 she do when I 27 her atschoo1?”

But on the first day at schoo1,Betty was very good.She didn’t 28 at a11 and she was happy.The next

noming Mrs Brown said,“Put your clothes 29 ,Betty.I’m going to take you to school.”

“schoo1?”Betty said.“But I have 30 to schoo1.” ( )21.A.begins B.begin C.began D.beginning ( )22.A.before B.after C.when D.while ( )23,A.talked B.told C.said D.spoke ( )24.A.take B.1ove C.see D.play

( )25.A.joined B.played C.hated D.liked ( )26.A.will B.shall C.does D.should ( )27.A.1et B.give C.1eave D.send ( )28.A.play B.cry C.sing D.draw ( )29.A.off B.in C.about D.on

( )30.A.been B.gone C.1eft D.come B

it was a Saturday moming.When Mrs Green looked up to the sky,she smiled and said.“It’s going to be abeautiful 31 .”She woke her son up 32 eight and said,“Get up,Teddy.We are going to the zoo 33 .Wash your hands and face,and eat your 34 quickly.We are going to New York by 35 .”

Teddy was ve 36 now,because he liked going to the zoo and 37 a train.He said,“I dreamed a-bout the zoo last night.mum.”

His mother was 38 ,but she stopped and smiled at her small son.“You did,Teddy?”she said,“And

what did 39 do in the zoo in your dream?”

“You know,Mum.You 40 there in my dream,too.” ( )31.A.day B.night C.week D.journey ( )32.A.in B.On C.at D.to

( )33.A.now B.yesterday C.today D.tomorrow ( )34.A.dinner B breakfast C.lunch D.supper ( )35.A.bus B.air C.bike D.train

f )36.A.happy B.sorry C.well D·unusual

( )37.A.seeing B.taking C.catching D.watching ( )38.A.free B.busy C.surprised D.interested ( )39.A.I B.you C.we D.everyone ( )4o.A.come B.are C.did D.were Ⅳ.阅读理解。(20分)

阅读短文,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个正确答案。 A

Hainan Island is the second largest island of China.Haikou,the capital of Hainan Province,is in the north-east of the island.It is the largest city on the island.It is a pretty city with an interesting flower market.In thesouth of the island,there is scuba diving,fishing and boating.If relaxing is in your plan,then there are long whitebeaches to walk along.

( )41.Hainan Island is_____than Taiwan Island. A.bigger B.more C.nicer D.farther ( )42.Haikou is_____.

A.in the north of the island B.the capital of Hainan Province C.in the east of the island D.a big city with a fish market ( )43.There are lots of_____in the city of Haikou. A.fish B.boats C.flowers D.trees

( )44.What can you do in the south of Hainan Island? A.Go scuba diving B.Go fishing C.Go boating D.All of the above

( )45.If you want to relax,then there are_____to walk along on Hainan Island. A.many wide roads B.some beautiful bridges

C.some interesting flower market D.1ong white beaches B

Many different kinds of birds can copy the sounds of language.African parrots(鹦鹉)are the birds

well—known for this.

Every December in London,the Bird Show tries to find the best“talking”bird in the world.One bird named

Prudle stood out among the“talking birds”.She won this prize for 1 2 years.Prudle was taken from Africa in

1958.She was sold to Iris Frost in England.Prudle knew almost 800 words in English.Prudle was also the oldest

bird in the world that lived in a cage.Iris Frost took care of the bird until Prudle died in 1994.Prudle was 35 years


A different kind of bird,not a parrot,named Puck was tested in 1993.People found that Puck knew more

English words than Prudle did.Puck knew more than 1,700 words. ( )46.What kind of birds usually speak the best? A.African parrots. B.The Bird Show. C.Birds found in the zoos.D.English parrots. ( )47.What is Prudle?

A.A prize. B.A cage. C.A test.D.A bird.

( )48.How many years did Prudle win the speaking contest(竞赛)for birds? A.12. B.35. C.36.D.47. ( )49.why was Puck better than Prudle? A.He was bigger. B.He spoke faster. C.He knew more words. D.He was younger. ( )50.Iris Frostwas_____.

A.an Enslish teacher B.acage maker C.Prudle’s owner D.Puck’s owner

V.单词拼写。(10分)根据英文释义或汉语提示及句义拼写下列单词。(首字母已给出) 51.I like tea with h________(milk coming from bees). 52.Are yout_____(wanting to have some drink)?

53.What are you doing at the m_____(a very short time)?

54.You should study to i_____(to become better) your English.

55.It’s usually very c_____(neither too cold nor too hot)in autumn. 56.You should eata (平衡的)diet. 57.They are good_____(牙医).

58.Can you give me some_____(建议)? 59.I don’t like beau_____(新芽). 60.The book is very_____(重要).



一(61) _________Zhao Wei! —(62)_________

—Yes,it’s beautiful,isn’t it? You know next Sunday is my birthday. I hope you can come to my binhday party.

一Oh,(63)_________Thank you for inviting me.(64)__________ 一Half past five.Don’t forget to tell Wauglin.(65)_________ 一OK.I think he would like to come. A.That’s great! B.That’s a11 righ. C.What time docs it start? D.What a nice day! E.I hope he can come,too. F.Hello! C.I have no time. VII.书面表达(25分)


take more exercise play sports like running, swimming, climbing ave healthy food have more fruit and vegetables drink more water and milk get enough sleep stay happy _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Unit 3 What are you doing for Vacation? 单元目标一览表 Title Topic Function Structure Target language What are you doingfor vacation? Vacation plans Talk about future plans Present progressive as future Where,when,how long questions What are you doing for vacation ? I’m spending time with my friends. When are you going? I’m going next week How long are you staying? We’re staying fOr two weeks relaxing,visiting,spendingtime,babysitting,bikeriding,sightseeing,takewalks,rent how long│ Where,when,home,camping,shopping,grandmother,kiends,visiting,cousin Monday, Friday,video,book Beach,camp,weekend,family│ Role playing Listening for key words Vocabulary Recycling Learning strategy 教学目标


能力目标:运用Role playing和Listening for key words的学习技巧,学习一般将来时态,学习运用where,

when,how long提出问题;掌握语法聚焦内容;培养书面表达能力。 Grammar Focus Questions What are you doing for vacation? What’s she doing fOr vacation? What are they doingforvacation? When are you going? When is he going? When are they going? Answers She’s going camping . They’re relaxing at home. I’m going On Monday . He’s going On the 12th. They’re going next week. Look! I’m visiting my grandmother. What’s=What is 情意目标:体验计划度假和计划未来的生活,感受生活的有序性。



巩固与运用。 教学媒体









极性和主动性,使学生能不断地从变式中找到学习的乐趣,获得成功的学习体验。 教学流程 一、图片导入




一What’s she doingfor vacation.? —She’s babysitting her sister. 一、师生互动


习内容 。




成员作记录,完成2c部分的表格内容 一What are you doing for vacation,Li Chen? —I’m going camping. —That sounds nice.Who are you going with? 一I’m going with my parents. 度假计划表: Name li Chen Name Vacation plans Vacation plans going camping with his parents 留出时间,引导学生阅读3a部分的对话,捕捉细节内容,完成对话的表格,并要求学生分组进行课堂角色扮演,训练3a部分对话内容


引导学生写一写自己的旅游梦想涉及What are you doing for vacation?Where are you going?Why are you going there?When are you going?How long are you staying等内容,培养书面表达能力。在幻灯机上展示部分同学的优美短文,并加以简要的评点。


I’m going camping 我准备去野营。

1、 动词go通常用其现在进行时态的结构来表示打算或计划做某事。 例:I’m going to school.我准备上学去了。

2、 动词go 后面常接动词-ing 形式,表示户外活动或娱乐活动。

例:go fishing 去钓鱼,go swimming 去游泳,go dancing 去跳舞,go boating去划船,go shopping 去购物,go skating去滑冰,go surfing 去冲浪,go hiking去徙步旅游 一般将来时态

概念:表示即将发生的动作或存在的状态,或表示打算或计划做某事。 结构:由will shall be going to 后接动词原形结构。

特殊结构:部分表示位置移动的动词,如come go leave fly drive等,可以由其进行时态结构来表示表示打算或计划做某事。

例:Millie is going to fiy to Beijing,米莉要去北京。 常规句型变化,以go camping为例: 句型结构 陈述句 否定句 一般疑问句 简短回答 对 画线 部分 提问 例句 Sumi is going camping in the country for two days. Sumi is not/isn’t going camping in the country for two days. Is Sumi going camping in the country for two days? Yes she is./No,she isn’t Who is going camping in the country fwo days? Where is Sumi going camping for two days? What is Sumi going to do for two days? How long is Sumi going camping in the country? When is Sumi going camping in the country? That sounds nice.那听起来好极了。

That sounds interesting!那听起来很有趣! 动词sound 表示“听起来”,连接形容词,不接形副词。另外sound 还可以表示“声音”,为不可数名词,指各种不同类型的声音,区别于voice(噪音)和noise(噪音) How about you,Tony?托尼,你怎么样?

句型How about…?表示询问情况或征求意见,与What about…?相同,其后连接名词、代词、动词-ing .

例1:What about your family?你的家人怎么样? 例2:Whataboutstayingbrtwoweeks?呆两周如何? 例3:Howaboutgoingswimming?去游泳怎么样? ~Well,haveagoodtime!哦,祝你玩得开心! 四、拓展运用



料和图片,制作下列表格,完成表格内容,并贴上搜集到的优美的风景图片。 Places Route for trip Scenery Reasons Photos ofview 五、达标反馈

⑥根据汉语提示,完成下列各句。(每空—词) 1.你正在为度假做一些什么? _______are you doing for________? 2.你准备什么时间走? ________is she_________? 3.他打算和父母一起去夜营。 He’s going________his parents. 4.你准备去哪儿度假?

________are you_______for vacation? 5.她将要在夏威夷呆上三周时间。

She is going to stay in Hawaii_________ 6.你的英语学习如何?

________ ________ yourEnSlishlearning? 7.我不喜欢外出太长时间。

I don’t like going________for too__________. 8.迈克打算在11到22日去运动野营。

Mike is going________ __________ _________llth to 22nd. 9.阿达将要去山上徒步旅游一周时间吗? Is Ada going_______ in the_________for a week7 10.当我们返回学校时,请把你的照片给我看、

________me your photos_________we get back to school.

KEYS:1.What;vacation 2.When;going 3.camping with 4.Where;going 5.fOr three weeks.

6.What about 7.away;long· 8.spoas camping On 9.hiking:monntallIS 10.Show;when


提示:WheredidyouSOforvacation? WhendidyouSOthere'? Who did you RO with? What did you see there?

How long did you stay there? How did you feel about the place? Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? Seotion A Ask questions: I’m visiting my grandmother for vacation. What are you doing for vacation? She’s going camping for vacation. What’s she doing for vacation? They’re relaxing at home for vacation. What are they doing for vacation I’m going on Monday When are you going? He’s going on the 12th. When is he going? They’re going next weel. When are they going? 激活思维

阅读下面的两段短文,改正Mark所写的短文中不符合事实的地方。 The Golden Gate Bridge金门桥

Mark writes about the bridge for his classmates but many things in his report are Wrong.

The country called San Francisco(圣·弗朗西斯科)is on the east coast of Afrlea(非洲东海岸).The clty

has one big bridge.It is called the Golden Gate Bridge because it is made of gold.It was built two thousand years

ago to carry ships and boats across a small rive.The bridge is a very quiet place and there are no cars on it.The

bridge is only 50 metres long and does not have any cables(缆绳)to hold it up.Balloons(气球)hold up the

bridge.There is a zoo on the bridge and a shopping,mall(大卖场)under it. It is always sunny in San Francisco

and the sky is always clear.

Molly also writes about the bridge for his classmates and her work is very good。 The city called San Franclsco(旧金山)is on the west coast of Aruerica.The city has two very big bridges.

One is called the Go1den Gate Bridge.The bridge is not made of gold,but it is famous(著名的)becanse it is

very big and quite beautiful.it’s made of steel(钢). It was built to carry cars and trucks across a big harbour

(港口).The bridge is always very busy and there is often a lot of traffic on it.

The bridge was built between 1935 and 1937.The bridge is over two thousand seven hundred metres long.

Cables hold up the bridge. The cables are very thick(厚).There is a park near the bridge.From the park you

can see the bridge if the weather is good.But it is often foggy(多雾的)in San FraHcisco,so it can be difficult to

see the bridge. 思维拓展


1.美国America—篮球王国the basketball kingdom

2.巴西Brazil一咖啡王国the Country of coffee/足球王国the football kingdom 3.加拿大Canada—冰球王国the ice hockey kingdom 4.古巴Cuba—甘蔗之国the country of sugar canes 5.墨西哥Mexuco—仙人掌之国the cactus country 6.秘鲁Peru—玉米之仓the warehouse of the maize 7.阿根廷Argentina—白银之国the silver country 8.巴拿马Panama—蝴蝶之国 the butterfly country The Houses of The Dai People

Do you go to Xishuangbanna(西双版纳)?I stayed with the Dai people(傣族)before.Their

homes are Wonderful With 1ong 1egs to hold them Up.Sometimes these legs are more than two metrestall.

The Dai people do not need air conditioners to keep c001.Their houses are always cool though it

can be hot in Yunnan.The temperature is usually 25 degrees in the summer.Their houses have two

floors.One half of the second floor is the living room.The living room has a balcony(阳台).The other

half of the second floor is their bedrooms.

You must always take off your shoes before you go into a Dai family’s house.They like to keep

their houses clean.Their beds are made of bamboo(竹子).The family’s tables,chairs and cup—

boards are all made of bamboo It rains a lot in Yunnan Pigs and chickens live under the house,as it

is a good place to stay dry.Dai ladies wear beautiful straw hats and bright coloured shirts And they al—

ways carry basins on their heads. The History of Sydney

Sydney is an Australia’8 most exciting city.The history of Australia began here.In 1788,captain Arthur。Phil—

ips arrived in Sydney with 1 1 ships and 1.024 passengers from Britain(including 770 prisoners).Today there are

2.5 million people in Sydney.It is the biggest city in Australia,and one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

There are over 20 fine beaches close to Sydney.Its warn]summer climate and cool winter have made it favourite city for immigrants from overseas.There are three things that made Sydney famous--its beautiful harbour,

the Sydney Ha~our Bridge,and the Sydney Opera House.

But there are many more interesting things in Sydney:beautiful shops and restaurants,for example,rows of

interesting old houses built in the 19th century。and everywhere,the sea.Summer or winter,day or night,Sydney

is an outdoor city.

Some Americans think it is very British.Some British visitors think it is like America.There is some tmth in

both these opinions,because Sydney takes from both the Old World--Europe,and the New World--America,and

makes it into something that is neither British nor American but Australian. Section B 教学目标



情意目标:了解他人的周末休闲计划,感受高质量的生活,体验生活的乐趣。 教学方法




学生去接受任务并完成任务。 教学媒体




English teaching emphasizes the students’abilities of language communication.In fact.a few students can

speak English proficiently and purely.I think one of the main reasons is the lack of linguistic sense.How to

cultivate the students’linguistic sense?

Generally speaking,being young is the best opportunity to gain linguistic sense for these middle school

students because they have sharp ears.a strong imitation and are quick in thought.In order to stinmlate the

students’interest of learning English and to improve the abilities of their language communication,we should make

good use of teaching chains to strengthen training and cultivation.But how to do it?

1.Make a good job of phonetic teaching.Thus it requires accurate pronunciation and diversified teaching,

then the students can learn how to read correctly. 2.Cuhivate the students’habit of thinking in English.Don’t always translate English into Chinese.3'0 learn

English well.the students should think and speak in English frequently.This is important for them.So l think the

teacher should speak English more than Chinese in class.

3.Create a learning environment.In addition to practise in class,the students need more practice out of

class.In order to attract the students’ attention, we should create some unconscious remembrance and learning

environment.For exampie.we can either let the students listen to the tapes of some famous films or nlovies,or set

an English corner.

4.HelD the students understand the cultural differences between Chinese and English.These would help the

students understand the cultural background of communication, and don’t make them produce different

interpretations on dailv conversation.Thus it makes the students grasp the idiomatic expressions in English entirely.

教学流程 一、图片导入

◆展示所制作或搜集的一些动作图片,要求学生说出图片中所显示的动作 ◆展示课本1a部分的动作图片,要求学生说出图片中所显示的动作,完成1a部分的学习要求



组进行口语交际活动,完成1b部分的活动要求 Model:

一What do you like to do on vacation? —I would like to go fishing. ◆播放2a部分的录音,引导学生选出录音中所涉及到的reporter所提出的问题,完成2a部分的学习要

◆重新播放2a部分的录音,引导学生捕捉细节内容,选出He Yu对reporter所提出的问题的回答,完成


◆引导学生展开课堂角色表演,分别扮演reporter和He Yu,进行课堂小组Pairwork口语交际活动,完


◆阅读杂志上的短文“Ben Lambert’s Vacation Plans!”,把图片序号填在短文中的括号内,完成3a部分





◆引导学生分小组展开课堂Survey(调查活动),J,解小组成员的Weekend Plans!(周末休闲活动计

划):列出一些周末休闲活动内容,对小组成员展开调查,并填写ij列表格内容,完成第4部分的活动任务 Find someone who iS... ...going to the beach ...visiting family. Find someone who is... ...staying at home. ...playing spots. ?going shopping. ...taking a walk. ...reading a walk ...renting a video. Name Name Alice Find someone who is? 三、思维探胜

◆What’s it like there?那儿情况怎么样? What’s...like???怎么样?(用来询问情况)

例:What’s the weather like there?那儿天气怎么样?

◆He thought about going to Greece or Spain,but decided on Canada。他考虑过去希腊或西班牙,但还是决


1.think about考虑(其后接名词、代词、动词一ing形式作宾语)

